Why Bulletproof Coffee is BS Coffee



  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Are you suggesting that its better to avoid acute fat storage through nutrient timing manipulation rather than not worry about it and rely on the net state of energy balance (being in a deficit) to later oxidize that stored fat?

    I'm asking this to avoid straw-manning you.

    ^. Quote fail--I'm directing this to Greyfish.

    Essentially, yes, though I'm not presuming that they would not also be working in a deficit, either by restricting calories or by exercise. I am suggesting, for folks who have evening workout schedules, that allowing the body to fuel with fats (dietary and otherwise) first thing in the morning and consuming carbs closer to their actual workout after which the body will need to top off glycogen stores can have the advantage of better overall performance.

    I am not saying that in the grand scheme of things as far as overall weight loss is concerned that the timing of fat and carb consumption is as important.

    This also assumes they aren't are not eating a surplus in order to bulk or gain.

    So your recommendation is purely about evening workout performance and body fat storage/oxidation has nothing to do with it directly?


    Need a gif for moving goalposts...
  • Greytfish
    So your recommendation is purely about evening workout performance and body fat storage/oxidation has nothing to do with it directly?


    Need a gif for moving goalposts...

    More for conflating two separate elements.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I am suggesting, for folks who have evening workout schedules, that allowing the body to fuel with fats (dietary and otherwise) first thing in the morning and consuming carbs closer to their actual workout after which the body will need to top off glycogen stores can have the advantage of better overall performance.

    Except towards the bottom of the last page you said that you weren't talking about pre-workout nutrition. If you aren't talking about pre-workout nutrition, but you say that people who workout in the evening should consume carbs closer to their workout what would that be?
  • RockWarrior84
    RockWarrior84 Posts: 840 Member
    I just have to check into this, coffee addict but would love to hear the falsies behind this.