How do people stay motivated to go to the gym



  • gwenlindsay
    gwenlindsay Posts: 76 Member
    I go to the gym before I go to work because if I don't , I won't go at all. I get my workout on at 5am and is done for the. I feel better because when I work out in the AM it gives me engery to make it though the day
  • mitchiejo
    mitchiejo Posts: 179 Member
    Try going first thing in the morning that way it's done and out of the way. Plus I love how I feel all day after I've worked out early.
  • cassylee
    cassylee Posts: 107 Member
    I go straight from the office -- no stopping at home! Pack your gym bag in the morning and you'll already be in the right frame of mind.

    I do this plus go with a friend and I do classes. I think that you have to ask yourself - What do you like doing? Maybe it is walking or running? You don't need memberships for those. You just need to get up 1 hour earlier.

    Once you start liking doing the thing you likes then you will have the motivation to go.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    As for motivation, I keep a picture of myself at 29, fit, healthy, tan, happy. I workout to get back to that after nearly 20 years of not taking care of my body.

    That said, I have two strategies for gym time. I prefer to do cardio in the morning, so I do that before work. SInce I like lifting in the afternoon, I do it during a "lunch hour," which I take around 2pm. If I needed it, I'd ask my boss if I could stay 30 minutes later and take a 90 minute "lunch" for the days I'll lift.

    On a final note, you don't need 2 hours in the gym. A good program will have you in and out in less than an hour per workout.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    I promise myself a nice big ice cream sundae if I work really hard. Works a treat!!!
  • Rak0ribz
    Rak0ribz Posts: 177 Member
    Routine, plain and simple.

    At least, that's what's worked for me. I picked out a gym (the Y) that's more-or-less on my way to work, and stop off there 3x/week before I head in. Means I have to get up early, but that's no big thing.
  • Mauthos
    Mauthos Posts: 128 Member
    My health was motivation for me, having moved onto insulin for my diabetes I realised I needed to sort myself out diet and exercise wise.

    I started off just doing body weight exercises at home and lost 18kg and after 1 year on insulin my specialist took me off of it and I realised how important exercise was to me. With that I joined a gym, this was only 8 weeks ago and have been 6 days a week ever since. Now it is just a habit, part of my normal routine, my bag is packed first thing in the morning and I head out as soon as I get in from work. And I miss it when I can't go (normally make up for it somehow).

    If I don't go, I feel guilty and I also tell myself that it is only for approximately an hour (I do mainly 20 mins cardio as a warmup and then between 45 and 60 mins of weights), it's barely any time in the full scheme of things. I also enjoy the way it makes me feel and the way my body shape has changed and without doubt, the health benefits, especially as I have been told to reduce my tablets too, so hopefully after 10 years of diabetes I am hoping I will soon be diet and exercise controlled. Definitely enough motivation to keep me going.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    No motivation; it's work towards a specific goal. If you have a goal, you have a REASON and won't need motivation.
  • tomwatso
    tomwatso Posts: 1,304 Member
    I suffer from Hypothyroidism and my motivation is staying healthy. I went fro 23% body fat to 10% body fat. I like the look. I feel so much better. The body I see in the mirror is my motivation.
  • LCSoulkat
    LCSoulkat Posts: 89 Member
    You have to do it for yourself but the question remains....DO YOU REALLY WANT TO??

    I struggled with weight all my life until the day I said..ENOUGH! I saw my son go from 315 pounds to 175 and toned his whole body...I was really happy for him and as much as he tried to have me follow his eating habits and join a gym, I kept pushing him off until THAT DAY when I decided...ENOUGH.

    I about one year of watching my calorie intake and going to the gym, right after work, I lost 63 pounds then I went anal and thought I didn't need to check my daily calories intake but I still kept going to the gym and worked hard and put on some muscle...I re-gained 15 pounds and I need to go back to the basics in watching what I eat...this is a lifestyle change and u can't get off it or chances are, you will fail again.

    P.S. I was terrified of stepping into a gym cuz I thought it was full of bodybuilders who would look at me and laugh but man, was I ever wrong...People are nice and know exactly what you're going through and offer their help and guidance...Now I tell myself..I wish I had started this TEARS ago.

    Therefore, u must take the decision of YEs, I WANT TO and JUST DO IT =))

    Once u see results, u will keep on going cuz YOU will feel Better.
  • bethcondon
    bethcondon Posts: 12 Member
    I'm so lucky that we just moved to an apartment complex that has a nice little gym just a 5 min walk away. It's the first time I've been able to keep going to the gym consistently, pretty much every day. I do treat it as my job and part of my routine now. I have better luck in the morning - the kids get dropped off at school by their dad on his way to work, then I have my "me time" and I usually get to work on the later side (9am), but I have a flexible schedule, and it is worth it to me. I need to exercise to help my mood and concentration (I am a PhD student, teach classes, and a busy mom). I go before I shower - from pajamas straight into gym clothes as soon as I wake up. If I start my day, I am less likely to go - there always seems like something better to do. After work is too busy for us with the kids' activities, making dinner, etc.

    At the gym we used to belong to, I used to love going to classes because there was a set time and I had to make it to the gym by that time (it felt like an appointment). But then I found that if I was running late, I would just skip the gym if I missed the class. Now since we have the gym so close by, I really don't have an excuse. If I skip it in the morning, I make myself go after the kids are in bed. I love logging it and seeing the calories taken off my total on MFP.

    Good luck!
  • Of_Monsters_and_Meat
    Of_Monsters_and_Meat Posts: 1,022 Member
    I am new here and a male and bought a gym membership to planet fitness

    There is your problem. I'm extremely motivated to go to the gym each and every time. I wish I could go more! I have a membership at a smaller gym with free weights and a squat rack. I have a personal trainer who is pretty good. I am working on the main compound lifts and every time I go I shoot for a personal best. The gym has not become a chore, it has become a life goal.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    Simple. The gym is my me time, and it's also the only place where I can drop my game face and allow myself to express my feelings. These days, I'm sure it looks like I'm on the verge of crying most days at the gym, but by the time I'm finished my workout, I feel a lot better.

    I'm always working on something. Either deloaded and refining form, or pushing towards a new max. I love lifting, and always look forward to being at the gym doing it.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Honestly? I don't.

    There are plenty of mornings when it's the last thing on Earth I want to do.

    On those mornings I remember my long term goals, and remember that if I want to achieve them, I have to put in the work. I remember that nothing comes for free, and that the only person I'm cheating by skipping the gym is myself. I remember that if I quit now, I may as well have not bothered with anything that came before. I remember that good reasons to skip the gym become bad reasons, and that bad reasons become excuses. I remember that my old habits are just a lapse of discipline away. I remember that fat-me is always watching and waiting for his come-back tour.

    Then I get my sorry, lazy, self-pitying *kitten* out of bed, and go anyway. And on those days in particular, I fcuking kill it.
  • themelmac
    themelmac Posts: 59 Member
    When I finally do get to the gym, I am there for like 2 hours or more. My problem is just trying to get there. Anyone struggle with this?


    Maybe try breaking up your gym time? 2 hours is a long time - maybe break it into 1 hour increments or develop a "quick" workout you can do. I have to say that I too would feel unmotivated to go if I left work at 6pm and didn't come home until after 8pm.

    Start small.
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    Definitely don't stop at home--I'd never get back out either.

    This is actually why I work out in the morning when my only excuse is that I'm tired. After work, I can use the excuse that I'm tired as well as have to run an errand, working late, plans come up, etc. So many things could stop me from going in the evening. I'm not a morning person, but I do love getting my workout done first thing.

    Staying motivated? I do like the gym once I'm there. (Mine is super-comfy and relaxed too.) I also like seeing progress in my abilities. Most of all, I think it's that I know I need to keep going in order to continue to look and feel as I do. So it's worth it. Maybe this perspective will come with a bit more time for you.
  • lovekohl
    lovekohl Posts: 111 Member
    I do things that I enjoy, so 'motivation' is not an issue.

    This. That's why I started swimming again. I knew it was the only thing that would motivate me to get out of bed and go to the gym. I also do gym workouts before work.
  • jclist1
    jclist1 Posts: 87 Member
    Before work is the way to I do it. I would have a harder time getting there after work as well, but going first thing in he morning has become part of my routine.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Motivation is highly overrated. Not only that, it is pretty fickle - comes and goes.

    Start doing something you enjoy and keep doing it until it's a habit. Habits are what keep you going.

    Well said
  • scottjoh
    scottjoh Posts: 77 Member
    I treat my gym time as a second job and someplace tha I have to go 5 times a week. I have lost quite a lot of weight and it worries me to death that if I don't go to the gym when I'm supposed to, then I'll put the weight back on and all the effort will be wasted. I also becomes easier if you have someone to go with you. My wife goes with me and we motivate each other when the other doesn't feel like going. Having people compliment you on how great you look is also another motivation.