

  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    whew it's been a very long week. Work has become very busy and I love it. I hate getting bored so busy is great :happy:

    My jaw is finally stopped aching but the fixed tooth is very sensitive. I almost jump out of my skin if I accidentally touch it with a spoon. I've been through this before so I know that will dissipate soon. For now I'm just careful.

    I haven't done my new thing for exercise yet this week. Maybe a DVD, I'll have to think about it some more. I'm thinking about getting DD's bike out of storage and maybe going for a ride. I haven't ridden a real bike in many years. I wonder if I have the balance to do it :laugh:

    Somehow along the way I've gained a few stray pounds. I worry that it's self sabotage, getting close to 100 lbs so I have to make sure I don't hit that goal. In the past when people started noticing the weight loss is when I started eating more. I see it now and hopefully I can fix that part me.

    Welcome to the new ladies!

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Jane - just thought I'd chime in. I once knew a lady who had a stray period after years of not having any. She wound up with a brand new baby at the age of 56. Just thought I'd mention it.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    That is so wonderful that a hospital will go to that length to encourage wellness. I wish they did stuff like that when I worked at a hospital. They did have wellness fairs and you went through all these health checks, if you participated you got a discount on your insurance.

    Garage saling!!!! Sounds like so much fun. And the exercise and bargains. Sounds wonderful. Good luck finding the bargains.

    I think I got my computer issues resolved. When you use Chrome, Adblock is purchased through the google chrome store. It very easily downloaded.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 492 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Popping in to save my place. Excited to see the concert tomorrow night. Il Divo formed bout 10 years go, I think I have bought all of their music, looking forward to tomorrow night. The theatre is only a 9 minute walk from the hotel.

    Have. Great night,

    Cindy in OK
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,390 Member
    Amanika - so glad that I could be of help to your mom

    Joyce - I love frozen grapes. I like them unfrozen, too. But when they are in season and real sweet, I put them in the freezer. Yum, yum. I'm like you, I love my fruits. If you were to give me a choice between a piece of pizza and a nice juicy peach, I'd honestly prefer the peach.

    saundraschult - welcome! Congrats on giving up the cigs, that's a wonderful step. How neat you do the tapes with your sister on speaker phone. I bet that's great motivation. Keep up the good work. Even tho you showed a gain right now, sometimes it just takes our bodies a while to get caught up.

    mimi - you look younger in your pic right now that you did previously.

    cyclingbonnie - great joke. I think I heard it somewhere before, but it was great reading it again

    Alison - feel better, hun

    Bonnie - As another workout junkie, I feel your pain. In some ways, I'm actually wondering how I can get even a little workout in while my friend and her husband from Switzerland are here. Isn't that sad? I know I should be spending time with them, but maybe early in the a.m.? My heart goes out to you taking care of your mom. Demential can be so hard. Good luck on your ride. I know you'll feel so much better when you're done. MIL had "sundown". She'd be fine when I'd go to see her during the day but by the time Vince went after work, she'd be a totally different person. That was the first time I'd ever heard of sundowning. It was difficult, especially for Vince

    looseseal - feel better fast

    Heather - enjoy those grandchildren. I know you will

    Sylvia - take care of yourself

    Lis - you're more than welcome to join. I like to bake, too

    Shena - welcome

    jane - congrats to hubby

    Cindy - enjoy the concert

    Well, Steve came here. When he said he'd be here in time for lunch, I was thinking 1-1:30. Well, I got back from the deep water class and Vince tells me he called and said his GPS says he'll be here in an hour. Thank goodness I'd done some of the prep work yesterday so all I had to do was put the rolls on a platter (I'd cut them apart already), put out the onion (I'd cut that up), needed to cut the tomato and wash the lettuce, put the dressing on the coleslaw, and get the veggie tray ready. I did buy a veggie tray yesterday, and I know they sell it in a tray that you can (supposedly) serve it in, but I would rather put it in a tray of my own. To me, it just looks nicer. So did that, had a chocolate bran muffin, read one of the papers (they didn't come until late this morning so I didn't get to read them both before I left for the Humane Society and then class) and Steve was here. Didn't know what time he was staying until so I didn't plan any dinner. He left around 5. I gave him 3 of the key lime cupcakes, I have 4 on a plate for the place where I take the extremepump class and 4 for the Y and the other 2 for Vince (he sure doesn't need 10). Steve left around 5. It was nice to see him. He keeps asking us to come to his house in Colorado (we'd gone to his house in PA). While we were having "lunch" (late), Jessica called and said that she and Kris were thinking of coming to CO in late August. Hopefully, that'll be incentive for Vince

    I'm planning to do the Personal Training with Jackie Warner DVD tomorrow.

    Vince's stomach is still upset. I can't help but wonder if he's not making more out of it than it is. Maybe it just seems like a lot to me because I don't get real sick very often. He seems to always get things.

    Michele in NC
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi to all my pals. Miserable day here; 1/2 my students failed their test again and I'm not sure what is going to happen. I know there will be all sorts of interference from above if that many fail the course but I am at my wits end.

    I have decided I am also incredibly angry at DD#1. She called the women's hospital to get an appointment and no females were available so she refused to make an appointment. I finally lost my patience and told her "Well Dalton's been all up in there and he's not a female, so just take an appointment and get over it." Needless to say she was not pleased with me. Dh was supposed to go out with the two of them tonight and talk about adoption but of course the bf cancelled due to being sick. He seems to be "sick" a lot whenever there is something going on.

    On the good side, it was a beautiful 80 degrees here today and sunny.

    That's all I have for tonight; I'm tired and obviously cranky, so I'm having a glass of wine and heading to bed. Take care and thanks for listening. Meg from Omaha
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Just a few comments and then off to bed. It's been a long week! Thank you to all who gave your support regarding my son, school and baseball.

    Sylvia … how did your appointment with the lung specialist go? You may feel like you’re having a meltdown, but I’ve been watching your ticker … and it’s moving and moving in the right direction!

    Drkatiebug … I too have given away my larger clothes … absolutely terrified of growing out of the smaller clothes becauš I only buy a few for each size change. You know what to do and you’ve done it before … don’t despair!

    Yanniejannie … I gave my son a hug from you! I told him it was from “yanniejannie” … that elicited a smile ... I’ve shared all the positive feedback and it has been reaffirming to him!

    Kim in N Cal … I think you’re right on about the logging and weighing of food! When I’m diligent, the weight comes off … when I’m not, it doesn’t! And weighing is crucial in my opinion.

    Michele… would you explain again what the green room is? Our pool cover will be on a lot longer yet ....

    Joyce … thank you for the story about another young man who made a choice. Shared it with my son.

    Cindy … nothing remains by the road long where I live. Once my friend and I walked by what appeared to be the contents of someone’s home at the curbside on trash day. We found an antique mission-style china closet that my friend refinished and is still using. Turned out the neighbors were hoping others would see things to take. And nothing metal lasts by the curb … scrappers are always on the lookout.

    Alison … my son has chronic migraines with and without eye disturbances. Today he had both vision loss and the severe pain. Another missed day of school, but this evening (maybe since the weather front moved on) is feeling much, much better. Hope you feel better.

    Carol … I am just plain envious that you are at the beach … enjoy just “being.”

    Meg … you may be cranky tonight, but you are also funny! Sorry your daughter didn’t think so!

    Have a great weekend!
  • Suecantalk
    I have the same problem! Take .137mg of synthroid and have been logging food for 2 weeks. Always under my calorie allotment and exercise regularly. Gained 2.5lbs....soooo discouraging! It is unbelievable how that darn number on the scale can effect my whole outlook about myself.
    Will tweak the diet and definitely add more water and less sugar. Will stick with it and hope the numbers go down. I totally understand what you are going through but keep at it!!!!'
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    My appointment with the pulmonologist was a total waste of time. This doctor is about 14 years old, seems like he's recently out of osteopath school, and doesn't seem to have a clue! I think I knew more about the condition from using google than he did. Firstly, the main thing he wanted was for me to take a pulmonary function test - AFTER making sure my insurance was good for it. When I said no, he actually seemed heartbroken. And it all seemed to be about the dollars he would be losing out on. FINALLY he listened to my lungs and said they sounded clear. I knew that. He asked me about my asthma and I told him my only symptom was a little shortness of breath especially at bedtime, when I'm trying to go to sleep, and sometimes I have to prop myself up so I can get a deep breath. I swear, his beady little eyes lit up, and he said maybe you have sleep apnea! I said no, this is when I'm AWAKE. He seemed to lose hope, and I told him I would call for an appointment if I ever feel I need it. One other thing though, is he told me I needed to give up pottery because of the dust. That may be the one thing he's right about, but I am not going to rush into anything.

    It's scary that this is the doctor who is treating my son. I may be totally wrong about the guy, but I certainly did not have a good impression of him.

    I'm going to try to get an appointment with a specialist in Omaha or St Louis. I checked with KU Medical Center and they don't have anybody who specializes in it. That would have been closer. If I'm going to do that lung function test, it's not going to be at this hospital.

    I'm listening to an audiobook now that's called "the Minor Adjustment Beauty Salon" by Alexander McCall Smith. It's really good. I love the narrator. There was a bit about mashed potatoes that made me laugh out loud. I won't tell you what it was, in case any of you are reading it, but I highly recommend that series about the Number One Ladies Detective Agency. I think they made a tv series out of it, but it was a network we dont get here.

    Well, back to my book.

    Goodnight ladies.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good night all.
    Was looking about side effects to the new drug the dr put me on for inflammation,one of the side effects is vaginal bleeding,that could be my problem,gonna run it past my dr.
    Sleep well all
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :wink: hugs for all my MFP friends tonight.

    :yawn: I surely hope I can get some type of decent sleep tonight. I may have to go back to doc and get some meds. You know...I was taught not to rely on medication, yet I do it everyday. For example for my thyroid, for my cholesterol. So what - pray tell - is wrong about sleep medication? I already use melatonin (not doing much, although it helps a little). How do you ladies deal with insomnia? I hear that it is rampant.

    Is there an app for that? I know there must be.

    :smile: I had a lovely dinner out with a (new) friend tonight. We talked and talked and talked. And, oh well, yes, we gossiped too:ohwell: :ohwell: . I had the chicken salad with apple chutney. Very good. Then home to hubby and talked about our day. His finger is getting better, but far from healed. Now I wonder if it should have been amputated to a lower knuckle. But I may be premature on my opinion.

    :happy: Tomorrow is haircut day. Yay. I love getting my hair done. Just the scalp massage is worth it for me. Oh, and I finally arranged for a massage for beginning of May. That has been months!! My shoulders are crying out for attention.

    Love to all
    From earthquaky Vancouver Island, BC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sylvia, this guy was a pulmonologist????? Geeesh. Is your son also going o a major medical center for consultation on this or is this the only one treating him?

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Kayzoola
    Kayzoola Posts: 60
    For exercise today, I slogged along behind the lawn mower for an hour. It is NOT sef-propelled, so it feell like I'm walking uphill the whole time. The vegetables seem to be doing the trick, and the very stubborn last few pounds have been giving way at last.

    Saundra, there is a lot of success represented here. I find inspiration reading the daily accomplishments of the "over 50" ladies, and occasionally checking in the food and nutrition section. Lean protein and vegetables, with plenty of fiber are a recurring theme -- a commitment to exercise regularly, too. I think most of us experience some frustration while we try to reach our goals.

    Lis, I tore my rotator cuff some 30 years ago, and it still is quite impaired. I'm curious, did the surgery restore the function you lost when it was injured? Sounds like you have a beautiful life!

    Kayzoola (PNW USA)
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies

    Grey and decidedly damp in London town today. I got saturated on the way to work. My new shoes are all squelchy, good job I keep some spares at the gallery.

    My appetite has now left me completely. I'm trying to eat a little as often as I can, but seriously struggling. DH is getting concerned and keeps making food suggestions. None of which are appealing!

    This evening we are going over to babysit the grandtwins. We are going to go armed with colouring books and crayons. We will only have about an hour with them before bath time, but I'll take that. I also get to read them their bedtime story - something I love and they enjoy (I always do the voices and this makes them giggle). Hopefully DD and SOBSIL won't be home too late.

    Work to be done now!

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Watched this earlier - made me smile! x

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Good morning my friends!:flowerforyou:

    Boy was I stiff and tired this morning! It reminded me of the bad oldcdays before I lost the weight. I shuffled, flat footed, downstairs to make a cup of tea. How can looking after one 7 month old baby be so exhausting!:noway: But what a gorgeous, fabulous, edible baby she is, even with a cold and runny nose.:love::love: :love: DGS had a blast with DH as always. When we arrived he was asleep as he had been unwell, but when we went to wake him up he was so delighted to see us. He gave DH a great big hug. Later in the afternoon he said, "I love you Johnny." He asked his mum how old Johnny is. She said, how old do you think he is? He said, 8.! ! ! Only out by one digit! We will be back next weekend for his birthday party, so we haven't got long to pine. We missed them already when we got on the train. DH had spent most of the afternoon rescuing lambs that had fallen off the cliff (the coffee table) with the digger. DGD looked on wide eyed from my lap while chewing my spectacle case.:heart::heart: :heart:

    I am glad and proud to report that I got on our machines this morning, grumbling away, and managed to clock up my usual exercise and more. Oooofffff! Then I did some strength training. More oooofffff! So glad I did it though.

    I've got some banana bread out of the freezer to have when the owners of our holiday cottage come over to give us the key. Note to self - only have a tiny piece of DH'S. :laugh:

    Last night DS was feeling too tired to cook so he got Turkish takeaway. (It's a Turkish area) We had to dash off before we got to the dessert, so we have a carton of Turkish rice pudding in the fridge. Note to self - only have one teaspoon of DH'S!:laugh: :laugh:

    Dinner is Chinese chicken with black bean with stirfried home grown broccoli and FROZEN BRUSSEL SPROUTS! ! ! ! ! :laugh: :tongue: :laugh: :tongue:

    Love to all, Heather, feeling about 90, in showery Hampshire UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    morning ladies,,\
    I am sitting here surrounded by my furry boys,well the DH got to florida and I called at 5:45 this morning and he was out walking:bigsmile: .he didnt get alot of that in the last 2 days because of all the driving.. so he is at least attempting to get some exercise
    today I work until noon... then will go check on the DFIL , then home.. take care of the puppies...it is raining today will stop for awhile and start up again,
    There is a car show in town today and dont know if they will be able to have it if it is raining, I know they have a rain date...
    I have just been stuffing my face with all sorts of crap, and I am not proud of myself..
    I know I will get back on track soon.but life has just been crazy lately so I will get my tushy in gear:embarassed:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Carol in NC:smile: Enjoy "just being", I need to do that more often!

    Meg:smile: Hoping you have a wonderful day today! Sending you a hug:flowerforyou: !

    Jane Martin:smile: Hope the bleeding is nothing worrisome :flowerforyou: !

    Amanda:smile: Hope your appetite comes back, I know with your gallbladder problems it`s not easy:cry: ! Have a wonderful time with the grandtwins:love: !!!!

    I`m meeting my friend with ALS today, haven`t seen her since before Christmas so it will be good to catch up!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful fun filled Saturday:bigsmile: !!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in gorgeous NC:glasses:
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    I have the same problem! Take .137mg of synthroid and have been logging food for 2 weeks. Always under my calorie allotment and exercise regularly. Gained 2.5lbs....soooo discouraging! It is unbelievable how that darn number on the scale can effect my whole outlook about myself.
    Will tweak the diet and definitely add more water and less sugar. Will stick with it and hope the numbers go down. I totally understand what you are going through but keep at it!!!!'

    Story of my post hysterectomy life.....minus the meds :ohwell:
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Good Morning everyone,

    Sort of "checked out" yesterday. I finished T25 alpha and will start the beta DVD's on Monday. Pretty much no weight loss (maybe a pound or two but it's hard to tell because I do bounce around by a few pounds throughout the day) and the same 2 inches in my waist. I do feel stronger and am hoping to get a crumb or two to keep me excited about the next level.

    Today is also the day I usually run my annual 5K. Have to miss due to no childcare with my mom "gone" and my stepfather gone to my aunt's funeral (it was yesterday). I'm going to head down to the treadmill and do a little trot in "honor". Don't expect to run the whole 5K since I haven't been training but I do think my T25 training will get me a good portion of the distance.

    Errands (with a most disagreeable boy) and chores later.

    Was also supposed to be heading up to my college alma mater to celebrate the 30th anniversary of starting our sorority. Was looking forward to getting away for some laughs after the stress of the past year but I'll have to hold on a little longer and make some new plans.

    Can't believe there are just a few more days left in the month! Finally seeing a little green in the yard.

    Will know about Aaron's school after June 1 but the lady in the admin office indicated that I should have a pretty good chance at my first choice, if not, then one of the top 3. Either way, hopeful for next year and looking forward to the change.

    Hope everyone has a great day. Off to the races....

    xo-Gloria in Metro Detroit