October 30 day shred challenge anyone?



  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    I missed day 6

    Back on it for day 7 complete

    I will double up one day to make up for my miss!!
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    Day 3 completed! Waiting for it to get easier, maybe I'm just working harder because it still kills me.
  • RissaE
    RissaE Posts: 26 Member
    I missed my day 7 :-( I really did try yesterday morning, but just didn't have the energy for it. Yesterday was my baby sister's 19th birthday, we took her out for dinner and the family came back to my house for dessert and left around 10.... it was just one of those days where I didn't have any free time except time you make for yourself (eg. get up earlier). Lesson learned .... I should have just stuck it out! I'm going to do my best to do shred and go for a run tonight!

    Hope everyone is doing wonderful. Is anyone else Canadian? It's our thanksgiving this weekend. I'm going to my aunt's for dinner..... so many tempting goodies...!!!!
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Hope everyone is doing wonderful. Is anyone else Canadian? It's our thanksgiving this weekend. I'm going to my aunt's for dinner..... so many tempting goodies...!!!!

    Well no, I'm not Canadian but this weekend (tomorrow) will be a challenging day for me! It is the Michigan football rivalry game tomorrow which means I'll be spending the whole day with my best friend at the bar :drinker: ! We're meeting at 11:30 a.m. and the game is at 3:30...it's obvious that I"ll have to eat at some point while I"m at the bar...I'm sure hoping I have the will power to be healthy about it even though I'm pretty sure the people I'll be with won't be concerned with what they're eating!

    Any advice anybody? I can always use some good tips to get me through!!!

    Oh and yesterday I completed my day 4 workout...30 day Level 1 and 2 mile run (about died...my legs were so tired after my workout for some reason).

    Tonights workout is 30 day shred and my Day 3 of 100 pushups and 200 situps programs :) Starting to LOVE my workout routine!!!

    Keep it up everybody...and have a great weekend :happy:
  • countindowntothin
    countindowntothin Posts: 201 Member
    Just curious, do you guys workout in tennis shoes, or do you work out bare foot?
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    Just curious, do you guys workout in tennis shoes, or do you work out bare foot?

    Sometimes I wear my shoes, sometimes I do it barefoot...I am more comfortable barefoot to be honest.
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    WHOO HOO! Day 10 of level one, DONE! Tomorrow, I will start level 2. I hope I don't die :)

    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    Day 7 - Blech. Settled into a little bit of apathy last night, and didn't shred. I also don't think i drank enough water yesterday and I'm retaining some water weight. Well, back on track today and then will power through to level 2 on Sun day, 10.10.10 :D

    On a side note, I usually workout with socks. I used to use a mat, but the mat would never stay where it was supposed to so I just scrapped it. Jumping jacks and such just don't work on a yoga mat.
  • runnerBee
    I'm on Level 1 Day 6. I missed 2 days. I didn't Shred on Sunday and I didn't Shred yesterday. Most days I run and on last Saturday i ran 12 miles and still Shredded, well, by Sunday I just felt my body needed a rest. Yesterday, I ran a hard 57 minutes (about 5 miles) and felt my body need a rest. I'll Shred today and run 12 miles again on Saturday and still Shred. I guess I feel bad about taking breaks but my body just seems to need a rest.

    Also, with the "eating of workout calories", I eat mine. Most days, my stomach will growl and that's a sure indication that I'm hungry. I run 4 days a week and most of the time it's 4-5 miles and 12 miles every Saturday. I have VERY stubborn belly fat that I'm trying to rid myself. . . but that's a different thread.

    Today: Level 1 Day 6. . . . 4 more days until Level 2.
  • TtotheAtotheB
    I am on the 7th day of the 30 day Shred... Started on level 3! Good Luck to All...:wink:
  • Texangrrl
    Can i join still? i just went out and bought the dvd today...and need a group to keep me motivated.
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Day 8 complete!!

    Have a great weekend everyone!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Can i join still? i just went out and bought the dvd today...and need a group to keep me motivated.

    Surely you can join right in let's get shredded woot woot!!
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    Day 4 complete :) A little bit tougher to fit it in because of the weekend but I really want to complete the 30 days so I will just have to make time!! Lets see if I am still as keen next week :tongue:

    Hope you are all having a nice weekend.
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    Day 8 – Back into the swing and I just want to note how remarkably my mood seems to have shifted. I think I’ve set into one of my mini-depressions and took a long nap this afternoon. I debated on whether to shred or not tonight, but I figured that since I look last night off and I’m coming up on changing to level 2 pretty soon, I want to finish strong on level 1. I got done and I feel a lot better and I’m thinking I’ll be up late tonight. Thank goodness tomorrow is Saturday!

    Welcome to any newcomers. Just post up your starting measurements and such so you'll be able to measure the progress you've made by the end. Just know that the fist few days are probably the hardest. You'll be sore, but just keep going and the soreness will fade and you'll find yourself more able to keep up.
  • cames124
    cames124 Posts: 7 Member
    I just got the dvd as well and am starting tonight. May need motivation at times but excited to see some results
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    HOLY MOTHER OF PEARL! Level 2, Day 1, done! Intense! But, I love it!! I had to modify a little so I didn't quit. Keep up the great work everyone!!!
  • Texangrrl
    thanks for letting me join you guys!!

    I just finished day 2. Day 1 was bad. But day 2 SUCKED. lol. My husband said I should take some of his glucosamine {sp?} pills to help with soreness. He used to work out alot, and said its the same ingredients as the expenisve after workout pills. But I forgot. Wish I wouldnt have now!

    When am I supposed to go to level 2? When I get used to level 1? or after 10 days?

    oh and Ill try to post my measurements later, I still have to go to wally world and get a tape measure.
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    thanks for letting me join you guys!!

    I just finished day 2. Day 1 was bad. But day 2 SUCKED. lol. My husband said I should take some of his glucosamine {sp?} pills to help with soreness. He used to work out alot, and said its the same ingredients as the expenisve after workout pills. But I forgot. Wish I wouldnt have now!

    When am I supposed to go to level 2? When I get used to level 1? or after 10 days?

    oh and Ill try to post my measurements later, I still have to go to wally world and get a tape measure.

    I was pretty sore the first few days as well. Walking up and down stairs was the worst feeling ever. But I didn't let that stop me. You just have to push through and know that the soreness will eventually fade and you'll find that you're stronger and have more endurance. Just make sure you drink lots of water, get adequate protein, and a good supply of potassium. Bananas are awesome!

    Also, the program we're running is 10 days on level 1, 10 days on level 2, and 10 days on level 3. On day one, you don't think you'll ever be ready for level 2, but your body adjusts if you stick with it. Good luck!
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    Day 9 – Only complaint today is that I can’t do the second set of pushups off my knees on the first circuit. Other than that, I’m pretty much off of the beginner phase and doing the advanced. I decided that the bicep curls and chest flys don’t have enough weight, so I do one or two sets after the routine os over to get to muscle exhaustion. After tomorrow, I’m sure I’ll be ready for level 2. Woo hoo!