How much should you tip your professor after finals?



  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Not a dam thing. He gets paid plenty.
  • Perplexities
    Perplexities Posts: 612 Member
    Not gonna tip my professors. It's my money and I'll spend it how I want. If professors feel they are being paid unfairly, they can go back to school and find a new career just like I am. ha!

    Not even 15%, really?

    I said NO ---- REALLY!

    Jennifer, I am disappointed.
  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    I call "TROLL" because there ain't no *&%$$##@ ! way any professor worth his salt would accept a gratuity of any kind!
  • TheFisherKing
    Gratuity, no! Thank you gift? Sure. Just make it under 20 bucks.
  • Jenni129
    Jenni129 Posts: 692 Member
    Not gonna tip my professors. It's my money and I'll spend it how I want. If professors feel they are being paid unfairly, they can go back to school and find a new career just like I am. ha!

    Not even 15%, really?

    I said NO ---- REALLY!

    Jennifer, I am disappointed.

    I can't please everyone.
  • TheFisherKing
    Not a dam thing. He gets paid plenty.

    Probably not. If an adjunct, which comprises 80% of the workforce, he earns an hourly wage for time spent at the college, not a salary. Any grading, planning, conferencing off time is unpaid, so that potential 30 or 50 an hour scales down to about 10 an hour when adding in all the additional work. Better to work at Taco Bell for that.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    A grad school professor of mine took our entire class (only 12 people) to a bar for our last session and bought the first round of drinks. I really should have tipped him!
  • Cynner2007
    Cynner2007 Posts: 46 Member
    I thought showing my boobs was enough
  • Perplexities
    Perplexities Posts: 612 Member
    I am a retired university professor and I'm astonished!!!! Never did I get a tip from a student!!! I received trivial little objects related to the profession (nursing) at the end of some semesters. Isn't that what your tuition is for, the professor's salary???? What is wrong with education today?????????? I've only been retired for 3 years and can't imagine that tipping is expected or that students would feel obligated to do so!! Most students just eek by during their college years, I did, and I find it VERY offensive to think that a student would even feel ANY sort of pressure to tip them for a workload that they are paid for.

    Some info that you may find useful: the salary of an entry level faculty, at the instructor level at the university that I taught at (a state affiliated university) was $41,000. Now remember that the next step is assistant professor and then associate professor and then full professor (the top of the barrel). The salaries increase laterally, so entry for an assistant was in the 50s, associate + mid to high 50s and full was 60-70. Most universities max out full professors (the highest paid position) over $100,000. This info is based on the union contract that I was very active in. This is not to say that I am an authority and do NOT want HATE responses for the info that I have provided. The purpose is to inform you that faculty are well compensated for your education. I spent over 80 hours per week in the classroom, student contact on the clinical area and correcting paperwork, test analysis and classroom prep and I still felt that I was well compensated (don't forget the benefits-medical, etc... and the perk of having summers off, and some faculty get traditional jobs over the summer). I actually worked another part time job, as a nurse, during my faculty tenure, to remain current in the field, so I could "practice what I preached".

    I am in no way trashing university faculty, loved , loved, loved my job. I'm not a saint or a martyr. This just hit a nerve!!!! I'm sure that there are institutions that do NOT compensate faculty well. But my feeling is a student is there to learn, I was there to facilitate that and you paid me to do my job, period. NO TIP REQURED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    whoooosh, right over your head.....

    BTW - many, if not most, recently hired (as in the past 10 years) community college and university professors are adjunct. They travel to multiple schools, work part time at each making not much money, and have no benefits. Things have changed.


    My UNI professor made a huge speech about this coincidentally right after finals.

    I hope he's doing okay. To be completely honest I regret only giving 15%.

    As you should. For shame. 15% is not a good tip anymore, 20-25% is the standard.

    Oh, okay... I really didn't know. That's why I made this thread.

    There seems to be a lot of confusion regarding the subject, some people say 10% others say 25% and the seemingly minority don't tip at all, evidently.

    (I feel bad for any professors with these latter students.)

    It's even worse that some of them justify the fact that they don't tip.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Omgosh, lol, these responses are so cute and funny!
  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member
    Couldn't that be considered bribery?
    I've never heard of such a thing.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    Never, ever tip before you receive your report card.
  • Perplexities
    Perplexities Posts: 612 Member
    Omgosh, lol, these responses are so cute and funny!

    I don't think "Cute and funny." are the right choice of words here.

    I feel it's rather disheartening to know that people aren't aware of the fact that times have changed, and you SHOULD tip your professor, 10, 15 or 25% respectively.

    I made this thread to find out what was deemed appropriate, and I learned a lot of people deem 15% to be the ideal amount, as have I.

    I never imagined the response I'd get regarding people not tipping at all though, and the sexual innuendo?
  • Perplexities
    Perplexities Posts: 612 Member
    I only do 15% if it's a mediocre course. For general rule of thumb, I'll do AT LEAST 20% if the class was good.

    Thanks, this seems to be the norm.
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    Omgosh, lol, these responses are so cute and funny!

    I don't think "Cute and funny." are the right choice of words here.

    I feel it's rather disheartening to know that people aren't aware of the fact that times have changed, and you SHOULD tip your professor, 10, 15 or 25% respectively.

    I made this thread to find out what was deemed appropriate, and I learned a lot of people deem 15% to be the ideal amount, as have I.

    I never imagined the response I'd get regarding people not tipping at all though, and the sexual innuendo?

    I have attended two different universities in two different states, I have never seen anyone tip the professor. And you would expect to see that in California of all places.

    Why should I have to tip him? He chose the field, not me.
  • dwalt15110
    dwalt15110 Posts: 246 Member
    So let me get this straight...a criminal justice and law enforcement officer academy student wants to know how much to tip his instructors? Are you freakin kidding me? LOL!!! Best Laugh Ever!
  • TheFisherKing
    Omgosh, lol, these responses are so cute and funny!

    I don't think "Cute and funny." are the right choice of words here.

    I feel it's rather disheartening to know that people aren't aware of the fact that times have changed, and you SHOULD tip your professor, 10, 15 or 25% respectively.

    I made this thread to find out what was deemed appropriate, and I learned a lot of people deem 15% to be the ideal amount, as have I.

    I never imagined the response I'd get regarding people not tipping at all though, and the sexual innuendo?

    All kidding aside, if anyone learns of a gratuity made to an instructor and reports it, that instructor can be in trouble. I ALWAYS tell students who TRY to give money (especially at the holidays) that although I am flattered they liked the course enough to offer, I cannot accept and a perfect way to thank me is to write a fair review on Easier than losing my job in NYC.
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    Omgosh, lol, these responses are so cute and funny!

    I don't think "Cute and funny." are the right choice of words here.

    I feel it's rather disheartening to know that people aren't aware of the fact that times have changed, and you SHOULD tip your professor, 10, 15 or 25% respectively.

    I made this thread to find out what was deemed appropriate, and I learned a lot of people deem 15% to be the ideal amount, as have I.

    I never imagined the response I'd get regarding people not tipping at all though, and the sexual innuendo?

    All kidding aside, if anyone learns of a gratuity made to an instructor and reports it, that instructor can be in trouble. I ALWAYS tell students who TRY to give money (especially at the holidays) that although I am flattered they liked the course enough to offer, I cannot accept and a perfect way to thank me is to write a fair review on Easier than losing my job in NYC.


    EDIT: I have also decided this is has to be trolling and I fell for it. :sad:
  • Perplexities
    Perplexities Posts: 612 Member
    So let me get this straight...a criminal justice and law enforcement officer academy student wants to know how much to tip his instructors? Are you freakin kidding me? LOL!!! Best Laugh Ever!

    I'm taking Criminal Justice classes at my UNI, while in the Academy.
    I don't see a problem with this?
  • Perplexities
    Perplexities Posts: 612 Member
    Omgosh, lol, these responses are so cute and funny!

    I don't think "Cute and funny." are the right choice of words here.

    I feel it's rather disheartening to know that people aren't aware of the fact that times have changed, and you SHOULD tip your professor, 10, 15 or 25% respectively.

    I made this thread to find out what was deemed appropriate, and I learned a lot of people deem 15% to be the ideal amount, as have I.

    I never imagined the response I'd get regarding people not tipping at all though, and the sexual innuendo?

    I have attended two different universities in two different states, I have never seen anyone tip the professor. And you would expect to see that in California of all places.

    Why should I have to tip him? He chose the field, not me.

    Most students myself included do it discreetly, as to not be disrespectful of their professor and to not give the wrong idea.

    Did you read the EDU link provided in the original post?