
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Do people really think Dr. Oz just pulls ideas out of his *kitten*?

    "The earliest research, conducted in the 1970s, into the antiobesity effects of HCA was conducted by Hoffmann-La Roche Pharmaceuticals. Studies have shown the ability of HCA to inhibit the actions of citrate cleavage enzyme, suppress fatty acid synthesis, increase hepatic glycogen synthesis, suppress food intake, increase energy expenditure, curb appetite, reduce plasmatic cholesterol levels, and inhibit fat synthesis from excess carbohydrate calories.2,3 The properties of Garcinia extract have been confirmed by clinical trials published in peer-reviewed literature." --Journal of the American Medical Association

    Most of the scholarly articles' abstracts I read suggest that it is safe in normal doses, but in extreme levels it both reduces body fat and is toxic to...testicles? Yep. The article is called "High dose of Garcinia cambogia is effective in suppressing fat accumulation in developing male Zucker obese rats, but highly toxic to the testis"

    If you're interested in a favorable summary, there's this one for an article called "An overview of the safety and efficacy of a novel, natural(-)-hydroxycitric acid extract (HCA-SX) for weight management." from The Journal of Medicine. Here's a link:

    So that's interesting. From the little lit review i just did, there is reason to think that garcinia cambogia has the potential to aid weight loss. Obviously more research needs to be done, it seems like the animal studies are showing results and the human studies are not, so either it works on rats physiologically but not people (pretty unlikely) or it perhaps has more to do with behavior, which is harder to study/control in people.

    People are so damn dismissive of everything. There are so many plants, etc. out there we haven't studied well yet, and isn't super obvious that different plants have different compounds that affect animals that eat them in both helpful and harmful ways??? So why not be open to the possibility that a recently studied natural extract could possibly affect the body in such a way to aid weight loss, either by changing metabolism or digestion or by changing the brain chemistry to induce healthier behavior?

    Dismissive because it doesn't work. All of these things say they work in combo w/ diet and exercise. It's the diet and exercise as to why the weight is lost. NOT because of some pill.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Personally, I love Carcinogen Cambodia, and all other weight loss gimmicks, because I can always count on at least one of these threads a day full of intelligent humans with clever gifs saying no, followed by an epic amount of butthurt coming from the poor souls who have been lobotomized by Dr. Oz.


  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    Try it if you want and who knows, it might do something or eat at a deficit you will lose weight for sure.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Do people really think Dr. Oz just pulls ideas out of his *kitten*?

    "The earliest research, conducted in the 1970s, into the antiobesity effects of HCA was conducted by Hoffmann-La Roche Pharmaceuticals. Studies have shown the ability of HCA to inhibit the actions of citrate cleavage enzyme, suppress fatty acid synthesis, increase hepatic glycogen synthesis, suppress food intake, increase energy expenditure, curb appetite, reduce plasmatic cholesterol levels, and inhibit fat synthesis from excess carbohydrate calories.2,3 The properties of Garcinia extract have been confirmed by clinical trials published in peer-reviewed literature." --Journal of the American Medical Association

    Most of the scholarly articles' abstracts I read suggest that it is safe in normal doses, but in extreme levels it both reduces body fat and is toxic to...testicles? Yep. The article is called "High dose of Garcinia cambogia is effective in suppressing fat accumulation in developing male Zucker obese rats, but highly toxic to the testis"

    If you're interested in a favorable summary, there's this one for an article called "An overview of the safety and efficacy of a novel, natural(-)-hydroxycitric acid extract (HCA-SX) for weight management." from The Journal of Medicine. Here's a link:

    So that's interesting. From the little lit review i just did, there is reason to think that garcinia cambogia has the potential to aid weight loss. Obviously more research needs to be done, it seems like the animal studies are showing results and the human studies are not, so either it works on rats physiologically but not people (pretty unlikely) or it perhaps has more to do with behavior, which is harder to study/control in people.

    People are so damn dismissive of everything. There are so many plants, etc. out there we haven't studied well yet, and isn't super obvious that different plants have different compounds that affect animals that eat them in both helpful and harmful ways??? So why not be open to the possibility that a recently studied natural extract could possibly affect the body in such a way to aid weight loss, either by changing metabolism or digestion or by changing the brain chemistry to induce healthier behavior?

    People want a magic pill, so they don't have to do the work. There is no magic pill. You still have to modify your habits by eating less and/or moving more. No need wasting money on something that hasn't been shown in humans to do anything.
  • Anything backed by Dr. Oz is crap. Don't even watch his show! you'll get sucked in and end up throwing your money away.

    I think all of these kinds of products, including raspberry ketones, work entirely on a placebo effect. You think it's working, you eat better and you lose weight. Thing is, it's the eating better that is causing the weight loss, not the pill.

    Eat properly, take your vitamins and omegas and exercise exercise exercise :-)
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    People want a magic pill, so they don't have to do the work. There is no magic pill. You still have to modify your habits by eating less and/or moving more. No need wasting money on something that hasn't been shown in humans to do anything.

  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
  • AmandaLY17
    AmandaLY17 Posts: 184 Member
    Do people really think Dr. Oz just pulls ideas out of his *kitten*?

    "The earliest research, conducted in the 1970s, into the antiobesity effects of HCA was conducted by Hoffmann-La Roche Pharmaceuticals. Studies have shown the ability of HCA to inhibit the actions of citrate cleavage enzyme, suppress fatty acid synthesis, increase hepatic glycogen synthesis, suppress food intake, increase energy expenditure, curb appetite, reduce plasmatic cholesterol levels, and inhibit fat synthesis from excess carbohydrate calories.2,3 The properties of Garcinia extract have been confirmed by clinical trials published in peer-reviewed literature." --Journal of the American Medical Association

    Most of the scholarly articles' abstracts I read suggest that it is safe in normal doses, but in extreme levels it both reduces body fat and is toxic to...testicles? Yep. The article is called "High dose of Garcinia cambogia is effective in suppressing fat accumulation in developing male Zucker obese rats, but highly toxic to the testis"

    If you're interested in a favorable summary, there's this one for an article called "An overview of the safety and efficacy of a novel, natural(-)-hydroxycitric acid extract (HCA-SX) for weight management." from The Journal of Medicine. Here's a link:

    So that's interesting. From the little lit review i just did, there is reason to think that garcinia cambogia has the potential to aid weight loss. Obviously more research needs to be done, it seems like the animal studies are showing results and the human studies are not, so either it works on rats physiologically but not people (pretty unlikely) or it perhaps has more to do with behavior, which is harder to study/control in people.

    People are so damn dismissive of everything. There are so many plants, etc. out there we haven't studied well yet, and isn't super obvious that different plants have different compounds that affect animals that eat them in both helpful and harmful ways??? So why not be open to the possibility that a recently studied natural extract could possibly affect the body in such a way to aid weight loss, either by changing metabolism or digestion or by changing the brain chemistry to induce healthier behavior?

    I read as far as the word cleavage and got sidetracked :love: :blushing:
  • samacooper
    samacooper Posts: 28 Member
    Aaaand, that's why right after I wrote all that I thought "wait....why did I even bother....?"

    LOL, I did have to go back and figure out where I quoted "cleavage".

    Nevermind everyone, carry on thinking whatever it is you already think! There is no such thing as anything that aids weight loss, consumption of natural chemical compounds has no effect on biological functions, a calorie is a calorie and thats that!!!
  • millsrobm
    millsrobm Posts: 62 Member
    Aaaand, that's why right after I wrote all that I thought "wait....why did I even bother....?"

    LOL, I did have to go back and figure out where I quoted "cleavage".

    Nevermind everyone, carry on thinking whatever it is you already think! There is no such thing as anything that aids weight loss, consumption of natural chemical compounds has no effect on biological functions, a calorie is a calorie and thats that!!!

    Hey! You finally get it!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Do people really think Dr. Oz just pulls ideas out of his *kitten*?

    "The earliest research, conducted in the 1970s, into the antiobesity effects of HCA was conducted by Hoffmann-La Roche Pharmaceuticals. Studies have shown the ability of HCA to inhibit the actions of citrate cleavage enzyme, suppress fatty acid synthesis, increase hepatic glycogen synthesis, suppress food intake, increase energy expenditure, curb appetite, reduce plasmatic cholesterol levels, and inhibit fat synthesis from excess carbohydrate calories.2,3 The properties of Garcinia extract have been confirmed by clinical trials published in peer-reviewed literature." --Journal of the American Medical Association

    Most of the scholarly articles' abstracts I read suggest that it is safe in normal doses, but in extreme levels it both reduces body fat and is toxic to...testicles? Yep. The article is called "High dose of Garcinia cambogia is effective in suppressing fat accumulation in developing male Zucker obese rats, but highly toxic to the testis"

    If you're interested in a favorable summary, there's this one for an article called "An overview of the safety and efficacy of a novel, natural(-)-hydroxycitric acid extract (HCA-SX) for weight management." from The Journal of Medicine. Here's a link:

    So that's interesting. From the little lit review i just did, there is reason to think that garcinia cambogia has the potential to aid weight loss. Obviously more research needs to be done, it seems like the animal studies are showing results and the human studies are not, so either it works on rats physiologically but not people (pretty unlikely) or it perhaps has more to do with behavior, which is harder to study/control in people.

    People are so damn dismissive of everything. There are so many plants, etc. out there we haven't studied well yet, and isn't super obvious that different plants have different compounds that affect animals that eat them in both helpful and harmful ways??? So why not be open to the possibility that a recently studied natural extract could possibly affect the body in such a way to aid weight loss, either by changing metabolism or digestion or by changing the brain chemistry to induce healthier behavior?

    Yes. It works for weight loss. In rats. Not in humans.

    So...if the OP is in Order Rodentia...Have at it.
  • monstergirl14
    monstergirl14 Posts: 345 Member
    It's funny how pretentious and downright miserable some people can be on these boards.
    Anyways, I take 3 garcinia pills a day. They're not a miracle weight loss pill by any means, but I'm not kidding when I say they're a fantastic hunger suppressant. The portions I eat have been reduced because I simply don't have the hunger for it.

    Now I'm going to leave the thread because I'm almost certain I will be attacked, as something similar has already happened earlier. If you have any questions for me, and maybe some positive words as this site sometimes lack, you can shoot me a personal message. :)
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    It's funny how pretentious and downright miserable some people can be on these boards.
    Anyways, I take 3 garcinia pills a day. They're not a miracle weight loss pill by any means, but I'm not kidding when I say they're a fantastic hunger suppressant. The portions I eat have been reduced because I simply don't have the hunger for it.

    Now I'm going to leave the thread because I'm almost certain I will be attacked, as something similar has already happened earlier. If you have any questions for me, and maybe some positive words as this site sometimes lack, you can shoot me a personal message. :)

    I'm glad (you think) that they're doing something for you (despite all of the scientific evidence to the contrary). Their (placebo) effect is clearly very strong.


    Have you been tested to see if some kind of Monsanto/GMO food has contaminated you with rat genes?
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    So, I should PM you to ask about the quality of your farts. Because that's one of the side effects that most users describe. And they sound epic.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Do people really think Dr. Oz just pulls ideas out of his *kitten*?

    Well, lets see.... Is he on t.v. daily Monday through Friday, on a t.v. season basis, so September through May or something like that? 9 months.... 36 weeks..... 180 shows? It's an hour show.... but with commercials.... still it is probably 45 minutes of time he has to fill. That's 8,100 minutes of material he has to have for the season. Do you think that possibly at some point, maybe after a couple of seasons, he might have to start pulling some ideas out of a dark unsanitary place?
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    You lost me at Dr. Oz..........

  • Mr_Wonderful
    Mr_Wonderful Posts: 1 Member
    I got garcinia cambogia once from drinking untreated water. Took about a week to recover.
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Aaaand, that's why right after I wrote all that I thought "wait....why did I even bother....?"

    LOL, I did have to go back and figure out where I quoted "cleavage".

    Nevermind everyone, carry on thinking whatever it is you already think! There is no such thing as anything that aids weight loss, consumption of natural chemical compounds has no effect on biological functions, a calorie is a calorie and thats that!!!

    For those that missed, it.

    Translation: I don't know what I'm saying. I'm just regurgitating marketing material.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Dr. Oz doesn't act alone. He has a billion dollar industry of unsubstantiated snake oil salespeople behind him.
