Paleo vs. Clean eating?



  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Can't you eat 'clean' and be 'paleo'? It seems they have rather similar ideals, actually.
  • ldula88
    ldula88 Posts: 169 Member
    Can't you eat 'clean' and be 'paleo'? It seems they have rather similar ideals, actually.

    Paleos eat "clean," but not all "clean-eaters" eat Paleo, if that makes sense :)
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Cleaning eating threads always blow up with people arguing one way or the other.

    What works for me is eating whatever I want, but monitoring the total macros (protein, fat, and carbs) and calories to fit within my daily allowances and goals.

    wow do not want to start an argument lol...

    I pretty much been doing what you have been doing so far and had great success.. I just wanted to make an attempt to eat healthier..

    Unless you have a medical reason to restrict your diet, I would do exactly what you said - eat healthier. Swap out some packaged foods you rely on and make the recipe yourself using whole ingredients. Experiment with different foods and flavors outside your comfort zone. You don't have to start following a "label" diet in order to be healthy, and you're already successful in what you're doing. You may find as you do this that you enjoy cooking from scratch and using whole foods, and that's fine. You also may discover that some foods aren't worth the amount of time it would take to make from scratch, and that's fine, too.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Can't you eat 'clean' and be 'paleo'? It seems they have rather similar ideals, actually.

    Paleos eat "clean," but not all "clean-eaters" eat Paleo, if that makes sense :)

    That's about what I figured. Similar ideals, but of course clean eating is a wider category that can include just about everything.

    That said, neither appeals to me.
  • Anuwe28
    Anuwe28 Posts: 19
    First of all, Hi! Second, I need a support team so anyone can add me! Finally, I'm doing the Paleo diet. I find it a bit challenging because my culture usually eats lots of carbs like tortillas for example. I'm not too fond of any type of meat but I'm ok with chicken breast or fish. I love veggies so that's the easy part for me. Just make sure you cook all your food the correct way. I cook my fish in water and season with turmeric, black pepper, ginger and Italian herbs. I personally love squeezing fresh lemon or lime juice iver my fish or chicken and I also cook my carrots in water or whatever vegetable but it's best to not cook them at all so I suggest baby kale. I"m also doing the Raw Fit Protein Shakes and oh boy does that help! Anyways I'm here for you for support!
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I can't speak to Eat Clean as I don't really know about that program, but I eat Primal and love it. It's a more permissive version of Paleo -- essentially you can eat dairy if it agrees with you and you aim for at least 80/20 compliance. So if you want that occasional cookie or ice cream, go for it -- just try to stick with Primal/Paleo stuff the vast majority of the time. For me personally, I probably end up eating 95% versus 80%, but it's nice to just have that emphasis on progress rather than perfection.

    For me, this ends up being a combination of high quality protein (steak, chicken, pork, etc.), healthy fats (avocado, coconut oil, etc.), full-fat dairy (cheese, full-fat yogurt, etc.), veggies and fruits. To me, it's not restrictive at all. I don't eat grains, but I don't really miss them either or have good substitutes (like spaghetti squash for my vodka sauce rather than penne pasta or for curry rather than rice). It takes some adjustment in that regard, but once you get used to it, it's pretty darn easy. I still have a sweet tooth, but even that's been considerably reduced -- good dark chocolate tends to go a long way in that regard, or I'll whip up some panna cotta or creme brule from time to time.

    I also restrict my carbs too (80 g or less most days), which isn't a Paleo/Primal thing, but just how I feel better. After changing my diet, I learned I have a thyroid issue and insulin resistance, which is probably why I feel so particularly awesome on a carb restricted version of Primal. I know a lot of people have such experiences and I suspect that they probably had an undiagnosed condition or food sensitivity.

    I'm not sure why it gets so much grief on this website,but I couldn't recommend it more highly for overall health. Someone else recommended for info and I think there is a lot of good info on there.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    No, they would be the ones that have only occurred since we've started eating too much processed food full of additives, preservatives and junk food such as diabetes, heart disease, non-alcoholic cirrosis of the liver, bowel cancer and the like some of which are occurring in children and teenages and people under 40 so not because we are living longer as children have never had these diseases 50 or more years ago.
    I took bowel cancer as the first one I saw and googled for some details.
    Are you suggesting eating these foods has changed our genetics?
    Just to be clear; that table shows that if people with similar genetics to you get it, it means you're a lot more likely to get it.

    Or, just a thought; might it be modern medicine has improved to the point we understand the way a lot of ailments work, rather than it being 'the vapours' or something?

    Then, of course, people have been using various 'chemicals' to preservae food, 'additives' to enhance flavour and so on for thousands of years.

    Finally, a good explanation of what it is REALLY like to eat 'paelo' -‎
    Can't you eat 'clean' and be 'paleo'? It seems they have rather similar ideals, actually.
    Seeing that the best I seem to get from most 'Clean eaters' is "the stuff that I eat most of the time", yep 'Paelo' people can use that definition too, if they want.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I tried paleo for about 6 months because my wife had a gluten intolerance from a heart condition. Personally, i found the diet way to restrictive and costly, if you follow the book. Additionally, there were many restrictions of foods I personally loved. Due to all that, I found myself binging more often and preventing me from reaching my goals. I find when I eat bread, Chipotle Burritos and other stuff in moderation, i have done much better. My overall goal is making sure I hit my protein and fat goals or come close and then let the rest be carbs. I eat 2500 ish calories a day, and aim for 30-50g of fiber. I eat a lot of lean meats, fruits, veggies, and throw in breads and rices almost daily.

    Having said that, if something is working, it wouldn't be wise to switch. If you want to make some small substitutions of processed foods to whole foods (however it's defined) then it's great. Realistically, you should be looking to eat foods rich in nutrients; both from a macornutrient and micronutrient level.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    How about a moderate calorie deficit, with some attention paid to macro and micro nutrient content?
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    I tried paleo for about 6 months because my wife had a gluten intolerance from a heart condition. Personally, i found the diet way to restrictive and costly, if you follow the book. Additionally, there were many restrictions of foods I personally loved. Due to all that, I found myself binging more often and preventing me from reaching my goals. I find when I eat bread, Chipotle Burritos and other stuff in moderation, i have done much better. My overall goal is making sure I hit my protein and fat goals or come close and then let the rest be carbs. I eat 2500 ish calories a day, and aim for 30-50g of fiber. I eat a lot of lean meats, fruits, veggies, and throw in breads and rices almost daily.

    Having said that, if something is working, it wouldn't be wise to switch. If you want to make some small substitutions of processed foods to whole foods (however it's defined) then it's great. Realistically, you should be looking to eat foods rich in nutrients; both from a macornutrient and micronutrient level.

    It would certainly be sensible to cut or reduce foods containing processed carbs (grains, added sugar, certain starches) as these are the food that can increase inflammation and oxidation in the body.

    Personally I would suggest low carb high fat (including saturated fat, but excluding trans fats). Also a medium level of protein.

    You should be able to change your macros in to accommodate this healthier lifestyle diet!!!

    This style of diet should reduce your overall appetite so you will probably find you will not have to deal with the restriction of having to stop eating once you hit you calorie target when you are still hungry.
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    So I've been reading up on Paleo.. it looks pretty interesting? Do any of you do Paleo? or Eat Clean.. Im having a little bit trouble finding the true definition of Eating Clean.. Correct me if I'm wrong.. does it mean no processed food... as in nothing coming from a box? or is it something else?

    I'm hesitant to jump on the band wagon since i have a lot of stuff in my pantry but I'm really fascinated by it. Can anyone of you give me some insight or share your experience how you started or transitioned in to Paleo or Eating Clean

    Thank you

    I'm all for doing what interests you. If paleo or cleaner eating means you'll adhere or learn for the duration that you do it, then do it.

    I've picked and modified from many different approaches along the way to keep it interesting. I've taken a little of something from each be it as simple as a recipe or a new behavioural approach while fundamentally understanding that I need a deficit to lose weight. I had the thought at the beginning, given the plethora of diet books out there, I could just follow one per week and 100 books would equal 50kg :) Didn't happen but what I got from that thought was "keep it interesting". Drew the line at the lemon detox diet, diet pills, shakes and Atkins too (but that was because my MIL was on it and therefore has more to do with how I feel about her lol).

    Most of the time I find people who aspire to eat clean are really just looking for a way to get more nutritional value out of their calories. There's no harm in that sort of learning.

    The problem with ANY method is the belief it's the ONLY method which in my view makes the ride rather boring. But even that depends. Those at the extreme end of clean eating, for example, I find are people whose idea of clean eating closely aligns with their principles (environmental concerns, self sufficiency for starters) so based on others' context they can seem hardcore and rigid whereas in their world, it's perfect. It may be scientifically incorrect but their belief helps with adherence.

    What you end up with, whatever you choose, if you are flexible, is something tailored to you.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    So I've been reading up on Paleo.. it looks pretty interesting? Do any of you do Paleo? or Eat Clean.. Im having a little bit trouble finding the true definition of Eating Clean.. Correct me if I'm wrong.. does it mean no processed food... as in nothing coming from a box? or is it something else?

    I'm hesitant to jump on the band wagon since i have a lot of stuff in my pantry but I'm really fascinated by it. Can anyone of you give me some insight or share your experience how you started or transitioned in to Paleo or Eating Clean

    Thank you

    I'm all for doing what interests you. If paleo or cleaner eating means you'll adhere or learn for the duration that you do it, then do it.

    I've picked and modified from many different approaches along the way to keep it interesting. I've taken a little of something from each be it as simple as a recipe or a new behavioural approach while fundamentally understanding that I need a deficit to lose weight. I had the thought at the beginning, given the plethora of diet books out there, I could just follow one per week and 100 books would equal 50kg :) Didn't happen but what I got from that thought was "keep it interesting". Drew the line at the lemon detox diet, diet pills, shakes and Atkins too (but that was because my MIL was on it and therefore has more to do with how I feel about her lol).

    Most of the time I find people who aspire to eat clean are really just looking for a way to get more nutritional value out of their calories. There's no harm in that sort of learning.

    The problem with ANY method is the belief it's the ONLY method which in my view makes the ride rather boring. But even that depends. Those at the extreme end of clean eating, for example, I find are people whose idea of clean eating closely aligns with their principles (environmental concerns, self sufficiency for starters) so based on others' context they can seem hardcore and rigid whereas in their world, it's perfect. It may be scientifically incorrect but their belief helps with adherence.

    What you end up with, whatever you choose, if you are flexible, is something tailored to you.

    I agree wholeheartedly with this. It's what is going to work best for YOU that matters. There are many paths up the mountain. Some are the lucky ones and can choose any path to get to the tope. Others, for a variety of reasons, only have one or two ways that will work for them.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    How about a moderate calorie deficit, with some attention paid to macro and micro nutrient content?

    pfffff who needs that when you can put on a loin cloth, grab a spear, and go hunt down a wooly mammoth….?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I tried paleo for about 6 months because my wife had a gluten intolerance from a heart condition. Personally, i found the diet way to restrictive and costly, if you follow the book. Additionally, there were many restrictions of foods I personally loved. Due to all that, I found myself binging more often and preventing me from reaching my goals. I find when I eat bread, Chipotle Burritos and other stuff in moderation, i have done much better. My overall goal is making sure I hit my protein and fat goals or come close and then let the rest be carbs. I eat 2500 ish calories a day, and aim for 30-50g of fiber. I eat a lot of lean meats, fruits, veggies, and throw in breads and rices almost daily.

    Having said that, if something is working, it wouldn't be wise to switch. If you want to make some small substitutions of processed foods to whole foods (however it's defined) then it's great. Realistically, you should be looking to eat foods rich in nutrients; both from a macornutrient and micronutrient level.

    It would certainly be sensible to cut or reduce foods containing processed carbs (grains, added sugar, certain starches) as these are the food that can increase inflammation and oxidation in the body.

    Personally I would suggest low carb high fat (including saturated fat, but excluding trans fats). Also a medium level of protein.

    You should be able to change your macros in to accommodate this healthier lifestyle diet!!!

    This style of diet should reduce your overall appetite so you will probably find you will not have to deal with the restriction of having to stop eating once you hit you calorie target when you are still hungry.

    I can't do low carb for several reason. First, it comes down to restricting foods that I love such as rice and breads; restriction for me leads to binges. Second, I have intense workouts and when I don't average 200g of carbs a day, I feel lethargic and can't push as hard during my workouts (same thing also happens when I workout fasted).

    Like I mentioned, and you can look at my diary, my goal is eating protein and fats. I just so happen to eat 200 - 300g of carbs a day and constantly lose 1 lb a week. Also for the most part, I limit saturate fats based on some research I have done (such as the below).

    Honestly, I feel plenty full with the way I eat. And considering I lose weight, my cholesterol numbers are constantly declining, my HR is 70, bp is 110/70.. i honestly can't see a reason to change.

    Also, if you can provide some studies or information on the grains causing inflammation on healthy people without medical conditions (from a reputable source), I would love to read it and may take it into consideration.
  • Cheechos
    Cheechos Posts: 293
    Paleo/primal is nice if you have the cash for it. Grass fed meats and stuff are much more expensive than standard fare, but I did feel better and happier on it when I tried it for a short time. Removing a lot of sweets/processed carbs and stuff (which I assume is part of eating clean) also boosts mood and energy a bit. They're probably both fine if you're comfortable with making them a permanent fixture in your life.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I tried paleo for about 6 months because my wife had a gluten intolerance from a heart condition. Personally, i found the diet way to restrictive and costly, if you follow the book. Additionally, there were many restrictions of foods I personally loved. Due to all that, I found myself binging more often and preventing me from reaching my goals. I find when I eat bread, Chipotle Burritos and other stuff in moderation, i have done much better. My overall goal is making sure I hit my protein and fat goals or come close and then let the rest be carbs. I eat 2500 ish calories a day, and aim for 30-50g of fiber. I eat a lot of lean meats, fruits, veggies, and throw in breads and rices almost daily.

    Having said that, if something is working, it wouldn't be wise to switch. If you want to make some small substitutions of processed foods to whole foods (however it's defined) then it's great. Realistically, you should be looking to eat foods rich in nutrients; both from a macornutrient and micronutrient level.

    It would certainly be sensible to cut or reduce foods containing processed carbs (grains, added sugar, certain starches) as these are the food that can increase inflammation and oxidation in the body.

    Personally I would suggest low carb high fat (including saturated fat, but excluding trans fats). Also a medium level of protein.

    You should be able to change your macros in to accommodate this healthier lifestyle diet!!!

    This style of diet should reduce your overall appetite so you will probably find you will not have to deal with the restriction of having to stop eating once you hit you calorie target when you are still hungry.

    I can't do low carb for several reason. First, it comes down to restricting foods that I love such as rice and breads; restriction for me leads to binges. Second, I have intense workouts and when I don't average 200g of carbs a day, I feel lethargic and can't push as hard during my workouts (same thing also happens when I workout fasted).

    Like I mentioned, and you can look at my diary, my goal is eating protein and fats. I just so happen to eat 200 - 300g of carbs a day and constantly lose 1 lb a week. Also for the most part, I limit saturate fats based on some research I have done (such as the below).

    Honestly, I feel plenty full with the way I eat. And considering I lose weight, my cholesterol numbers are constantly declining, my HR is 70, bp is 110/70.. i honestly can't see a reason to change.

    Also, if you can provide some studies or information on the grains causing inflammation on healthy people without medical conditions (from a reputable source), I would love to read it and may take it into consideration.

    everything that psulemon said ..

    just eat 80% healthy and 20% whatever you want and restrict nothing ….that is what I do and I have hit 12% body fat….
  • Danieltenor
    Danieltenor Posts: 11 Member
  • sue_langley
    sue_langley Posts: 63 Member
    I eat Paleo/Primal, and I love it! I mostly eat this way because I enjoy how I feel without the processed foods and chemicals going into my system. I am not as strict as many Paleos, especially now that I've been eating this way for several months. For instance, most Paleos won't eat dairy or legumes. I eat both, which is why I'm really more in the Primal category. To me, Paleo is avoiding any chemicals and processed foods. (If it has a chemical or more than five ingredients, or if you can't pronounce any of them, it's probably a no-no). Likewise, any grains or gluten is pretty much off limits. This usually includes rice, etc, but it differs from person to person.

    I also eat moderately low carb, which many Paleos don't, because I tend to have an easier time losing weight on a higher fat/protein diet. Carbs just don't help me any, they really tend to make me want to binge, especially the grains/sugars. This is the real reason Paleo works so well for me, it naturally avoids my trigger foods! :) It's not really a lifestyle that's centered on losing weight, it's really all about finding what's healthy for your body. I count calories to lose my weight, but I'll be eating Paleo forever, even when I reach my goal. It's always worth giving Paleo a try if you are a fan of whole foods and lean protein, you'll really enjoy it. The first week or two is the hardest, but after that most people feel great. Hope you find what works for you!

    Yes I agree, try it, if you feel fantastic, more energy to work out, clearer thinking and an overall sense of well being then you will automatically want to continue. I suffered low energy and headaches all the time. Then I started to eat for my blood type O and I have not gone back. When I cheat I feel horrible again and it just confirms what works. Keep trying new things you will in time find what you can live with for good not just till you loose the weight. Enjoy the journey.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member

    I have a gif for that but sadly I think it will be deleted - all gifs 'in moderation' right.

    I think I have posted - a number of times - I am not anti calorie counting (it just is not for me) I understand it works for a lot of people and that's great.

    IIFYM is certainly one way of achieving your goal. If you are unable to cut back on your carbs and your happy and healthy with that then that's another way. If you want to eat low carb, high fat that again is another way.

    All and yes I will use the words ALL diets have restrictions - some cannot live with the restriction of cutting out certain foods and that's fine.

    I personally cannot live with the restriction of having to stop eating when I am still hungry, because have reached my calorie target for the day!!! Different horses for different courses.

    All diets require a sacrifice - you just chose the one that's easier to bear.

    Well I think I'm face palmed out for the evening.

    Night all.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator

    I have a gif for that but sadly I think it will be deleted - all gifs 'in moderation' right.

    I think I have posted - a number of times - I am not anti calorie counting (it just is not for me) I understand it works for a lot of people and that's great.

    IIFYM is certainly one way of achieving your goal. If you are unable to cut back on your carbs and your happy and healthy with that then that's another way. If you want to eat low carb, high fat that again is another way.

    All and yes I will use the words ALL diets have restrictions - some cannot live with the restriction of cutting out certain foods and that's fine.

    I personally cannot live with the restriction of having to stop eating when I am still hungry, because have reached my calorie target for the day!!! Different horses for different courses.

    All diets require a sacrifice - you just chose the one that's easier to bear.

    Well I think I'm face palmed out for the evening.

    Night all.
    Honestly, if you are hungry, you should eat even if that means going over. One day won't hurt. There are weeks I do not lose weight because it's more important to me to enjoy foods. For me, this is a long term goal, not a short term thing. For example, in two weeks we are having a going away party for a colleague of mine. It is going to be an all you can eat Korean buffet. I would be heart broken if I don't hit 10,000 calories. I am getting my moneys worth. It may be my only meal that day, but its soooo worth it.