Logging Bad Food



  • MiraclePowertv
    Point well taken.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    The lesson here is not to have two extremely carb heavy meals to start the day.

    Plan better.


    To hit your rather ambitious protein goal (given your very limited calories), you are going to need to plan. It's also doubtful you'll be able to have even one extremely carb heavy meal, and definitely not two. (This is based on my own experience trying to meet a slightly less ambitious protein target (175g) on a higher total calorie allotment (1971).)

    Also, I believe your daily fat target is a little low for adequate hormonal support...and if you raise it, then your carbs will have to come down even more.
  • misschoppo
    misschoppo Posts: 463 Member
    No bad foods. Just foods you eat less frequently in order to hit your macros. And always log, even if you occasionally indulge.

  • MiraclePowertv
    Making macro adjustments.... IIFYM calculations done...

    We'll see how it goes.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    When I was on top of my game (desperately trying to get it back....doing good so far for yesterday and today), I'd log it all. Mostly because I had a dietician helping me, and she couldn't help me if I wasn't being "real" about what I was eating.
  • MiraclePowertv
    Log everything, or die!!!

  • smith0161
    I have noticed I really think about what I am eating and asking myself is it really worth the calories. Sometimes the answer is yes and there are times that I don't think it is worth it.
  • smith0161
    I have noticed I really think about what I am eating and asking myself is it really worth the calories. Sometimes the answer is yes it is worth it and there are times that I don't think it is worth it.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Why is calorie goal so low?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Why is calorie goal so low?

    I don't think I'd classify 1850 calories as "so low"...
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Why is calorie goal so low?

    I don't think I'd classify 1850 calories as "so low"...

    Oh, on the food diary I saw 1200 something and 1600 something. Still 1850 is a low range for a man.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Why is calorie goal so low?

    I don't think I'd classify 1850 calories as "so low"...

    Oh, on the food diary I saw 1200 something and 1600 something. Still 1850 is a low range for a man.

    My goal is 1650. Are you going to tell me it's too low?
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Why is calorie goal so low?

    I don't think I'd classify 1850 calories as "so low"...

    Oh, on the food diary I saw 1200 something and 1600 something. Still 1850 is a low range for a man.

    My goal is 1650. Are you going to tell me it's too low?

    I assume you are working on a specific goal and that is an appropriate number for you. I wouldn't want to eat any less than that. I'm older, and female.
  • MiraclePowertv
    Why is calorie goal so low?

    I don't think I'd classify 1850 calories as "so low"...

    Oh, on the food diary I saw 1200 something and 1600 something. Still 1850 is a low range for a man.

    My goal is 1650. Are you going to tell me it's too low?

    I assume you are working on a specific goal and that is an appropriate number for you. I wouldn't want to eat any less than that. I'm older, and female.

    I am trying to burn fat / lose weight. My calorie goal has been adjusted. It was 1240. Today, I did a TDEE, BMR and IIFYM calculation and adjusted some numbers. I thinks it's a bit high, actually at 1893. Probably won't hit that most of the time, but then again, I'm not really counting my exercise either. Still trying to find what works for me. So far, (and I know this may draw fire from all of the IIFYM people), it seems that the high carb, low protein and high sugar diet that I've been on isn't doing the trick.
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    Logging bad food is the best thing you can do.
    When you see the damage, you're less likely to do it again.
    That, and you can plan the rest of your day around it.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Why is calorie goal so low?

    I don't think I'd classify 1850 calories as "so low"...

    Oh, on the food diary I saw 1200 something and 1600 something. Still 1850 is a low range for a man.

    My goal is 1650. Are you going to tell me it's too low?

    I assume you are working on a specific goal and that is an appropriate number for you. I wouldn't want to eat any less than that. I'm older, and female.

    I am trying to burn fat / lose weight. My calorie goal has been adjusted. It was 1240. Today, I did a TDEE, BMR and IIFYM calculation and adjusted some numbers. I thinks it's a bit high, actually at 1893. Probably won't hit that most of the time, but then again, I'm not really counting my exercise either. Still trying to find what works for me. So far, (and I know this may draw fire from all of the IIFYM people), it seems that the high carb, low protein and high sugar diet that I've been on isn't doing the trick.

    IIFYM assumes you have the appropriate macro goals set. It doesn't mean eat whatever you want in whatever macro proportions you want. It means eat whatever you want that fits into the percentage of macros. Typically a higher protein goal works better to burn fat/lose weight.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Why is calorie goal so low?

    I don't think I'd classify 1850 calories as "so low"...

    Oh, on the food diary I saw 1200 something and 1600 something. Still 1850 is a low range for a man.

    My goal is 1650. Are you going to tell me it's too low?

    I assume you are working on a specific goal and that is an appropriate number for you. I wouldn't want to eat any less than that. I'm older, and female.

    And how much do you weigh, and what kind of NEAT do you have daily?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    So far, (and I know this may draw fire from all of the IIFYM people), it seems that the high carb, low protein and high sugar diet that I've been on isn't doing the trick.

    Honestly, high carb, high sugar, low protein sounds like one of the worst possible diets imaginable.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    So far, (and I know this may draw fire from all of the IIFYM people), it seems that the high carb, low protein and high sugar diet that I've been on isn't doing the trick.

    Honestly, high carb, high sugar, low protein sounds like one of the worst possible diets imaginable.

    I second that emotion.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Why is calorie goal so low?

    I don't think I'd classify 1850 calories as "so low"...

    Oh, on the food diary I saw 1200 something and 1600 something. Still 1850 is a low range for a man.

    My goal is 1650. Are you going to tell me it's too low?

    I assume you are working on a specific goal and that is an appropriate number for you. I wouldn't want to eat any less than that. I'm older, and female.

    And how much do you weigh, and what kind of NEAT do you have daily?

    Age 50, weight 155, 5'6". BMR is 1398, and I set myself for lightly active, lift heavy 3x per week.