foods that are not "worth" the calories?



  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    anything that doesn't taste good.
  • ChrysalisCove
    ChrysalisCove Posts: 975 Member
    1. Pizza - I just don't like it enough & it takes a lot to fill me up!
    2. Sweet Pastries - Holy empty calories, Batman!
    3. Chips - Reasonable portions are pathetic, just not worth it.
    4. White Rice / Pasta - Brown rice & wheat pasta have FLAVOR!
    5. Restaurant Burgers - Unless it's bison or turkey, I can make way better for fewer cals!
  • gabylewis22
    gabylewis22 Posts: 41 Member
    One more....Butter. I mean proper butter. I find absulutely no problem at all with Flora Light which is about a quarter of the calories of full fat butter. If I do have real butter, I'll ummmm and ahhh about it, but when the calories come to more than whatever you've just put the butter on, you know your in trouble.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Pasta -- I never use it any more. Bought a sprial slicer and learned to make faux pasta with zuchinni and celery root. Also started using Kelp Noodles for my Asian dishes and soups that call out pasta.

    Pizza -- Make my own now using Cauliflower Pizza Crust.
  • shmulyeng
    shmulyeng Posts: 472 Member
    Carbie sweets. I have a sweet tooth but things like donuts, cake, pastries, etc are just not worth it to me. I've found I enjoy a good quality dark chocolate so much more and a smaller portion satisfies me instead of fueling my appetite the way carbie sweets do.

    For me it's definitely cake and pastries. Other than that I would eat almost anything (within my daily calorie limit).
  • SouthPawSings
    SouthPawSings Posts: 54 Member
    Any fast food burger. I like a good burger, but not McD/BurgerKing etc. It just tastes like soft mush and Id rather make my own.

    This! It was the first and really only thing I marked off as not worth it. I also have nearly stopped drinking soda completely. I will give in maybe once a month but its just not worth the calories and diet isn't what I want at all.
  • ChrysalisCove
    ChrysalisCove Posts: 975 Member
    Adding to my list...

    6. Added Butter / Oil - I prefer to taste the actual food
    7. Alcohol - Don't much care for it, would rather eat
    8. American / Fake Cheese - Yuck!

    Calorie-dense foods that ARE worth it (to me):
    1. Chocolate
    2. Coca-cola (in moderation)
    3. Cashews
    4. Ice cream (though I prefer fro-yo / sorbet)
    5. Full-fat sharp cheddar & provalone
  • aplhabetacheesecake
    aplhabetacheesecake Posts: 181 Member
    oh the sadness of the food you leave enough cals to eat and then finish just to go wtf? thats IT?
    Many a dessert in my home has been subject to this very statement.

    I think my main issues is just restricting that portion, I want the freedom to binge on it, and nothing short of the "ive had enough " and push it away on MY TERMS will make it feel satisfying.

    I seem to have figured out a snack is 100-200 cals, no matter what it consists of, 100-200 cals feels enough to tide me over
    A meal can be 300-? whatever cals, but at long as I get around 300 I seem to be satisfied to call that a meal

    Dessert- oh I like to save about 300 cals for that-its my fave part of the day and i want to badly to go all sugar craze on a bag of skittles, but those sugary candy stuff leaves me like triggered to crave MORE. So I have been trying to make or bake my own desserts and so far I guess it working.

    Most nights id happily forfeit dinner and just eat those 500 cals in some dessert form lol

    But i do think bacon, peanut butter and most calorie or fat dense foods are worth it, the donuts tho? Alcohol? pass.
  • ValeriePlz
    ValeriePlz Posts: 517 Member
    Large flour tortillas (I substitute small corn ones instead)
    Most cookies
    Most cake
    Cream pies
    American cheese

    I loved reading this thread!
  • Bella0531
    Bella0531 Posts: 309 Member
    Store-bought cake...SO not worth it!

    That so depends on the store!

    I should have specified ... GROCERY store cake. Ick!
  • socunpato
    socunpato Posts: 48
    If I enjoy it it's worth the calories :)
  • viciouslitany
    viciouslitany Posts: 187 Member
    this might have been said, but...

    panera bread bowls.


    no tiny bowl of tomato soup inside of bread should cost me ~800 calories.
  • AtomicOvary
    AtomicOvary Posts: 32 Member
    Store-bought cake...SO not worth it!

    That so depends on the store!

    I should have specified ... GROCERY store cake. Ick!
    I should have read this before I took a bite of that delicious chocolate cupcake with chocolate frosting. 250 calories! *cries*
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    I wonder who this thread is mainly composed of

    Rational people who carefully choose how to use "discretionary calories"


    semi-orthorexic folks who like to demonize foods

    seems to be a bit of both
  • crevices
    crevices Posts: 226 Member
    If I enjoy it it's worth the calories :)
    i completely agree with this
    that being said, the only food that isn't ever worth it for me is generic restaurant dinners/appetizers. most of them are not filling and nothing super *special* and have a minimum of 700 calories just why
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    I took me awhile to come up with something-- I love all food in moderation!

    But cereal! If you actually measure out the appropriate serving size, it's so tiny! And it's usually loaded with sugar, then you have to add milk.. and it doesn't really keep you full long!

    I'm an oatmeal lover now.
  • Zelizzy
    Zelizzy Posts: 3 Member
    I took me awhile to come up with something-- I love all food in moderation!

    But cereal! If you actually measure out the appropriate serving size, it's so tiny! And it's usually loaded with sugar, then you have to add milk.. and it doesn't really keep you full long!

    I'm an oatmeal lover now.

    I completely agree here! I used to hate oatmeal, but after looking at the small amount I got to eat of cereal AND still feeling hungry? I make my oatmeal with fruit, and I actually really enjoy it now!
  • Fast food burgers, sandwiches, vanilla full-fat ice cream, chocolate syrup, dressings and peanut butter (that's why i use PB2)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Store-bought cake...SO not worth it!

    That so depends on the store!

    I should have specified ... GROCERY store cake. Ick!

    Still totally depends on the store. For some reason I've been to three birthday parties in the last couple months and every single (grocery store) cake was delicious. Cupcakes, I pass though.

    I got to add pasta I guess. My mom brought me that delicious Bolognese sauce I used to love, and I haven't even opened them because I just never have pasta. 2oz is just ridiculously tiny. I need to get more spaghetti squash.
  • corksterfl87
    corksterfl87 Posts: 33 Member
    I totally agree!
    I was actually about to post asking this. Why do people on MFP include PB in so much of their food when 2 TBS = 200 Cals! I mean that's like a tasting size not a serving size! If I wanted to top that up with some honey, BAM my one slice of PB + Toast+ Honey is like what 400 cal? That's a whole meal worth of calories and it's not even filling!
    I know people are going to yell and throw things but... peanut butter. I love love LOVE it, used to eat a 16 oz jar a week by myself. But 200 cals for 2 TB, and I use double that for a sandwich, so a regular PB&J is 700 or so calories. I was like, my god, no wonder I'm fat. I had one every day for like 2 years in college. XD

    This is my favorite breakfast! but can't have it alot due to all the calories you would be stuck with nothing left by dinner!