Should we eat man made/cooked, or all Natural?



  • CMoeDee
    CMoeDee Posts: 102 Member
    Look, there is literally nothing you eat that hasn't been modified by the hand of man. Natural cows? Terror-beasts. Natural pigs? Murder creatures. Natural corn? A particularly ambitious grass-looking thing -

    On and on and on for every single thing you consume. Humans are successful because we are the most adaptable omnivores on the planet, and you know, bipedalism; very handy, that.

    wow that's inflammatory for no reason. I don't really personally believe murder /=/ killing something for consumption. That's just inflammatory.

    And I would agree that human's are wildly adaptable and that's why we are succesful. That and nothing has been bright enough to wipe out our ignorant over burdening population... but that's a different story.

    Sorry, I meant that the pigs were murderers, because you look at some historical pictures of pigs and uh, run.

    But, didn't think about the word choice, and I'm sorry.

    EDIT because I am can spell!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Look, there is literally nothing you eat that hasn't been modified by the hand of man. Natural cows? Terror-beasts. Natural pigs? Murder creatures. Natural corn? A particularly ambitious grass-looking thing -

    On and on and on for every single thing you consume. Humans are successful because we are the most adaptable omnivores on the planet, and you know, bipedalism; very handy, that.

    wow that's inflammatory for no reason. I don't really personally believe murder /=/ killing something for consumption. That's just inflammatory.

    And I would agree that human's are wildly adaptable and that's why we are succesful. That and nothing has been bright enough to wipe out our ignorant over burdening population... but that's a different story.

    I think she meant natural pigs are the murder creatures. Boars will KILL YOU DEAD.

    Edit: Joffed... again.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    I'm in for the show...hoping to get a hateful PM from Ernie so he can make an honest woman out of me..(I belong to the "I received a hateful PM from Ernie group, but I really haven't yet :sad: )

    ^^Other than this I really have nothing to contribute here..:smile:

    haha. check your inbox.

    Still you are toying with me sir...that makes me sad...

  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I'm not inclined to make my own chocolate ice cream or oreo's. or beer.

    Everything else is game- but not those- I'll continue to eat those.

    Making your own beer can be very Zen and I like my homemade ice cream better than just about anything I've bought anywhere. Oreos I can't do better than Nabisco. I also brew mead and hard cider when I can find unpasteurized cider which gets increasingly rarer these days...
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member


    It happens *****es...
  • snikkins
    snikkins Posts: 1,282 Member

    “Humans are the only species smart enough to cook (my addition "make") their food but dumb enough to eat it.” – Einstein

    Einstein...never said that...I'm about 99.9% sure he never said that...:huh: Einstein was a physicist not a chemist or nutritionist or biologist, so even if he did say that (which he didn't) it wouldn't matter. Now if he had said "calories in/calories out" that would make sense, because that's physics.

    Thomas Edison (not a nutritionist): "The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease."

    Your logic is flawed.


    Yeah, well, Thomas Edison was a jerk: (warning: extreme language lol)
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member

    “Humans are the only species smart enough to cook (my addition "make") their food but dumb enough to eat it.” – Einstein

    Einstein...never said that...I'm about 99.9% sure he never said that...:huh: Einstein was a physicist not a chemist or nutritionist or biologist, so even if he did say that (which he didn't) it wouldn't matter. Now if he had said "calories in/calories out" that would make sense, because that's physics.

    Thomas Edison (not a nutritionist): "The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease."

    Your logic is flawed.


    "It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations."

    Winston Churchill
  • arios952013
    arios952013 Posts: 201 Member
    If we are talking about raw or cooked veggies which is better for heart disease, the answer per this article\video is both.

  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member

    “Humans are the only species smart enough to cook (my addition "make") their food but dumb enough to eat it.” – Einstein

    Einstein...never said that...I'm about 99.9% sure he never said that...:huh: Einstein was a physicist not a chemist or nutritionist or biologist, so even if he did say that (which he didn't) it wouldn't matter. Now if he had said "calories in/calories out" that would make sense, because that's physics.

    Thomas Edison (not a nutritionist): "The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease."

    Your logic is flawed.

    Yeah I always take diet advice from my +30% bodyfat electrician, and take car repair advice from my plumber.
  • cwsreddy
    cwsreddy Posts: 998 Member

    “Humans are the only species smart enough to cook (my addition "make") their food but dumb enough to eat it.” – Einstein

    Einstein...never said that...I'm about 99.9% sure he never said that...:huh: Einstein was a physicist not a chemist or nutritionist or biologist, so even if he did say that (which he didn't) it wouldn't matter. Now if he had said "calories in/calories out" that would make sense, because that's physics.

    Thomas Edison (not a nutritionist): "The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease."

    Your logic is flawed.

    Yeah I always take diet advice from my +30% bodyfat electrician, and take car repair advice from my plumber.
    you may have missed my point.
  • wonderwoman234
    wonderwoman234 Posts: 551 Member
    I'm not taking a position on Paleo or raw diet, but I do think that as humans we have evolved, and continue to evolve, as our environment has changed. We are built to evolve (unless you believe in creationism, in which case you are quite un-evolved....hah!, could not pass that joke up....), so to base the merits of paelo/raw only on the fact that humans may once have eaten that way and so that is still, in our modern society, best for us, falls short of being convincing to me. (Okay, you got me.....I DID listen to yesterday's "On Point with Tom Ashbrook" on NPR).

    Having said all that, I think there is enough research out there to convince me that processed foods are inferior to whole foods. I remember when margarine was the big craze and then we later discovered our bodies didn't know how to process a product whose cell structure had been tampered with by "the man". And the research on refined sugars seems pretty compelling, too.

    I think trying to be a purist about food is great if you are, well, a purist.....
  • ernestbecker
    ernestbecker Posts: 232 Member
    Much appreciated comments from this thread. though the quote may not have come from Einstein, a vast majority of you understood the intent of the post and for the most part did so without preaching a diet type and offered some valuable insights to your own eating choices and reasons why. This is great and what I was looking for. Eating is a very personal topic and I've seen some very real emotional expression surround the topic, here, and in my own physical circles. All said, the topic of goes beyond the boundaries of nutrition and has become very cultural. At one time in human history it was all about survival, but today, at least in most societies, it's as much and even more about the culture of that society than it is about nutrition and survival.

    What I learned during this month when I tried the extreme 80/10/10 and last year when I tried the extreme Atkins diet (lost massive body fat on both diets), was that people watching me thought I was absolutely nuts (to the point of being extremely rude to me), with the exception of those who had made either a life style. They got very uncomfortable when my body fat was 8%. Some people even had the audacity to call my too skinny and felt it was acceptable to say so. Skinny shaming! The emotional reaction invoked opened my eyes to the fact that food goes way beyond nutrition for most and that, culturally, we are tied to our foods more than I ever realized. Example: When eating at my grandmother's house. If I don't finish what's on my plate, it's taken as impolite and a downright insult. It doesn't matter what was served Now we're talking emotional. That's only a small sample of how food is cultural. I don't want to make Grandma feel insulted.

    Speaking of low body fat I also can't help but think that people reacted to my fitness levels, based on where they personally were, and felt I was trying to be better than everyone else. The only time I've tried to be better than anybody else, was in sports. Being fit, low in weight, and strong in power benefits my sport (bike racing). I have no shame what-so-ever in being extremely fit and competitive in sports. If others are uncomfortable with that, they have to get over it because that's just not my problem and I won't own it.

    I heard something from Zig Ziegler that stuck with me when I was a kid, and I may have taken that a bit far in these forums, but I absolutely agree with the principle he stated in a speech, that if you're going to lose weight (like the guy above said also, 30% BF plumber) don't go to a fat doctor. If you want your car fixed, don't go to a bike mechanic. I don't give nutrition advice unless I'm asked and when I see people giving it, I naturally try to understand what their credentials are, and obviously look to see if they practice what they preach, yes, based on how they look.

    In the end, I'll find a balanced diet that takes into account the nutrition I need based on my sport and based on the fact that culturally, there's a bit of a responsibility there too.

    Thanks again, and I hope most of you don't read this long stupid post.

  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Speaking of low body fat I also can't help but think that people reacted to my fitness levels, based on where they personally were, and felt I was trying to be better than everyone else.

    No, people were reacting to smugness. Anytime someone who had a higher BF% or more weight to lose pointed out nonsense in what you posted, you made it a point to highlight that as if it was relevant.

    People really aren't jealous of you.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I avoid sugar...Don't mean to oversimplify, just trying to make a point using sugar.

    Sugar consumption has exponentially increased since the 1850's...the beginning of the steam engines and mechanized porocessing. It took off again after 1920's...the industrial revolution.

    People do not instantaneously get fat upon the first bite of sugar, there is a delay. IMHO this is a pretty obvious correlation.


    EDIT - forgot the make the IMGs lower case - again :grumble:

    I suspect the same correlation could be observed if you graphed screen time hours, changes in technology (ie labour saving devices etc) Correlation is not causation (but I share your concern over sugar consumption, especially added sugars (often with names that a less educated consumer might not recognize as sugars in processed food.)
  • ernestbecker
    ernestbecker Posts: 232 Member
    Speaking of low body fat I also can't help but think that people reacted to my fitness levels, based on where they personally were, and felt I was trying to be better than everyone else.

    No, people were reacting to smugness. Anytime someone who had a higher BF% or more weight to lose pointed out nonsense in what you posted, you made it a point to highlight that as if it was relevant.

    People really aren't jealous of you.

    You read my post! Thank you.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member

    Correlation =\= Causation...
    It does equal...........when someone has an agenda to push

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Don't know about the rest of you, but I'm not going to eat raw meat. I eat raw fish now and again, but I'm not about to dig into some raw chicken or beef, so cooking is a yes for me.

    Not to mention I actually have issues digesting raw veggies and fruits so if I couldn't cook those, I'd be pretty screwed as to what would be available for me to live on..which would pretty much end up leaving only water :laugh:
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    This statement resonates with me: Not saying it's true, but.... I think we could also replace the word "cook" with the word "make".

    “Humans are the only species smart enough to cook (my addition "make") their food but dumb enough to eat it.” – Einstein

    I'm not hating here, just wondering if there's something to this when you consider the sky rocketing obesity rates in our country. Maybe it's less about "self control issues" vs. the food supply? I'm not stating, just asking...

    Later on today I will eat a man made ( by me ), cooked meal from all natural even includes some bacon......the first bacon in over 25 years. It's from a wild boar, self cured and smoked by a friend and worth trying....