Would you date someone overweight?



  • CheriLiftsBig
    CheriLiftsBig Posts: 6 Member
    I find it interesting that people say they wouldn't, and the few comments I had time to read were from men... Men who were probably well into the "overweight" category by BMI standards because if their muscle mass (which is how assuming y'all are standardizing overweight.)

    You DO know there are plenty of men AND women who would be considered overweight AND have low body fat and lots of muscle. I guess that's just as bad as over fat huh... Smh. :grumble:

    And here come this post out of left field nowhere. What planet were you on when you came up with this?

    Are you seriously that ignorant?!? You do know that most bodybuilders (I won't even go into strongmen and powerlifters) are considered overweight by BMI standards, right????
    Weight= mass... Lean mass and total fat.
    Weight does NOT simply equal fat.

    Way to state the obvious. That's not quite what any rational person refers to when using the term "overweight".

    Well, there seems to be a lack of rational people here these days.
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    As long as I am sexually attracted to the guy who cares what his BMI is
  • b3st
    b3st Posts: 1,350 Member
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    I like bigger guys, whether they're fit or kinda chubby.

    I dated a skinny guy once, because we were friends first, and I just couldn't get a lady boner /: That was back when I wasn't really overweight, too, just kinda curvy.
  • candacet36
    candacet36 Posts: 353 Member
    I am....and he is amazing!!

    He makes me laugh and loves me for me.....I don't care what he weighs!!
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    I tend to be attracted to guys bordering on "skinny" - I usually even prefer a typical swimmer/soccer/runner athletic build to a bodybuilder/American football/hockey player kind of muscular. I like kinda bony over kinda heavy, most times, from a purely aesthetic point of view. Scrawny musicians were my kryptonite until I decided to start dating guys with their "poop in a group", in my mother's words.

    However, if I found someone compatible with me both mentally and physically who was overweight, there wouldn't be a reason not to date him. It's unlikely, given that I can't remember the last time I found a chubby guy physically attractive. But I don't think there'd be any reason not to date someone heavier if the attraction was there.

    We all like what we like. I like bony blonds with strong facial features, and they're often what I date, because I think it's vital to be physically attracted to someone.

    If my boyfriend gets fat tomorrow, I'll still love him and find him attractive, but it's because we have so many things deeper than the physical stuff to keep us attracted now. If he'd been fat when I met him, though, I admit I'd probably never have started seeing him. And I also admit that we both think it's important to take care with our appearances to please each other, so unless something happens medically, we'll do our best to keep ourselves looking like the other person likes.
  • Mermaidyo
    Mermaidyo Posts: 125 Member
    I've dated tall and skinny short and skinny and tall and chubby. Out of all of them I love the chubby guys :) I am active, I don't eat a lot of processed foods other than cheat meal day.. but if he couldn't handle that then yes probably no bueno.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    Probably not but there are always exceptions.

    I've dated girls with meat on their bones but none that I would consider overweight. I'm just not attracted to overweight women. There are always girls that I think would be smoking hot if they only dropped the weight. I would love to give them the chance but I know myself and in the end I would most likely try to change them. I don't think that's a fair thing to do. Just my personal preference and yes, I know, I'm judgy, but my penis is not an equal opportunity employer not is it required to be by the government...as of yet.
  • cowgirlqueen
    cowgirlqueen Posts: 466 Member
    :huh: why would weight even matter if you click and enjoy being around each other then that's all that matters no one wants to be overweight no one woke up and said today my goal is to become as fat as possible

    yes id date someone overweight (if I wasn't married to the best man in the world already he may not be overweight or out of shape but that doesn't mean if he was I wouldn't be happily in his life forever making memories the same way I currently am his image is not my deciding factor sure he was a boxer and also did MMA fighting an has an amazing body an gorgeous eyes a person could get lost in but what gets me hooked is his actions and his words he opens doors for me he always stands by my side he wants my opinion on things before he makes a decision I'm part of the process not just told "heres what I decided" he holds my hand without consciously be aware of it in the truck in the store when I'm cooking dinner when were both reading (our own books) he sticks up for me I learn something new everyday from him and I would happily do it for the rest of my life even if he gained 200 pounds of pure fat he is my other half and I couldn't live without him :heart:
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I agree with one of the first answerers that said she'd rather date an overweight guy that treats her right than a fit guy that treats her like crap. Of course! Those aren't the only two choices we have, though. My husband is naturally slim, currently bulking, and has a metabolism I would kill for, and he also treats me great. However, if he were to pack on some fat, I'd still love him and stay with him.

    I think personality trumps looks, always, but I can't say I'd be instantly attracted to an overweight person. I've never seen an overweight guy and thought, "wow, he's cute!" So, if I were to date a bigger guy, it would probably be a friendship turned into a romantic relationship after I got to know him. Attraction matters in relationships no matter what anyone says - you've got to be attracted to them in some way, but personality can make a so-so person absolutely beautiful.
  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member
    I see a lot of false choices presented in this thread. "I would rather date an overweight person that treats me well than a fit person that treats me bad." No crap. But I would bet the pecking order would be:

    fit person that treats you well > overweight person that treats you well > fit person that treats you bad > overweight person that treats you bad

    It is a false choice. You don't have to choose between fit that treats you bad and overweight that treats you well. And the whole "active lifestyle" excuse is totally bogus. There are overweight people that lead a more active lifestyle than I do, and I would probably be considered rather fit by most (even though I still have some pudge to lose around the midsection, as is shown in my pic).

    Just call it like it is. I am not attracted to overweight people. It is not something that I find aesthetically apealing, and I am not going to date someone to whom I am not attracted. That does not mean I am going to date an attractive b****. If I don't like someones personality, I am also not going to date them. But this thread didn't ask about personality.

    So in conclusion, no. I will not date someone overweight. I find it unattractive and won't date someone to whom I am not physically attracted.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I find it interesting that people say they wouldn't, and the few comments I had time to read were from men... Men who were probably well into the "overweight" category by BMI standards because if their muscle mass (which is how assuming y'all are standardizing overweight.)

    You DO know there are plenty of men AND women who would be considered overweight AND have low body fat and lots of muscle. I guess that's just as bad as over fat huh... Smh. :grumble:

    And here come this post out of left field nowhere. What planet were you on when you came up with this?

    Are you seriously that ignorant?!? You do know that most bodybuilders (I won't even go into strongmen and powerlifters) are considered overweight by BMI standards, right????
    Weight= mass... Lean mass and total fat.
    Weight does NOT simply equal fat.

    We know you lift, we can see your picture and profile. No need to make asanine comments on threads to show everyone. You were the FIRST person in here to mention BMI and not one person I know uses BMI to determine if someone is overweight, especially for athletes or anyone that lifts. That is why I said your comment came out of left field nowhere, because it did.
  • FoxBean
    FoxBean Posts: 910 Member
    In all honesty, I'd prefer the person I am with to be fit and healthy, but I have been attracted those who were considered overweight. Yes, you must be attracted to the person you are with - personality is huge for me, but whether it's the crinkle next to the eye, gleaming smile, or sarcasm - doesn't matter, as long as the attraction and chemistry is there.
  • oxers
    oxers Posts: 259 Member
    Fell desperately in love with the guy I'm nuts about when he was probably 30-40 pounds overweight. He started slimming down and really took me by surprise one day - I was so in love with his laugh and his smile and the focus in his eyes and the passion in his voice that I was genuinely startled to find him as slim as he became. I just... didn't notice. And there wasn't like a "OH NO HE'S HOT" moment, because my heart has been beating for him since the moment we met. Honestly, he could be 400 pounds and purple and I'd still want him every second of every day.

    I just don't think it matters that much.
  • EmbraceTheDarkSide
    EmbraceTheDarkSide Posts: 514 Member
    Fitness is one part of a broader criteria. There are levels at which it would be a deal breaker but if they had a few extra pounds but the other things about them more than compensated for their extra weight (and they were healthy), I wouldn't rule them out.
  • XtoxicblueX
    Yes, just like i would date someone who is fit it all depends on if Im drawn to them in that way to really want to date them, and if our personalities clicked well. :)
  • itzmenickv23
    itzmenickv23 Posts: 113 Member
    I was fit and lean back in my highschool days coz i used to play basketball and volleyball. Ladies dig that and finding a date was as simple as 1-2-3. Then i gained ALOT of weight !!! from 120 lbs to 246 lbs highest. While alot of girls/ladies/women here claim its shallow when people say " NO to dating Overweight guys ", I'm sorry but that's the true reality. When you are overweight, u turn unattractive and you get automatically FRIENDZONED, specially with attractive ladies.
  • Perplexities
    Perplexities Posts: 612 Member
    Most people would, few would opt for an overweight individual over a healthy/fit individual if both had completely identical personality traits, status, wealth, etc.
  • areinafierce
    To answer the original question YES.

    I find myself attracted to bigger dudes... I am NOT attracted to skinny men, or really fat men for that matter.
    I am fat and do not like men that are skinnier than me, because it makes me feel like i would break them in the bedroom (if you know what I mean LOL) But also, I don't like a really, really fat guy because I'm not attracted to it.

    I like what I like, and yes, that includes overweight men- as long as they have a sense of humor, aren't a pushover and likes to be social and go for long walks so I can get my steps in. :)