Super skinny boyfriend comments on my weight ALL THE TIME



  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    Wow, this is a lot of information to take in! It sounds like this has been on your mind a lot. Good for you for getting it all out there. Firstly, I am sorry you have to take verbal abuse from your boyfriend. The things he says or insinuates is very insulting. It sounds like he is insecure with himself, so feels the need to take you down in order to make you feel less than what you are. Those comments are NOT supportive of you and is definitely not helping you lose weight. It's a very negative and toxic relationship to be in.

    Second, if he keeps eating all of your food I would be like, hey.. you can't come over because you keep eating my food, or, time you come over, bring your own food with you. I think it's so disrespectful for him to just keep staying at your place and then leaving you with nothing. Have you ever told him that it isn't respectful? That's something I would expect a child visiting home from university to do, not a boyfriend!

    Why are you with him? Do you love him? Does he make you happy? Are you are a better person for being with him? I surround myself with people I enjoy being around. Do you enjoy being around him/look forward to hanging out with him? I would think really hard about all of these questions. If you have been with him for awhile, you may just be staying with him out of habit and are scared of the change. But don't be! It sounds like he is greatly holding you back from reaching your full potential and is sabotaging all of your efforts to be more healthy, AND draining your pockets!
  • EvanElric
    EvanElric Posts: 34
    :noway: Your BF sounds like an *kitten*. I hope he has some redeeming features? If you don't want to dump this clown.. you need to set him straight because he might not be hitting you but this IS abuse.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    I think you need to look at your relationship with your boyfriend. From what you say he appears to be a lazy, broke, scrounger who doesn't treat you very well do you think this is a loving caring relationship?

    Starving and binging is not good for you, please try and find a healthy way to eat, don't allow your boyfriends remarks to influence the way you see food. You know what is healthy and what isn't so be consistent in your eating for the sake of your health.

    Good luck.
  • JulieGirl58
    JulieGirl58 Posts: 158 Member
    Sweetie, run away as fast as you can. What a self absorbed jerk. You are worth much more than anything he has to offer, which is absolutely nothing. Your youth and perhaps, dare I say it, lack of self confidence, doesn't mean you have to settle. Break away from this toxic relationship and be free. It is better to be alone for awhile than with a lazy no-good like that.
  • RabbitLost
    RabbitLost Posts: 333 Member
    You definitely 100% need to not have someone in your life who will make you feel uncomfortable about something as simple as eating! It seems pretty clear that you should not have this man in your life. A man who makes you feel less than beautiful, AND also eats all your cereal!? NOPE! You're better than that.

    He eats your cereal! Seriously, he needs to go. And I am not being a smart *kitten*, though I play one in real life. Cereal is my sacred food. He or she who touches it, unless blood related to me, would just need to go.
  • kittenful
    kittenful Posts: 318 Member
    So, what are his redeeming qualities?


    All I saw was that this guy rags on you for what you eat or wear, mooches off of everybody and doesn't seem to stay in one place very long.
  • Daisyisacat
    The fact he is super skinny and can eat what he wants is only relevant because it is like salt in the wounds his verbal abuse is causing. He is a bully. You deserve better. Why stay with someone who makes your life miserable? I wouldn't tolerate his behaviour. Ever.
  • squirrelzzrule22
    squirrelzzrule22 Posts: 640 Member
    He is criticizing your habits and weight to make you feel fat so that he can eat all your food.

    Dump. Him. Now. You're young and soon to be a college grad with a bright future. He holds you back.
  • cranium853
    cranium853 Posts: 138 Member
    You write that you are making yourself sick by trying to eat like a sick person does, by trying to eat your food before he gets to it, by bingeing on junk food after he eats all your stuff, and by trying to please this person who is verbally and emotionally abusive.
    you say that he gets thrown out of where he lives, doesn't work, doesn't help out with the bills, and insults you. This is not a boyfriend. It's time to be kind to yourself. Try just being nice to yourself one meal at a time, if you have to walk to the grocery store and eat an apple there in the parking lot. Trying to please an abusive person is self-abuse, not to mention a waste of time.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Sounds like you should focus on losing more than just weight.

    So this.

    I couldn't disagree more.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Dump him! If appearance and "perfection" is that important to him, I bet that he will not find you attractive if you get married and get pregnant. What if you ever had to have a breast removed, or you were scarred in an accident or because of surgery? You may want to lose weight, but no matter what, you deserve someone who cares no matter how you look.
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 786 Member
    Options really really REALLY need to just tell the human food processor that he needs to tuck tail and leave. If all he does is come over, eat your food, make you feel bad about trying to eat healthy or what you look like or what you wear and then leaves when he's consumed everything but the kitchen sink....he does not need to be in your life. So please get rid of him...besides, you'll lose 120 lbs in the space of about 5 mins! :drinker: Your first step in this journey is to take a good hard look at yourself. Realize that, whatever you weigh, whatever problems you are having, whatever douchecanoe boyfriend is hanging around your neck like a cancerous albatross.....YOU are AWESOME. You are AMAZING. And you DESERVE to be respected and loved for you, no matter what you might weigh or what size your shorts are. Tell him to kiss it. Eat what you know you need to eat to be healthy for YOU, screw him. HIDE your food when he comes over if you don't want to kick his inconsiderate shallow *kitten* to the curb. Just make sure when he says he's coming over to tell him "Hey can you stop by the grocery store and pick up some (whatever).. I haven't had a chance to go shopping and it's pretty bare in the kitchen!" He'll either help supply food or not come over. You deserve much better than that man. And he's sabotaging any effort you make to become healthier. You know why? Because he knows that you're going to realize what a loser he is and drop him like you'd drop a dirty sock. Good luck!!
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Just break up.
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    TL: DR

    Well, honestly, I skimmed, but anyway...sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now and should talk to a professional about it.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Too long, didn't read.

    1) tell him to eat a ****

    2) respond to everything he says "Bro, do you EVEN lift?"

    3) break up with him
  • Thencalisays
    Thencalisays Posts: 29 Member
    So he sabotages you and says nasty things to you, being entirely UNsupportive and destructive. I would lose about 130lbs and it can keep it's winter coat! He is a mooch and a bully among other things.
  • runs4zen
    runs4zen Posts: 769 Member
    Tell him if he doesn't go away forever and ever...that you're going to cook him and eat him with some fava beans and a nice chianti. Don't smile when you say this. Have his crap scattered across the yard in front of your house to make your point.

    Then...don't do this again. Find a nice guy and in the meantime, learn to love to do things with people who love and respect you.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    Maybe those comments are his way of getting you to eat less so he can scarf down more of your food.
    Seriously though, his penis must be HUGE.
  • Lina_Loo_15
    Your significant other should make you feel good about yourself. He's tearing you down.
  • laurynwithawhy
    laurynwithawhy Posts: 385 Member
    So, what are his redeeming qualities?


    All I saw was that this guy rags on you for what you eat or wear, mooches off of everybody and doesn't seem to stay in one place very long.

    This. And I agree that you should break up with him. But if you want to to stick with it, you're going to need to train him. If he wants to act like a dog you might as well treat him like one. So how about every time he says something negative or treats you poorly, you withhold sex for a week. Maybe he'll learn some manners that way.

    Or put all of that time and energy into finding someone who is worthy of you. You sound smart and healthy (and I'm sure you are beautiful and NOT chubby at 130lbs) and you can definitely find someone who treats you better. I hope you do.