Types of food you avoid eating while on diet



  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    For the last 20 months, I have been eating all the foods I love - just in moderation. It has taught me portion control. I have been kinda successful. :laugh:

    Someone who has achieved a weight loss of over 100 pounds is one of the posters that has "good" advise. After all isn't that really what being healthy and maintaining a healthy weight is all about. Eating in moderation. I am still challenging that habit as I am the type that can stay on track as long as I don't indulge in the foods I love. Ironically, that behavior is what got me so overweight in the first place. I am addicted to food and currently if I eat trigger foods I go wack-o. Think of it as a "drug overdose." To be able to teach myself controlled eating of any food is my biggest challenge,I can diet, I can lose, but I want to truthfully learn permanent behavior modificiation.

    We are not giving advise, she didn't ask for it. She asked what we gave up on this new journey of ours. Each of us do things differently and what works for us. Does not make any of us wrong, it makes us different. And I've lost over 200 lbs so the way I do things apparently works well for me, js
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    I stopped eat junk food (Pizza , Mcdonalds, Crisps, Milk Chocolate)

    Anything with grain anything with high refined sugar.

    Sodas full fat and diet.

    I do not crave any of them (I can eat them as and when I like - if I wanted). Sorry to say I just don't fancy them (they've lost there appeal -That's all).

    wtf is a full fat soda?


    Hilarious! That poster is the reason why they put such stupid labels on food. People are ignorant about nutrients.

    Either that or they were using an established shorthand that they know is 'factually' innacurate but that most people in the world will understand without leaping to erroneous conclusions.

    Glad someone else said that, I call it 'fat coke' as well, not because it has fat in it, because it's quicker than saying 'higher in sugar coke'. Everyone knows what I'm on about, and I've never had to explain myself.

    AKA regular soda or pop?
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Wendy, please don't take life so seriously!!!!

    I don't think it's because people have quick and fun names for things that they put stupid labels on things.

    It's because there are some people in this world that take things quite literally (these are the people we must protect).
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    I don't avoid anything. I enjoy everything in moderate amounts, making good choices most of the time. Deprivation leads to craving..leads to binges...leads to feeling guilty....leads to more of the same. Stop the insanity...enjoy your food!
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    I stopped eat junk food (Pizza , Mcdonalds, Crisps, Milk Chocolate)

    Anything with grain anything with high refined sugar.

    Sodas full fat and diet.

    I do not crave any of them (I can eat them as and when I like - if I wanted). Sorry to say I just don't fancy them (they've lost there appeal -That's all).

    wtf is a full fat soda?


    Hilarious! That poster is the reason why they put such stupid labels on food. People are ignorant about nutrients.

    Either that or they were using an established shorthand that they know is 'factually' innacurate but that most people in the world will understand without leaping to erroneous conclusions.

    Glad someone else said that, I call it 'fat coke' as well, not because it has fat in it, because it's quicker than saying 'higher in sugar coke'. Everyone knows what I'm on about, and I've never had to explain myself.

    AKA regular soda or pop?

    Actually it's not soda or pop (pop is something you will do if you drink to much of it).

    The term you are looking for is fizzy drink!! I only used soda in my last post so you would know what I was talking about.
  • wendybirdgirl
    wendybirdgirl Posts: 52 Member
    mayo. salad dressing. some types of cheese. potato chips.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    I stopped eat junk food (Pizza , Mcdonalds, Crisps, Milk Chocolate)

    Anything with grain anything with high refined sugar.

    Sodas full fat and diet.

    I do not crave any of them (I can eat them as and when I like - if I wanted). Sorry to say I just don't fancy them (they've lost there appeal -That's all).

    wtf is a full fat soda?


    Hilarious! That poster is the reason why they put such stupid labels on food. People are ignorant about nutrients.

    Either that or they were using an established shorthand that they know is 'factually' innacurate but that most people in the world will understand without leaping to erroneous conclusions.

    Glad someone else said that, I call it 'fat coke' as well, not because it has fat in it, because it's quicker than saying 'higher in sugar coke'. Everyone knows what I'm on about, and I've never had to explain myself.

    You do on this site - some people only respond to exact information. - That's why I type slowly.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Actually it's not soda or pop (pop is something you will do if you drink to much of it).

    The term you are looking for is fizzy drink!! I only used soda in my last post so you would know what I was talking about.

    Silly me... i should stop speaking about pop and to something I'm more well versed in like Pizza and Ice Cream ;/

    And, I'm also aware of what you meant by "Full Fat Soda". I was being snarky.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Actually it's not soda or pop (pop is something you will do if you drink to much of it).

    The term you are looking for is fizzy drink!! I only used soda in my last post so you would know what I was talking about.

    Silly me... i should stop speaking about pop and to something I'm more well versed in like Pizza and Ice Cream ;/

    And, I'm also aware of what you meant by "Full Fat Soda". I was being snarky.

    I know, I'm being snarky back (although I call it tongue in cheek) - that was snarky as well.
  • raventwo
    raventwo Posts: 91 Member
    I eat everything..but per the eating plan I chose so no, I don't have toast in the morning, if I have it, it's for dessert. What I did change is I have just a couple of "can't easily stop" foods, so I have them once a year - i.e. potato chips. I have them once a year in a single serve bag :)

    I've lost 65 lbs. since coming to mfp last May to break a plateau and 149.5 since I began trying to lose weight, so I'm pretty happy with my approach :)
  • bradXdale
    Avoid the chemically processed food.

    Moderate foods that you can binge on.

    I try to eat 80-90% good food, foods that are single ingredients and processed minimally.

    The other 20-10% I eat really whatever I want to fit my macro numbers.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I do not avoid anything. I eat less chocolate than I used to but actually eat more ice cream. I also eat soy and I am not Asian!
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    Avoid nothing!
    Everything in moderation including exercise.


    This. If I restrict, I will fail. I have stuck to this one year, and although the loss has been slow, I am moving slowly in the right direction.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Avoid nothing!
    Everything in moderation including exercise.


  • Sunshine2plus2
    Sunshine2plus2 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Nope, i eat whatever i want!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,137 Member
    In to learn the secrets of Asians and their soy digesting powers.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I stopped eat junk food (Pizza , Mcdonalds, Crisps, Milk Chocolate)

    Anything with grain anything with high refined sugar.

    Sodas full fat and diet.

    I do not crave any of them (I can eat them as and when I like - if I wanted). Sorry to say I just don't fancy them (they've lost there appeal -That's all).

    wtf is a full fat soda?


    Hilarious! That poster is the reason why they put such stupid labels on food. People are ignorant about nutrients.

    Either that or they were using an established shorthand that they know is 'factually' innacurate but that most people in the world will understand without leaping to erroneous conclusions.

    Well-established shorthand? WTF?

    It's awfully complicated isn't it

    "Full fat" is not shorthand.

    This is shorthand:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I stopped eat junk food (Pizza , Mcdonalds, Crisps, Milk Chocolate)

    Anything with grain anything with high refined sugar.

    Sodas full fat and diet.

    I do not crave any of them (I can eat them as and when I like - if I wanted). Sorry to say I just don't fancy them (they've lost there appeal -That's all).

    wtf is a full fat soda?


    Hilarious! That poster is the reason why they put such stupid labels on food. People are ignorant about nutrients.

    Either that or they were using an established shorthand that they know is 'factually' innacurate but that most people in the world will understand without leaping to erroneous conclusions.

    Glad someone else said that, I call it 'fat coke' as well, not because it has fat in it, because it's quicker than saying 'higher in sugar coke'. Everyone knows what I'm on about, and I've never had to explain myself.

    AKA regular soda or pop?

    Right. Around here, we just call it pop. That's quicker to say and doesn't make you sound ignorant.
  • rubyted
    rubyted Posts: 21 Member
    Nothing. If I crave something then I'll sort my diary around it so it fits.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I stopped eat junk food (Pizza , Mcdonalds, Crisps, Milk Chocolate)

    Anything with grain anything with high refined sugar.

    Sodas full fat and diet.

    I do not crave any of them (I can eat them as and when I like - if I wanted). Sorry to say I just don't fancy them (they've lost there appeal -That's all).

    wtf is a full fat soda?


    Hilarious! That poster is the reason why they put such stupid labels on food. People are ignorant about nutrients.

    Either that or they were using an established shorthand that they know is 'factually' innacurate but that most people in the world will understand without leaping to erroneous conclusions.

    Glad someone else said that, I call it 'fat coke' as well, not because it has fat in it, because it's quicker than saying 'higher in sugar coke'. Everyone knows what I'm on about, and I've never had to explain myself.

    AKA regular soda or pop?

    Right. Around here, we just call it pop. That's quicker to say and doesn't make you sound ignorant.

    Well, you certainly don't need to rely on that particular avenue to reach your 'sounding ignorant' quota

    I just call 'em like I see 'em. :bigsmile: