Do you need friends?? Post up!



  • Goal4Jex
    Goal4Jex Posts: 18 Member
    Hello fellow MFP users!!! My name is Jessica. I am the queen of excuses. I have a excuse and a rebuttal for anything diet and exercise. I have always been my worst sabotage LOL.

    I'm 34 and have a 2 year old. I have used both as my excuse. Too old... Too busy. Only 20 year old can have a beach body. ....

    I live in Vegas. ( it's too hot outside.....waah waah waah)

    I'm 5'6 and can't hope for any more growth spurts to lean me out.

    SW 131
    CW 129
    GW 120.

    I know it's not much weigh to loose and it is VERY achievable. But it still means work and it still means I need to push myself if I want it because no one can or will do it for me!

    So all encouragement is welcomed!!

    Maybe I am making a deal out of 10 lbs, but that is how it all starts. 2 LBS gained becomes 4, 4 becomes 8, 8 becomes 16!!! Oh God make it stop!!! If only loosing it was that easy........

    I do work out at worst 1 time a week, typically 3 and at best 5 times.

    I eat very well and then very bad. Nutribullet protein shake in the morning or ground turkey salad or tacos ( meat, low fat cheese and lots of greens and avocado with a little salsa) and then I'll go for the cookies or pizza for dinner and a few candy mini bars.

    I invite any who dare to befriend a crazy one like me. ;) you are bond to get along with atleast one of my personalities, The go getter or the quitter.
  • mikecole2014
    Always trying to meet new people , I'm on everyday and want to motivate and support everyone feel free to add me
  • EP55346
    EP55346 Posts: 6 Member
    Add me! The more support the better! Most of my friends have been "inactive" for awhile. I love seeing all everyone's post :-) So motivating!
  • TaRena9165
    First REAL day of my journey here....anyone wishing to add me feel free I could use the encouragement. Does anyone here use the blog feature? I just wrote my first blog "Changing my Truth" in the hopes of keeping better motivated and would love to read some of your blogs to keep me grounded. Thanks!
  • justifit
    justifit Posts: 26
    Hello lovely people!! Feel free to add me!!
  • amcoltlghgirl
    Anyone can add me. I would love to support all of you on your journey :smile:
  • NekoneMeowMixx
    NekoneMeowMixx Posts: 410 Member

    22 year old female here, 5 foot 6.

    SW: 140
    CW: 135
    GW: No idea! I originally set my goal at 120, but I'm looking to lose inches more than weight itself. Plus, muscle weighs more than fat, so I guess whenever I can look in the mirror without seeing these muffins on my hips ;3P

    Looking for a good support system and always open to speaking to someone who knows that they're doing (especially when it comes to diet) to help get me (and keep me) on the right track!

    Just message me to let me know you found me on this thread, and I'm more than happy to be friends! :)
  • brian90
    brian90 Posts: 285 Member
    Anyone here can add me
  • sheenashe10
    Hi, I'm Sheena. I just joined MFP last week. I didn't record my food diary on the weekend because I ate out the whole weekend. So I decided to challenge myself to not to eat a whole week. I hope I can make. Feel free to add me. Thank you.
  • Allisonfitness99
    Allisonfitness99 Posts: 128 Member
    Always looking for new friends and more motivation! Add me :)
  • rj113
    rj113 Posts: 4 Member
    My name is RJ, 26 and 5'4"

    SW: 240
    CW: 236
    GW: 140

    Feel free to add me!
  • karen5ft10inches
    Love to be friends with you! I'm 5 10 and a half!!! lol so I hear what ur sayin!
  • karen5ft10inches
    Hi my name is Karen=) I need friends !!!
  • KaHam6
    KaHam6 Posts: 36
    Hey, I'm Katie!

    I'm 21 years old and this awful Ohio winter has kicked my calorie counting butt! I'm starting up again after falling off the wagon a couple months & hoping having some friends for support and accountability this time will help :) My diary is open , feel free to add me!
  • p0kers0ph
    p0kers0ph Posts: 250 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I'd love some more motivational and inspiring friends to liven things up a bit! I am currently doing Focus T25, I'm in week 5, looking forward to starting the Beta phase next week!
    My main goal right now is tose around 24lbs by July when I am going to Marrakech with my boyfriend for our first trip abroad.
  • kdub731
    kdub731 Posts: 18 Member
    Me! I've been on here off and on for a while now but don't have much in the way of friends. I'm committed to making permanent changes and I'm trying to be much more active on the site (and in life!)

    I could definitely use the support- I've got a long way to go! :)
  • BillyJan1992
    BillyJan1992 Posts: 171 Member
    ya maybe some single females who want to actually care about me
  • Curtruns
    Curtruns Posts: 510 Member
    I love running! I have been doing so for a couple of years now but never lost any weight. I think I just used my running as an excuse to eat even more, including some not so good for you foods. Since starting I have lost nearly fifteen lbs and I have even sped up on my runs!! I primarily use this site to balance out my carb / protein / fat intake as well as ensure I get all the nutrients I need to keep running injury free! Any other runners?
  • kathic713
    Hey - I'm an American expat living in London. My weight has fluctuated ever since college but since moving to the UK 2.5 years ago my weight has really gone up. I'm back on MFP to lose the weight and get fit. Could use all the motivation and support I can get! Feel free to add me
  • westwifey
    I recently got back "on the wagon" and am trying to stay consistent and accountable. Currently about halfway through my 150 lb weight loss goal and am looking to "fix" my diabetes, high blood pressure, depression and high stress levels the right way. Trying to keep my carbs from healthy sources (no white foods, fast food or soda) and making sure that exercise becomes a habit. Surrounded by family members who neither struggle nor worry about what they eat, so I have to work extra hard to stay on track. Would love a few more friends to be accountable to and share the struggle with. :-)