Starting P90X 9-26-10!



  • brandip22
    Hi! Dh and I started p90x about 3 months ago and then let life get in the way. We keep saying we are going to start back. However, I have decided that I am going to start back TODAY- he can sit on the couch if he wants! lol- he won't, though! I think this time I want to try the lean plan, we did classic last time- we'll see, as long as I'm doing it, I don't care which plan. I am worried that I won't loose well. I know the first time, we did it for a month and I didn't loose. But, I wasn't tracking my food, so I am hoping that I was just eating too much. I started tracking today, so I can see where I am. I have a HRM somewhere, so I guess I need to find that to chart my calories burned. How much are you burning (to everyone)?

    And I'd love some friends since I am very new!
  • catiereed
    Hi, I just started P90X today, and would love to join the group. How do I join?
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Starting p90x tomorrow!!!! Got a bod Pod done today so I can have an accurate place to start from with my body fat. NOT GOOD 22%:blushing: I'm confident p90x will change that in a hurry. I've rescheduled a bod pod for 2 November. We'll see how phase one works??? :tongue:

    What is a bod pod?
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    I don't have a HRM and the problem is I am not even findin it in the place I live. Does anyone know how to log the workouts as?
  • Rappla88
    Rappla88 Posts: 185 Member
    Hi, I just started P90X today, and would love to join the group. How do I join?

    Welcome! Your in! I'll add you as a friend
  • Rappla88
    Rappla88 Posts: 185 Member
    Hi! Dh and I started p90x about 3 months ago and then let life get in the way. We keep saying we are going to start back. However, I have decided that I am going to start back TODAY- he can sit on the couch if he wants! lol- he won't, though! I think this time I want to try the lean plan, we did classic last time- we'll see, as long as I'm doing it, I don't care which plan. I am worried that I won't loose well. I know the first time, we did it for a month and I didn't loose. But, I wasn't tracking my food, so I am hoping that I was just eating too much. I started tracking today, so I can see where I am. I have a HRM somewhere, so I guess I need to find that to chart my calories burned. How much are you burning (to everyone)?

    And I'd love some friends since I am very new!

    Welcome and good luck on your 2nd try!!

    I'm in the middle of week 3 and I'm doing the classic version with my husband. I've been following the meal plans (we're doing the portion approach) and tracking my calories. I have had a couple days which I didnt, however that being said I'm down 2.6 pounds in just 2 1/2 weeks! For me that is unheard of!!! It usually takes me two weeks to lose 1 pound (I'm a very slow loser!) So I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing and see what the pay off will be in 90 days! Depending on the workout I'm burning between 350-650 calories.
  • cozzy530
    I am assuming the HRM is a Heart Rate Monitor. Look on Ebay and you can get one for about $50. Don't put too much stock in the calories burned as they are usually very high. Most of my work outs shows a calories burned around 700-1100 which I know is way to high. I am in month two of P90X doing it for the second time. I made it to day 75 when my Doc made me stop due to two bulgeing disks in my back. (man is sucks to get old). Two months off for PT and gained 14 of the 24 I lost. Now I am back at it and down 6lbs from my starting weight. As for logging the work outs I take what my HRM says and deduct 300-400 from the total. I am usually soaked in sweat and have worked out hard but a insanity workout burns around 800 calories a hour and Plyo is no where near insanity so I estimate aound 500 cal burned for a Plyo day. I have two friends doing insanity after finishing P90X and they refer the workouts as Plyometrics on Steriods,
  • cozzy530
    What is a bod pod?
    It is a fancy term for getting your body fat measured. There are many ways to do it and results will vary greatly by how it is done. I get it done twice a year as part of my job requirement and it varys by who takes it. Some people pinch the skin fold, (loose skin) others like to pinch internal organs. The most accurate way of having it done is through a fresh water tank. Fat floats, muscles sink. The most common method which is the most inaccurate is using Calipers which is prone to operator error. I have had my body fat jump from 16% to 22% on the same day depending on who is doing it. Here is the best method of keeping track. A leather belt, Yes a regular belt. I went from three holes from the end to the last hole and then bought a smaller belt and am in two hole on that. I went from a large shirt down to medium. I hope this helps
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    So I noticed this morning when I flex my arm muscles that there is definite definiation in my biceps!! I still have plenty of arm flab I need to get rid of but I think it's so cool you can actually see muscle there! :happy:

    Starting CadioX tonight, got a little off track this week but still going strong.
  • stormywxs
    stormywxs Posts: 254 Member
    Started p90x for the second time this morning. I forgot what a pullup wimp I am. Not going to reveal how many pullups I can do but at least I did better than my first attempt at p90x when I did zero unassisted pullups:blushing: At least I got on the board this time and I'm going to improve I know. Every journey begins with the first step and I took a baby step this morning. I'm confident my steps will get bigger as I progress. BRING IT:grumble:
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    You guys gotta be easier on yourselves. Very few people can do an un-assisted pull-up. Just keep trying.
  • ashiteru
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    It is a fancy term for getting your body fat measured. There are many ways to do it and results will vary greatly by how it is done. I get it done twice a year as part of my job requirement and it varys by who takes it. Some people pinch the skin fold, (loose skin) others like to pinch internal organs. The most accurate way of having it done is through a fresh water tank. Fat floats, muscles sink. The most common method which is the most inaccurate is using Calipers which is prone to operator error. I have had my body fat jump from 16% to 22% on the same day depending on who is doing it. Here is the best method of keeping track. A leather belt, Yes a regular belt. I went from three holes from the end to the last hole and then bought a smaller belt and am in two hole on that. I went from a large shirt down to medium. I hope this helps

    Oh ok, I use the skin caliper test. So far I've gone from 47% to 25%.
  • ShaneT99
    ShaneT99 Posts: 278 Member
    You guys gotta be easier on yourselves. Very few people can do an un-assisted pull-up. Just keep trying.

    No kidding. I'm a decently strong guy but at 255 I cannot yet do even one unassisted pullup. I can do 4-5 lat pulldowns with 210 pounds of weight though, so I know there's a place in the not-so-distant future where my strength and my body weight will find their happy meeting place.
  • ShaneT99
    ShaneT99 Posts: 278 Member
    Oh ok, I use the skin caliper test. So far I've gone from 47% to 25%.

    I use calipers, but I also take measurements and use those measurements to determine my body fat with both the YMCA formula and the US Navy formula. This website makes it easy:

    I then take the average of the three and use that as my number. As of 9/27 that number was 29%. I wish I knew what it was back when I weighed almost 350 pounds. Probably over 50% if I had to guess.
  • Rappla88
    Rappla88 Posts: 185 Member
    Middle of week 3 already!!! Gotta get motivated for yoga..... it's hard to get motivated for it...... it's my least favorite.... but I know it's soooo good for me!!!! My goal is to try and not fall over 10 times during it today... maybe only like 5!! 5 would be good!!!
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    I did not do my workouts for the past two days. Should I continue from my last workout or should I just do the scheduled workout for today? Your thoughts and advice are appreciated.

  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    Got up early this morning to do my Arms and Back routine with Ab Ripper. Glad to have it out of the way because I wouldn't of been able to do it tonight after work and school!

    How is everyone feeling? Notice any difference yet in your body?
  • sweettsoul
    sweettsoul Posts: 9 Member
    Okay guys, I've failed at completing P90X once before. I have to do it this time! I will be finished Christmas Eve! The only time I can really fit it in my schedule is early in the morning. So I'll get up extra early. I'm doing the LEAN schedule since I'm trying to shed my fat. Then if I can keep going, I'll do another schedule that's more for building muscle/toning. If any of you are going to start or have recently, I'd love to have you as a "friend" on here so we can support one another! THANKS! :)

    I started p90x around the same time im on day 8 i think i forget my husband is keeping track i have to do my work out at 4am only time i can fit them in
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    What is a bod pod?
    It is a fancy term for getting your body fat measured. There are many ways to do it and results will vary greatly by how it is done. I get it done twice a year as part of my job requirement and it varys by who takes it. Some people pinch the skin fold, (loose skin) others like to pinch internal organs. The most accurate way of having it done is through a fresh water tank. Fat floats, muscles sink. The most common method which is the most inaccurate is using Calipers which is prone to operator error. I have had my body fat jump from 16% to 22% on the same day depending on who is doing it. Here is the best method of keeping track. A leather belt, Yes a regular belt. I went from three holes from the end to the last hole and then bought a smaller belt and am in two hole on that. I went from a large shirt down to medium. I hope this helps
    Bod pod is NOT a fancy term, it's a fancy machine that measures body fat & is just as accurate as the water displacement method, and WAY more accurate than calipers.