Dear random old people...



  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    this is so dumb

    let old people touch your babies
    they are from a different time

    a time with out MFP and FB where people actually had to TALK to each other for realz

    and every baby born was covetted and cherished by the community, hence the touching of bellies and babies

    young people GTFU seriously

    have some respect for older people and teach your kids the same. Your babies arent going to catch the plague from a kiss or cheek pinch of an older person. My gawd.

    Sorry, but I don't live in that world. Seriously, don't touch my kids. Most people seem to have boundaries and understand that touching strangers isn't commonly accepted here in 2014. I truly worry about those who think it's okay, because I start to question their intentions and overall judgment. Next up, pinching random girls' *kitten* because they're so damn adorable . . .

    surely you know the difference between old people enjoying a cute baby
    and a random perv pinching the butts of women.

    It is sad people ccant see the difference

    people can enjoy my cute baby with their eyes.
    my butt too.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    or if you have used hand creams that our kids may be allergic to

    Another modern day parent fear. Allergies. Every kid seems to be allergic to 10,000 different things. Either that or their parents want to tell people how many things their kids are allergic to because it makes their kid just a little bit special up front. My fiance's nephew's school has a special allergy class (no, seriously) for kids with allergies. Hearing the moms of allergy kids parents talk you can tell their practically in competition to find the most exotic allergy. When I have kids I've already decided he's allergic to most paper towels except some uber expensive ones made from angel tears and gluten free rain forest trees.
    Ooh sweet child I do hope you never have to race against the clock because your child is turning blue and then have to endure hours of iv's at he hospital with your baby who you were supposed to protect .
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    I'm more concerned about strangers thinking it's okay to discipline my child. We, my friend and I and kids, were at pizza hut buffet having lunch and some people in the back had a screaming child. A group of elderly ladies were sitting close to the buffet and my friends little boy(he was 5) went running to the buffet to get food and this old lady grabbed his arm and told him to quit all that screaming and it wasn't polite to scream like that, now mind you it wasn't him number 1 and number 2 I understand you being irritated with the screaming kid, I was there for 2 minutes and I had had enough of it but it's not your place to correct a child or their parents. I went off on her and told her in no uncertain terms that touching another persons child in that manner is unacceptable and very rude. They called me rude and I told them that rude is grabbing someone else's child in the manner she did so and that he (the child) deserved an apology and his mother too. She finally apologized and so did I. But if they are coming up and saying how cute and touching their heads and such I see nothing wrong with it. This is what's wrong with this world people get to upset over the little stuff. And to the lady with the kid who has allergies, your situation is different and not the normal. I would think even taking the child out to eat or even in public would be to much of a risk for the child and you should just leave said child home. I'm thinking I would be so paranoid to take my child out because of all the risks to it's life and said child is safer at home. Sucks to be the child though :(

    Why was a 5 year old running up to a hot buffet? Many restaurants prohibit kids under 10 from serving themselves.

    Simple solution is simple.

    He took off before we could stop him and we were telling him to come back when the lady grabbed him. He was running up there to stand in line and wait for him momma.

    Maybe his " momma " needs to teach him how to behave when eating in public. At five years old, he is old enough to learn. You would not need to " go off " on another patron of the restaurant ( because it's not your place either ) and the old lady can eat in peace.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I'm more concerned about strangers thinking it's okay to discipline my child. We, my friend and I and kids, were at pizza hut buffet having lunch and some people in the back had a screaming child. A group of elderly ladies were sitting close to the buffet and my friends little boy(he was 5) went running to the buffet to get food and this old lady grabbed his arm and told him to quit all that screaming and it wasn't polite to scream like that, now mind you it wasn't him number 1 and number 2 I understand you being irritated with the screaming kid, I was there for 2 minutes and I had had enough of it but it's not your place to correct a child or their parents. I went off on her and told her in no uncertain terms that touching another persons child in that manner is unacceptable and very rude. They called me rude and I told them that rude is grabbing someone else's child in the manner she did so and that he (the child) deserved an apology and his mother too. She finally apologized and so did I. But if they are coming up and saying how cute and touching their heads and such I see nothing wrong with it. This is what's wrong with this world people get to upset over the little stuff. And to the lady with the kid who has allergies, your situation is different and not the normal. I would think even taking the child out to eat or even in public would be to much of a risk for the child and you should just leave said child home. I'm thinking I would be so paranoid to take my child out because of all the risks to it's life and said child is safer at home. Sucks to be the child though :(

    Why was a 5 year old running up to a hot buffet? Many restaurants prohibit kids under 10 from serving themselves.

    Simple solution is simple.

    He took off before we could stop him and we were telling him to come back when the lady grabbed him. He was running up there to stand in line and wait for him momma.

    Maybe his " momma " needs to teach him how to behave when eating in public. At five years old, he is old enough to learn. You would not need to " go off " on another patron of the restaurant ( because it's not your place either ) and the old lady can eat in peace.

    *cringe*. DON"T TOUCH MY CHILD.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Now a days I wouldn't want to touch pregnant women's belly with all the diseases out there. JS :sick:
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Dear random young adults (OP):

    1. Most of your children are cute only to you.
    2..Teach them to keep their sticky slimmy hands to themselves.
    3. Teach your children some manners, or better yet take the class first.
    4. Potty train your children before taking them out in public without a diaper (just nasty).
    5. Do not bring them out in public when they are sick and blowing snot bubbles (NASTY not cute)
    6. Stop leaving your used baby diapers in the parking lot (again just nasty).
    7. Your child is really not that special, except to you.

    Just one old man's opinion..........


    And when they start screaming, or you want to spank them, please take them out of earshot so we don't have to listen to the tantrum.

    I'm gonna have to agree with all this too.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I'm more concerned about strangers thinking it's okay to discipline my child. We, my friend and I and kids, were at pizza hut buffet having lunch and some people in the back had a screaming child. A group of elderly ladies were sitting close to the buffet and my friends little boy(he was 5) went running to the buffet to get food and this old lady grabbed his arm and told him to quit all that screaming and it wasn't polite to scream like that, now mind you it wasn't him number 1 and number 2 I understand you being irritated with the screaming kid, I was there for 2 minutes and I had had enough of it but it's not your place to correct a child or their parents. I went off on her and told her in no uncertain terms that touching another persons child in that manner is unacceptable and very rude. They called me rude and I told them that rude is grabbing someone else's child in the manner she did so and that he (the child) deserved an apology and his mother too. She finally apologized and so did I. But if they are coming up and saying how cute and touching their heads and such I see nothing wrong with it. This is what's wrong with this world people get to upset over the little stuff. And to the lady with the kid who has allergies, your situation is different and not the normal. I would think even taking the child out to eat or even in public would be to much of a risk for the child and you should just leave said child home. I'm thinking I would be so paranoid to take my child out because of all the risks to it's life and said child is safer at home. Sucks to be the child though :(

    Why was a 5 year old running up to a hot buffet? Many restaurants prohibit kids under 10 from serving themselves.

    Simple solution is simple.

    He took off before we could stop him and we were telling him to come back when the lady grabbed him. He was running up there to stand in line and wait for him momma.

    Maybe his " momma " needs to teach him how to behave when eating in public. At five years old, he is old enough to learn. You would not need to " go off " on another patron of the restaurant ( because it's not your place either ) and the old lady can eat in peace.

    *cringe*. DON"T TOUCH MY CHILD.

  • raven_ous
    raven_ous Posts: 223
    God I can't believe I am getting into this but boredom prevails...

    Here's a thought, how about people make their own judgement calls when it comes to daily interactions with people.

    Personally I hope parents that are out there have the ability to look after their children responsibly, this includes both dealing with strangers (no matter what age group) that over step personal space, boundaries etc and to also be responsible for the (mis)behavior and safety of their young ones.

    OP blanket statements suck! (aware that was a blanket statement)
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    this is so dumb

    let old people touch your babies
    they are from a different time

    a time with out MFP and FB where people actually had to TALK to each other for realz

    and every baby born was covetted and cherished by the community, hence the touching of bellies and babies

    young people GTFU seriously

    have some respect for older people and teach your kids the same. Your babies arent going to catch the plague from a kiss or cheek pinch of an older person. My gawd.

    here here
    Do you eat peanut butter, shell fish, use hand creams with coco or Shea butter in them? If so don't touch my kids because your simple touch may sent us rushing to the hospital where I will have to watch a baby stuck with IV lines filled with steroids to save his life.

    This is not harmless!

    How will you deal with school? Not trying to be snarky at all; it's just that peanut butter is pretty much a lunch staple in schools and it would be virtually impossible to remove all traces from every surface in a classroom.
    PB alergies are soo common that the schools here don't allow any kind of nuts in schools. As far as how I deal, he is not yet in school. He will have an epi penwith him at all times any his teacher and nurse will know how to use it.

    Remind me not to move there. It must be in the water or something.

    Then don't come to LA either because kid's class had two allergies and the progression concept of allergic reactions is what we are told could happen. We take it seriously around here.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I'm more concerned about strangers thinking it's okay to discipline my child. We, my friend and I and kids, were at pizza hut buffet having lunch and some people in the back had a screaming child. A group of elderly ladies were sitting close to the buffet and my friends little boy(he was 5) went running to the buffet to get food and this old lady grabbed his arm and told him to quit all that screaming and it wasn't polite to scream like that, now mind you it wasn't him number 1 and number 2 I understand you being irritated with the screaming kid, I was there for 2 minutes and I had had enough of it but it's not your place to correct a child or their parents. I went off on her and told her in no uncertain terms that touching another persons child in that manner is unacceptable and very rude. They called me rude and I told them that rude is grabbing someone else's child in the manner she did so and that he (the child) deserved an apology and his mother too. She finally apologized and so did I. But if they are coming up and saying how cute and touching their heads and such I see nothing wrong with it. This is what's wrong with this world people get to upset over the little stuff. And to the lady with the kid who has allergies, your situation is different and not the normal. I would think even taking the child out to eat or even in public would be to much of a risk for the child and you should just leave said child home. I'm thinking I would be so paranoid to take my child out because of all the risks to it's life and said child is safer at home. Sucks to be the child though :(

    Why was a 5 year old running up to a hot buffet? Many restaurants prohibit kids under 10 from serving themselves.

    Simple solution is simple.

    He took off before we could stop him and we were telling him to come back when the lady grabbed him. He was running up there to stand in line and wait for him momma.

    Maybe his " momma " needs to teach him how to behave when eating in public. At five years old, he is old enough to learn. You would not need to " go off " on another patron of the restaurant ( because it's not your place either ) and the old lady can eat in peace.

    *cringe*. DON"T TOUCH MY CHILD.


    I am not the lady who was letting her child run into buffets. Re read the thread. I'm just a new person cringing at the thought of stranger coming up and stroking my childs head. Strangers keep hands off all strangers. How 'bout that?
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I'm more concerned about strangers thinking it's okay to discipline my child. We, my friend and I and kids, were at pizza hut buffet having lunch and some people in the back had a screaming child. A group of elderly ladies were sitting close to the buffet and my friends little boy(he was 5) went running to the buffet to get food and this old lady grabbed his arm and told him to quit all that screaming and it wasn't polite to scream like that, now mind you it wasn't him number 1 and number 2 I understand you being irritated with the screaming kid, I was there for 2 minutes and I had had enough of it but it's not your place to correct a child or their parents. I went off on her and told her in no uncertain terms that touching another persons child in that manner is unacceptable and very rude. They called me rude and I told them that rude is grabbing someone else's child in the manner she did so and that he (the child) deserved an apology and his mother too. She finally apologized and so did I. But if they are coming up and saying how cute and touching their heads and such I see nothing wrong with it. This is what's wrong with this world people get to upset over the little stuff. And to the lady with the kid who has allergies, your situation is different and not the normal. I would think even taking the child out to eat or even in public would be to much of a risk for the child and you should just leave said child home. I'm thinking I would be so paranoid to take my child out because of all the risks to it's life and said child is safer at home. Sucks to be the child though :(

    Why was a 5 year old running up to a hot buffet? Many restaurants prohibit kids under 10 from serving themselves.

    Simple solution is simple.

    He took off before we could stop him and we were telling him to come back when the lady grabbed him. He was running up there to stand in line and wait for him momma.

    Maybe his " momma " needs to teach him how to behave when eating in public. At five years old, he is old enough to learn. You would not need to " go off " on another patron of the restaurant ( because it's not your place either ) and the old lady can eat in peace.

    *cringe*. DON"T TOUCH MY CHILD.


    I am not the lady who was letting her child run into buffets. Re read the thread. I'm just a new person cringing at the thought of stranger coming up and stroking my childs head. Strangers keep hands off all strangers. How 'bout that?

  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Now a days I wouldn't want to touch pregnant women's belly with all the diseases out there. JS :sick:

    Okay, CW, I was down with the "kids get off my lawn" with you, but the diseases thing from preggo women's bellies lost me.

    FTR: No belly touching from me unless it's someone who wants me to feel the baby kick.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Thank god my son is now 12, and I dont have any daughters..... and yes I did allow older people and anyone else who wanted to to croon over and pinch his cheeks.

    It seemed unjust to keep all the cuteness for myself.

    The only boundaries I still hold near and dear is smoking, dont come near my kid with a cig, dont smoke in the car with my kid, if my kids friends have parents who smoke indoors, he isnt coming over, but if they smoke outside their home that is ok with me.

    I don't think it's too much to ask to defer to parents and their rules for their own kids. We are all going to have a different viewpoint on this, and frankly there are some damn wise people on here disagreeing with me. Again, I think it's a great idea to ask the parents.

    Agreed, I mean we have to ask the dog owners, so why not with kids. I mean they are the next level down on the hierarchy right?

    Let's see.

    Tiny Dogs
    Big Dogs

    Did I get that right?
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    this is so dumb

    let old people touch your babies
    they are from a different time

    a time with out MFP and FB where people actually had to TALK to each other for realz

    and every baby born was covetted and cherished by the community, hence the touching of bellies and babies

    young people GTFU seriously

    have some respect for older people and teach your kids the same. Your babies arent going to catch the plague from a kiss or cheek pinch of an older person. My gawd.

    Sorry, but I don't live in that world. Seriously, don't touch my kids. Most people seem to have boundaries and understand that touching strangers isn't commonly accepted here in 2014. I truly worry about those who think it's okay, because I start to question their intentions and overall judgment. Next up, pinching random girls' *kitten* because they're so damn adorable . . .

    surely you know the difference between old people enjoying a cute baby
    and a random perv pinching the butts of women.

    It is sad people ccant see the difference

    .....until you have to block a camera of some innocent looking old person trying to take an up-skirt photo of your 4 year old daughter.....


    QFT? This happened to you? WTF?!?

    Yes. I know, the world is full of rainbows and unicorns, and for the most part it is a pretty great place, but yes there are genuine wackadoodles out there and I do keep my eyes open when I'm with my daughters. Is every old person who wants to pat my daughters' heads a creeper? Of course not. Some of them are great to chat with and completely harmless. That doesn't mean I let my guard down.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    kids should be kept on leashes anyway. :angry:

  • EmbraceTheDarkSide
    EmbraceTheDarkSide Posts: 514 Member
    When I am old, I will be an annoying prick just because I can get away with it.

    I'll drive 20 in a 40 because... **** you
    I'll park badly because... **** you
    I'll stop in the middle of the street because... **** you
    I'll violate your personal space because... **** you
    I'll glare at you for no explicable reason because... **** you
    I will cut in line because... **** you

    **** you, I won at life and you can suck it, ya little whippersnapper
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    When I am old, I will be an annoying prick just because I can get away with it.

    I'll drive 20 in a 40 because... **** you
    I'll park badly because... **** you
    I'll stop in the middle of the street because... **** you
    I'll violate your personal space because... **** you
    I'll glare at you for no explicable reason because... **** you
    I will cut in line because... **** you

    **** you, I won at life and you can suck it, ya little whippersnapper

  • EmbraceTheDarkSide
    EmbraceTheDarkSide Posts: 514 Member
    Betty White is my home girl
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    These are numbers from statistics of Child Protective Services section of the US. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice. Statistics report that:

    23% of all sexual offenders were under the age of 18.
    40% of offenders of victims under age 6 were themselves juveniles
    13% were 7-11 years old; 27% were 12-17 years old.
    39% of the offenders of victims ages 7-11 were juveniles.
    27% of the offenders of victims ages 12 -17 were juveniles.

    To keep your children safe it is not a real smart idea to make blanket statements and especially blame " pervy old people ".
    It is much safer to think that the average child molester is not a statistical " old person " ( person over 60) , unless people like the OP automatically assume that an " old " person is any person older than themselves.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    These are numbers from statistics of Child Protective Services section of the US. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice. Statistics report that:

    23% of all sexual offenders were under the age of 18.
    40% of offenders of victims under age 6 were themselves juveniles
    13% were 7-11 years old; 27% were 12-17 years old.
    39% of the offenders of victims ages 7-11 were juveniles.
    27% of the offenders of victims ages 12 -17 were juveniles.

    To keep your children safe it is not a real smart idea to make blanket statements and especially blame " pervy old people ".
    It is much safer to think that the average child molester is not a statistical " old person " ( person over 60) , unless people like the OP automatically assume that an " old " person is any person older than themselves.

    I don't know whether to laugh at the fact that you posted no stats on the percentages of older creepers or that no one in here is actually arguing that all older people are creepers.
This discussion has been closed.