April Running Challange



  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Can you count indoor walking (Leslie Sasone) as part of this? The weather isn't cooperating still for getting out in the great outdoors to do it.

    I googled Leslie Sansone. That looked more like marching in place. I would not even know how you could figure out how many miles you would be walking. If you walked around an indoor track, then at least you know how far you walked. That's just me tho. The challange is all about getting you moving and a way to encourage each other.

    I've done the DVDs before and they are titled according to the equivalent distance, e.g. "Walk Away the Pounds Five Mile Walk." I didn't come up with the challenge but I think it would work fine.

    You learn something new. I suppose that would work then.
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 952 Member
    I'm ran last night 6.5 miles run/walk. So tonight I'm going to run 3 miles. Hope I can do this tonight. I know you should not run days in a row. But I feel like I can , so I'm going to try.m
  • ScientificExplorerGirl
    In for 60 miles. I am increasing from the 55 last month. I am doing a 10k run on May 11th so need to improve my speed...
  • bobbijodmb
    bobbijodmb Posts: 463 Member
    I am going to try for 100 again, although I have to taper this week because I am doing my first half marathon Sunday , but I still think I can do it =)
  • OnionMomma
    OnionMomma Posts: 938 Member
    In again this month.

    I'm shooting for 75, if I stick to my training schedule, I should go over though.
  • chiccam
    chiccam Posts: 239 Member
    I'm new to these running challenges. Great way to stay motivated. I'm in for 70.
  • GenoPrice
    GenoPrice Posts: 477 Member
    I am going to try for 100 again, although I have to taper this week because I am doing my first half marathon Sunday , but I still think I can do it =)

    Yes you can do 100 in the month. Just think your HM is going to add 13.1 miles to it.

    Going for 100 again this month, managed 102 last month but had 2 HM which added a nice amount.

    6.2 mile easy/recovery run this morning.

  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,297 Member
    I'm going to continue this from last month

    Total 747.3

  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    OK, In for 30 miles. An average of a mile per day. I'm new to it (well new to be back into it) and my schedule is lightening up a bit. I hit about 20-25 miles last month (did not keep up with it early in the month as I just found this topic about mid month... There are days that I cannot make it in to do it but usually average 2-3 miles when I make it in at least 3-4 days per week.

  • agentventi
    agentventi Posts: 84 Member
    For the newbies-Did the scale go up at first? I do not have any weight to lose but inches to tone up overall. However, one week into running 3-4 miles 3x's a week and the scale is up and pants are tight! I know this is probably normal. But when did it even out for you?
  • bkbenda
    bkbenda Posts: 265 Member
    I'm in for 110 miles again. Going for focus on speed this month.

    Good luck everyone!

  • lawlorka
    lawlorka Posts: 484 Member
    I'm in for this! I've just recently caught the running bug, and ran my first 5K race on Saturday. Training for a 10K in May so will be upping the distance and time on the road.

    I've set my target to 65miles

    Ticker won't work on the ticker website - don't know what I'm doing wrong!

    Fixed it

  • MomTo3Lovez
    MomTo3Lovez Posts: 800 Member
    Sounds awesome, I have to work up to running but sounds awesome, would love to see how many miles I can do in a month even if I don't get to 130. Maybe I will lower the mileage so I don't feel bad towards the end of the month, I can always adjust it later on if I hit my goal right?

    Edited to add:

  • lawlorka
    lawlorka Posts: 484 Member
    "For the newbies-Did the scale go up at first? I do not have any weight to lose but inches to tone up overall. However, one week into running 3-4 miles 3x's a week and the scale is up and pants are tight! I know this is probably normal. But when did it even out for you?"

    If you are new to an exercise you will retain water for muscle repair. Its completely normal. It should even out as you get used to the exercise.
  • gmthisfeller
    gmthisfeller Posts: 779 Member
    Day 2 -- 3.3 miles

  • nh38318
    nh38318 Posts: 124 Member
    I'm in for the April challenge. Managed to pass my 60 mile goal for March! Going to stick at 60 miles again as I have a holiday over Easter and will be having a few days off so will pick up the extra distance during the days I will be running.

    Good luck everyone!

    01/04 - REST DAY

  • hoppa321
    hoppa321 Posts: 448 Member
    I'm In for 40 miles

  • OhHaiStranger
    I'm ready! I only got 21 in last month but I'm training for a 10k now so hopefully I can get up to at least an average of 1 a day (to keep the doctor away)

  • runner475
    runner475 Posts: 1,236 Member
    Day 1 - 2.33 Miles

  • MayaDyra
    MayaDyra Posts: 90
    I would do this if I had a treadmill at home. I have to go to the gym of a hotel most days and don't want to seem suspicious going in too often. The gym I have a membership at is an hour from my home so I have to take the train there and can only go once a week.