Paleo = dying young?



  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member

    I don't think it's demonizing, it's taking a reasoned position. If you read more of the science behind it, perhaps you'd understand it. But, since you haven't, I suppose it's easier to just scoff at that which you don't understand.

    I'm familiar with the science behind it or should we say lackthereof. Since we're jumping to conclusions, I'm going to say I've done much more research on the Paleo diet than you have. Hey remember that study that controlled cals and macros and one group ate a paleo diet and the other ate evil non paleo and paleo foods and the paleo diet group had much better blood markers of health, weight loss and fat loss? Oh yeah, that doesn't exist

    Oh, really? Have you read either Deep Nutrition or Good Calories Bad Calories, or any of the studies cited therein? Oh, and what is your background to evaluate those studies? I have a science degree from one of the top research universities in the world. I've read quite a bit about it -- enough so, that I was willing to give it a try myself.

    The research is in its infancy, but it is increasing. Where is your counter? Other than just conclusory statements...

    I have read GCBC and Wheat Belly and Grain Brain and a a few other pseudoscience books. Hey remember when Taubes completely made up most of the books he wrote? Or Dr Davis totally made up conclusions and cited studies that said the exact opposite of what he was saying? Or how about when Cordain was anti saturated fat till all the other paleo and low carb gurus jumped on him to switch his stance? Or when Cordain purposely left out mostly plant based diet hunter gatherers in his Paleolithic diet recreation?

    I also have a science degree

    What counter?

    So what is the counter -- that you just don't believe some of the underlying studies? Or because some made false claims or linked bad research, that it all gets thrown out the window? Do the proposed physiological theories just not make sense to you? I can't say with certainty that they're correct, but they do look plausible.

    And there are a lot of people that have found relief and excellent results through their personal experience. They may be linking the wrong things, sure, but do you think it's really all coincidental and/or anecdotal?

    It's not that I don't believe the underlying studies, they are cherry picked to fit a hypothesis. Which by the way is the exact thing Taubes criticized others for. Taubes found a study that showed the obese at as much or less than the lean and then said well it can't be about calories then, it has to be something else and pointed the finger at carbs and insulin. But as we know that study was based off self reported intake and we know how accurate that is, particularly when dealing with the obese.

    It looks plausible that carbs and only carbs cause insulin secretion as Taubes theorizes? Or that obesity causes overeating and not the other way around as Taubes also theorizes? Gooby pls

    I wouldn't go as far to say that only carbs causes insulin secretion as the endrocrine system is fairly complex and we're still learning about the various interactions with glands, organs and organ systems. But, there is a notable increase in insulin secretion after ingesting carbs, which is especially important for those with insulin regulation and metabolism problems -- whether it's diabetes, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, etc. And we do know that people (at least in the US) are eating far more carbs in the forms of processed grains and sugar (or their derivatives) compared with even 50-100 years ago and that we have a much higher incidence of obesity through the nation. Could that be just a coincidence? Seems unlikely, even if we aren't sure of the exact mechanism(s).
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    How I eat is probably loosely considered paleo. I use butter which I believe is a big no no for them and I tolerate white potatoes just fine and have been eating them a bit (sweet potatoes are a big no! Instant pain). I'm doing it because I have terrible IBS that has only been helped by eating a careful diet. As far as diets go I do not think Paleo is worthy of all the flack it gets.

    Grains don't work for me and I imagine the same is true for many others. Whether it is recent changes that have been done to our wheat supply or something else, I don't know. In my opinion if you have health problems that might be helped by diet change, give it a try. Paleo or paleo-ish diets do not mean you need to eat nothing but red, fatty meats. You can eat veggies, fruit and lean meats exclusively if you want.

    Actually butter is totally fine in Primal (not sure about all Paleo variations as some strict Paleo says no dairy whatsoever) -- just look for pasture-raised or grass-fed butter like Kerrygold.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    How I eat is probably loosely considered paleo. I use butter which I believe is a big no no for them and I tolerate white potatoes just fine and have been eating them a bit (sweet potatoes are a big no! Instant pain). I'm doing it because I have terrible IBS that has only been helped by eating a careful diet. As far as diets go I do not think Paleo is worthy of all the flack it gets.

    Grains don't work for me and I imagine the same is true for many others. Whether it is recent changes that have been done to our wheat supply or something else, I don't know. In my opinion if you have health problems that might be helped by diet change, give it a try. Paleo or paleo-ish diets do not mean you need to eat nothing but red, fatty meats. You can eat veggies, fruit and lean meats exclusively if you want.

    Actually butter is totally fine in Primal (not sure about all Paleo variations as some strict Paleo says no dairy whatsoever) -- just look for pasture-raised or grass-fed butter like Kerrygold.

    One of the things that carried over for me beyond 2012 is Kerrygold butter...

    ...because it is delicious.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I wouldn't mind Paleo so much if you didn't have to spend twice as much on food or have to go slaughter the animals yourself because you can't find it in the grocery store... Or that they like to base their belief on the idea that agriculture is what is making us fat... depsite the fact that society has used and depended on agriculture for 10,000 years and only the last 30 is how long we have been battling obesity.

    Coinciding with PE and recess disappearing from schools, parents not allowing their children to just go outside and play all day, the Internet and more time spent in front of video games.

    But it must be the wheat. ;-)
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I wouldn't mind Paleo so much if you didn't have to spend twice as much on food or have to go slaughter the animals yourself because you can't find it in the grocery store... Or that they like to base their belief on the idea that agriculture is what is making us fat... depsite the fact that society has used and depended on agriculture for 10,000 years and only the last 30 is how long we have been battling obesity.

    Coinciding with PE and recess disappearing from schools, parents not allowing their children to just go outside and play all day, the Internet and more time spent in front of video games.

    But it must be the wheat. ;-)

    It has nothing to do with increasingly sedentary jobs and lifestyles and greater availability and decreasing price of high-calorie foods.

    It's just that people stopped eating Paleo since 1980.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    How I eat is probably loosely considered paleo. I use butter which I believe is a big no no for them and I tolerate white potatoes just fine and have been eating them a bit (sweet potatoes are a big no! Instant pain). I'm doing it because I have terrible IBS that has only been helped by eating a careful diet. As far as diets go I do not think Paleo is worthy of all the flack it gets.

    Grains don't work for me and I imagine the same is true for many others. Whether it is recent changes that have been done to our wheat supply or something else, I don't know. In my opinion if you have health problems that might be helped by diet change, give it a try. Paleo or paleo-ish diets do not mean you need to eat nothing but red, fatty meats. You can eat veggies, fruit and lean meats exclusively if you want.

    Actually butter is totally fine in Primal (not sure about all Paleo variations as some strict Paleo says no dairy whatsoever) -- just look for pasture-raised or grass-fed butter like Kerrygold.

    LOL because we all know cavemen had butter churns in their caves….
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member

    I don't think it's demonizing, it's taking a reasoned position. If you read more of the science behind it, perhaps you'd understand it. But, since you haven't, I suppose it's easier to just scoff at that which you don't understand.

    I'm familiar with the science behind it or should we say lackthereof. Since we're jumping to conclusions, I'm going to say I've done much more research on the Paleo diet than you have. Hey remember that study that controlled cals and macros and one group ate a paleo diet and the other ate evil non paleo and paleo foods and the paleo diet group had much better blood markers of health, weight loss and fat loss? Oh yeah, that doesn't exist

    Oh, really? Have you read either Deep Nutrition or Good Calories Bad Calories, or any of the studies cited therein? Oh, and what is your background to evaluate those studies? I have a science degree from one of the top research universities in the world. I've read quite a bit about it -- enough so, that I was willing to give it a try myself.

    The research is in its infancy, but it is increasing. Where is your counter? Other than just conclusory statements...

    I have read GCBC and Wheat Belly and Grain Brain and a a few other pseudoscience books. Hey remember when Taubes completely made up most of the books he wrote? Or Dr Davis totally made up conclusions and cited studies that said the exact opposite of what he was saying? Or how about when Cordain was anti saturated fat till all the other paleo and low carb gurus jumped on him to switch his stance? Or when Cordain purposely left out mostly plant based diet hunter gatherers in his Paleolithic diet recreation?

    I also have a science degree

    What counter?

    So what is the counter -- that you just don't believe some of the underlying studies? Or because some made false claims or linked bad research, that it all gets thrown out the window? Do the proposed physiological theories just not make sense to you? I can't say with certainty that they're correct, but they do look plausible.

    And there are a lot of people that have found relief and excellent results through their personal experience. They may be linking the wrong things, sure, but do you think it's really all coincidental and/or anecdotal?

    It's not that I don't believe the underlying studies, they are cherry picked to fit a hypothesis. Which by the way is the exact thing Taubes criticized others for. Taubes found a study that showed the obese at as much or less than the lean and then said well it can't be about calories then, it has to be something else and pointed the finger at carbs and insulin. But as we know that study was based off self reported intake and we know how accurate that is, particularly when dealing with the obese.

    It looks plausible that carbs and only carbs cause insulin secretion as Taubes theorizes? Or that obesity causes overeating and not the other way around as Taubes also theorizes? Gooby pls

    I wouldn't go as far to say that only carbs causes insulin secretion as the endrocrine system is fairly complex and we're still learning about the various interactions with glands, organs and organ systems. But, there is a notable increase in insulin secretion after ingesting carbs, which is especially important for those with insulin regulation and metabolism problems -- whether it's diabetes, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, etc. And we do know that people (at least in the US) are eating far more carbs in the forms of processed grains and sugar (or their derivatives) compared with even 50-100 years ago and that we have a much higher incidence of obesity through the nation. Could that be just a coincidence? Seems unlikely, even if we aren't sure of the exact mechanism(s).

    IMO, carbs go hand in hand with activity level. Carbs, more or less are just an energy nutrient. If your are active (which you should be) your carb needs increase. Activity also makes you insulin sensitive, which IMO, negates the issues with carbs raising insulin. Now if you are sedentary and or overweight, you probably should not go to town on carbs. Get the majority of your carbs form fruits and vegetables–sprinkle in some grains, starches and sweets for variety and pleasure.
  • fittoday14
    Eat like the cave men huh? Conflicted I Be!

    Some say its healthy cause you leave out all the grains that were not a part of that diet, but some believe cavemen didnt live long because of all the high fatty meats they ate caused early deaths because of the cholesterol.

    I think it be another fad. Look at Atkins....sure it helped, but was it a healthy life style change? Leaning more towards NO!

    Everything in moderation.
  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member

    i agree with this

  • tnemmer
    tnemmer Posts: 4 Member
    Here are some possible sources of that quote. lol
  • tnemmer
    tnemmer Posts: 4 Member
    "I want to live hard, die young, and have a great looking corpse"

    -I have no idea, and it probably isn't even an accurate quote anyway.

    Here is a possible source for that quote! lol
  • CrusherKun
    CrusherKun Posts: 353 Member
    When I did a full year of strict paleo in 2012, I felt great. Lots of energy, good body composition, put on 20 pounds while maintaining BF% by eating at a surplus.

    And in 2013, when I ate whatever I wanted (while still hitting my macros as in reaching my protein and fat targets), I felt great. Lots of energy, good body composition, made decent progress in the gym and on the trail.

    I do keep trying to add in more of the nutrient-dense foods into my diet (and especially now since I'm early in a cut).

    Conclusion? There is none. I just wanted in this thread.

    HAHAHA!!! I appreciate the honesty.

    I have to ask though. What did your lab results look like in regards to cholesterol and other tests? Just curious!
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    It's amazing how many people care how others cut calories, so much so they have to make a completely new thread about it.

    If people want to cut out dairy, then go right ahead. If people want to eat low carb, then go ahead, If people want to eat their calories consuming only cabbage soup, be my guest. Only eating McDonald's? More power to you.

    Not sure why you think it's unhealthy, but don't throw stones if you live in a glass house.

    Thank you.
  • Cameron_1969
    Cameron_1969 Posts: 2,857 Member
    I ate a mammoth steak just the other day. . I killed it with a saber-toothed tiger claw. .Burned 1200 calories in the process too. .so yeah. . Paleo works well for me.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    I will now exit the thread so that we may all bask in the omnipotence of his highness Johnny9000millino posts.

    I'm really starting to think this guy has got to be a marketing exec, advertising person, some how tied in with business or politics of this fast food.

    I've never seen someone so hostily tell people they should be eating Big Mac's and Chalupa's!

    It's screaming hidden agenda.

    Dude, if you want to eat fast food more power to you. No one here really cares either way and we all want people to find what works for them.

    But you need to understand the fast food diet makes some other people terribly sick.

    Eating fast food just once in awhile makes my stomach hurt.

    It made me sick, it made previous posters sick.

    If it works for you that's great!

    But please stop trying to push your Taco Bell and McDonald's on others!

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,634 Member
    Cavemen also drank untreated water, and hunted for their food daily, sucked marrow out of bones, and scavenged when they had to......................................................I'm betting no paleo person on here does that.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    Cavemen also drank untreated water, and hunted for their food daily, sucked marrow out of bones, and scavenged when they had to......................................................I'm betting no paleo person on here does that.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I would if I didn't have a car payment.
  • kw85296
    kw85296 Posts: 265 Member
    If longevity is our goal maybe we should try to figure out what they ate in early Bible times (like the first part of the book of Genesis). Most of them lived to be 800/900 years old. :smile:
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I've never seen someone so hostily tell people they should be eating Big Mac's and Chalupa's!

    You should only eat them if you want to eat them. If you don't want to eat them you shouldn't eat them.

    My advice is that no one should eat any particular food, nor should anyone NOT eat any particular food.

    Incredibly complicated right?
    Dude, if you want to eat fast food more power to you. No one here really cares either way

    Every day on this forum people tell me that eating this food will make me sick, make me fat, give me heart disease, wreck my insides, give me cancer, etc etc. So clearly people really do care either way.
    But you need to understand the fast food diet makes some other people terribly sick.

    No idea what "the fast food diet" is. And if any particular food makes someone sick, they shouldn't eat it.

    But please stop trying to push your Taco Bell and McDonald's on others!


    I've never, once, ever told someone who doesn't want to eat Taco Bell that they should eat Taco Bell. Not once, ever. I have never, ever, ever "pushed" Taco Bell or McDonald's on anyone.

    Food freedom. Eat the foods you want to eat. Eat the foods you love to eat.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    If longevity is our goal maybe we should try to figure out what they ate in early Bible times (like the first part of the book of Genesis). Most of them lived to be 800/900 years old. :smile:
    Loaves and fishes.

    So ... wheat.