5ft tall women.....what is your goal weight??



  • LearnFromTheRed
    LearnFromTheRed Posts: 294 Member
    115-125. I think the higher end is more realistic as there will be some muscle involved (hopefully!).
  • bernied262
    bernied262 Posts: 882 Member
    I am 5'1", my goal weight was 126lbs. I did get to that and at that point my bodyfat % was 21.8% . I am now 130lbs and my BF% is now 15.1 %.

    The scales don't always tell the true story, so be sure to take other measurements as well.
  • chantelp0508
    chantelp0508 Posts: 162 Member
    Barely 5ft, ugw is 100-105
  • jessica85009
    jessica85009 Posts: 6 Member
    I am 5ft and weigh 158lbs...sucks. I am holding myself accountable and have a goal weight of 135lbs, the weight I weighed 8 months ago. I had a really stressful job and that weight is my goal right now. I'd be happy even if I got back to 140 at this point. When I make it to my goal weight, I think the lowest I'd want to go is like 120 or so, because I have a lot of weight in my butt that is hard to go away, if I lose weight any where else it might not look too healthy.
  • BurnBabyyyBurn
    I'm 5'2". Mine is about 115 but I honestly don't care too much about the weight. I've been gaining muscle and staying the same weight for about 2 months now. I def. look better than before...so weight isn't too big of a deal for me.
  • swetha1234
    I'm 5' and am shooting for 110-100 range. I currently wear a 6 and would like to wear a 4 or 2.
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    I'm 5'2" inches and my goal right now is 125 lbs. I may want to go lower or higher, but I'll know better about what my goals should be the closer I get. My goal right now is to fit back into my size 4 jeans, but I wouldn't complain if I fit into a size 2! I still think that even then I'm going to be in the higher end of my healthy weight range. I have a VERY large chest that hasn't changed in size with weight gain or loss. So those babies will add some extra pounds for sure whether I'm a size 8 or a size 0. I also remember being happy around the 125 range when I was there before and it was easily maintainable. So that's another reason I chose that goal. But the clothes are definitely what I will most likely be going by rather than the weight.
  • pammerz88
    pammerz88 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm 5'1" and right now i'm 125lbs but my goal is to be 115lbs. In high school i never weighed over 90lbs and I never want to be that thin again but even though i'm thin to most people now, I'm not comfortable with the way I look so I would be very happy to lose the 10lbs so I can feel more confident about my body. I hear all the time that I look fine and I shouldn't lose any weight but if I'm not happy I feel like it's up to me to make the changes I want no matter what anyone else says. I wish I had a bigger support system though so if anyone wants to add me feel free to do so. The more motivators a person has the better.
  • irleshay
    irleshay Posts: 102 Member
    I'm 5'2" and 33. Small to medium build. I'm happy where I am, which ranges from 118 to 121. The number doesn't matter so much now that I'm focusing on toning. Kickboxing has firmed up my thighs and arms.
    My initial goal was 130, then 125, and more came off unintentionally. Set a goal that seems right for you, and as you lose you'll know whether you want to go for more.
  • cherrita75
    cherrita75 Posts: 1 Member
    11 years ago I was at 114 and that was the perfect weight for me. I have since gained weight and am now setting small attainable goals. I don't think I'll ever see 114 again ;)
    My next goal is 130 and I'm 3 lbs away! My next goal will be 125 then 120.
    Good luck to all of you on your weight loss journey's!
  • peggy638
    peggy638 Posts: 1 Member
    I tell everyone I am 5'3" -- dr says 5'1". I am at 142 right now -- was 115 when I got married 38 years ago -- I'd be happy to be at 128-130 range. Been there before - staying there is what is tough for me!
  • teamau44
    teamau44 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, new here too! :) I'm 5'2" and currently weigh 174 but am a size (m-l shirt/12-10 pant)... but ideally, I guess my goal weight is 135. What seems like a million years ago when I was in college (right when I met my DH) I was 130 and a size 4. I have a lot of muscle mass (thanks genetics and kettlebells!) So really, the number isn't the real thing that I'm shooting for. But if I had to put a number on it, i'd say 135. So, onward and upward! I have 40ish lbs to lose!
  • morefit_bec
    morefit_bec Posts: 20 Member
    I'm 21 and 5'2. Right now I weigh 137, and my goal weight is around 120-125. My short-term goal is just to reach 135 so I can be out of the "overweight" BMI. Really though, I'm looking to become more fit (and lose a few pants sizes), rather than any particular weight. I want to be healthier instead of focused on a number.

    Also, most of my weight is fat rather than muscle (I'm a pants size 12-14), so I'm focusing on gaining muscle and losing fat.
  • soupandlettuce
    soupandlettuce Posts: 114 Member
    I'm 5' and 1/2 and 127lbs. My original goal was 125, but I'm rethinking it now. Still at quite high body fat, approx 27-29%..
    Would love to be about 22%. I would need to get to 115lbs for that.
  • strangersstill
    strangersstill Posts: 2 Member
    I am 5'1"y-ish and currently 165 at 30 with 3 kids. My goal is 115.

    I would love to share my journey with anyone taking a similar one.:)
  • SwedishSarah
    SwedishSarah Posts: 4,350 Member
    I'm 4'11'' so almost 5 foot! My current weight is 110 and my goal weight is between 95 and 100. I want to gain more muscle, and lose some body fat. As long as I look healthier, I';; be happy no matter what the scale says.
  • kosuski
    kosuski Posts: 62 Member
    I'm 5'1" and my current goal is to get below 130. After I reach that mark I plan to reevaluate my goal based on how my body looks. I'm hoping to gain some muscle as I lose fat, so I expect my weight to be a little on the higher side for my height, but I do want to fall into the healthy range even with some muscle.
  • mochapygmy
    mochapygmy Posts: 2,123 Member
    My first goal is to get to 153 which according to an online BMI calculator is the top of the overweight range for my 5'0 height. I'm at 195 now.

    The BMI calculator says that the top of the healthy range is 127 but I think I'm aiming for around 130-135 because I want to be strong. When I get to 140 I'll *kitten* my UGW.

    If anyone would like to add me feel free.
  • Sparlingo
    Sparlingo Posts: 938 Member
    WHOOPS. Hadn't realized that I already posted!! So, this is a bit of a duplicate entry....


    I got down to about 107 before I became pregnant with #2 (29 weeks right now). That was a good weight for me in a lot of ways, but I still had a fairly high body fat percentage for that weight - previous weight loss attempts in my teens had depleted some much-needed muscle. I was a bit squishy still.

    So I have no idea what my healthy, more muscular weight would be. My plan then, and my plan now, is to focus on physical activity and some weight lifting classes until I am stronger, faster and leaner. Whatever the scale says then, that's the number I want :wink:.

    Edited to add: If you want a visual of a 5'0" gal at that weight, here was my blog post at 111 lbs (the lowest I photographed at): http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/Sparlingo/view/9-months-on-mfp-pics-progress-562921
  • iheartjily
    iheartjily Posts: 1 Member
    I am 4'9" and my weight goal is 100lbs. My whole life and even after having a baby I have always been 96lbs, but I would be perfectly happy right at 100lbs.
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