How do people stay motivated to go to the gym



  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Not every workout will be amazing- some will suck- actually a lot will suck.

    Um yeah. That's something everyone needs to keep in mind. Whether it's your third, tenth or hundredth time at the gym, you will still have days that suck for working out. You just go though. Don't think about it. Just do it.

    I find I have better long term success if I have more workouts that don't suck than those that do. But kudos to you guys who don't need motivation to outlast the sustained suck, though.
  • spara0038
    spara0038 Posts: 226 Member
    1. Packing workout clothes before work and changing at work on my way out.

    2. Keeping my "wakeup call" picture posted in my house.

    3. ... along with pictures of WHY I want to lose weight (positive motivation)

    4. Finally, I'm a cheapskate. My gym costs $40/month, and only going once or twice a month makes each visit expensive. If I go 20 times in a month (about 5x/week), then it makes each visit only $2. Going once a week (about 4x/month) raises the price per visit to $10!! Would you pay $10 for a gym visit? It doesn't work for everyone, but again, I'm cheap lol
  • laureneliset
    laureneliset Posts: 50 Member
    This won't work for everyone but I bit the bullet and raided my savings to pay upfront for 20 personal training sessions with someone who was recommended as a good trainer.

    He turned the way I approached exercise on its head. I used to spend 90 mins in the gym (one hour cardio machines, 20 minutes strength, 10 mins stretching). I now spend max 30 minutes there (HIIT) on top of two 60 minute heavy weights sessions with my trainer.

    I'm not going to lie, for the first 2 months I still had that "do I HAVE to go to the gym" feeling at the end of the work day, but if I cancelled at the last minute I'd lose the money I spent on that training session, which was motivation in itself to go. After 2 months I started to really enjoy what I was doing, so I found myself looking forward to going to the gym.

    Now - I love going to the gym and there's my motivation right there.
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    If I had the money to pay for a gym membership, that would be all the motivation I'd need. I wouldn't be able to pay for something and not use it. I hate throwing money away.

    ^^^This, plus it gets me away from my nagging kids for an hour. Don't get me wrong, I love them to death but c'mon...enough is enough somedays.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I do things that I enjoy, so 'motivation' is not an issue.

    This! Going to the gym is my favorite part of my day (well, I say "gym" loosely because I go to CrossFit, a gym to swim and also do yoga once or twice per week at a study I really like). I lift, swim and do yoga at the gym. Occasionally I use the treadmill, but I don't do a lot on the cardio machines. When I was doing Couch 2 5K on the treadmill, I loved working on my progress. Right now I am doing Wendler series on several of my lifts. I think if you choose progressive programs you can do while at the gym, it helps keep you motivated.

    I was always one of these people who went late at night when I worked a day job. I loved being there when it was less crowded and since I only live about 8 blocks from my gym, it really wasn't a pain. I feel better at the gym if I've eaten first, so I always ate dinner and then went.

    Another tip: Get rid of your TV. If you are watching TV, you have time to go to the gym.
  • mochapygmy
    mochapygmy Posts: 2,123 Member
    At the beginning I had to set a gym schedule. Not just knowing when I was going but what I was doing at the gym. M/W/F I go to a strength training class and T/Th/Sa I run. That's my plan and I stick with it. Before when my plan was this week I'll do 3 running days and 2 classes and a day of yoga at home I would waffle around and miss a lot of workouts since I didn't have a firm plan. It took a while for me to find the strength training classes I liked and get committed to this plan but now the plan is set in stone.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Not every workout will be amazing- some will suck- actually a lot will suck.

    Um yeah. That's something everyone needs to keep in mind. Whether it's your third, tenth or hundredth time at the gym, you will still have days that suck for working out. You just go though. Don't think about it. Just do it.

    I find I have better long term success if I have more workouts that don't suck than those that do. But kudos to you guys who don't need motivation to outlast the sustained suck, though.

    you learn to love it.

    and you have a long term goal to press to. It's very helpful.
  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    I try to go right after work if I can. Paying $43 a month motivates me to go 2-3 times a week or more also. I feel better when I go and workout. Somedays I don't wanna go but once I get there and workout I feel so much better!!
    You have to make it a priority in your life!
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    I pay money to go to the gym, that is all the motivation I need.

    I really like my money, so I am not going to waste it!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Not every workout will be amazing- some will suck- actually a lot will suck.

    Um yeah. That's something everyone needs to keep in mind. Whether it's your third, tenth or hundredth time at the gym, you will still have days that suck for working out. You just go though. Don't think about it. Just do it.

    I find I have better long term success if I have more workouts that don't suck than those that do. But kudos to you guys who don't need motivation to outlast the sustained suck, though.

    you learn to love it.

    and you have a long term goal to press to. It's very helpful.
    Yep. Goals are important. They keep you moving forward even when you don't want to go.
  • margannmks
    margannmks Posts: 424 Member
    0227141620_zps8wawcpw.jpg this
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    No motivation necessary really...I like hitting the weight room and I like riding my bike, swimming, hiking, and all manner of other is a huge part of my life as I like being a healthy and fit individual. I do things I enjoy doing and forgo those things that I do not enjoy for the most part.

    Maybe early on there was some motivation needed to get off my *kitten*...but once I started reaping the benefits of my fitness, I was pretty much hooked.

    There are days when I'm definitely not feeling it and I have a decision to make...if I really feel like I need a breather I take one...If I'm just being lazy I suck it up. I also make sure to get at least one if not two rest days per week. It's just like work or anything else you need time off...making rest a part of your fitness regimen will help decrease the chance for burnout.
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    planning ... discipline... logging progress.. goals...

    heres how to fail:

    Go in there and F around for an hour with no clue what your end game is or how you're gonna get there

    Knowledge is power

    Also, having a plan makes ya feel less worthless. While you may be far behind others, you know your plan and you know its solid. You'll make consistent progress and leave people in the dust that once intimidated you.

    When I walk in the gym it feels like I;m alone no matter how many people are there (its usally packed). Why? Cuz I know exactly what I'm there to do.
  • runforestrun35
    runforestrun35 Posts: 480 Member
    I like to go right after work, going if you don't feel like it will help get you in the habit of not making excuses!!!
  • lilredhead314
    lilredhead314 Posts: 52 Member
    My gym is next door to my office, so I go straight from work to the gym. No excuses that way!
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    Go before work. Wake up 2 hours earlier, and get everything ready. Do it before your mind realizes what you're doing... Lolz. By the time you're "awake," you'll already be at Planet Fitness. Lolz.
  • aka_Kamalevantis
    I guess I'm lucky (in some ways) because I work evenings, so I get up in a morning, do some housework and then I walk down to the gym; I go to the gym Monday to Friday and I go walking with my husband at weekends.

    Motivation isn't the reason I go to the gym, enjoyment is the reason, and the fact that every time I get on the scales and the numbers go down, every time I put on my clothes and they fit better or have got to big, I just feel amazing (tired sometimes amittedly) every time I walk out of the gym.....
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    I don't have a gym membership - I have a home gym.

    But - I belonged to gyms for many, many years.

    I always loved going - I love the discipline of it all.

    About 12 years ago - after I had my daughter - it got more and more difficult to find the time to go (I have an hour plus commute to and from work).

    So - I started to build a gym. First I got a Universal weight machine and a weight set - then I got a treadmill - then came a recumbent seat bike - and an elliptical.

    I LOVE my home gym - when I get home from work the first thing I do (after I feed my cat) is change my clothes and work out). After my long commute, I find it's the BEST stress buster. The weight lifting especially has helped me keep my weight consistent.

    My husband is very 'handy ' when my machines need maintenance - he does it (he's fixed my treadmill twice).

    And - the best thing is - after my horrible commute - I don't have to go anywhere else to work out - HOME is the last stop!
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    My gym is in my basement and I've spend a lot of money on all the equipment. Darn right I have to stay motivated!
  • toronto_j
    toronto_j Posts: 206 Member
    Why do you go home first? I know the moment my *kitten* is on the couch, I'm down for the count.

    For me, the gym and working out are just part of my life now. I do two nights with a trainer who requires 24 hours notice for cancellation...the only times I missed sessions were due to an injury and a delayed flight. On top of that, I schedule my workout week by looking at what classes are available. I mix it up to try new things and keep me interested. I also feel a need to work out because it allows me to eat a little more that day...also I feel less guilt (a useless emotion) when I overindulge a bit. And I've regretted the workouts I didn't do but never the ones I did do! I don't necessarily love exercise but I feel so much better for having done it and I'm building towards my weight loss and fitness goals little by little.