How do you feel about a once a week "cheat day" ?



  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    I have been "cheating" every Saturday and Sunday for the past 12 weeks and have lost ~20 lbs.

    I log everything I eat, no matter how high my red numbers go. Having a weekend splurge to look forward to keeps me focused for the rest of the week. I don't look at Monday morning as "starting over" because I never stopped. Being relaxed about your calories at certain times is what's going to keep you on the right path in the long run.

    I "deserve" to be in shape, and I had white castles last weekend. I also busted my *kitten* lifting weights on Saturday night and doing HIIT on Sunday morning.

    This doesn't work for everyone. Neither does "fitting whatever I want into my goals", neither does restricting EVERYTHING you like.... Everyone is different. If it works for you, then go for it.
  • LosingItForGood13
    LosingItForGood13 Posts: 182 Member
    A cheat day Is needed and will keep u sane and from not stressing out so much on your weight loss journey
  • ktkdmommy
    ktkdmommy Posts: 95 Member
    I think everyone deserves a cheat day, especially if you are good all week. I still track my cheat days bc I don't want to just go crazy with my calories on my cheat day where is effects the good progress I have had all week. my daily goal is 1700 calories so on my cheat day I will try to stay between 2000-2100. but I don't watch fat/sugar as much that day.
  • YalithKBK
    YalithKBK Posts: 317 Member
    I actually do a cheat day. Saturdays are usually my cheat day. I go out with friends or stay home and eat junk. I just make sure to never get any junk food that will lead to leftovers for the next day. For example I get a small/individual pizza so that I don't have pizza laying around the next day or, if I want chips, I buy the little snack bags instead of the big ones. If I have a craving for something junky during the week, I make a note and save it for my cheat day. I still log everything though. I really haven't had a problem with this because it gives me an outlet every week. I have a bigger problem with never allowing myself anything at all.

    Another thing you can do is a compromise treat. If you're really craving ice cream, try a frozen yogurt instead. Or have a pizza, but look for/make a lower-calorie version. Eat baked chips instead of fried. These things aren't healthy, but they are not as bad for you as their more fattening counterparts.

    I also agree with what people say here: Do what works for you!
  • Libertysfate
    Libertysfate Posts: 452 Member
    Every once in a while it's good to cheat a little so you don't end up binging.
  • rosalindat2411
    rosalindat2411 Posts: 4 Member
    I am 43 years young, lol and I do allow myself a cheat day once a week and the reason I do that is because I'm in the gym everyday 6 days a week for 1 hour to 1 hour and a half (Eliptical and treadmill for cardio). I'm also doing a 30 day challenge for my arms/back/chest/shoulders. I do that on my 30 minute lunch break at work since my work has a workout facility inside. I am very disciplined and know how to have a normal cheat day. So you do what's comfortable for you. Hope that helps.
  • an0nemus
    an0nemus Posts: 149 Member
    I really have two thoughts on this.

    (and in full disclosure I tend to do a 1 cheat meal every other week, and that's on my weigh in day).

    If you keep it 'sane' its not a problem.


    I tend to abuse food like alcoholics abuse alcohol. At times that cheat meal has turned into a cheat day.

    Suffice it to say, do alcoholics stay sober by having a cheat day?

    (I'm not saying you're that bad, I'm talking in general)
  • WaKay
    WaKay Posts: 314
    unfortunately it usually ends in a cheat week, followed by cheat month, and cheat life...
  • sunshine45356
    sunshine45356 Posts: 78 Member
    Cheat meal, not day!:wink:
  • jadethief
    jadethief Posts: 266 Member

    When she's talking about a "cheat day" or "treat day" or whatever you want to call it, it's not about gorging herself with soda, cake, processed cheese, cheetos etc. We grew up in a culinary family (and still are!) and perhaps we still want to enjoy rich delicious cheese, yummy red wine, dark chocolate panna cotta, prosciutto and figs, neapolitan pizza, local restaurants and wineries etc. Having a meal that would be a "treat" one day a week and going over our calorie goal, does NOT mean we're stuffing ourselves to the brim with cake and chemicals.

    I so want to come to your house when you are having a cheat day. Sounds delicious!

    Tora Chan - There are no "good" or "bad" foods. . . . .there is just food.
  • bonestm
    bonestm Posts: 28 Member
    Awwhh Hell!... I have a cheat treat sometimes almost everyday, I just work it into my calorie goal. My favorite is a McDonalds or Burger King SoftServe cone... Only 170 cal.

    My modo is don't deprive yourself, just make sure you don't go over your calories. That way you don't need a cheat day, you eat what you want when you want just not as much as you want. It's a life style not a diet and what kinda crappy life style would be without the stuff you like to eat once in a while.
  • stefaniemazz
    stefaniemazz Posts: 179 Member
    I have a cheat day.

    I eat low for the week and on Saturday I eat anywhere from 3500-4500 calories.

    I use this day to go out for dinner with my boyfriend, eat fast food for lunch and eat some chips while i'm watching a movie.
    And during the week I eat what I want as well, I eat mostly healthy but if I want a cookie, I will have a cookie.

    Example, my TDEE- 20% is 1600 calories, I eat about 1000 NET Monday-Thursday and Sunday and about 4500 calories on Saturday.

    This works for me.
  • Harmlesss
    I don't believe in cheat days.. cheat days can lead to seriously killing your week.
    However, I do believe in cheat meals. However, I typically only go over about 200-400 calories with that 1 meal for the entire day.
    Then, it's easy for me to divvy out the "damage" to the next couple of days (taking off ~100-200 calories from my daily use allowance)

    I typically only do this every 2 weeks.
  • DoctorMcCoy10
    DoctorMcCoy10 Posts: 101 Member
    I dont believe in cheat days. If you need a cheat day to feel "sane", then you dont deserve to be in shape.

    Even the name of it ("cheat" day) implies that its wrong to do. You know the foods you usually eat on your cheat day are bad for you and your body, yet you still choose to eat it.

    Like I said, with that mindset, you dont deserve to be in shape.

    Someone ring the buttface alarm .-.
    She can eat a cupcake if she wants to eat a cupcake.

    HA HA HA! Buttface alarm! I cannot wait to say that to my husband. : )
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    me personally my "cheat day" is gone, cheat day led to cheat weekend, then "PMS WEEK" then "Stress month" then "even more stress 3 months" then Holidays cheat 3 months" (see the pattern)
    for me , i have to remain in complete control, i budget extra calories from time to time, but i do not have "cheat" day, maybe a single meal...
    but i know my weaknesses.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    ToraChan - you're jumping to conclusions without knowing the person you're talking to. The person who started this post is my sis, we're on a journey to loose a few lbs together. (Yay!)

    When she's talking about a "cheat day" or "treat day" or whatever you want to call it, it's not about gorging herself with soda, cake, processed cheese, cheetos etc. We grew up in a culinary family (and still are!) and perhaps we still want to enjoy rich delicious cheese, yummy red wine, dark chocolate panna cotta, prosciutto and figs, neapolitan pizza, local restaurants and wineries etc. Having a meal that would be a "treat" one day a week and going over our calorie goal, does NOT mean we're stuffing ourselves to the brim with cake and chemicals.
    So please don't jump to conclusions - but rather, jump DOWN from your high-and-mighty horse!

    Thank you to all the positive responses from everyone. I've gotten some great ideas! :)

    I missed this post the first time I went through the thread, and YES!

    My boyfriend loves to cook. Part of the reason I needed to lose weight in the first place was because he was (and still is) constantly cooking up something amazing. Now he is very mindful of how many calories go into our dinners. Every dinner I have is cooked from whole ingredients and usually under 700 calories.

    When I have a "cheat day" I don't go hog wild like people probably assume. To me, cheating means I am just not restricting myself to a low calorie goal. I have not binged once (since around Christmas time) and have BED (diagnosed). I find that loosening the reins a couple days a week has made me LESS likely to use food in a negative way.
  • nancijon
    nancijon Posts: 4 Member
    I was very successful once using a cheat day once a week. As soon as I felt I was in control of myself I slowly gain my weight back again. It does work but I think this is something you have to stay with for a long time. Everyone told me I looked great when I was about 20 lbs from my goal and I should stop then. I would look too bad if I lost anymore, etc, etc....I listened to this and it took about 3 or 4 years to get back where I started. I do believe one cheat day does work...I always gave myself Fridays...good luck!!!
  • chemteacher1987
    chemteacher1987 Posts: 68 Member
    I do once a week cheat meal. I do not do a full cheat day as much as I can try. If I don't allow myself the little bit of a cheat, I will go crazy!
  • SkinnyMel78
    SkinnyMel78 Posts: 434 Member
    I don't do "cheat" days, but if I feel that I want a piece of cake or a candy bar even pizza for dinner I just find that allowance in my daily calories!
  • BigVeggieDream
    BigVeggieDream Posts: 1,101 Member
    Well, this is only my second week this round on MFP, but I've used it before and have successfully lost weight. I tend to have a "cheat day" once a week where I don't track, and just eat whatever. So far I've lost about 1 lb a week (same as in the past) with staying under 1500 cals 6 days of the week and not tracking the 7th. Does anyone else do this? I know I'd lose faster without that cheat day, but it keeps me sane and able to stay on track the rest of the time.

    I don't have a cheat day, that seems a little too much. I have a cheat meal. Something I wouldn't put in my regular diet, but I also don't go overboard on the portion size. I make it a single serving and then I'm good. It satisfies my craving and it doesn't throw me off track.