

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,
    MiMi I am so glad Liv is not in pain any longer. I hope you find out what is causing it.
    Barbie I think I may have to try that soup. Do you have calorie stats on it. I am not one for squash or pumpkin but maybe in a soup with the apples I would like it. I made a huge vegetable soup last week and ate if for about a week. Planning to make another in a day or two. It is easy to have something I love ready to eat at a moments notice.
    I am so enjoying the puns about what everyone has lost.
    SusieQ I will be praying for your nephew. How scary that is. I want to see pics of you in that swimsuit. I may have missed if you said this but where are you moving to.
    We went to Gracie's school today for lunch with grandparents. Not good choices but I did good. They had sloppy joes, I ate one side of bun and gave Kenneth rest. Corn, salad and pudding and cookie. I brought Cookie home to rhea. So basically I ate small salad, corn and 1/2 bun, then came home and ate my slim fast.
    Plan to walk on treadmill later today or tonight. I will weigh tomorrow.
    I have trouble with weigh ins so I have a plan.
    May be crazy but here it is.
    I am keeping track of my exercise calories. When I reach the 3500 needed to lose a pound then that next day I will weigh.
    Hope it works for me. Hope you all have a good day.
    Vicki M
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies. So I have started a new challenge for myself today. I plan on not drinking until thanksgiving. Well I do have one cheat day in there as we are going to Elliots Oyster House Oyster New year. on 11/6. it is an all you can eat oyster, wine and beer fete that I love. I have set my goal to not have more than 15g of sugar a day. I basically had to cut out fruit but it is only until Thanksgiving and I think it may budge some of that tummy fat I so desparately would like to lose. The belly fat cure is basically 15 g of sugar and six servings of carb a day and then whatever else you want. a carb serving is 10-20 grams so if you eat something with 25 g of carb it counts as two servings. anything under 10g doesn't count so vegies are good but I do have to watcht he sugars. 15g add up really fast. it is hard to keep sodium in control when controlling sugar. it is such a balancing act but I love a challenge.
    I finally made my appointment for the colonoscopy. I also made my boob squish appointment and even threw a visit to the eye doctor into the mix while I was scheduling. I am so porud of myself for just doing it.
    Fall has certainly come to the great Northwet. today is blustery and gray.

    I hope you all have a great day.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    Denise: So glad to hear from you and know how you are doing. When do you leave for your trip? Sounds lovely.

    SuzyQ: love the photo of the suit...be sure and post one of you in it when you can! I will add your nephew to my list also. Mimi is right...you just never know what can happen do you? You have a lot going on and I hope you keep us posted in between the packing and traveling.

    Barbie: Thank you for the delicious sounding soup. I do love that combination of ingredients and have never made it myself.

    Vicki: I like your weigh-in plan...makes sense to me!

    Robin: Keep us posted on your "plan"...sounds like a good idea. I think sometimes you just have to mix things up and it gets more difficult the closer to your goal you get. Good luck!

    Kathy: Way to go on the 6 month not-smoking! You are doing great at something that is super difficult. It is THE best thing you could do for your health, so keep patting yourself on the back!

    Mimi: I am glad that Liv had a better night but will keep her in my thoughts til they get it figured out.

    Jackie: So good to hear from you...you were missed!

    Barb: Glad to hear from you too. We miss you when you are working hard and not here so often!

    I was thinking, as I was reading the recent posts, what someone new dropping in would think of our references to "biggest ball of tape", set on encyclopedias, 2 young horses...etc. ... if they hadn't read the original list posted! Ha!!! They would think we were a bit odd, don't you think? Love it!

    I cleaned out my closet AGAIN and have 3 huge black bags full of clothing for donation. I got rid of EVERYthing that was too large, even if it was slightly big and brand new and nice. I just had to do it and not think about it. My closet sure looks nice now!
    It's amazing how good it makes me feel too! Wish I could get myself to do that with EVERY closet in my house!

    I forgot to mention a few folks that I had intended to..sorry...but I am thinking of each of you and appreciate you being here.
    Take care, kackie:heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    Barbie I think I may have to try that soup. Do you have calorie stats on it. I am not one for squash or pumpkin but maybe in a soup with the apples I would like it. I made a huge vegetable soup last week and ate if for about a week. Planning to make another in a day or two. It is easy to have something I love ready to eat at a moments notice.

    calories, etc for Pumpkin Apple soup
    these are for the full recipe...if you eat only a fourth of it, then divide everything by 4

    calories 738
    sodium 306
    fat 2
    protein 18
    carbs 167
    fiber 31

    I managed to get out and work in the yard for 30 minutes this afternoon in between raindrops and take the dogs to the dog park :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Yesterday my phone stopped working so I spent most of the morning finding out I needed a new one and getting it replaced.

    Slipped in to see Tanner late yesterday afternoon after spending the afternoon in the dr's office with my inlaws. He was on a morphine drip and sort of loopy, but looked much better than I expected him to. Laying there with two crushed legs in Lord only knows how much pain, he noticed I was the only one not being engaged in conversation and called me to his side to ask about my husband. What a sweetheart he is! Btw he is only 24.

    Hubby is off the rest of this week but I start jury duty today so don't know if I'll get to see much of him. Keeping my fingers crossed the house and especially the gas line passes inspection today. If it does, we will for sure be buying it. It is about 4 miles Southeast of where we are now: 3 acres surrounded by row crops with one neighbor on the West and another down the road a piece. Its red brick with large rooms and big windows. It has a cinder block fence and mature trees: perfect for Sophie and Violet to enjoy. It was built in the early 50's so it needs some updating, but nothing major.

    Looking forward to trying the squash soup recipe. But for now I need to hop in the shower and get out the door and to the court house. Happy Tuesday y'all!
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    good morning all,
    Barbie thanks for the calorie stats. I will try when we get our cool front later in week. Susie hope house works out. Good luck with jury duty, I am down a pound thismorning. going to continue keeping track of calories and weigh when get to 3500. Hope that works for me. Will drop in later. Have a good Tuesday.
    Vicki M
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Welcome back to all the MIAs who have posted updates. It's good to hear from you as we do wonder how everyone on this thread is doing and hoping all is OK and just busy.

    SuzyQ - I will keep Tanner and his family in my prayers.

    We got our first snow storm of the year yesterday. It was the first hurricane/snow storm I've ever seen. Driving my SUV was very scary. Mostly, I stayed off the highways and took to the lower side roads.

    Have a great day all,


    PS: Barbie, that soup does sound good.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Just a quick hello! At work....not too much time to post:ohwell: . But sending hugs to all my MFP family!:love::love: It's amazing how far behind you get when you haven't posted for a few days!:noway: I am still tracking and exercising everyday trying to find that maintenance behavior.:wink: May have gone over on Sunday. Had a party (at a restaurant) for my GodMother who turned 90! They had the best pot roast ever!!! :tongue: Then I got home and hubby declares that he made a pot roast for dinner:laugh: :laugh: :ohwell: Have to say both meals were delicious but I don't have beef often and certainly not twice in one day! We'll see how kind the scale is tommorow!:wink:
    Have a great day all!
  • mimi7grands
    Just a very quick hello before I dash out the door (in 20 minutes, hair not done, makeup not done, not dressed. Yikes!) I'm headed down to the Bay Area for a couple of days to see friends I go back with more than 30 years. One has come down from Washington to visit with her family. We're taking advantage of the opportunity to spend some time together.
    You many not hear from me until Friday. I'll be home for a day then leaving for Tahoe for a week or so. So, I may be missing in action, but I'll still be thinking of you all.
    Susan, I'm especially thinking of Tanner.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,396 Member
    SuzyQ - how horrrible for your nephew! How brave you are to have ordered a 2-piece. The last time I wore a 2-piece was before Jessica was born (she's 26 now). We were invited to a party with an "island" theme. I wore a 2-iece with a grass skirt. No one said what kind of island, so someone came dressed as if from Rikers Island. Since it was March, there's me praying that we don't get pulled over, me in my 2-piece shivering away.....lol

    Kathy - congrats on the smoke free! You go girl!!!!!

    Still exercising. Didn't do anything Sat. since we went to the party. Vince thought the food was great -- she had fried chicken. I only had cheese. I did have some of the birthday cake and someone brought cheesecake. He also brought what I thought was quite interesting. He took a pineapple, sliced it down the middle and then into 4'ths. He cut the pineapple into bite size pieces and coated it with red jello (not prepared, just the powder). That might make for an interesting Halloween thing to take, He did say that the grape jello turns the pineapple black.

    Gotta run, we go to the DA's tonight (part of the Sheriff's academy). We'll see a mock trial. I honestly thought it was going to be a real trial.

    Congrats to everyone, all the losers and welcome to anyone I've missed.

  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Hello everyone...Auntie BK has been busy. I am here after a friendly poke from her, as well.

    My apologies for not posting for almost two months! I can't believe how quickly the time has flown by. I am still doing a sporadic calorie accounting...not near as faithful as I should be, am still going to OA, and still trying to be somewhat active (but again, not near as much as I should be). My weight has been fluctuating up and down about 2-3 pounds and I have yet to break through that 49 pounds lost (which was the most weight loss posted for me). But the good news is I haven't given up.

    I was a west-coast widow for 11 days while DH went to CA to see his family and attend a jeep jamboree at Borrego Springs with his friend. I stayed home and cleaned windows among other things. It's funny how depressed and down dirty windows can make me feel...I feel MUCH better now that they are cleaned:smile: . All that beautiful Autumn sunshine we've been enjoying here in the midwest was able to stream in without highlighting all the dirt on the windows and fuzz on the screens.

    I'm managing to keep plenty busy. I've been working funeral dinners at church; had a couple of small temp assignments; helped organize, cook and serve for our Annual Over 80's birthday party at Church; had a Circle retreat to Nebraska City on a gorgeous Saturday two or so weeks back; am attending an OA 12-step class once a week on top of my home meeting; attend a women's bible study on Thursday mornings, plus have my on-going Wednesday afternoon pitch group; and Tuesday sibling lunch.

    I still have one niece-in-law and two brothers-in-law that could use prayers. Mary has ovarian cancer (been battling it for 3 years now), Stan has Mesothelioma (been battling a year and a half), and Ed has non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (diagnosed early last Spring).

    Well, I guess that's all for the update. Suzy-Q...sorry to hear about Tanner, I'll add him to my prayer list. Smelliott...sorry to hear you are struggling. I'll say one for you too tonight. To everyone else...have a good evening...and Thanks Barbara (Auntie BK) for the friend request and for calling me back. I missed you guys.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hi Terri! Glad to hear from you! I will add your family members to my list to send good thoughts to... And good for you for jumping back in. You WILL get to the 50 mark. Just never, never give up, as Barbie reminds us!

    I finally lost 1.5 of my gain over our vacation time, so you are not alone. I have .5 more to get back to where I started before vacation. I am the poster child for how not to go on vacation, apparently! With that said, we are leaving next Tuesday for a week in the Bahamas with 2 couples, one of whom owns a house there. The home owner is a former room mate of my DH and just had his prostate removed and wants us to come help him "recover". This will be a test that I am determined to do well with.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I just told DH that he has to go with me each day for an hour walk on the beach as these friends do a lot of sitting around, which isn't good for me. I am in such a good place now with tracking and exercising and I just cannot keep this off and on cycle I have been on. I won't have a computer and my phone won't get internet without $$$costly extra fees there so I will have to do the paper and pencil tracking! Wish me luck!:ohwell: On a good note, the last time that I went with these friends I weighed 18 pounds more, so the bathing suit thing should be a little more pleasant!

    Everyone, have a great day. I am sending all good energy to all of you with ailing loved-ones and I include them in my prayers too. Thanks for being here:heart: Kackie
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    How I lost another pound is beyond me.:noway: ...but I'll take it!!!! :laugh: It's got to be the exercising and....no matter what....drinking lots of water!!! I'd like to think it's the glass of wine at night!!!:laugh: !!!! Have a great day everyone!!! :flowerforyou: Work calls:bigsmile:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    To all who have lost (even if it is the same pound over again) - a loss is always better than a gain. Keep it up. Soon we will all be in new territory as far as the numbers go.

    I did my GutNBut and Arm exercises first thing this morning. I am suppose to be going up to 2 pound weights on 11/1, but I don't think I can do it yet. It still hurts at one pound and I want that to become easy before I move up. Or at least I want it to stop hurting. I have moved on to the more advanced replacement for marching in the GutNBut routine. I'm now doing air cycling.

    I'm a little down today so I will cut this short.

    Best wishes for a good day all,

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Hello All,

    Resident lurker here. So inspired by all your posts. What a unique and varied group.

    Life has been over the top hectic here and the current wind storm is not helping any.

    We have been very blessed in that all family and employees are safe, the animals are well sheltered and so far all of the buildings are in good shape. We have lost several trees. We are into our second day of 60+ wind gusts and constant strong winds. Some of the portable shelters in the pastures blew over, they have been set back and resecured. These are 16 by 24 foot buildings on skids that can be moved from parsture to pasture.

    I am still maintaining weight as is, even with weighing food, and logging, and exercise and, water. My daily routine is so varied, in exercise and hours. I just don't think my body knows what to make of it. None the less I am fit and healthy, and happy for those blessings.

    I had my neck adjusted yesterday, which rather took the wind out of my sails. It has been a nagging bother for a while and I have been ignoring it. Not a good choice. Promised the Dr. I would come back sooner if this happened again. It has not bothered me for 4 yrs. so that was a nice long run.

    We are moving all of the plants out of a park and replanting them to the home farm. The park land has an uncertain future and will probably be converted for business use. Last week in two days we moved 42 large Arborvitae and 58 other trees and shrubs. We have made 3 nursery beds 120 by 12 feet and filled them with perennials. They are all temporary plantings with the aim of moving them to permanent locations in the spring. Frozen ground is not far off here so time is of the essence if these plantings are to be moved. We do have equipment to do the really heavy work, but there is plenty of hard physical work for all involved.

    I have been working in the Chicago area two to three days a week for the last seven weeks. I always enjoy this work but am happy when it is over and it is time for a little quiet on the home front.

    I am blessed with a great family, good health, an interesting life, a warm home, a wonderful church family, and all of you inspiring ladies in this neighborhood. Prayers for all in need, and prayers of gratitude for all who are happy and well.

    :heart: Alice
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Good job Birdie. know matter how it came off it did come off.
    Alice so good to hear from you again. Jeannie I hope you feel better. Try to do some exercise. hard to feel down when sweating.
    I just did 35 min and 600 calories on treadmill. I walk for 5 min at about 3 mph and then run at 4mph for 1 min. gets my heart rate up and makes my caloire burn higher. I plan to do this on treadmill every day and go to gym 3 times week. I am obssessed again but that is okay. better to be healthy obsessed than lazy obsessed. Hope you all have a good day.
    Vicki M
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Good job Birdie. know matter how it came off it did come off.
    Alice so good to hear from you again. Jeannie I hope you feel better. Try to do some exercise. hard to feel down when sweating.
    I just did 35 min and 600 calories on treadmill. I walk for 5 min at about 3 mph and then run at 4mph for 1 min. gets my heart rate up and makes my caloire burn higher. I plan to do this on treadmill every day and go to gym 3 times week. I am obssessed again but that is okay. better to be healthy obsessed than lazy obsessed. Hope you all have a good day.
    Vicki M

    That's great Vicki! :flowerforyou: I don't run so it takes me 65 to 75 min to get the same burn. :laugh: :ohwell: Sounds like your right in the swing of things! Keep up the good work!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • mynyddisamrs
    :flowerforyou: A very good evening to you all .........a busy...ish day today. My weight is going up and down like a yo yo! :frown: LOL
    DH and I managed to go Xmas shopping yesterday...I hate it ...and as a reward we had a quick lunch out. The fish and chips (small portion ...honest) were lovely! And ...I'd gone back to 155lbs this morning!!! That's down :happy: .....

    The doc. came out to mum this morning and yep! she's back on the anti biotics.:sick: Fingers crossed any infection has been caught early. She did come back from the day centre yesterday well wrapped up. The taxi driver was a bit concerned though ...he couldn't recall her having a a luminous lime green coat on in the morning!! :noway: She didn't ...it's a black coat with lime green inside ....reversible!!:laugh: Mind you she came back without the check blanket for over her knees but with an umbrella!! Even stevens I suppose!!! I feel like wrapping her in cotton wool now to keep her safe...3 weeks today to the sun!!!!

    I'm off out tomorrow to meet with a friend from the carer's assoc. We meet up in a local garden centre for lunch. Last time i went, I came back with some lovely clothes.....Mmm! ...wonder what I can find tomorrow!! I need to get something for my Dad's xmas present too. Isn't it difficult to know what to get parents...especially from afar! We still have his birhday present ...Sept...a lovely little lemon tree. #2 son was supposed to take it back down after #2 G/sons birthday ...same day Sept.....but the car was crammed with toys and paraphanalia. So...we've been tenderly caring for the plant , giving him progress reports regularly of course!! So ...when we go down ...flying from Gatwick to Sharm... we'll play early Santa and a late birthday fairy!!

    The evening carer will be here soon ...mum off to bed and me to finish some of the umpteen scrabble games I've got going on facebook!! Addicted I think!! It is nice though ...i've been playing my SIL who lives in Jersey CI. We're about evenly matched thank goodness!!

    :heart: So ...take care all ....be good if you can!!
  • missjo113
    Well I have some very exciting news to share...

    My son just came by to show me the big, beautiful ring he bought for his girlfriend! He plans to ask her Dad for 'her hand' tonight! Then o the weekend, he is going to take her to one of their favorite park benches along the river and pop the big question!

    I'm on cloud 9!

    Oh and I lost 2 of the 5 pounds that I gained while I was sick!

    It's been an all round GREAT day!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: My friend who walks with me on Wednesdays is on vacation this week so I got DH to walk with me…..he didn’t play golf because he thought the weather would be too cold and wet but by the time I got home from line dance it was sunny and getting warmer…..he fixed lunch for me----salmon patty, sweet potato and salad….I needed a long walk to work off the calories of the giant sweet potato. After the walk I puttered in the yard for an hour, pulling weeds and listening to "All My Children" on my cordless headphones attached to the TV.....later I rode the exercise bike for several 20 minute sessions while watching the World Series.

    :flowerforyou: MissJo, congratulations to your son and congrats to you for getting rid of those two pesky pounds

    :flowerforyou: Alice, it's good to hear from you again....you sound super busy and productive......I have become more of a lurker lately

    :flowerforyou: Terri, it's good to hear from you .....you have been such a help to me....I hope you'll post more often

    :flowerforyou: Kackie, enjoy your trip and be sure to go walking whether DH goes with you or not :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: it's late and the dogs are begging me to come to bed.....I'd better take the suggestion because they will be begging me to get up at 6 AM and take them out:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: