

  • lmerner
    lmerner Posts: 28 Member
    Long day at work form me today but I’ve planned and have good food choices with me. Snow storm has passed and only have another 6" of snow to deal with but the sun is back out!

    Sylvia – my thoughts are with you and your son. I’m glad you had some time with your grandson….loved how you shared a life lesson with him. CONGRATS on those skinny yoga pants!

    Katla and DeeDee – thanks for the comments and reassurance, I'm already looking form my next spontaneous opportunity!

    So my goals for March;
    Focus on being happier every day and nicer to be with
    Logging every meal, snack, bite or swallow on MFP
    Move more = treadmill for 20 minutes at least 3 times per week
    Get a minimum of 8 glasses of water in Every Day
    Be spontaneous and do something outside my comfort zone once per week
    And finally......
    Hold myself accountable by referring to these goals daily and measuring my progress.... If I missed one...get at it and get it done!

    Lee in Ontario
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 349 Member
    Good morning everyone! Just a quick note before working out. For those trying to kick sugar, I have discovered protein bar recipes. Jamie Eason has several, I tweak the recipe for my own taste. They are high protein and zero fat. They are all over Pinterest and on bodybuilding.com. Also, adding lemon to my water now, read so many good things about it.

    Kim and Stephanie, welcome - I am new too.
    Lee, snowball fight was too funny!
    Barbie, great advice!
    Jane, hang in there!
    Kim in NCAL, thanks for the welcome!
    Mary Ann, thanks for the encouragement! You have quite a story, congrats!

    Prayers to everyone. :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Cindy in OK
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy thurs.Sun out,40 today,we hope.maybe the snow will melt
    I too am an emotional eater.I try to eat healthy,but at times I crave something sweet.
    Have a good day.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,071 Member
    Marking my spot!
    Have a wonderful day!
    Hugs to all!
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Sylvia you and your son are in my prayers......
    I read on a thread here for effective weight loss on limited time this is the order of priority one should follow:
    !st priority Preparing nutritious food
    2nd Weight training
    3rd Cardio
    Makes sense....... eating healthy food is more important than going on long runs

    Best wishes and prayers for all over here
    Anamika from Mumbai
    Meg weather in India has been crazy too some places have been cold for far longer, harvests have been ruined because of unseasonal rain, prolonged winter. Mumbai has been good, so no complaints.
  • CSueB
    CSueB Posts: 31 Member
    I am new again.....started MFP and then stopped (big mistake) so am trying to figure out how this whole thing works (the messages here) Where did you find the 5 things about stopping cravings? My biggest struggle is with Jif peanut butter (:heart: ) I do love my Jif! THANK YOU!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Good afternoon from sunny southern Indiana. Although it's only around 40* it's nice.

    CSue, I love my peanut butter also, could just take a jar and a spoon and be content. So I just take one piece of bread and use 1 tbsp of my beloved peanut butter to make my sandwich. I'm kind of strange in that we were brought up eating sweet pickles (bread and butter) on our peanut butter. So one piece of bread folded over with 1 tbps peanut butter and 3 pickle chips still gives me my sandwich.

    We had some now just fling around yesterday but it never did do anything, so glad. I can't remember when I have detested the winter so much. I know we have had much worse

    Sylvia, how is your son???

    Joyce, Indiana
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Joyce, he seems slightly better today. The doc gave him something to help him sleep which should help. I'm taking care of the kids again today and probably tomorrow to give him some down time.

    I took my grandson to the library this morning for a hour, then to lunch at McDs and my hubby came along. When we got out of the car Ian grabbed grandpas hand and walked him across the parking lot. It was adorable. My hubby is very stodgy and reserved, but Ian cannot be resisted! Then took Ian to preschool, then went to the Y. I was a little less self conscious today, strutting around in my spandex pants. I wore a big shirt that was longer. Now it's time to go pick him up. Then pick up the girls at 5:00.

    Hope you are all having a fantastic spring day like we are.

  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Gail – Have fun at Spring Training. My team, Washington Nationals, play the Braves for their home opener. We plan on being at that game. :happy:

    Meg – Sorry to hear about your brother but glad he is doing better now. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia – You offered a calm, clear head when your son needed you and I’m sure your actions helped him take a lot off of his mind. Will keep him in my prayers. :heart: How did your DH do with the sleep study or does it take a little while to get the results?

    Alison – Hope your neck is feeling better. Sometimes slowly rotating your head will help to loosen things up again.

    Anamika – I’m late to the party but congratulations on a fantastic run! :drinker:

    CSueB – Welcome back.

    Cindy – I enjoy protein bars too. Helps curb the hunger in between meals and when I’m out running around doing errands. I try to keep one with me and I avoid having to make a panic stop if my low blood sugar kicks in.

    Janehadji – Hope things are better for you. :flowerforyou:

    Patty – Completely understand your response to sugar. If I eat one sweet thing it just starts the ball rolling. :grumble: I liken it to an alcoholic trying to have just one drink. Friends and family will push a dessert on you but would never think of trying to coax someone to have a drink if they have a problem with it. :noway:

    Carol – Glad you had a good time at the concert. It is harder to get up after a late night than when we were 20. :yawn:

    Jeri – Hi, so did you get some dancing in last night?

    Jill – Congratulations on those 2 lbs! Glad you enjoyed the Chieftains and how neat that you ran into the leader and was able to let him know how much you enjoyed the show. I imagine that never gets old to a performer.

    Well, I am officially, totally, stuck on a plateau. :grumble: I have been up and down within the same 2 pounds for over a month. I can’t really complain because I haven’t been following my eating plan as closely as I should due to stress, weather, feeling blah, etc., so I don’t know if I can really say it’s a plateau or I’ve just been hovering . I have increased my walking and drinking water and really hope with the extended daylight hours after work and warmer weather I will get reinvigorated. I have a vacation planned in June that I need to focus on and use as my ‘carrot’.

    They are calling for another chance of snow Sunday evening/Monday morning.

    Sunny and windy,
    Tina from Southern Maryland
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,899 Member
    Just marking my place and letting everyone know I am still here! Wish I could spend more time. Getting stressed out about everything isn't helping me any. I feel like I am going overboard again! I have got to get it together!

    Rita in freezing CT
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,643 Member
    just stopped in on my lunch break so not to get too far behind, and the sugar craving - trigger food issues seems to hit a spot for most of us... and for me it is homemade pies/tarts/cookies and Ice cream... So I have so far not made dessert - but I am only 1 month into this journey and will need to figure that one out; and the ice cream thing I am handling with a pop or bar so I only have one - and that keeps the size under control - I should be able to weigh or measure out a 1/2 cup from a pint of ice cream - I can measure everything else - but when it comes to a pint of ice cream - why dirty a dish, when a spoon and the carton is just fine? :blushing: :laugh:

    I think the trick is to figure out what works for each of us and manipulate our situation to create a successful environment, and when we don't, just log it, dust ourselves off and start again. I love the fact that I can "pay it forward" and if that ______ is calling my name to loud I can pre-log it and then exercise to earn it, and if I don't exercise enough I can not eat it and delete it from my log; or have just 1/2 of it.... some things I have just gone for and realized the idea of it was better than the reality of it.

    Just keep learning! and that is the part of this way of dieting that makes me think I might be able to maintain when I get there. :tongue:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    momsamodel, I don't know if you have a Walmart in your area, well maybe other stores have them also, but our Walmart has individaul cups of ice cream. I think they are 3 oz servings and 100 calories. They come in vanilla or chocolate. You buy them in a tube of about 12 individual cups. Of course you have to deal with the fact that when you open your freezer to get a cup out you do have to deal with the issue that there are 11 more of those yummy little cups in there. Target used to carry some Skinny Cow individual cups that were so scrumpscious. I think they were caramel swirl and something else. They were a little more than 100 calories and cup for cup cost more than the ones from Walmart. You can buy little 1/2 cup tupperware or fake containers, scoop out a bunch from your box and freeze them. The you can't sit with the box and a spoon. I am really bad when it comes to what is billed as low calorie like my chocolate mini cakes. They are brown rice and low calorie.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,293 Member
    Went over on the pastis today - something to do with the bad knee.:tongue:

    Not a disaster. My hair went well - like my new hairdresser. The colour is good and like my fringe.
    The good thing about my bad knee is that I won't mess my hair up exercising tomorrow. Just a moderate, one legged workout!
    Nearly packed. Just meds to organise. I'm taking minimal clothes. In addition to the barbecue hut my friends have built a sauna! Should be interesting! . She said to bring a swimming costume. I LOVE the barbecue hut. The perfect thing for a terrible climate and midges when it is warm. Knee is slightly better. I'm crossing everything.

    Bye for now, Heather in Hampshire UK
  • georgecarl7
    georgecarl7 Posts: 42 Member
    Hey Beth, I was wondering if all your weight loss has been while part of MFP?
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Just a quick check-in. Spent the day at Duke Children's Hospital with the boy child. They were so crowded that they sent him to the adult wing for pre-op. It was nice for me because the adult wing waiting area was nice and quiet with plenty of places to sit and a long walkway for pacing. The children's area was packed full with lots of very loud small children. Children are naturally loud--no one was misbehaving--but I have a hard time with noisy places when I'm already stressed. The endoscopy was normal (boo!--we need a diagnosis) but they took lots of biopsies and placed the pH tracker on his esophagus. He is in some pain from that AND they had to do general anesthesia because of all of the extra stuff so there is a general feeling of ickiness. I have a haircut appointment in 20 minutes so my daughter is coming over to babysit.

    Hope to find the energy to check back in later!

    Carol in windy NC
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good evening ladies.

    Sylvia- My thoughts and prayers are with you and your son. I can't think of anything worse than watching your child struggle (even when they are grown). He is very lucky to have your support.

    Meg- Glad to hear your brother has done so well. We did lose power, but just for about an hour. It was close to bedtime, so we just called it a night. We hadn't fallen asleep before it came back on. I was a little concerned about pipes freezing because it was to be so cold, but we do have a gas fireplace that will keep the chill off somewhat. Max(the cat) and Sarge (the dog) were not so happy. We had a another 2 hour delay this morning. We are now out of snow days and will have to give up vacation days if we need any more. Hope spring comes quickly!!

    Carol- I hope you get some answers for your son soon. It sound like it has been going on for a while now. My daughter is finishing up her doctorate at Duke this semester. I am flying down to listen to her presentation of her dissertation in the beginning of April. I love the area!

    Off to reteach myself the next new concepts in precalc!! Hope my old brain isn't too full for it to register!!

    Have a great evening!!

    Deb A in very cold CNY where the snow covered trees against the deep blue sky are beautiful!!
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Goodnight everyone; hope that everyone can get that much-needed rest. :flowerforyou:
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    I can't wait for this week to be over and done with. Started off getting sick so that wiped out Monday & Tuesday. Yesterday we had the blizzard, it was cold, windy and a lot of snow. I got home from work to find the snow up to my knees in my parking spot, so I had some shoveling to do. I then spent 4 1/2 hours on the phone fighting with comwave to try and get my home phone to work. Ended up cancelling with them and going back to my internet service provider. Today woke up with a migraine. Needless to say I have not made it to the gym at all this week.

    Meg - I'm glad to hear your brother is doing better

    Sylvia - I can't even imagine how hard it must be for both you & your son. You are both in my thoughts & prayers.

    I'm off to bed to try and shake this migraine.

    :heart: Sandy in ON
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    kim - welcome. You've come to a great place for support

    Lee - you put a smile on my face just envisioning you and hubby having the snowball fight

    Went to the dentist this morning, then stopped at CVS to get this candy that's with their coupon plus I had a manufacturer coupon, then went to take the rest of the baked goods from the general meeting to the soup kitchen, then volunteered at the Green Room, then stopped at Lynette's office to give her some coupons, then home.

    Before the dentist I did a 45 minute ASAP Sculpt video.

    Tomorrow I'm planning to go to the deep water class. First I need to take my coupons and the aluminum to the Humane Society, give the pattern etc. to the lady who is going to make Jessica's costume, take my donation to the Salvation Army, need to buy milk and a pork roast for this weekend, then go to the Y to give a guy who works there the zucchini apple bread I made for his birthday. Then home to maybe collapse.....lol

    meg - good for you taking a few days off. You deserve it! That was very nice of your boss to remind you to take those days off. Most bosses wouldn't do that. Be sure you do take them!!!!

    Stephanie - welcome. The weight will come off, it may take time (tell me about it) but it does happen

    Sylvia - what a blessing you are to your son! That is so great you gave back the money. See, what goes around comes around. gs got the bulldozer! How nice of the lady. Your gs is ever so lucky to have you

    Gail - have a great time in FL. Whatch out for the pollen!

    barbie - perhaps those 5D's should be included in your intro to the thread. Also, about the vitamin F. I know that I posted that a while ago. If you can't find it, maybe I can.

    I guess you'd say that I'm a moderator of most things. I can have just a little and be happy.

    DeeDee- the wind last night was something else. That just brought this cold front in. Well, at least today was a decent day except that it was cold. Did you get your nap? Hope your trees made it thru the windstorm.

    Heather - sure hope your knee is better real soon, like tomorrow. Glad you like your hairdresser, that's so important (it really is)

    Patty - hope those shots help and you aren't too sore from getting them

    Liz - what are magic bags? Hope you get better soon. Those "fainting spells" are nothing to sneeze at

    kayzoola - when you do bodypump, how much weight do you usually use for squats, chest and biceps? Shoulders you probably use a lower weight, I know that I do

    CSueB - welcome back! I know barbie reposted (I think on the previous page) the 5 things about cravings. You know, peanut butter is one of the few things that I don't like. I honestly think it has to do with the texture, because I love all kinds of nuts. But don't put nuts in my brownies, cakes, cookies, really any food. I remember someone mentioning PB2, I THINK it was lower in calories but it had good flavor. You might want to check that out

    momsamodel - I like your way of logging, then earing the food, and if you don't then you unlog it. Good job

    joyce - I froze some grapes when they were in season and I'm considering using that as my "ice cream" treat during the sumer. We shall see how it goes!

    Carol in NC - will be keeping your son in my thoughts. Hope your appt goes well.

    Did you know that collage video is going out of business? They are selling their DVD's at pretty good prices. Bad part is that they're going FAST.

    Michele in NC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,643 Member
    Hi all, so compared to those of you with health problems and children with health problems this is small silly stuff!! And I am sending good thoughts and lots of caring to you...

    But from 7-9 pm PDT I am going to my garden club meeting (60 people) - and almost all of them are excellent bakers there will be 2 big tables filled with every type of delish sweet - and I have some calories saved; and will have a big dinner first - but please send me any left over virtual willpower you might have!!! I skipped last months as I just did not think I could resist - and knowing the calorie counts so much better now than I did 3 months ago; my guess is my average graze at garden club was way over 1,000 calories... I am bringing water (they serve fresh made lemonade) and will probably do the avoid technique... but we have a 30 minute eat and chat time in the middle of the program so I will be very tempted! I really wanted to skip but an older friend really wanted to go and her hubby didn't - she doesn't drive at night so I am taking her. I would have to face it sometime :ohwell: but for me tomorrow is weigh in so I doublee don't want to blow it... I'll be back later to log and report back :wink:

    Kim in N. CAL