Logging Bad Food



  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    And your diary is closed as your goals and progress so this discussion is pointless.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    And your diary is closed as your goals and progress so this discussion is pointless.

    I wasn't asking advice, just stating I wouldn't want to eat less than that.
  • kris727ta
    kris727ta Posts: 44 Member
    As long as you don't have too much "bad". It's hard to be perfect all the time. I had butter on a bagel this morning and enjoyed it. I haven't had butter in months (because it is not Vegan)... but now I won't make a habit of it!!!:wink:
  • MiraclePowertv
    So far, (and I know this may draw fire from all of the IIFYM people), it seems that the high carb, low protein and high sugar diet that I've been on isn't doing the trick.

    Honestly, high carb, high sugar, low protein sounds like one of the worst possible diets imaginable.

    That's exactly my point. Glad you caught that. :-)
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    So far, (and I know this may draw fire from all of the IIFYM people), it seems that the high carb, low protein and high sugar diet that I've been on isn't doing the trick.

    Honestly, high carb, high sugar, low protein sounds like one of the worst possible diets imaginable.

    That's exactly my point. Glad you caught that. :-)
    It's highly unlikely that a high carb, low protein diet would 'draw fire from the IIFYM people,' since the basic premise there is "If It Fits Your Macros." A low protein diet fails to hit adequate protein macros for most people, almost by definition.
  • MiraclePowertv
    I'm just trying to solve this problem...


  • kmglennie
    For losing weight, there is no such thing as "bad food"

    When you log something (or at least when you review your log at the end of the day), you just ask yourself "was that worth the hit to my alloted calories?" If so, great -- just make room for it. If not, you'll know better next time.

    Loving this, totally agree.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    And your diary is closed as your goals and progress so this discussion is pointless.

    I am actually surprised at your low calorie goal to be honest...I am set at 1600 a day (average 1700) and lose on average 1/2lb a week doing SL 3x and just added HIITx2 a week.

    My TDEE is 1995...MFP had me at 1360-1380 when I joined...

    ETA: to the OP no bad food and yes I log it and yes it reminds me I can have it again until the package is empty then that reminds me to go get more...ie chocolate covered almonds lately...might be malted milk balls now...I think I am over the almonds.