Smugly overweight??



  • allotmentgardener
    allotmentgardener Posts: 248 Member
    I can also good really good meals that all my family enjoy - and ask for again. I'm sure nearly everyone on this site can rustle up cracking meals that they and their family love!
    As a great cook your pride should come from seeing others enjoy it not from seeing how much of it you feel compelled to eat. I am fat, that is why I'm here. I overate - no excuses and no 'but its because the food was so good'. I am learning that a really great meal is one that is well balanced, fills you nicely and tastes good - I use herbs and spices for flavour (my boys love them.)
    Please don't justify why you are overweight by making out you have a better reason than most, we all have reasons and we are all here because they are NOT justified.
    I look at myself and I am not smug, I feel disgusted. My lack of control caused my weight. Extra weight causes health risks. I have a son with special needs who will need constant care, by putting my health at risk, I could be depriving him of his quality of life if I'm no longer able to support him.
    Look at the bigger picture, you obviously love your family, so make sure you will be around for them.
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    I'm a crap cook. However, I do eat a lot of homemade & from scratch stuff when I'm at my mam's & when I'm at work. I wouldn't even have a clue to the accuracy of the calories in these meals. I just go off guesstimates.. But I'm still managing to lose pretty consistently. It's all about the portion control if you eat less you'll lose weight.

    * I don't think the "my fat is better than your fat" argument really holds much weight.
  • allotmentgardener
    allotmentgardener Posts: 248 Member
    I'm a crap cook. However, I do eat a lot of homemade & from scratch stuff when I'm at my mam's & when I'm at work. I wouldn't even have a clue to the accuracy of the calories in these meals. I just go off guesstimates.. But I'm still managing to lose pretty consistently. It's all about the portion control if you eat less you'll lose weight.

    * I don't think the "my fat is better than your fat" argument really holds much weight.

    Actually I think it does hold weight - thats the problem! :):):)
  • traceywoody
    traceywoody Posts: 233 Member
    I think it is great that you have your family's nutritional needs at hand. That means that you alone can be responsible for them eating nutritionally balanced, appropriately portioned meals. You are the master. You can make it happen.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Will you be proud of 'nurturing' your family when your daughter is 30lb overweight and crying because she's being bullied for being fat?
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I think it's one thing to be proud of being a good cook and making nice meals for people, but that's a separate thing from being overweight, or judging other people for the reasons that they're overweight. People have problems with weight for many different reasons, there's really little point in competing over who has the best. I'm a good cook too, and I love cooking/baking things for other people that give them pleasure. That's not why I was overweight though. I was obese because I consumed too much over many many years. The reasons why I did that are more complicated, but nothing to do with my cooking skills.

    Today, I'm still a great cook, still love baking, still use butter, chocolate, sugar etc in my baking. Still cook mostly from scratch. But, I eat the appropriate amount of food that my body needs and have been maintaining a healthy weight for over a year.

    Is someone's adultery "more ok" because they're amazing in bed? Is someone living a completely sedentary lifestyle "more ok" because they're a prize-winning novelist? Is that more acceptable than someone being sedentary because they love crappy tv?

    You're not overweight because you use butter to make sauces shiny. You're overweight because you're consuming more calories than your body needs. It does take some effort to address that, but that's your choice. It takes a little more time to measure and log food that you're preparing from scratch, but you have to decide if that time and effort is worth it or not. I decided that for me, it is. The recipe builder helps a bit, the "recent/favourite foods" lists help a bit. I choose to put time aside on the weekends and in the morning to prepare my lunches, and I spend a few extra minutes while I'm cooking in the evening. The results are worth it to me. You have to decide whether or not they're worth it to you.
  • Mauthos
    Mauthos Posts: 128 Member
    In my opinion being a great cook doesn't mean that your fat is 'better' than anyone else's or justifies why you are overweight. If you look at the multitudes of TV chefs out there, the majority of them are not fat, for example:

    - Jamie Oliver
    - Gorden Ramsey
    - Heston Blumenthal (one of the top chefs in the world too)
    - Micheal Roux Jr
    - Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall
    - Keith Floyd

    These are just a few off the top of my head, none of them would be considered obese and yes, even though some of them advocate healthy eating styles, they all tend to agree that the fat in meat adds to the flavour, that salt is needed, butter can be essential. But they all preach moderation and portion control, so they eat damn well, but still remain in shape.
  • adorable_aly
    adorable_aly Posts: 398 Member
    You're just deluded- your joints,your heart and your liver don't give a **** how you got fat.

    Playing devil's advocate here- one could argue that If anything being a good chef makes it worse because you could have used your knowledge to make your food healthier,but instead you actively chose to continually make bad decisions.
  • dammitjanet0161
    dammitjanet0161 Posts: 319 Member
    In my opinion being a great cook doesn't mean that your fat is 'better' than anyone else's or justifies why you are overweight. If you look at the multitudes of TV chefs out there, the majority of them are not fat, for example:

    - Jamie Oliver
    - Gorden Ramsey
    - Heston Blumenthal (one of the top chefs in the world too)
    - Micheal Roux Jr
    - Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall
    - Keith Floyd

    These are just a few off the top of my head, none of them would be considered obese and yes, even though some of them advocate healthy eating styles, they all tend to agree that the fat in meat adds to the flavour, that salt is needed, butter can be essential. But they all preach moderation and portion control, so they eat damn well, but still remain in shape.


    I will also add - the Hairy Bikers with their Hairy Dieters - How to Love Food and Lose Weight books ( OP, it sounds like you're in the US so may not have heard of them, but they are TV cooks whose 'thing' is that they were cuddly (and beady, and ride motorbikes, but that's another thing :) ) - then they went on diets but still wanted to eat great food, so looked for ways to make their recipes healthy. Maybe Rocco Dispirito would be a similar US example?
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I might not be a SAHM but I am a great cook and I don't sub the butter ever...that's just not right.

    But that isn't an excuse for being over weight...Gordon Ramsey...he's a chef...he's not overweight.

    You apparently don't want to lose the appears you feel like you shouldn't have to for whatever reason which is totally on you but your husband is correct.

    Entering recipes in here and calculating the calories is not that hard nor time consuming..I have pages and pages of personally entered recieps...esp the ones my family loves like pie
  • glowgirl14
    glowgirl14 Posts: 200 Member
    OP - I'm not sure what you're saying here. At first, I read your post as a revelation. Like - you realized you were doing this, and know it's bad. But wanted to know if anyone else felt the same...but after all the replies, I read again, and now I'm not sure...
    I think if you go and add your recipes to the recipe maker you won't have to spend hours a nite entering everything.

    I'm also a great cook, and love eating what I've put time into. Feel pride in making pie crusts or noodles from scratch. If you're the kind of cook I am, it will be easy to cook by taste...make your sauces taste better with spices instead of butter. Save that extra pat for the last minute if you want shiny sauce - but skimp on the butter earlier in the prep.

    As above - entering a recipe into MFP will allow you to repeat that without the hassle. It takes a long time to get it in correctly, especially if you're not cooking from a recipe...but once it's're finished with that. I try and add only one or two new recipes a week to my personal database. Because I don't have time. And when I do make that yummy thing, and realize what I'd have had as a serving has 800 calories...I have half, or a third. : )
  • crispsandwich
    crispsandwich Posts: 177 Member
    You're trying to rationalize why you're overweight

    use your fabulous cooking skills to make delicious nutritious healthy meals which are lower in fat and sugar etc , still eating well, but losing weight too!
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Crazy might be harsh but you are making an excuse to justify staying overweight.

    Gordon Ramsey is a reasonable cook but runs marathons!
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    What are your strength, performance and endurance goals and are you meeting them by being 30 pounds overweight with these finer foods?
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    If you are going to rationalize why it's ok that you are fat, why did you join MFP? Fat is fat. it doesn't matter if you got fat from eating too many fast food meals, or from eating large portions of homemade food. You gain weight from eating too much and exercising too little.
    Gordon Ramsey is a reasonable cook but runs marathons!
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    You're just deluded- your joints,your heart and your liver don't give a **** how you got fat.

    Playing devil's advocate here- one could argue that If anything being a good chef makes it worse because you could have used your knowledge to make your food healthier,but instead you actively chose to continually make bad decisions.

    this FTW! In my book a "great cook" doesn't focus just on taste but also nutrition and health. You can do both, you know, but haven't chosen to do so.

    Edit: also this:
    Will you be proud of 'nurturing' your family when your daughter is 30lb overweight and crying because she's being bullied for being fat?
  • honsi
    honsi Posts: 210 Member
    Whether you eat a nice sauce with lots of butter at home or a nice sauce with lots of butter prepared in a restaurant it still the same kind of food, still fat and calories. It good that you enjoy cooking and take pride in it and taking care of your family but unhealthy eating is the same where ever you eat it. The different is that by cooking from scratch you can be in control of the ingredients, you can make small changes that can make a big different health wise. Also you make 'big' meals for your 'skinny ' kids. I'd be careful with that also as my mum made big meals for us growing up and it mean that my idea of a healthy portion size was way off and that was one reason why I put on weight as I started cooking my own meals as an adult . Me and my sister where both skinny kids but overweight adults.
    If you are happy to be 30 lb overweight and with the food you and your family are eating then carry on with that (but I'm guessing that you are starting to question that hence the post) but don't kid yourself.
  • april1445
    april1445 Posts: 334
    Yes, I'm this. And to top it off, I view these meals as part of nurturing my family. I think if I were a "true" cook, I'd figure out how to do all this, and make it healthy, so I could do it all I.e. be a great cook, a nurturing mother, and healthy.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Ok - I'm looking for some "no, you're not crazy" here. And I totally don't mean to offend anyone. But I had this conversation with my husband the other day and he said I was crazy. I'm about 30 lbs. overweight, but outside of the concept of portion control, it's because I'm an awesome cook. I make great bread, baked goods, amazing sauces, roasts, etc. and I make almost all of it from scratch. We go through tons of butter, eggs, flour, potatoes, sugar, etc. I love to cook, I love making big meals for my little family of 4, and it's even more exciting when I can show it off. I'm a stay-at-home mom, I feel like you should get a 5-star meal if you come over for dinner. and that's not to say we don't eat out some times, and I don't stock some junk food, but mostly, if I eat it, I made it.

    To the I'm not crazy point, I feel like my fatness is "more ok" that someone who did it with eating out or prepared foods from the grocery store. I realize it's completely stupid, but that's the thought I have when I debate adding a pat of butter to finish a sauce and make it shiny (which is why you add a smidgen of butter at the end). AND because I make so much from scratch, it's a huge pain to count calories because only a few things come with "reliable" labels as we go through tons of produce and protein. So when i do count my calories, it adds tons of time to my food prep (3 meals and 3 snacks a day for my very skinny and active girls).

    Is there anyone out there like me? or is my husband right?

    Couldn't disagree with you more. I also cook nearly every meal that I eat. I also bake all the time. I also go through flour and butter and eggs and sugar like nobody's business. And I'm not fat. Because you know what I don't do? I don't overeat, and I don't act like making things from scratch excuses me from calorie counting. I have over 100 recipes in my MFP recipe collection. Every time I make something new, I add the recipe so that I can accurately track things. It's not that hard.

    Being a good cook doesn't make it okay to be 30 lbs overweight. You're not crazy. You're just wrong.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    Ok - I'm looking for some "no, you're not crazy" here. And I totally don't mean to offend anyone. But I had this conversation with my husband the other day and he said I was crazy. I'm about 30 lbs. overweight, but outside of the concept of portion control, it's because I'm an awesome cook. I make great bread, baked goods, amazing sauces, roasts, etc. and I make almost all of it from scratch. We go through tons of butter, eggs, flour, potatoes, sugar, etc. I love to cook, I love making big meals for my little family of 4, and it's even more exciting when I can show it off. I'm a stay-at-home mom, I feel like you should get a 5-star meal if you come over for dinner. and that's not to say we don't eat out some times, and I don't stock some junk food, but mostly, if I eat it, I made it.

    To the I'm not crazy point, I feel like my fatness is "more ok" that someone who did it with eating out or prepared foods from the grocery store. I realize it's completely stupid, but that's the thought I have when I debate adding a pat of butter to finish a sauce and make it shiny (which is why you add a smidgen of butter at the end). AND because I make so much from scratch, it's a huge pain to count calories because only a few things come with "reliable" labels as we go through tons of produce and protein. So when i do count my calories, it adds tons of time to my food prep (3 meals and 3 snacks a day for my very skinny and active girls).

    Is there anyone out there like me? or is my husband right?

    Ok, I am with you on this, my friends call me a food freak because I make EVERYTHING from scratch (in the winter I buy tomatoes sauce-the only packaged thing I buy-, in the summer I use tomatoes from my garden). I love to cook gourmet food for my family of 3 and I am very concerned with the a balanced nutrition. I buy mostly organic foods and our family NEVER steps foot in a fast food place, we do not drink soda or have any junk food in the house (chips, cakes, candies, etc). Now, that being said I am 15lbs overweight and very unhappy about it. The truth is (just like some else said In a post) even the best homemade, organic, healthy food can make you fat...and fat is fat no matter what (that is what I see when I look in the mirror and I hate it).
    I am so frustrated, because I feel like I have to choose between my family and my myself. If I stop cooking I know I could lose some weight, BUT my family would eat bad foods and I would feel guilty. So hard....

    This makes no sense. Just eat less of what you cook. Exercise a bit. Boom - done.