i dont like lifting :( no results



  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I hate lifting too, it's not fun for me. I still strength train because I know it's important, I just do yoga or pilates instead,

    is pilates considered strength training?

    I also HATE lifting...it's so boring to me to do the same repetitive motion over and over again. I prefer body weight exercises like pilates also. I started p90x3 about a month ago and like that wayyy better. It can also be argued that exercises like that are better for you because the movements target a variety of muscles versus just one with traditional weight

    ^^^Thank goodness! I thought I was the only one on this entire website that hates lifting! (I cannot remember ONE post where someone actually wrote that they hate to lift!) I lift because I like the results but I would rather do cardio until my eyes bleed than do even one rep!

    As for Pilates, it's supposed to build flexibility and strength in the major muscle groups (legs, abs, arms, hips and back).

    I did pilates before I started lifting and while I agree it's great for flexibility and I did gain some strength with it, I didn't get any results in terms of aesthetics until I started lifting.

    If OP really hates lifting when doing it properly, then she should do something else. But it sounds like she isn't following the program and is frustrated with her lack of results, so I still think she should try tweaking some things before she switches.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I hate lifting too

    I also HATE lifting

    I thought I was the only one on this entire website that hates lifting!

    Hate is a particularly strong word for something that one chooses to do, and perhaps suggests something more fundamental in the relationship with training.

    From a personal perspective I find lifting incredibly boring, and given that it's very "stop/ start" as one faffs around with plates I don't get into the same mental frame of mind that I do with a good run or ride. the other aspect for me is that it's an indoor activity, and I prefer my phys to be outside where I can get some fresh air.

    Notwithstanding all of that some form of resistance training is essential to help sports performance and mitigate injury risk when doing something more interesting.

    Regardless of all that I'd ask what the objectives are. without a hook to attach progress to it's meaningless. Is the originator doing Stronglifts to get botter at Stronglifts, to improve general conditioning and strength, for aesthetic purposes or as a complement to a primary sport?

    Personally I do some resistance training to help improve my running and cycling performance. With that in ind it becomes a question of what resistance programme helps to support my objectives and that I can fit into my lifestyle. Essentially my personal circumstances push me towards something that has the absolute minimum amount of kit, as I travel for work and my priority for kit has to be for running.

    The solution that works for me is bodyweight resistance, there are several programmes around. Yoga is good for flexibility but not really for strength training, although increasing strength allows for more advanced asanas to be adopted. Pilates has a lot of benefit for core stability and strength but it's not gong to hammer the surrounding build in the way that a more focussed resistance programme will.

    Main message, if one doesn't enjoy lifting then find some other way to do resistance training that fits in with ones interests and lifestyle.
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    ive been doing stonglifts for 3 1/2 months now and eating a slight deficit since i dont have much more to lose, and so far i hate lifting, and to top it off, i took a b4 and after pic AnD took measurments and nothing has changed! all i want is a flat belly :sad:
    Strong lifts isn't for loosing weight, it's for increasing that amount of weight you can lift. Once you start to increase, and add more Muscle, then that muscle will start to burn the calories.
  • tattygun
    tattygun Posts: 447 Member
    You aren't been true to yourself and trying hard enough, you need to put more weight on the bar, simple as. Please don't say it's heavy for you because my 11 year old daughter (and I'm not exaggerating) could move that weight. Hope you take this advice the right way, lifting can be a very empowering thing but you MUST lift with HEART!

    There's no way you can say this. You have no idea what the OP's abilities and impediments may be. Your advice, should she take it, may lead to an injury.

    So there's a very vague chance she has something genuinely holding her back, so for that reason lets *****foot around her rather than tell her the hard truths she needs to hear. I've seen it time and again in the gym, the bulk of people don't push, they simply spin the wheels and don't change and I bet you a pound to a penny she's one of them.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    You can have a beautiful body without lifting weights. I suppose it may depend on your age and genetics. I had a beautiful body as a young dancer. I danced intensively (to a degree most people would never do recreationally), did pilates and yoga exercises as warm up and for physiotherapy purposes. I got lots of cardio, biked, and was very active. I used some resistance training, but only as part of physiotherapy, so not heavy (this was also back in the early 90's). I didn't start heavier resistance training until I was in my twenties, and that was mostly things like glute kickbacks. And then I got tons of attention for my body still (7 months after having my two babies).

    I started weights in my mid thirties and I think the main benefit is that it is very effective for preventing muscle loss and pumping up muscles back to their youthful state as we tend to decrease in activity over time and eat more. And also prevents muscle loss when you are eating at a deficit.

    Lifting weights is incredibly affective. I am pleased with the results and with what is possible. But, everyone has different physique goals in terms of what they want to work towards.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    You aren't been true to yourself and trying hard enough, you need to put more weight on the bar, simple as. Please don't say it's heavy for you because my 11 year old daughter (and I'm not exaggerating) could move that weight. Hope you take this advice the right way, lifting can be a very empowering thing but you MUST lift with HEART!

    There's no way you can say this. You have no idea what the OP's abilities and impediments may be. Your advice, should she take it, may lead to an injury.

    So there's a very vague chance she has something genuinely holding her back, so for that reason lets *****foot around her rather than tell her the hard truths she needs to hear. I've seen it time and again in the gym, the bulk of people don't push, they simply spin the wheels and don't change and I bet you a pound to a penny she's one of them.

  • christinelast
    When I started out, I only startred with 5 pounds and did that for 2 weeks just to make sure my form was in check. I must have read the program wrong and didn't know I was supposed to add5 lbss to every workout. I am 115 pounds and am 5'0 for those who asked. I eat between 1300-1700 calories. My goal is to just have a flat belly since the rest of me is nice and firm, and I have a pooch belly. I know many say they have a pooch and its really nothing but mine is really " fatty". I wish I had a pick to show my body, but I don't at the momment. What can I do to get rid of this problem?
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    When I started out, I only startred with 5 pounds and did that for 2 weeks just to make sure my form was in check. I must have read the program wrong and didn't know I was supposed to add5 lbss to every workout. I am 115 pounds and am 5'0 for those who asked. I eat between 1300-1700 calories. My goal is to just have a flat belly since the rest of me is nice and firm, and I have a pooch belly. I know many say they have a pooch and its really nothing but mine is really " fatty". I wish I had a pick to show my body, but I don't at the momment. What can I do to get rid of this problem?

    Do you hate lifting because of the lack of progress or for itself? If the former, reread the program and follow it correctly. If the latter, find a different type of progressive loading strength training and do that.

    But the progressive loading (adding weight/difficult over time) is the part that yields results.

    How much protein are you getting? I'd aim for 95 grams for you.

    What has your weight done over the past 4 weeks?
  • christinelast
    I hate it for both reasons I guess but if I gotten results, id be happy and continue with it. I don't have to much protein so that could be it. In the past month I've lost. 1.5 pounds
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I hate it for both reasons I guess but if I gotten results, id be happy and continue with it. I don't have to much protein so that could be it. In the past month I've lost. 1.5 pounds

    Okay then your deficit seems pretty good. Increase your protein and try actually following the program. You will not get results if you don't progressively add weight to the bar.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    When I started out, I only startred with 5 pounds and did that for 2 weeks just to make sure my form was in check. I must have read the program wrong and didn't know I was supposed to add5 lbss to every workout. I am 115 pounds and am 5'0 for those who asked. I eat between 1300-1700 calories. My goal is to just have a flat belly since the rest of me is nice and firm, and I have a pooch belly. I know many say they have a pooch and its really nothing but mine is really " fatty". I wish I had a pick to show my body, but I don't at the momment. What can I do to get rid of this problem?

    Did you read the summary or the actual free pdf? I suggest reading/re-reading how to do SL 5x5 and follow the routine.
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    Something's missing here. I feel like the meat's for the cat.

    OP, what's your medical history, eating history, etc. etc.? With no pictures, no stats (other than CURRENT lifts...would like to know what you started out with), I feel like there's a key piece of information missing in all of this.

    I did Stronglifts 5x5; I progressed very slowly. It took me MAYBE the same amount of time as you to get OHP to even be the bar. Key? I have a history of anorexia, very little LBM compared to most people as a result, and I STILL wasn't eating enough while I was lifting.

    Otherwise, I'm not sure what's going on here.

    i am 4'11 and weigh 117 which i know i can go lower due to my height. i am now my goal and still hate the way i look. i should have started strength training from the beginning but i didnt know of its benefits until recently. is it too late for me to become leaner? i have a belly pooch that i loathe!!

    From 2/26. HAVE you been doing Stronglifts for three and a half months...?

    Quoting this because I think you may have hit on the problem.
  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    Something's missing here. I feel like the meat's for the cat.

    OP, what's your medical history, eating history, etc. etc.? With no pictures, no stats (other than CURRENT lifts...would like to know what you started out with), I feel like there's a key piece of information missing in all of this.

    I did Stronglifts 5x5; I progressed very slowly. It took me MAYBE the same amount of time as you to get OHP to even be the bar. Key? I have a history of anorexia, very little LBM compared to most people as a result, and I STILL wasn't eating enough while I was lifting.

    Otherwise, I'm not sure what's going on here.

    i am 4'11 and weigh 117 which i know i can go lower due to my height. i am now my goal and still hate the way i look. i should have started strength training from the beginning but i didnt know of its benefits until recently. is it too late for me to become leaner? i have a belly pooch that i loathe!!

    From 2/26. HAVE you been doing Stronglifts for three and a half months...?

    Quoting this because I think you may have hit on the problem.

    Not only is she not sure how long she's been doing StrongLifts, she doesn't seem to remember how tall she is.
    When I started out, I only startred with 5 pounds and did that for 2 weeks just to make sure my form was in check. I must have read the program wrong and didn't know I was supposed to add5 lbss to every workout. I am 115 pounds and am 5'0 for those who asked.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,220 Member
    How carefully are you measuring your food? Food scales for solids and measuring cups/spoons for liquids are pretty essential if you are running a small deficit since cumulative errors can easily add up and get rid of your deficit.

    Also, what calorie guide are you using? Are you using MFP and the eating back exercise calories. If so, the overestimation of calorie burn would also get rid of a small deficit very quickly.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    How carefully are you measuring your food? Food scales for solids and measuring cups/spoons for liquids are pretty essential if you are running a small deficit since cumulative errors can easily add up and get rid of your deficit.

    Also, what calorie guide are you using? Are you using MFP and the eating back exercise calories. If so, the overestimation of calorie burn would also get rid of a small deficit very quickly.

    She's lost 1.5 lbs over the past month so it seems like her deficit is on track (it could be a tiny bit bigger, but not much considering her weight) and it's the fact that she hasn't been doing the program correctly that is the issue.
  • MyPureSteez
    MyPureSteez Posts: 265 Member
    what are you eating?
  • Danieltenor
    Danieltenor Posts: 11 Member
    Stronglifts at a deficit sounds miserable. Maybe try eating +10% calories (as in maintenance+10%) on lifting days and -20% on rest days?


    He recommends Starting Strength (basically the same thing) not be done at a deficit, but you can at least use the site to figure out the basic idea of calorie cycling. I honestly can't see any other way to effectively do Stronglifts and maintain a net calorie deficit.

    Good luck!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Stronglifts at a deficit sounds miserable. Maybe try eating +10% calories (as in maintenance+10%) on lifting days and -20% on rest days?


    He recommends Starting Strength (basically the same thing) not be done at a deficit, but you can at least use the site to figure out the basic idea of calorie cycling. I honestly can't see any other way to effectively do Stronglifts and maintain a net calorie deficit.

    Good luck!

    There shouldn't be any problem doing stronglifts on a deficit. It's not going to give you any mass gains, beyond newbie gains, but you can still gain strength. And more importantly you can maintain your muscle while you lose fat, which is the main reason lifting at a deficit is encouraged here.
  • Maleficent0241
    Maleficent0241 Posts: 386 Member
    As others have mentioned, I'm wondering if you are really pushing yourself enough. Lifting is not always going to be comfortable, and while you shouldn't be in any serious pain (injury-type pain), some amount of muscle burn, etc. is par for the course. Working through a little bit of discomfort is necessary to progress.

    You also aren't going to spot reduce - it just simply doesn't exist. If you are wishing for lifting to fix your stomach alone, I think you may end up frustrated or disappointed.
  • aspired2lift
    aspired2lift Posts: 18 Member