How do people stay motivated to go to the gym



  • Natmarie73
    Natmarie73 Posts: 287 Member
    Motivation is overrated. It gets you through your first week, maybe your first month. That's it.

    If your goal is to be fit, going to the gym is your job. Treat it as such. Do you need to be motivated to go work? Of course not. You like getting paid so you go every day. If you like being in shape, going to the gym will be the same way.

    Great answer! I definately struggle with going to the gym - I HATE it with a passion! Going for a run or ride first thing in the morning or last thing at night or any time on weekends is no worries, but lifting heavy things = boooorrrriiiiinnnnnggggg. Ugh. I will try treating it like a job as you have suggested and hopefully I will be able to drag my ar$e there more than once a week or so :)
    I wish I liked swimming more so that could take care of the upper body while cycling took care of the lower body.
  • WillowThorn
    WillowThorn Posts: 37 Member
    Sometimes it is hard to get out the door. Find a fitness blog or something. Looking at that when you know you should go to the gym but are struggling to get yourself up will help. I'm always able to go after looking at a site like that for 10 or 15 minutes. Other times - just think about your goals and what you're working for.

    And most importantly, focus on the fact that you regret it when you don't go, and never when you do. You always end up feeling great after a workout!
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    I try to go before work. Or I invite a friend or two that I know has the same gym membership to meet me there. Then I know they are relying on me to get my butt there to meet them.
  • kendall916
    kendall916 Posts: 4,222 Member
    If I had money I'd go to the gym as well. When I exercise on my stationary bike I pop in a movie and watch while I'm working out ^^;
    If I was in the gym just give me a mp3 player with good music and a yoga class and I can be in the gym for 2 hours! lol
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    I go straight from the office -- no stopping at home! Pack your gym bag in the morning and you'll already be in the right frame of mind.


    I just tell myself my gym time is "me" time. Also, I give myself planned rest days - Mondays and Thursdays - and stick to it. If it's not a rest day, off to the gym I go!
  • dtimedwards
    dtimedwards Posts: 319 Member
    i want to eat my ice cream, chocolates and cake and still lose weight and fats

    Everybody at work is always saying, "Hey Dan, how come we always see you out running?"

  • hkristine1
    hkristine1 Posts: 950 Member
    I think there's a lot of good stuff in what people have written here (being "in shape" is a great motivation) BUT, I also find that having a gym buddy is SUPER helpful. I have a co-worker who I go to the gym with 2-3 times/week (we each go on our own a couple days each week as well, so we're not totally dependent on each other, but the times we go together are times I look forward to and give me the motivation to go, even on my own). There are days when I don't want to go, but she pushes me. There are other days when she doesn't want to go, but I push her. There are other days when we're both super motivated and it's great... thankfully, we haven't really run into days where neither of us is feeling very motivated - or at least we can fake it well enough to get there, and we're always glad we went.

    This need for external motivation (at times) is why sites like MFP are important - because when we lose our own motivation, we have some cheerleaders helping us to take one more step, make one more good choice, etc. Ultimately, of course, your own choices are what are going to make or break you, but sometimes, you need a cheer leader!

    As for the other things: I agree with what the others say - either get your work out in before work OR pack a bag and go straight from work without going home first. Also, the statement that when you go, you spend 2 hours there - maybe that standard is keeping you from wanting to go. It's better to go for 30 minutes than not go at all.. maybe tell yourself that you're going to go to the gym for X minutes every week, and then you can break it up how you want/what works for you. If I felt like I had to spend 2 hours at the gym if I went, I would NEVER go because finding a 2 hour block is really challenging for me. But, I go to the gym 4-5 times per week for 60-75 minutes each time.
  • dtimedwards
    dtimedwards Posts: 319 Member
    another thing that works really well:

    Start having fitness dates with a really hot girl. Then let her set some really stupid seemingly insurmountable goal for the two of you.Then when she bails on the training plan not even a week later, go ahead and stick with it just to show her how much better than her you are.

    Not that that ever happened to me or anything. Because if it did, I might be slightly bitter that I spent my whole winter outside freezing my *kitten* off alone training for a marathon. But I'm not... SHUT UP DON'T JUDGE ME.
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    just go there. once you are there you will work out. the hardest part is getting out the door.

    and just for the controversy, and i say this with absolutely no research other than what people say, but part of the problem may be that you joined planet fitness

    *puts on flame suit :D
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    Hatred and vanity.

    Working out is mind-numbingly boring, so I need to be royally p!$$ed 0ff to increase power and intensity.

    But, I feel great and at peace afterwards.
  • at_night_bookstore
    at_night_bookstore Posts: 249 Member
    visual progress and boredem...
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I do things that I enjoy, so 'motivation' is not an issue.
    This. I look forward to it and on the rare days I don't "feel" like it I am already dressed ahead of time. l work nights and get off at 7AM. The place where I work, doesn't have a strict dress code, so on planned workout days I simply head into work wearing my gym clothes and head straight to the gym when I get off work in the morning.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    1. By doing what I enjoy

    2. By challenging myself - each time I push out an extra rep or lift more weight I know I am progressing.

    3. By seeing the results and wanting more.

    (4. Cake)
  • HaibaneReki
    HaibaneReki Posts: 373 Member
    Invest in some gear (not gym membership). Just ordered a pair of kettlebells (10+16kg) and am gonna use the hell out of them.

    it's ripping time! :devil:
  • JaysWays
    JaysWays Posts: 77 Member
    Sometimes the gym gets old though. Its nice to have that motivation around you seeing people sweat. Your not alone! I have been a fitness freak for along time. I get bored to easily. I change it up. I go to the gym. I do love all the Beach body Programs too! Your treadmill, and weights don't say "hey mike your doing a great job. " We all cant afford personal trainers. I think we all would have six packs if we could. Check out the Beachbody programs, Chalene Johnson and Shaun T are great motivators. To keep pushing you and going. Sometimes you need that, someone telling you that your doing a good job! I love helping people reach there fitness goals, or if you need motivation any advice message me! I just signed up to be a Beachbody coach. I cant wait to help others and teach them about the programs. Even if your not interested in the programs shoot me and email My advice is free, because I care and want to help others. ;-) Hope I helped!
    facebook page Jaysways2BHealthy check it out!

    Good luck with your fitness journey! Keep going and stay strong<3
  • jamesisaac108
    Like some of the people have said find an exercise that you love. And yes, it is possible. Try as many as you need and don't assume you will hate something before you even try it.

    All I need to be happy these days is a trail and a playlist. Doing my first marathon in October, God willing!
  • Shawshankcan
    Shawshankcan Posts: 900 Member
    People do what they want to do...What's important to them. And you just can't fake it for long.

    When you're motivated toward a goal, you will be drawn to things that help you get there. So when fitness or weight loss are sufficiently strong goals for you, going to the gym will feel like a treat.


    I have a strongman competition coming up in 10 weeks. I want to do well and place which means I need to train hard and eat well. Some days it is hard to hold back and not go to the gym. If I get away from my plan, I can't recover enough for the next training day.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Motivation is highly overrated. Not only that, it is pretty fickle - comes and goes.

    Start doing something you enjoy and keep doing it until it's a habit. Habits are what keep you going.
  • PrairieRunner2015
    PrairieRunner2015 Posts: 126 Member
    All I have to think about is how my dads' health has been in decline over the past 10 years due to him not eating properly, nor exercising for most of his life. His body is shutting down, he spends almost as much time in a hospital as he does at home, and he is miserable. I know we will all die of something, someday....but this is not how I wish to go out, and the gym is a big part of this not happening.