


  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    i've been thinking a lot about my life pre-sobriety vs. post sobriety. for anyone currently struggling with alcohol abuse or alcoholism, life *can* be truly amazing without booze. and this is not in a preachy "YOU MUST GO TO AA NOW" kind of way. i think if you can find something that works for you (AA, therapy, SMART recovery, yoga, nature walks, running, cooking, spirituality/religion, anything!) that helps keep you from going down the road of addiction, then by all means, embrace what works!

    this is just my story...i wrote it at 5 years, 2 months. now, i'm at 6 years and 7 months.

    please feel free to add or message me if you need motivation/support. i wish the best to all of you <3.

  • 1healthierwendy
    Congrats on your sobriety! I hope one day to say I've made it that long.

    My 2 year sobriety is on Feb 26th. Nobody knows how important that date is to me, but my husband and I. I was more of a functional alcoholic, I'd wake up, go to work, come home and get *kitten* faced, and then do it all again the next day. That was my life...over and over and over. Each day was like waking up in hell. I thought I needed alcohol. Then one day I asked God for help, and He delivered in the most unusual way. That in itself is a long story.
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
  • hilts1969
    hilts1969 Posts: 465 Member
    Personally, I've never been a drinker. Don't understand why anyone would find it fun.

    If it wasn't fun people wouldn't do it, my old man said never trust a teetotaller and he was right

    A bad tasting liquid that results in a lower IQ? No thanks, I'll pass & keep my brain cells.

    There have been many people who could be classed as a genius who have drunk to excess never mind in moderation. anyone knows this so as a non drinker who seems blissfully unaware of such a fact i wouldn't mention IQ levels

    For anyone who has misread my posts to clarify for the mock outrage brigrade

    Addiction is a terrible thing as i have stated
    Drinking is fun otherwise people wouldn't do it
    I drink too much at weekend according to doctors but don't bother during the week
    My point that non drinkers are a little dull/can't have a laugh may seem like putting a small group into one pot but the replies so far doesn't help their cause

    Awaits a "think of the children" reply from the usual Oprah crowd

    Do you know one of the easiest ways to spot an addict in denial? They say things like this:
    non drinkers are a little dull/can't have a laugh

    to justify things like this
    I drink too much at weekend

    I drink too much according to doctors not me, and as they keep changing their mind who cares, an addict cannot blissfully go without alchohol for five days and be an addict, that is my defintion, i know addicts and they wake up and want a drink their life revolves around it, if weekend drinkers are addicts then a few billion people are addicts according to this rule, common sense really has gone to pot

    As a working full-time addiction counsellor, you are very wrong. I can see your are making your own definitions and guidelines that are against those of the DSM (so the criteria does not keep changing like you claim) in order to defend your position on your alcohol use. Just because you can go 5 days straight without a drink DOES NOT mean you do not have a problem.

    Okay let's cut all the nonsense it did get silly, explain to me as someone who has some experience in these matters the following

    I am typical of a bloke(Man) from england who works all week and at the weekend either goes out or stays at home and hase several drinks, my friends do it, my dad does it, his friends did it, his grand parents did it, millions of people do it, i would say it is unusual for people of my back ground to not have heavy sessions of drinking, the only people i know who have had what i would call health issues are the guys who spent all there time in bars

    If more than 20 odd units of alcohol is not safe and is classed as a problem then you are saying millions of people in england alone have a problem, there is a difference between someone who chooses to drink and someone who feels they have to, drinking for me is social, i have gone months in the past without a drink but i choose not to, alcohol like unhealthy food doesn't even cross my mind during the week, i could go the rest of my life without drink or fatty foods but i choose not to

    To me an addict needs something to function, i am addicted to nicotine that i know for certain, i know what addiction is in the real world, i have a friend who messed up his liver, someone who drinks on a friday and saturday night is not in the same ballpark and by saying he/she is the message loses it's meaning
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Personally, I've never been a drinker. Don't understand why anyone would find it fun.

    If it wasn't fun people wouldn't do it, my old man said never trust a teetotaller and he was right

    What a weird thing to say in a sobriety thread like this...

    ...and by "weird", I mean, "douchebaggy".
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    Wow. Haha. Wow. This got entertaining.

    *grabs popcorn*

    I applaud those who got sober, those who choose to abstain, and those who drink responsibly.

    That is all. Carry on.

    Thank you all for the support and sadly, the entertainment :)
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Wow. Haha. Wow. This got entertaining.

    *grabs popcorn*

    I applaud those who are sober, who choose to abstain, and those who drink responsibly.

    That is all. Carry on.

    Thank you all for the support and sadly, the entertainment :)

  • jamiejamescobb
    3 yrs 1 months since I've had a drink or 12... Love your write-up Silvergurl!

    Congrats to all those who have changed your life for the better.

    If you drink... good for you
    If you don't ...good for you too
    If you have a problem or not... don't hide behind stupid *kitten* comments or excuses
  • 2manyhats
    2manyhats Posts: 1,189 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story! I am so glad that I happened on it this morning. (as my head is pounding!)
  • ebayaddict0127
    ebayaddict0127 Posts: 523 Member
    Wow. Haha. Wow. This got entertaining.

    *grabs popcorn*

    I applaud those who got sober, those who choose to abstain, and those who drink responsibly.

    That is all. Carry on.

    Thank you all for the support and sadly, the entertainment :)

    This happens a lot on here... But again congrats to you. Not sure if you saw my post (hidden in all of the massive quotes/arguments)...
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Personally, I've never been a drinker. Don't understand why anyone would find it fun.

    If it wasn't fun people wouldn't do it, my old man said never trust a teetotaller and he was right

    One person got butthurt over one other single person's comment and derailed a success thread with BS drama. Not a very good demonstration of this self proclaimed "fun".
  • hilts1969
    hilts1969 Posts: 465 Member
    Personally, I've never been a drinker. Don't understand why anyone would find it fun.

    If it wasn't fun people wouldn't do it, my old man said never trust a teetotaller and he was right

    One person got butthurt over one other single person's comment and derailed a success thread with BS drama. Not a very good demonstration of this self proclaimed "fun".

    We have all moved on to be fair, the thread was quite interesting due to my input, i do it free of charge i am a giver, but if one does want to pipe up when most have moved on please try harder than butthurt, as an adult it shows a lack of effort
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Personally, I've never been a drinker. Don't understand why anyone would find it fun.

    If it wasn't fun people wouldn't do it, my old man said never trust a teetotaller and he was right

    One person got butthurt over one other single person's comment and derailed a success thread with BS drama. Not a very good demonstration of this self proclaimed "fun".

    We have all moved on to be fair, the thread was quite interesting due to my input, i do it free of charge i am a giver, but if one does want to pipe up when most have moved on please try harder than butthurt, as an adult it shows a lack of effort

    Welcome to the internet. People see stuff later than other people. Oh no, lack of effort on an internet thread! Lol. I agree lets move on. I do like your response. Other than the nonsense of expecting me to put some kind of effort into BS.

    The funny this is that this is the first time I ever used the word butthurt (I think) and almost followed it with. "Oh, look , this thread made me say butthurt" because my friends all know how stupid I think that term actually is. But, in this context it actually worked.
  • OverDoIt
    OverDoIt Posts: 332 Member
    very inspiring. It took waking up in a jail cell for me to realize booze was not the way to go for me. Bless you, and thank you for your strength and story.
  • hilts1969
    hilts1969 Posts: 465 Member
    Personally, I've never been a drinker. Don't understand why anyone would find it fun.

    If it wasn't fun people wouldn't do it, my old man said never trust a teetotaller and he was right

    One person got butthurt over one other single person's comment and derailed a success thread with BS drama. Not a very good demonstration of this self proclaimed "fun".

    We have all moved on to be fair, the thread was quite interesting due to my input, i do it free of charge i am a giver, but if one does want to pipe up when most have moved on please try harder than butthurt, as an adult it shows a lack of effort

    Welcome to the internet. People see stuff later than other people. Oh no, lack of effort on an internet thread! Lol. I agree lets move on. I do like your response. Other than the nonsense of expecting me to put some kind of effort into BS.

    The funny this is that this is the first time I ever used the word butthurt (I think) and almost followed it with. "Oh, look , this thread made me say butthurt" because my friends all know how stupid I think that term actually is. But, in this context it actually worked.

    I am glad you liked my response if you need any more help just let me know, we are all here to help each other through these trying times
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Personally, I've never been a drinker. Don't understand why anyone would find it fun.

    If it wasn't fun people wouldn't do it, my old man said never trust a teetotaller and he was right

    One person got butthurt over one other single person's comment and derailed a success thread with BS drama. Not a very good demonstration of this self proclaimed "fun".

    We have all moved on to be fair, the thread was quite interesting due to my input, i do it free of charge i am a giver, but if one does want to pipe up when most have moved on please try harder than butthurt, as an adult it shows a lack of effort

    Welcome to the internet. People see stuff later than other people. Oh no, lack of effort on an internet thread! Lol. I agree lets move on. I do like your response. Other than the nonsense of expecting me to put some kind of effort into BS.

    The funny this is that this is the first time I ever used the word butthurt (I think) and almost followed it with. "Oh, look , this thread made me say butthurt" because my friends all know how stupid I think that term actually is. But, in this context it actually worked.

    I am glad you liked my response if you need any more help just let me know, we are all here to help each other through these trying times

    What? :huh:
  • hilts1969
    hilts1969 Posts: 465 Member
    Personally, I've never been a drinker. Don't understand why anyone would find it fun.

    If it wasn't fun people wouldn't do it, my old man said never trust a teetotaller and he was right

    One person got butthurt over one other single person's comment and derailed a success thread with BS drama. Not a very good demonstration of this self proclaimed "fun".

    We have all moved on to be fair, the thread was quite interesting due to my input, i do it free of charge i am a giver, but if one does want to pipe up when most have moved on please try harder than butthurt, as an adult it shows a lack of effort

    Welcome to the internet. People see stuff later than other people. Oh no, lack of effort on an internet thread! Lol. I agree lets move on. I do like your response. Other than the nonsense of expecting me to put some kind of effort into BS.

    The funny this is that this is the first time I ever used the word butthurt (I think) and almost followed it with. "Oh, look , this thread made me say butthurt" because my friends all know how stupid I think that term actually is. But, in this context it actually worked.

    I am glad you liked my response if you need any more help just let me know, we are all here to help each other through these trying times

    What? :huh:

    The word is pardon not what, yet again i am happy to help you grow as a person, no thanks required
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Laura and everyone, I am so sorry I brought that guy back into the thread. So sorry.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Personally, I've never been a drinker. Don't understand why anyone would find it fun.

    If it wasn't fun people wouldn't do it, my old man said never trust a teetotaller and he was right

    One person got butthurt over one other single person's comment and derailed a success thread with BS drama. Not a very good demonstration of this self proclaimed "fun".

    We have all moved on to be fair, the thread was quite interesting due to my input, i do it free of charge i am a giver, but if one does want to pipe up when most have moved on please try harder than butthurt, as an adult it shows a lack of effort

    Welcome to the internet. People see stuff later than other people. Oh no, lack of effort on an internet thread! Lol. I agree lets move on. I do like your response. Other than the nonsense of expecting me to put some kind of effort into BS.

    The funny this is that this is the first time I ever used the word butthurt (I think) and almost followed it with. "Oh, look , this thread made me say butthurt" because my friends all know how stupid I think that term actually is. But, in this context it actually worked.

    I am glad you liked my response if you need any more help just let me know, we are all here to help each other through these trying times

    What? :huh:

    The word is pardon not what, yet again i am happy to help you grow as a person, no thanks required

    I'm sorry for insulting you.

    What I should have said is that if you enjoy drinking and it doesn't harm your life then you have nothing to defend. So, go out and have fun, you don't need to defend yourself to every person on the internet.
  • wrenegade64
    wrenegade64 Posts: 410 Member
    I am so proud and so tickled about your acomplishments. If I had pom pons, I would shake them for you. Understand that I am a former street paramedic, firefighter, and police officer. For some 30 years, I have either cut people out of wrecked cars with the jaws-of-life as a firefighter, or had to do CPR and stuck breathing tubes down throats, or arrest people who drank to the point where something went terribly wrong.
    The world is a much more lively and beautiful place because of people like you and if I were standing in front of you, I would say it to your face and give you a huge hug :flowerforyou: