October 30 day shred challenge anyone?



  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    Hey Everybody...question for you...

    Do you typically eat all your calories in a given day? And do you make sure you add the exercise calories burned as well? In other words (just an example)...if I'm "allowed" 1260 calories a day and I burn 300 calories working out...should I be sure to eat 1560 calories that day?

    I haven't been eating ALL my calories and I want to make sure I don't "starve" my body. Advice anyone????

    Some days I eat a portion of my exercise calories, some days I don't. It all depends. Like cnbethea, I like to try to stay within my range, usually toward the middle of it. But, I like knowing I have a cushion if that makes sense :)
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    Hey everyone, either I'm missing something here, what video is it, I'm from England, what is this video about, I live in ENGLAND, so can I pick it up here.

    would love to do the workout

    Have you checked Amazon.com? That's where I got mine :) I hope you can find yourself a copy and join in!
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    Hi all, I hope that I'm not to late to join in here. I just got my copy of the dvd today, can't believe I was so excited to get a workout dvd :).

    So I completed Day 1 and I almost made it all the way through - had to stop for a few breaths here and there and had to do the easy style a couple of times but all in all not too bad, I feel great now!

    My starting weight is 191.8

    hahaha! I was so excited for it to come too! I was using ondemand on my cable to do it and when it came in the mail, I couldn't wait to rip the package open!
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    Day 5 – So close to not stopping. Just had to let up a little on the boxing and the squats with anterior raises. I had to slow down the bicycle crunches, but finally made it through without stopping. Also, the ‘old man’ legs are almost gone and I can walk normal again! Huzzah!

    As to eating exercise calories...i notice when I eat them, i loose more slowly, so I just make sure to get as close to my base calories as possible and perhaps eat a few of the exercise calories back. It gives a little bit of a 'cheat' zone if I don't plan on eating them. But that works for me. I also try to listen to my body for when it signals it's hungry. At those times, I just find something simple to munch like some apple slices or perhaps some celery with peanut butter. I just keep it simple and it seems to be working quite nicely. But everybody is different so you just have to find what works for you! Good luck!

    Those anterior raises kick my butt, but I manage to make it through them...the first couple times, not so much! During the bicycle crunches I am literally grunting and yelling at Jillian!
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Completely forgot to check in last night ;)

    I completed Day 2 of Shred and did an interval run for 3 miles. (5 minutes run/1 minute walk)...my knees are just not ready (or my lungs for that matter) for a solid run.

    Feeling good and hoping to stick with this crazy routine I've started!

    If it wasn't for all of you...I may not do this every night ;)

    P.S. I got on the scale last night after my workout/run and LOVED what I saw...I'm addicted to my scale :( but it's encouraging when you like what you see :)

    Have a great day everyone!!!
  • countindowntothin
    countindowntothin Posts: 201 Member
    Completed day 6 last night and I made it completely through without stopping! I have to admit, when it came to the bicycle crunches, I have been doing about 5 and then just doing the rest of the time in regular crunches, but last night, I pushed through it, and I did bicycle crunches the whole time!!! I was so excited I made it. My husband was just a laughing at me cause I was grinning from ear to ear, with sweat pouring off my body! He thinks I'm crazy to be happy about exercising! Anyway I was so proud of myself and am excited for tonights workout!
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    I'm in, as long as you all are okay with me doing Shred w/ Weights (her brand-new Shred video). I've been doing the original for about a year and a half...wow...trust me, when you get to Level 3, you're going to start looking ripped! :)

    I do the Shred w/ Weights 3=4 times a week and cardio everyday.

    Please add me to your friends list so we can help each other stay accountable! :)
  • hammod
    hammod Posts: 23
    I'm in! I did day 3 last night. Even though I was super sore yesterday I did it. I still feel a little stiff today, but definitely not as bad as yesterday. So it does get better. I may switch it up and do Level 2 tonight though. I'm not a big fan of doing the same exact exercise day after day. I have weigh in tomorrow morning so I hope doing a workout tonight doesn't mess up my results.

    I also go to the gym 5 days a week and do cardio for an hour. So this 30 day shred is basically my strength. :)
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    Day 8, done! I wore my HRM for it now that I finally figured out how to turn on the calories burned mode. According to my HRM, I burned 249 calories. Sweet!

    I really like this workout!

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • jksg123
    jksg123 Posts: 4 Member
    Im in the UK too, got it from the uk amazon site

    Mine arrives tomorrow, looking forward to giving it a go...
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Welcome :)

    Let me know how you like Shred w/ Weights! I'm always looking for a little change in my routine. I can't stand when things get monotonous...then I just stop working out! I have a 6 week plan all mapped out for myself right now including 30 day shred, 100 pushups program, 200 crunches program, and running.

    Can't wait to see what the result is...I wish I had time to do more but with 2 classes and being a full-time teacher...I don't have much extra time laying around ;)
    I'm in, as long as you all are okay with me doing Shred w/ Weights (her brand-new Shred video). I've been doing the original for about a year and a half...wow...trust me, when you get to Level 3, you're going to start looking ripped! :)

    I do the Shred w/ Weights 3=4 times a week and cardio everyday.

    Please add me to your friends list so we can help each other stay accountable! :)
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    Day 6 – I really didn’t want to do this today, I just want a day off; but I knew I’d be pissed when I woke up tomorrow morning. So here’s to pushing through apathy and even finishing strong. Feeling the need to rest less and less. I just don’t dig as deep or as hard and then get right back into full swing. Gotta push through to make the most of the time!
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    Just did Day 2. Feeling it a bit more now, yesterday when I did the first workout I could only find my 1pound weights (yeah I may as well have not used any weights!) but I knew I has some other ones and I did find them but they are 5 pounds. So used those today... ouch :)

    Its so good to hear from you all that it does get a little easier as you get through the days.

    grouch - good on you for pushing through, I hope I have your strength to keep going :)
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Completed Day 3 yesterday along with my Day 2 of 100 pushups and 200 situps programs! It's tough trying to complete the pushups and situps AFTER doing 30 day shred...but I made it!
    I always struggle with my post work run as well on Tues, Thurs, Sat. I have a difficult time "pacing" myself when I run...any suggestions? I need to get myself to slow down just a touch so I can make it through the run without DYING!

    I'm SUPER exhausted this morning and know that I will need some motivation to get through the day and tonights work out...Please..."kick me in the butt" will ya?!?!?!? I need to stick with this!!!
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    My favorite is Level 2....but definitely stick with Level 1 for a couple of weeks or longer, because it does amp up. I like Level 3 too, but it's hrder on my knees, and I have a reconstructed knee, so i have to modify a lot with that Level.

    I am LOVING Level 1 on Shred with Weights. Is anyone doing that one? We are working with Kettlebells...but I use dumbbells. Would love to know what you think about this one. :)
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    I always struggle with my post work run as well on Tues, Thurs, Sat. I have a difficult time "pacing" myself when I run...any suggestions? I need to get myself to slow down just a touch so I can make it through the run without DYING!

    I always use music when I run and then it's all about running with the tempo. If I find myself wanting to go too fast, I slow it down to some slower tunes.
  • countindowntothin
    countindowntothin Posts: 201 Member
    Day 6 – I really didn’t want to do this today, I just want a day off; but I knew I’d be pissed when I woke up tomorrow morning. So here’s to pushing through apathy and even finishing strong. Feeling the need to rest less and less. I just don’t dig as deep or as hard and then get right back into full swing. Gotta push through to make the most of the time!

    Yesterday was a tough day for me too! I actual put the DVD on, got through the warm ups and decided forget it, I dont' feel like working out today. I turned it off, changed clothes, and said to myself "self", and myself said "yeah" and I said "self, what in the heck do you think your doing? Get your fat hiney back in there and workout!" (it was almost like Jillian was taking over my mind!) So I put my workout clothes BACK on, turned the DVD back on, and pushed through! And in the end, I was SOOO glad I stuck with it.
  • hammod
    hammod Posts: 23
    Day 4 done last night and I have to say I'm glad my legs aren't so sore any more. It did seem a bit tougher last night, but I think I was just totally exhausted. I've been working out twice a day for the last week . I didn't go to the gym this morning though - thought I'd take a break today from the gym - but I'll still do my 30 day shred tonight. Have to say I'm really pumped to see the results at the end of 30 days!
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    Day 9, done! Woo! :)

    Keep it up everyone!
  • RissaE
    RissaE Posts: 26 Member
    Day 6 – I really didn’t want to do this today, I just want a day off; but I knew I’d be pissed when I woke up tomorrow morning. So here’s to pushing through apathy and even finishing strong. Feeling the need to rest less and less. I just don’t dig as deep or as hard and then get right back into full swing. Gotta push through to make the most of the time!

    Good for you! I felt the same way this morning and I actually gave up in the middle of squats. I'm going to do it tonight though... can't skip :-)