

  • LKM54
    LKM54 Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks exermom, I am getting my Master's in Pastoral counseling. I will be licensed as a counselor same accreditation as an MS program we we just add the spiritual piece. We look at the human being as body, mind and spirit. I have practiced alternative type medicine for over 20 years so this was the best program for myself. I loved the program it was quite the journey. It was a lot longer and a lot more work then I had expected. We had to do two internships as well in order to have 1,000 hours of clinic before graduating. At this age and in menopause, it was more of a challenge then I had anticipated. Taking the summer off before I figure out what I want to do when I grow up, LOL

    Well it is day 4 for me and surprisingly I am doing okay. We will see. I do plan on having a couple of glasses of wine on Saturday night so I have to figure out how to add that in :)

    I hope everyone has a blessed day, Lenny
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    well the ol boy left at 3:20 this morning on his way to florida.. driving down even though he had a plane ticket all set.. packed him a lunch and snack..
    I am up at my DSIL house keeping an eye on momma Faith.. my DB had to go to court his morning,so I am helping out here..Jean had to go to work...
    then I have to call my dad and see if I have to take him over to the coumiden clinic today, he says he is ok to drive,but after the past week,I am a bit worried, so If I have to take him I will.. then off to check on the DFIL.
    I got to the nursing home yesterday and he had gotten into the bathroom unattended and fell over on his head:noway:
    they took care of him right away, checked his head did his BP and will monitor him for the next 24 hrs.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    bumping in.... Mammogram and eye exam today, then to work. Was hoping to be able to just take the rest of the day but that is not happening...saw the dermatologist yesterday, have future appts with a couple of others and then I should be caught up again. Dislike going to the doctors...
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 492 Member
    Good morning Everyone,

    We will be going away for the weekend, back Sunday afternoon. We will be going to an Il Divo concert Saturday. I have always enjoyed their music. We are taking our little old girl pug. She can't walk far or fast so we have a carrier for her. I don't like to travel with her, but Hubby says we can't just stay home all of the time. She is 15, and the only one left out of three. I know she doesn't have a lot of time left, the other pugs we rescued as adults, lost both of them last year but we have had her since she was a puppy.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

    Prayers and hugs,

    Cindy in OK
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Good Morning,

    I'm one day from being done with the alpha phase of T25! I can't believe it's been 5 weeks. I wish was seeing better results on the scale but I know I'm making progress and the results will come if I stick with it (and scale back a little more on the food). I'm looking forward to the new beta DVD's, even though they're supposed to be even harder.

    I found the school I want to transfer Aaron to yesterday! The only barrier is actually getting in. Everything felt just right and I adored the principal. SO many "pluses" compared to where he's at now. I have one more school to visit today and need to put my top 3 choices on the school of choice application but I REALLY want the school from yesterday.

    Barbie, it's amazing how things can move so fast when it comes to our heath. My head spins when I allow myself to take a moment to think about how quickly my mom went from active, fit and healthy to dead, and especially how she had no quality of life for most of the illness. There's so much I wish we would have done after the fact but the truth of the matter is that we couldn't have done it just because of how the illness progressed. She simply wasn't capable, much like this teacher.:cry:

    Yanniejannie, I do think I'm going to start making a few more choices for Aaron. I was never much of a team sports person and don't wish, in retrospect, that someone would have pushed me and taught me but I do think it's a little different for most boys and whether they like it and stick with it, learning to be a "team player" is part of the male right of passage. If nothing else, I need to find someone with work on some of the basic sports skills with him to see where that might lead him.

    Got to shower and get this party started. Happy day to all.

    xo-Gloria in Metro Detroit
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy Thursday!

    The cookie pounds are gone, I'm back on track. :bigsmile: Trip to visit my fam in San Diego coming up a week from today, I simply must go look for some new clothes, and sandals! My old Tevas are history. I saw some decent-looking shorts the other day while shopping, I'll get over there and try some on. Seems I'm always waiting till the last minute to clothes-shop. :huh:

    Oh, I've been making these great Strawberry-Chocolate Smoothies! Thought you might enjoy trying the recipe. Not very sweet, takes a little getting used to, but really good. Fresh berries work better (and taste better) than frozen, in my opinion.

    Makes 2 servings, 103 calories per serving. I suppose you could drink both servings...I know I could! :tongue:

    Blend together:
    1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
    7 or 8 fresh strawberries (frozen berries are fine, too)
    1 T cocoa powder
    2 T date sugar (white sugar if you wish)

    Serve cold.

    Yesterday I added a scoop of chocolate protein powder to the mix, and a couple of ice cubes. Certain days at work I need something in the afternoon, and a protein drink is just the ticket. I don't have time to eat inbetween lessons, or floss my teeth. :bigsmile:

    Wishing everyone a wonderful day! Eat your greens & beans :flowerforyou: :glasses: :flowerforyou:

    :smile: jb in rainy, windy Portland
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Gloria in Detroit: I’m glad you had a successful business day and got some rest.:flowerforyou:

    Cynthia: Congratulations on your healthy successes.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: We’ve also had Christmas at odd times the past couple of years because our kids live far away. We’ve managed to have a celebration on an alternate day, but I’ve had some sadness on the actual date of the holiday. Wistful might be the right word, or wishful. I’m happy that your family has managed to create satisfying traditions. We’re working on it.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: I agree that animals are often kind to young children and let them poke & pull without retaliating. They seem to understand babyhood. :love: DD’s dog did not fall into that group when DGD was a baby, so he had to be kept away from her. :noway: In his defense, he had a very painful hip condition because he’d been run over by a car just a few months prior to DGD’s birth.:flowerforyou:

    Sue in TX: I would be procrastinating on fixing the canoe seats because I lack the skills to do the repairs. I wonder if there is a place you could take it and have the seats redone for you. On the other hand, you may be having fun doing other things, instead of canoeing.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I am so sorry that your dancing friend is having such a hard time with her health. :cry: I’m guessing she is happy that you are able to take over for her so she doesn’t have to let anyone down. Perhaps all of the dancers could send her good wishes cards or flowers. :flowerforyou:

    Kayzoola: DH loves roasted Brussels Sprouts or stir fried ones so we do them his way sometimes, but I prefer them steamed and we do them my way sometimes, too. I’ve been looking at rainy days as opportunities to rest, too. We seem to get into cycles of running around doing errands and then we don’t get things done at home.:ohwell:

    Amanda: I’m sending good thoughts your way. All of us occasionally need to become actresses, acting the way we want to feel. In my experience it works pretty well sometimes, and I forget my aches and pains for a while. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: I enjoy reading about your trips and adventures. I love that you and your DH celebrate the anniversary of the day you met. I remember the day DH and I met but not the exact date. Since it was on the evening of a record-breaking snowfall, I could look it up pretty easily. I thought he was an obnoxious horn-dog. :laugh: . Over the months we got to know one another and I discovered there was more to him. Here we are, all these years later.:heart:

    Moondogz/Lenny: Figuring out what you want to do when you grow up at this age is a blessing. You have new horizons to look forward to. I’ll bet you’ll be a terrific counselor. As to the wine, look up the calories and log them. They do count toward the total for the day. I think of alcoholic beverages as similar to a serving of candy or cake, lots of sugar with minimal nutrition. It won’t hurt a thing if you stay in your limits and don’t overdo.:flowerforyou:

    JB: Congratulations on getting back on track! Have a great day.

    I got my new glasses yesterday and I think I look good in them. I can also see a bit better. We’ve decided on a day at home today after spending the whole day yesterday running errands. I want to tidy the house, continue to clean the sailboat, and enjoy the process.

    I hope everyone has a pleasant day with good things in it.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in beautiful & rainy NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    April Goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Move more: cardio at least 3 days a week and strength training when able.
    3. Find a way to have fun at least once every day.
    4. Water: Pay attention to water intake and drink frequently during the day.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    I am so happy! DS#1 has actually emailed me a nice, long letter! ! ! ! ! ! :drinker: :love: :drinker:
    He also asked me when would be a good time to come down for a visit. :bigsmile: I'll believe that when I see it, but just to get some communication from him is a blessing.:bigsmile:
    He did say he has put on 28 lbs with his weight lifting.:noway: Says it is all muscle! :laugh: :noway: Not doing as much cycling, but he is about to start coaching a new racing cycling team and is very excited. (He won 2 awards last year for triathlon coaching).
    He has split up with his girlfriend, her idea, but has a new one already. :wink: He is someone who really needs to have a girlfriend. He is so masculine that his life seems half complete without feminine input. He was always much nicer to know when he had a girlfriend on the go, even as a teenager.
    I do hope he will make it down from Nottingham for a couple of days.
    Anyway, that has all cheered me up no end.

    We will be going up to London tomorrow for a quick afternoon babysit. DDIL has been asked to write another two books to add to the series and she doesn't like leaving them with the nanny all the time. She knows that our being there is a special treat for them. At least DH is a special treat for DGS!:laugh: I wonder what adventures are in store tomorrow! :love: :heart: :love:

    My doctor appointment has resulted in him making me an appointment to see the hospital clinical physio who can arrange MRI s and such like. Getting nearer to some answers!:sick:

    Heather in sunny Hampshire UK
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Barbie – oh am I glad it was not something bigger than a fly!!!!:happy: Good point!
    Sorry to hear the other teacher is not getting better; but delighted for you and I know you love teaching the dance class. :flowerforyou:

    Amanda – Hang in, and plaster that smile on your face – I do think Barbie is right that if you act how you want to feel it does help.:smile:

    Heather – all of your plans sound so great! Happy meeting anniversary! :smile: and great to hear from your son!

    Patty – Cheesecake here has a diet menu (that is still crazy high) But!! What I have found is that the portions are so big; that a diet item can still be spilt in half and be plenty – or a regular entrée can be split by 3 and be plenty… So if someone will go in that works; but I have also had them just box up ½ to go in the kitchen before it is even brought out - :wink:

    Lenny – Others have heard my wine trick; but I do about ½ wine, ½ seltzer water – I worked up to it at first it was 4 oz wine 1 oz water… I am even known to bring water in my purse and add it to my glass when out so it will not get refilled. :drinker:

    Here is to a good thursday everyone!
    Kim in N. Cal.
  • cadoro03
    cadoro03 Posts: 1
    This looks like a good topic/group for me....50plus, new to MFP, and supporting women!
    I am a Texas Native lost in the burbs of Washington DC, but hopeful of returning home someday.
    So, I need some advice on how best to use MFP. Any dynamic tips???
    Thanks so much!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Thurs.:flowerforyou:
    I have a question for all you ladies,sorry it`s a personal question:frown:
    Has anybody after their periods stopped for a year or more,have any spotting or bleeding?
    I have a call in to the dr and very nervous.Thanks:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Jane - I'm pretty sure that happens from time to time, I know it did with my mum, so I shouldn't worry, but it's just as well to get it checked out for total peace of mind.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • LKM54
    LKM54 Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks Kati and thanks for the wine tricks momsamodel!
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello friends!
    Seems like ages since I popped in. Have been catching up off and on but must admit havent been able to read all the posts.
    Thankfully the summer vacation begins tomorrow. But, I'm off to the city of Ahmedabad in the state of Gujarat to see my mom. I'll be off the internet and mfp, unless I can come up with something.
    Had myhair attended to, read straightened and have been advised not to get it wet or even prespire :noway: . How do I work out? Its extremely hot and I prespire buckets even while strolling, dont think it was a good idea.:blushing:
    Well will have to be more careful about my cals I guess:grumble:
    Barbie happy about your teaching the line dance class and was so touched by your concern for the other teacher. I know what you mean by giving her a nice farewell as she retired to take care of herself. We need to be so honest about our health.
    Had been for a medical check up last week and am glad to say all's well. We did find a couple of fibroids in the uterus but menopause was confirmed and so nothing to be worried about. :bigsmile:
    Someone asked about spotting a year after the last period, it was an annual event with me for a couple of years till the final one about 4 years ago. i'll be 49 in june.
    Applause for all those with victories specially the NSVs. Best wishes for all who are struggling.
    Anamika from an extremely hot Mumbai
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Sunny sky (cool breeze) and very sunny mood; no special reason, but I'll take it!! Had a last minute invite to lunch at a new place............that was medicore at best.............French onion soup had 1 paltry thin slice of provolone, not melted; picked it off with the bread and just had the onions and broth. Two huge slices of blah meatloaf---ate one half of one and broccolini (which was supposed to be broccoli) and brought the rest of meatloaf home---will add vegs and it will be DH's dinner.........he'll undoubtly add enough seasonings to his taste. Anyway, the company was excellent!!! We laughed and laughed! Good oldies playing all the way there and back home...........car danced and sang loudly.

    Heather..........see above
    felt about 15 today!!! Glad to hear of the progress on your knee issue and especially glad about DS1's contact!!! Celebrate!

    janemartin.............yes, yes, yes--it happens

    Cindy.............OOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhh, Il Divo, listen to them all the time, green with envy here...........

    jb...........Strawberry/chocolate drink---you are truly playing my song

    Gloria...........Very best of luck getting Aaron in the school of your choice. Hope he gets in and loves it!

    Heading out to pick up the yard a bit.
    Welcome newbies!

  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Just a bump here. We had our strenght training class outside in the sun today, it was a great work out and we got a little vitamin D.
    The reason is because they are expanding our work-out area here and it's under construction but we all felt it could be benifical to have them outside sometimes.
    Patty, Cincinnati OH
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,886 Member
    Hello to all of you lovely ladies: Sunny but blustery day here. I have done my yoga this morning and attended a meeting for a reunion of families, kids and parents, for the alternative school that my kids attended. Gloria, hope your school choice works out for you and your son. My son would love to find an alternative school like he went to for his daughter but so far no luck.

    Cindy - I love Il Divo and would love to hear them in concert. I am jealous!!! Hope you enjoy every minute.

    Michele - When you substitute silken tofu in your recipes does it add any protein to it? I know you use it in place of oil but just wondered.

    turkishvan - Do you have Turkish vans?

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Hi again,

    We had just left my sister's in Tucson when I got a picture (by text) of my new grandson, Shawn. About 3 hours later I got to see and hold him! He's a healthy little (6#, 13oz) boy with very happy parents and big brother.

    Hugs to all.

    Eileen near San Diego
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I am totally frustrated today. Insomnia last night which prevented me from going out to eat with our group of retired nurses who meet once a month. We were also going to go browse some consignment shops. So after I finally got to sleep I woke up feeling pretty well rested at 1, got my lunch and then logged into the computer to do my daily ritual. Facebook, check in with everyone, do my two games, go to MFP and log my food for the day and find my place in this forum. Check my FitBit and look at my sleep log and dashboard and check my PGA site to see how our local guy is doing in this weeks tournaments. Internet would not load!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH NO. So I finally got into face book but couldn't anywhere else. I finally got in here and nothing looked the same. You have to look real close on the left hand side of the screen to find log in, and community. The page is all across the page instead of the normal boxes, no pictures and my reply box is this little narrow box. But at least I could log on. I tried to download a different browser to see if it would work better and it wouldn't download.

    My husband also hasn't been able to get his Netflix via Nintendo for over a week and he called Nintendo support. I knew that I would eventually need to take over since it required computer help. I couldn't even get into Nintendo support and so I knew I had to call Wowway. So I called them and spent over an hour going from down on the floor trying too find the cords he was talking about, get back up and try to get onto computer, redo cords. Finally it was decided that they needed to come out and do a home visit. NOOOOO. And it is Monday. NOOOOO
    So my facebook games are gone until then. Both my laptop and desk top are ancient. I knwo I need new ones but I can't imagine that expense.

    Joyce, Indiana