Do men like women with....



  • Perplexities
    Perplexities Posts: 612 Member
    Men like women that have vaginas. Period.

    Since having a vagina is a pre-requisite to being a woman, you could have simply said "Men like vagina's"

    Since you didn't I'm assuming you're implying men like ANY women, so long as she has a vagina.

    Deluded Statement of peace.
  • SweetTrouble_
    SweetTrouble_ Posts: 933 Member
    You mean my happiness isn't dependent on what other people think of me??? That's crazy talk.
  • Perplexities
    Perplexities Posts: 612 Member

    Please stop this nonsense. I understand that we want guys to find us attractive and we worry about our flaws, but if you are constantly worrying if a guy will like your ____(enter insecurity here)_____ you aren't going to be happy.

    I have been at all ends of the spectrum. Guys liked me when I was fat or when I had abs, when I had big boobs or when I had no boobs, when I had short blonde hair or when I had long black hair. There were also guys who told me that they were not attracted to me because of any one of those factors.

    Do what you want, look how you want to look and live how you want to live. If you are happy and confident guys are going to be more attracted to you anyway.


    Am I ruining your chance to tell the ladies how to act, what to look like and what to wear? Good.

    Your logic in the OP is rudimentary at best, sorry.
    And by sorry I mean, I feel sorry for you.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Your logic in the OP is rudimentary at best, sorry.
    And by sorry I mean, I feel sorry for you.

    0/10 would not bang

    Maybe you'll find a woman with a low IQ, low standards and really big boobs that will make you happy. Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • TattooedNici
    TattooedNici Posts: 2,141 Member
    Men like women that have vaginas. Period.

    Since having a vagina is a pre-requisite to being a woman, you could have simply said "Men like vagina's"

    Since you didn't I'm assuming you're implying men like ANY women, so long as she has a vagina.

    Deluded Statement of peace.

    It was something I threw up there as a joke. I'm not going to apologize if it left a bad taste in yours or anyone's mouth.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    My brother was gay and, in one of our many heart to heart conversations, he was trying to explain it to me.

    The one thing he said that resonated with me was when he said, "At least after sex I can have an intelligent conversation with my lover."

  • mariepreston1995

    Please stop this nonsense. I understand that we want guys to find us attractive and we worry about our flaws, but if you are constantly worrying if a guy will like your ____(enter insecurity here)_____ you aren't going to be happy.

    I have been at all ends of the spectrum. Guys liked me when I was fat or when I had abs, when I had big boobs or when I had no boobs, when I had short blonde hair or when I had long black hair. There were also guys who told me that they were not attracted to me because of any one of those factors.

    Do what you want, look how you want to look and live how you want to live. If you are happy and confident guys are going to be more attracted to you anyway.

    Women want to know what men think of them. Nothing wrong with that.
    If a woman wants to dye her hair pink, but wouldn't do it if the majority of men don't find it attractive, then that's her choice and she can ask them if she effing wants to.
  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member
    Only speaking for me cause that's all I can do. There is going to be a man out there who will like you for you. As long as you are doing what the OP stated.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member

    Please stop this nonsense. I understand that we want guys to find us attractive and we worry about our flaws, but if you are constantly worrying if a guy will like your ____(enter insecurity here)_____ you aren't going to be happy.

    I have been at all ends of the spectrum. Guys liked me when I was fat or when I had abs, when I had big boobs or when I had no boobs, when I had short blonde hair or when I had long black hair. There were also guys who told me that they were not attracted to me because of any one of those factors.

    Do what you want, look how you want to look and live how you want to live. If you are happy and confident guys are going to be more attracted to you anyway.

    Women want to know what men think of them. Nothing wrong with that.
    If a woman wants to dye her hair pink, but wouldn't do it if the majority of men don't find it attractive, then that's her choice and she can ask them if she effing wants to.

    whether someone wants to do something or not shouldn't hinge on what members of the opposite sex will think of him or her. Decide what to do to or for yourself based on whether you want to do it and/or will like it. half the problem with people today is they spend too much time worrying about what everyone else thinks about them.
  • heylookitsval
    heylookitsval Posts: 1,141 Member
    Get a milkshake...that seems to bring all the boys to the yard.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    My brother was gay and, in one of our many heart to heart conversations, he was trying to explain it to me.

    The one thing he said that resonated with me was when he said, "At least after sex I can have an intelligent conversation with my lover."


    that's very belittling to all women everywhere.

    but could his lover have an intelligent conversation with him?
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member

    Please stop this nonsense. I understand that we want guys to find us attractive and we worry about our flaws, but if you are constantly worrying if a guy will like your ____(enter insecurity here)_____ you aren't going to be happy.

    I have been at all ends of the spectrum. Guys liked me when I was fat or when I had abs, when I had big boobs or when I had no boobs, when I had short blonde hair or when I had long black hair. There were also guys who told me that they were not attracted to me because of any one of those factors.

    Do what you want, look how you want to look and live how you want to live. If you are happy and confident guys are going to be more attracted to you anyway.

    Women want to know what men think of them. Nothing wrong with that.
    If a woman wants to dye her hair pink, but wouldn't do it if the majority of men don't find it attractive, then that's her choice and she can ask them if she effing wants to.

    She should just do what she wants whether guys like it or not. Doesn't matter if the majority say no, that still leaves guys who would say yes. Pretty sad when someone worries about what others think instead of doing what makes them happy.
  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member

    Please stop this nonsense. I understand that we want guys to find us attractive and we worry about our flaws, but if you are constantly worrying if a guy will like your ____(enter insecurity here)_____ you aren't going to be happy.

    I have been at all ends of the spectrum. Guys liked me when I was fat or when I had abs, when I had big boobs or when I had no boobs, when I had short blonde hair or when I had long black hair. There were also guys who told me that they were not attracted to me because of any one of those factors.

    Do what you want, look how you want to look and live how you want to live. If you are happy and confident guys are going to be more attracted to you anyway.

    Women want to know what men think of them. Nothing wrong with that.
    If a woman wants to dye her hair pink, but wouldn't do it if the majority of men don't find it attractive, then that's her choice and she can ask them if she effing wants to.

    I could be wrong, but I think you missed what the OP was talking about. And since you said it. If a woman won't dye her hair a color that she wants to dye it just because of what men think. She is kinda weak to me. I'm married, but when I was single. I wanted a woman that will do her and say screw what men think. That is sexy to me. Do what you want and the guys that don't like it aren't for you anyway. Now that's a whole group of men you don't have to worry about impressing. Saves each party the time of finding out that this person isn't my type or for me. Just my opinion.
  • mariepreston1995

    Please stop this nonsense. I understand that we want guys to find us attractive and we worry about our flaws, but if you are constantly worrying if a guy will like your ____(enter insecurity here)_____ you aren't going to be happy.

    I have been at all ends of the spectrum. Guys liked me when I was fat or when I had abs, when I had big boobs or when I had no boobs, when I had short blonde hair or when I had long black hair. There were also guys who told me that they were not attracted to me because of any one of those factors.

    Do what you want, look how you want to look and live how you want to live. If you are happy and confident guys are going to be more attracted to you anyway.

    Women want to know what men think of them. Nothing wrong with that.
    If a woman wants to dye her hair pink, but wouldn't do it if the majority of men don't find it attractive, then that's her choice and she can ask them if she effing wants to.

    whether someone wants to do something or not shouldn't hinge on what members of the opposite sex will think of him or her. Decide what to do to or for yourself based on whether you want to do it and/or will like it. half the problem with people today is they spend too much time worrying about what everyone else thinks about them.

    You're right, but some women just do things on a whim and want to know what men think first. I mean, you shouldn't try to change yourself to make men happy, but simply asking what they like….. is fine imo
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    You're right, but some women just do things on a whim and want to know what men think first. I mean, you shouldn't try to change yourself to make men happy, but simply asking what they like….. is fine imo

    Also a waste of time since everyone's opinion will differ.
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    You're right, but some women just do things on a whim and want to know what men think first. I mean, you shouldn't try to change yourself to make men happy, but simply asking what they like….. is fine imo

    Also a waste of time since everyone's opinion will differ.

    Also a waste of time because fads come and go. What's considered attractive today, will change tomorrow. The only way to stay in style is to always just do you, and be confident in what you do.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Men like women that have vaginas. Period.

    Since having a vagina is a pre-requisite to being a woman, you could have simply said "Men like vagina's"
    A vagina's what?
  • futurejedi
    futurejedi Posts: 111
    I like a naked women in my bed :bigsmile:
  • TattooedNici
    TattooedNici Posts: 2,141 Member
    Where's Alexyss Tylor when I need her? :laugh: