foods that are not "worth" the calories?



  • lemur_lady
    lemur_lady Posts: 350 Member
    anything that requires me to drink my calories (bar protein shakes and even they are pushing it). I will have a glass of wine occasionally but most of the time I like to eat my calories. The fruit juice is well and truely out my life. So much sugar and calories for a cup of liquid :noway:
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    I now look at food as a fuel and try to forget that I LOVE buttery, crumbly croissants...

    That makes me sad. Never forget what you love.

    Food is fuel, and food is Joy.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    Mayo. I do really like it, and used to eat it on absolutely everything. But for the amount I want to eat, I just can't justify the calories. It's one thing where "just have less!" doesn't work for me. I know if I'm going to eat mayo, I'll be eating a LOT of it, so it works better for me to just avoid it all together.

    Mayo is the only low fat food I buy, and only because I really can't tell the difference between it and the regular stuff. I also gave up soda for the most part because I don't like it enough for the amount of sugar in it, so for me it's not worth it. If we're doing a movie night, I'll get a small bottle of the diet stuff to split.
  • ThisCharmingFellow
    ThisCharmingFellow Posts: 132 Member
    Drinks with calories - what a waste to drink calories! Liquid just doesn't stay in the mouth long enough to make it worth it.

    Agree with this but with a small exception - root beer.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    Brocolli. It's like a mini tree.
    I don't want to eat trees.
    Disgusting stuf!

    It's not a tree, it's a flower. Seriously stick it in water and watch it flower.

    On to what the OP asked. Sweets and a lot of sauces.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Croissants... I love them so much but... just not worth it as they don't fill you up at all
    Most donuts. Unless it's the apple cider ones from local farm or the jelly ones from Whole Foods (they have a French chef here)
    BBQ ribs
    BBQ/Buffalo wings
    Butter (I still use it in recipes occasionally but that's it)
    Any deep dish pizza
    French fries

    I'd put cake, cookies or chocolate in there but they are worth the calories in small quantities, lol.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Anything high calorie that tastes like crap. I have no issue spending calories on yummy items, but it makes me so sad when I decide to work my day to have something high calorie, and look forward to it, then I get it and it's horrible. Most recently happened with KFC. It tasted like sadness :(

    I made a delicious chocolate cake from scratch a couple weeks ago. So totally worth the high calories! Decided to have a small slice as breakfast, it would be a small breakfast, but that cake was so good!!!
    Well, my kids forgot to cover it well, it was stale and yucky, but I was so famished when I woke up that I ate the cake anyway. The cake was a yucky worthless lie.
  • joolywooly33
    joolywooly33 Posts: 421 Member
    Garlic bread and chocolate spread - not together tho lol Alioli is never worth it either..........
  • jennibee70
    jennibee70 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Kraft cheesey pasta. Don't ask me why but I love that stuff, and it became my Sunday "treat" lunch, half the box followed by a scone with jam and whipped cream. Half the box works out about 550 calories, and now that I live alone, you know I'm going to eat the other half box later that same day. I just can't justify 550 calories on a lunch that isn't even going to fill me.
  • Jlmervin03
    Jlmervin03 Posts: 152 Member
    Wine is ALWAYS worth the calories :wink:

    LOVE IT!!
  • HoneydewLouu
    HoneydewLouu Posts: 18 Member
    I don't think any oil or butters are worth the calories personally :)
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    When I decided to eat "mindfully", the first thing I decided to do is to eat things I like and forgo stuff I'm just not that in to. If I bought sour candies, I might eat some of the favors that I'm not thrilled about, but now I just pick out the flavors I love and throw out or give away the rest. Same for soft drinks... Never been a big fan, so skipping the 7 Up is no sacrifice.
  • thomaszabel
    thomaszabel Posts: 203 Member
    Twinkies, HoHos, all those pre-processed pre-packaged sweet things you get at your local gas station.
  • nicolemviolette
    nicolemviolette Posts: 105 Member
    Any junk foods really arent worth the calories. Cookies, cakes, all that garbage. Its good once in a while and in moderation, but I still usually feel like crap after I eat it. It was good for the 2 seconds it was in my mouth, but it takes a lot longer than that to burn it off. Another thing that I dont think is worth the calories are sodas and all the other junk that people drink like DD drinks and McDonalds drinks. Theyre LOADED with calories. But why do people drink them when they could just have some water for no calories?
    Some things that I find surprisingly high in calories are salad dressings, pastas and peanut butter. But im glad they make PB2, because it only has 45 calories per 2 TBSP vs. 180 in regular peanut butter.
  • thomaszabel
    thomaszabel Posts: 203 Member
    I love hummus. I use it often in place of mayo on my sammich. Even though it packs the calories, I exercise enough to counteract. And it's much healthier than some of the carp it replaces.
  • lizzyclatworthy
    lizzyclatworthy Posts: 296 Member
    I broke my ability to eat real mayo by spending years eating the extra light stuff. now I cannot go back (real mayo tastes slimy now) it bothers me what is in the stuff but I am addicted now.

    certain chocolate is now a no go, if I am going to eat chocolate I am going to have the best. My boycott of Lindt is breaking my heart, I love those little balls of heaven but I promised I would boycott until they withdraw support of Autism $peaks :sad:
  • Solly123
    Solly123 Posts: 162 Member
    Mayo. I do really like it, and used to eat it on absolutely everything. But for the amount I want to eat, I just can't justify the calories. It's one thing where "just have less!" doesn't work for me. I know if I'm going to eat mayo, I'll be eating a LOT of it, so it works better for me to just avoid it all together.

    This... Totally agree.. Would eat Mayo with everything. But want tonnes of it. Just a scrape of it is no good. So its either the whole hog or none at all for me too!! :ohwell:
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    for me nuts aren't worth it. They don't fill me up, they don't satisfy in any way unless they are incorporated in somthing (pecans or almonds in oatmeal, pecans or peanuts in cookies, almonds in chicken salad) they don't really satisfy anything for me either with my nutrition requirements or taste or helping me feel full. My biggest pet peeve is when people say "nuts are a great source of protein," um no, just no . . . nuts are a great source of healthy fats, and I get my fats elsewhere (which is why they don't fill me up or satsify me).
  • buzzardsrule
    buzzardsrule Posts: 183 Member
    Potatoes are not worth it.

    I haven't eaten peanut butter in about 20 years until the last few weeks since I've been logging daily on MFP. Agree with poster who said it's not worth it. Too many calories.

    Raw cashews on the other hand...always worth it but I will have to switch to eating it every 2 or 3 weeks rather than every week as I can eat 200g no problem.