What women want..



  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    Someone who does the dishes after I cook.

    I got the rest of the chores covered. And a box of, *ahem,* toys, if he doesn't measure up.

    Toys? Like a remote control car you mean?????

    And all women want is to be treated right.
    My currect toy of choice is an xbox one, but sure, like a remote control car.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    What women want and what women will, apparently, put up with are so very different.

    Why is that? I see so many women in less than perfect relationships. If standards are so high, why are so many settling for less than their ideal?
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    What women want and what women will, apparently, put up with are so very different.

    Why is that? I see so many women in less than perfect relationships. If standards are so high, why are so many settling for less than their ideal?

    A chronic shortage of ideal men in the world?
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    high intelligence, original thinking, daring, creativity, sense of humor, compassion, integrity, blah blah blah. i couldn't care less what someone looks like or how fat/skinny he is or how old he is or whether he run or lifts or likes star wars or whatever.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    What women want and what women will, apparently, put up with are so very different.

    Why is that? I see so many women in less than perfect relationships. If standards are so high, why are so many settling for less than their ideal?

    A chronic shortage of ideal men in the world?

    That's possible. It's also possible that the visible attributes that women are looking for are not the attributes that make for a perfect mate.

    By the way, I'm not picking on women. Men are guilty of the same thing. A person has to stop restricting their search to whoever has the biggest ______ or longest_______ or prettiest_____ or whatever and look for the person that best complements their own life.
  • miss_jessiejane
    miss_jessiejane Posts: 2,819 Member
    Meh. I liked that they played a lot of Frank Sinatra in that movie, but Mel Gibson is crazy.
  • FoxBean
    FoxBean Posts: 910 Member
    Beards. All about the beards.
  • beckyboooo87x
    beckyboooo87x Posts: 173 Member
    A good sence of humour
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    hmmm... what do women want? wait...

    butthurt thread escalation in 3.......2.........1............\m/

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  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    What women want and what women will, apparently, put up with are so very different.

    Why is that? I see so many women in less than perfect relationships. If standards are so high, why are so many settling for less than their ideal?

    A chronic shortage of ideal men in the world?

    That's possible. It's also possible that the visible attributes that women are looking for are not the attributes that make for a perfect mate.

    By the way, I'm not picking on women. Men are guilty of the same thing. A person has to stop restricting their search to whoever has the biggest ______ or longest_______ or prettiest_____ or whatever and look for the person that best complements their own life.

    In all seriousness whilst I do tend to agree with a lot of this. It also should be taken into account that physical attributions are always going to play a big part. Most folk aren't going to start dating someone they just flat out don't fancy. Okay someone may have a friend where the personality outshines that so they start dating. But if someone walked up to you in the street and asked for your number and you don't like the look of them you'd probably say no.
  • PghPensFan69
    PghPensFan69 Posts: 2,393 Member
    high intelligence, original thinking, daring, creativity, sense of humor, compassion, integrity, blah blah blah. i couldn't care less what someone looks like or how fat/skinny he is or how old he is or whether he run or lifts or likes star wars or whatever.

    Sounds like you were thinking of me when you wrote this :tongue:
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    original thinking, daring, creativity, sense of humor

    Sounds like you were thinking of me when you wrote this :tongue:

    i dunno.. i haven't seen any new pix in a while :yawn:

    eta :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • PghPensFan69
    PghPensFan69 Posts: 2,393 Member
    original thinking, daring, creativity, sense of humor

    Sounds like you were thinking of me when you wrote this :tongue:

    i dunno.. i haven't seen any new pix in a while :yawn:

  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    What women want and what women will, apparently, put up with are so very different.

    Why is that? I see so many women in less than perfect relationships. If standards are so high, why are so many settling for less than their ideal?

    A chronic shortage of ideal men in the world?

    That's possible. It's also possible that the visible attributes that women are looking for are not the attributes that make for a perfect mate.

    By the way, I'm not picking on women. Men are guilty of the same thing. A person has to stop restricting their search to whoever has the biggest ______ or longest_______ or prettiest_____ or whatever and look for the person that best complements their own life.

    In all seriousness whilst I do tend to agree with a lot of this. It also should be taken into account that physical attributions are always going to play a big part. Most folk aren't going to start dating someone they just flat out don't fancy. Okay someone may have a friend where the personality outshines that so they start dating. But if someone walked up to you in the street and asked for your number and you don't like the look of them you'd probably say no.

    Quite a conundrum. I have never gone out "looking" for someone amd I don't recommend that others do ewither.

    I think that when you are going through life, doing the things you enjoy, living to the standards that you desire, you will meet that person. You can't be involved in a relationship until you are happy with yourself. I don't care how big her boobs are or how much money he or she makes.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    What women want and what women will, apparently, put up with are so very different.

    Why is that? I see so many women in less than perfect relationships. If standards are so high, why are so many settling for less than their ideal?

    A chronic shortage of ideal men in the world?

    That's possible. It's also possible that the visible attributes that women are looking for are not the attributes that make for a perfect mate.

    By the way, I'm not picking on women. Men are guilty of the same thing. A person has to stop restricting their search to whoever has the biggest ______ or longest_______ or prettiest_____ or whatever and look for the person that best complements their own life.

    In all seriousness whilst I do tend to agree with a lot of this. It also should be taken into account that physical attributions are always going to play a big part. Most folk aren't going to start dating someone they just flat out don't fancy. Okay someone may have a friend where the personality outshines that so they start dating. But if someone walked up to you in the street and asked for your number and you don't like the look of them you'd probably say no.

    Quite a conundrum. I have never gone out "looking" for someone amd I don't recommend that others do ewither.

    I think that when you are going through life, doing the things you enjoy, living to the standards that you desire, you will meet that person. You can't be involved in a relationship until you are happy with yourself. I don't care how big her boobs are or how much money he or she makes.

    Here is a perfect example. I know I am average looking. When I met my wife, she was coming to me for Massage. She came three times a week. She had two little girls that waited in the reception area. I got to know her (and her little girls) over the course of a year. She was way out of my league. But over the course of her Physical Therapy, we came to know each other and discovered we had the same goals and ideals. I finally asked her out. She said yes. I aksed her to marry me on our second date. She said yes.

    If I had asked for her phone number that first appointment, she would have said no, cancelled her upcoming appointments and I would heve never seen her again.
  • gino715
    gino715 Posts: 169 Member
    $ 5000.00 gift card to the mall lol
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Funny, smart, sweet, open minded, thoughtful and passionate about his career. Pretty much all of the qualities of my current boyfriend. :heart:
  • PghPensFan69
    PghPensFan69 Posts: 2,393 Member
    high intelligence, original thinking, narcissism, daring, creativity, sense of humor, compassion, integrity, blah blah blah. i couldn't care less what someone looks like or how fat/skinny he is or how old he is or whether he run or lifts or likes star wars or whatever.

    Sounds like you were thinking of me when you wrote this :tongue:
    sounds like you now.

    From what I hear, there is a reason you have no friends.
  • Sovi_
    Sovi_ Posts: 575 Member
    Good credit and nice quads.
  • JackieRL55
    JackieRL55 Posts: 144 Member
    The Rock.

    Thats who I want. :P

    The Rock is the love of my life...back off woman! LOL

    A killer smile peeking out of a full scrumptious beard is a panty dropper for me but someone who can make me laugh will win my heart :D