Dear random old people...



  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    If all of you spent as much time in the gym, as it took you to write this crap... you would probably be hitting those goals you set out for yourself.

    ^Posts in a forum then complains about people posting in a forum.

  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member

    Perhaps she should place her child in a bubble where they will be totally safe from outside "contaminants".
    Keep your hands to your self unless you have been given the ok to do otherwise.

    QFT. I was in line with my infant daughter strapped to my chest in a carrier, because I had to run an errand and didn't have any other choice but to take her with me. A woman came over and tried to touch her, at which point I hugged her closer to me and turned away so she couldn't get a hand on her, while saying "don't touch my daughter."

    Woman got all huffy and walked away saying snottily "I was just trying to say hello."

    My somewhat loud response? "Ma'am? She has pinkeye."

    I know, I tried to keep a total stranger from being infected with a ridiculously contagious and annoying illness. I'm a monster.

  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    or if you have used hand creams that our kids may be allergic to

    Another modern day parent fear. Allergies. Every kid seems to be allergic to 10,000 different things. Either that or their parents want to tell people how many things their kids are allergic to because it makes their kid just a little bit special up front. My fiance's nephew's school has a special allergy class (no, seriously) for kids with allergies. Hearing the moms of allergy kids parents talk you can tell their practically in competition to find the most exotic allergy. When I have kids I've already decided he's allergic to most paper towels except some uber expensive ones made from angel tears and gluten free rain forest trees.
    Ooh sweet child I do hope you never have to race against the clock because your child is turning blue and then have to endure hours of iv's at he hospital with your baby who you were supposed to protect .

    Drama ______ :yawn:
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Dear random young adults (OP):

    1. Most of your children are cute only to you.
    2..Teach them to keep their sticky slimmy hands to themselves.
    3. Teach your children some manners, or better yet take the class first.
    4. Potty train your children before taking them out in public without a diaper (just nasty).
    5. Do not bring them out in public when they are sick and blowing snot bubbles (NASTY not cute)
    6. Stop leaving your used baby diapers in the parking lot (again just nasty).
    7. Your child is really not that special, except to you.

    Just one old man's opinion..........

    ^^^^ THIS!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Don't just walk up and touch babies and kids...seriously, it's creepy.

    If you have a specific context you are adressing, spell it out.

    If not, blow me.

    Pervy perv. :wink:
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Dear random young adults (OP):

    1. Most of your children are cute only to you.
    2..Teach them to keep their sticky slimmy hands to themselves.
    3. Teach your children some manners, or better yet take the class first.
    4. Potty train your children before taking them out in public without a diaper (just nasty).
    5. Do not bring them out in public when they are sick and blowing snot bubbles (NASTY not cute)
    6. Stop leaving your used baby diapers in the parking lot (again just nasty).
    7. Your child is really not that special, except to you.

    Just one old man's opinion..........

    Mine, too.

    I actually REQUEST to be seated away from babies and kids in restaurants. My kids are grown. I did my time. I want to eat in peace and quiet.

    However, those lovely folks who fawn over kids are the ones who think the stupid, annoying crap your kids do is tolerable and cute. Be glad you don't come across too many rude, crabby-azz bastages like me who wish you'd do something with that gawd-awful beast you're hauling around.

    tl;dr - GET OFF MY LAWN!
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    I hate to say it, but it is our generation being jaded.

    I was on a flight last week and this little toddler was running up and down the isle and the old guy next to me just kept touching the kid's head and running his hand over his hair any time he ran past, and, fair enough, kept a hand out when the little one fell a few times, but I could see the dad was a bit miffed.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I hate to say it, but it is our generation being jaded.

    I was on a flight last week and this little toddler was running up and down the isle and the old guy next to me just kept touching the kid's head and running his hand over his hair any time he ran past, and, fair enough, kept a hand out when the little one fell a few times, but I could see the dad was a bit miffed.

    TV and video games....

    In my day, we played "Conker's Bad Fur Day" and weren't afraid!
  • beaches61
    beaches61 Posts: 154 Member
    Dear random young adults (OP):

    1. Most of your children are cute only to you.
    2..Teach them to keep their sticky slimmy hands to themselves.
    3. Teach your children some manners, or better yet take the class first.
    4. Potty train your children before taking them out in public without a diaper (just nasty).
    5. Do not bring them out in public when they are sick and blowing snot bubbles (NASTY not cute)
    6. Stop leaving your used baby diapers in the parking lot (again just nasty).
    7. Your child is really not that special, except to you.

    Just one old man's opinion..........


    And when they start screaming, or you want to spank them, please take them out of earshot so we don't have to listen to the tantrum.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    Don't just walk up and touch babies and kids...seriously, it's creepy.

    I am one of those " random ( really ) old people " and why would I want to touch your ( often ugly, snotty, smelly, droly or sour smelling ) babies & kids....ughhh ?
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    I hate to say it, but it is our generation being jaded.

    I was on a flight last week and this little toddler was running up and down the isle and the old guy next to me just kept touching the kid's head and running his hand over his hair any time he ran past, and, fair enough, kept a hand out when the little one fell a few times, but I could see the dad was a bit miffed.

    It could be argued that if said toddler wasn't running up and down the isles there would have been no hair ruffling to be miffed about.

    Ironic situation is ironic.
  • Bernadette60614
    Bernadette60614 Posts: 707 Member
    I don't think that touching anyone without their consent is okay. Please don't hug me without asking!

    But, I think people are excited about babies and new life. I wasn't happy with people patting my tummy unless they asked, but our baby got passed around like a bag of corn chips (low fat!) with family, at the park. He never gets sick and he's very social kid who never went through a shy period.

    Our son is a pre-teen so babies aren't a part of my life, but I'm happy to hold your baby if you need to go to the bathroom, take some left over toys out of my purse (there are some I couldn't bear to throw away) to entertain your child when you're stuck in the grocery line and to let you know it is okay when your 2 year old throws a screaming fit at the grocery.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    I hate to say it, but it is our generation being jaded.

    I was on a flight last week and this little toddler was running up and down the isle and the old guy next to me just kept touching the kid's head and running his hand over his hair any time he ran past, and, fair enough, kept a hand out when the little one fell a few times, but I could see the dad was a bit miffed.

    It could be argued that if said toddler wasn't running up and down the isles there would have been no hair ruffling to be miffed about.

    Ironic situation is ironic.

    Yeah, I'd have put my arm out as a "road block"
  • raven_ous
    raven_ous Posts: 223
    Sorry this thread is way too serious, time for some memes...



    Carry on debating (thoroughly amusing)
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    I hate to say it, but it is our generation being jaded.

    I was on a flight last week and this little toddler was running up and down the isle and the old guy next to me just kept touching the kid's head and running his hand over his hair any time he ran past, and, fair enough, kept a hand out when the little one fell a few times, but I could see the dad was a bit miffed.

    Why didn't that " miffed " father take care of his child and entertain him and keep him from running in the aisles ( which is actually against the safety rules ) ? Was it that he was playing on his phone or tablet and could not be bothered ?
  • liesevanlingen
    liesevanlingen Posts: 508 Member
    I never had anyone actually touching my kids in public when they were babies--plenty of cooing and admiring, but people usually kept their hands to themselves (unless they were family/close friends, which is fine). I did have someone poke my pregnant belly. once. My husband, who was with me, smiled, leaned over and poked her belly back. Her eyes bugged out, she stepped back a pace, and then said sheepishly, "I guess I deserved that."

    Re the allergies--I know a lot of kids who are severely allergic to peanuts and tree nuts, including my son, who threw up and then continued to retch violently for two hours after just smelling peanut butter Most of the schools in our area (Toronto) are nut free by policy. I don't quite see how trying to protect your child from severe allergens and multiple hospital visits qualifies as "helicopter parenting".
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    this is so dumb

    let old people touch your babies
    they are from a different time

    a time with out MFP and FB where people actually had to TALK to each other for realz

    and every baby born was covetted and cherished by the community, hence the touching of bellies and babies

    young people GTFU seriously

    have some respect for older people and teach your kids the same. Your babies arent going to catch the plague from a kiss or cheek pinch of an older person. My gawd.

    Sorry, but I don't live in that world. Seriously, don't touch my kids. Most people seem to have boundaries and understand that touching strangers isn't commonly accepted here in 2014. I truly worry about those who think it's okay, because I start to question their intentions and overall judgment. Next up, pinching random girls' *kitten* because they're so damn adorable . . .

    that used to happen to me. when I was a hostess at a 5 star restaurant. mostly italians and new yorkers did it,...and if they were OLD, ITALIAN, AND A NEW YORKER?....for sure!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Im guessing this is meant to be funny, but seriously whats wrong with people being friendly, must be a generation or dare i say northern thing cause here in the south i dont think people feel this way, exception is if your just actually creepy, smelly unclean, or emotionally unbalanced young or old. For me personally im more worried about catching something from a kid and dont go near them, like dont had me your baby or let your sticky fingered kid grab my had either, as far as pregnant bellys thats a no zone period.

    Touching someone's child or body isn't necessary for friendliness. I'd never walk up to a kid and pat/ruffle them or touch someone's baby without asking first. I'm originally from Kentucky. I consider it a personal boundary thing though. You don't know other peoples intentions and it's incredibly presumptuous of them to just decide your personal space doesn't need to be respected.

    It's incredibly presumptuous to think people have bad intentions or that everyone must have the same concept of personal space. Even in Kentucky.

    It's all very meta.

    Oh Evgen, I know they don't have bad intentions. They don't KNOW they are stealing the youth juice. But they are, nonetheless.
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