

  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Ladies, There is a post from a lady whose daughter has relapsed with Leukemia. She started posting last night asking for prayers. I thought you ladies might like to know about the post. The lady is posting under Clarissa.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Viv – good luck with your running club. I would love to be able to do that some day. Keep us up to date with how you are doing.

    Barb – I know what you mean about not being able to keep up with all the posts. I keep telling myself, maybe next week I can keep up but next week never gets here. Glad all is well with you and the little piggies. I hope the job is going well.

    Birdie – Yes, dark chocolate will do the same thing. There is something in chocolate that produces endorphins (I think that is what they are called) that make you happy. Also with 99% of us hot chocolate brings back good memories. It is also a warm liquid. The combination makes it a drink that fights depression. Congratulations on being at goal.

    MacMadame – Awesome job! You are definitely an inspiration to us all.

    Mimi- Thanks for the cute story. WB

    It has been so busy with kids and parents I haven't exercised all week until tonight. It makes it so hard to stay under/at my calories for the day. This will all pass and soon we will all be coming home every night and getting bored staying home all the time.

    Hugs and happy thoughts to all.


    PS: It is raining terribly and I hope it keeps it up for months except for Friday - Sunday.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning, Dear Ladies,

    Got back from my "girls" trip and we had a wonderful time together. Yes, I bought some clothes. These friends love to shop and talk me into things that I would not likely buy if alone, so I hope that I will wear them. I am a boring clothes person. I love white shirts with jeans or solid pants. They push me out of my comfort zone, which is probably good. AND they all were complimentary about my weight loss...friends here haven't really noticed since it has been slow and not so drastic. It was nice to have them notice. I also did ok with my food and wine. I didn't have drinks when out for dinner, though I did have a couple of glasses of wine on the dock the last evening there. It helped me keep my food choices pretty good ones. We also walked each morning. (and then while shopping, of course!)

    Barb and Mimi: Great to hear from you both...you were missed!

    Rebel: how was your TRIP???

    MacMadame: Wow and WOW! thanks for the update. You are awesome!

    I am thankful for so very much...to have some old friends who still include me in get-togethers, a sweet DH who is happy to have me back home, 2 sons who are good, kind men, D DIL who is the very best mother to our grand daughter(who we count as one of our greatest blessings), 2 parents still living independently who set great examples of how to live your life by giving back to others no matter what, good health...that is a small list of many things I am thankful for. But also, I am thankful for all of you for being here! Have a great day. Love, Kackie:heart:
  • bcmallwalker
    Good morning Ladies,

    I'm trying to keep up with the posts and get to know all of you. :flowerforyou: You all have such busy lives, I get tired reading what all you are doing! I didn't have time to post yesterday.

    A friend loaned us a recumbent exercise bike. I am enjoying trying it out. It is programmable & I discovered that even the 20 minute program is a toughy. I made it through 10 minutes, I guess that I will have to work my way up to doing those. :ohwell:

    Since I didn't say what I was thankful for the other day, I will now. I am thankful for God & the relationship I have with Him. :heart: I am thankful for my husband :love: and my two sons. I am thankful for my close knit family and for my church family. :flowerforyou: I am thankful for my health & for the medication that keeps me healthy. There is so much more. I understand why it would be hard to list only 5 things a day that you are thankful for. We are truly blessed, more than we realize. :happy:

    Have a great day! :flowerforyou:

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!

    First off let me tell you that kiera is 90% her oldself again. Much releif felt in this household. She really put a scare into us but she is truly a crotchity old ***** so she fought thru whatever it was. Bodi is thrilled to have her back to feeling better so he can bug the crap out of her. It was amazing how he knew to leave her alone when she was feeling poorly.

    I am eating more, drinking less but my exercise is pretty much the same I just can't stop doing all my stuff each day, I like it too much. I am not happy with the mind set. I feel a little out of control. Its like I have too much freedom to eat more and then I don't make smart choices. My next course of action is going to be really restricting sugars. yes even naturally occurring ones. Something akin to the Belly Fat Cure so I can see if I can get things moving. Besides all the good fruits are out of season now so this is as good of time as any to restrict them.

    Kackie- so glad you had fun and you bought some new clothes.
    MacMadame - you are amazing.
    Barb - I hope the new job is going well
    Mimi - I am always happy when you are back. I think I will roast a butternut in your honor today.
    Viv - a running club sounds like fun
    Reb - how was the trip? Details lady we want details.
    Jeannie - I hope you get some time to exercise this week.
    Birdie - to answer your question I was a singer and an actress. I spent about 10 years chasing the dream when I lived in So Cal. I have a minor in Theatre on my BA and my ex husband always described my voice as a "clear bell and sweet but watch out because she can hit the back row at the met." (I have a very powerful belting voice when I choose to use it) I loved musical theatre but I made most of my money as a SAG extra in TV and Movies.

    A big welcome to all of you newcomers and to all that I haven't mentioned know that I think of you all with love in my heart. I hope you have a wonderful day.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies.

    I've had a frustrating day. I was supposed to go to the hospital today to see my cardiologist and then had an appointment with my dietician. Instead, I got a call from my dad to say that he wasn't 'feeling right' and had called the ambulance. So, as usual, I cancelled my day and rushed round to be with him. Please bear in mind that he does this every few weeks (he has been known to do it three times in a fortnight). The thing is, I will always rush to him (my sister and brother haven't ever done it - not even when I was on my honeymoon and he called my sister - she told him to go in the ambulance on his own!) even though I know that nearly every time there is nothing actually wrong with him. I also know that it would be Jude's law that there would be something seriously wrong on the one time that I didn't go. So he continues to cry wolf and continues to call for ambulances and take up hospital time and beds. I spoke to the doctor and she was pretty certain that there isn't a problem, but they are doing another test now and may let him home later.

    It sounds like I really begrudge him the care, but I'm truly beginning to feel manipulated by him as these occurrences nearly always coincide with my own appointments or holidays etc. This year alone, I have wasted at least half a dozen sets of concert tickets as I've had to rush off to be with my dad. I've also missed two weekends away that we had booked and paid for, a wedding of one of my oldest friends and numerous social gatherings. It is almost as if he wants me to be completely at his beck and call.

    I actually thought that it would be easier now as my son has moved in with him. My future daughter in law is there at least three nights a week too and Dad loves the company.

    Lordy, I'm a selfish person! Forgive my ranting and raving. I'm not going to delete it as I do feel it is cathartic to actually put it down in writing.

    I'm going back to the ward now and will try to catch up later.

    Love to you all.

    Amanda x
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Debbie - Hang in there. Back in 2009 when I first started exercising I could barely do 5-10 minutes. It takes time. Go slow so you don't sprain/strain anything and you will get where you want to go.

    Amanda - Instead of canceling your day, can you call the ambulance for your Dad and meet him at the hospital? This way he is getting help in case he needs it and you are still able to keep any important appointments. I have to go with my Dad due to his dementia. He gets scared when he gets confused about where he is and it is hard for him to answer a lot of the questions they ask.

    Well, we have to go look for one of Anna's friends who got lost driving here...................................


  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Amanda- I would say that if you feel manipulated, you probably are.

    I would ask myself: what can I add by being there?

    Let's say your dad really was sick this time ... could you change the outcome by rushing over to him or can you wait a few hours and finish off whatever you are doing? In the case of being in hospital and having tests, there probably wouldn't be any decisions until the tests come back so between the time he calls the ambulance, gets there, gets admitted, they run the test and the results come back, you've got a few hours.

    In some cases, you probably need to run right over but in other cases, you probably can come over when it's convenient for you.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Birdie - to answer your question I was a singer and an actress. I spent about 10 years chasing the dream when I lived in So Cal. I have a minor in Theatre on my BA and my ex husband always described my voice as a "clear bell and sweet but watch out because she can hit the back row at the met." (I have a very powerful belting voice when I choose to use it) I loved musical theatre but I made most of my money as a SAG extra in TV and Movies.
    Wow, Robin, I'm impressed!!:flowerforyou: I come from a family of singers and my husband was an opera singer (locally). None of us were ever as accomplished as you, :ohwell: although my husband, like you, could sing over an entire orchestra!! :noway: I used to be in local shows, loved musicals....although never in one....and now spend my time and evergy cheering my daughters on. One is the lead singer in a group and the other one does all the music for her church. I got my guitar out, after 15 years of it sitting in a corner and it's amazing how much you lose...if you don't keep up with the singing! :ohwell: But I always dreamed of doing what you have done! :flowerforyou: Good for you!!!:flowerforyou:
  • piquilter
    piquilter Posts: 119
    Today was my day off from going to workout & I haven't accomplished much other than fixing DH lunch so he could go to work at noon. He works a 2pm-11pm shift on Wed. nite & I stay up until he gets home so it's always midnight or after when we get to bed which makes it hard for me to get up at 5 am. Thurs. is a sensible day to take off, but we slept in til 9:30 and I'm feeling lethargic and sitting on MFP instead of getting something done. I'm going to do some activity on the Wii (NEVER ever thought I'd own a video game), that thing is pretty amazing. Finished my grandson's newest sweater yesterday other than buttons & drawstring for hood. Took a bunch of pics of him on Sunday but they are still captives of the camera so I need to get those edited, very anal about having my pictures "just right". So next time I come back here I WILL have something to report :happy: I love reading through all of your posts & am just amazed how you can comment on so many people personally. I read them and think "oh, I'd like to say ........." to so many of you, but can't keep track of it all. Do you take notes, have a separate window for the reply open, or do you just have waaayyyyy better recall than my brain? :huh:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Today was my day off from going to workout & I haven't accomplished much other than fixing DH lunch so he could go to work at noon. He works a 2pm-11pm shift on Wed. nite & I stay up until he gets home so it's always midnight or after when we get to bed which makes it hard for me to get up at 5 am. Thurs. is a sensible day to take off, but we slept in til 9:30 and I'm feeling lethargic and sitting on MFP instead of getting something done. I'm going to do some activity on the Wii (NEVER ever thought I'd own a video game), that thing is pretty amazing. Finished my grandson's newest sweater yesterday other than buttons & drawstring for hood. Took a bunch of pics of him on Sunday but they are still captives of the camera so I need to get those edited, very anal about having my pictures "just right". So next time I come back here I WILL have something to report :happy: I love reading through all of your posts & am just amazed how you can comment on so many people personally. I read them and think "oh, I'd like to say ........." to so many of you, but can't keep track of it all. Do you take notes, have a separate window for the reply open, or do you just have waaayyyyy better recall than my brain? :huh:

    The best way to do it... is to open a word document or note pad and go back and forth from the website....put your comment on the word document....go back to the website etc. Then you just have to cut and paste the post....and of course add the little smiley's!!:laugh: :happy: :bigsmile: I wish I could do it more but I don't always have the time. :ohwell: Believe me....none of us could remember all the posts and comment on them without doing something like this.:laugh: :noway: :flowerforyou:
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello everyone, good day today, not really cold but cool. Snowing a bit good to see, no more rain, just too close to the minus temps for me, I hate black ice on the roads.
    Better day today, no pain in the arm or wrist, woot woot, now I can get some exercises done.
    Catch you all tomorrow.

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Well it finally happened; I fell off the road to success HARD yesterday and the day just kept rolling downhill. :embarassed:

    Let's just say that sea salt and pepper kettle type potato chips :devil: will never, ever, ever come in my house again unless they start selling them in a single serving bag. :angry: I can say this with assurance, as I am the only one in the house who would touch them. I felt like absolute cr@p after that screw-up. :sick:

    Good news is I'm back on the path instead of saying what the heck and giving up on myself. I thought I had a handle on my snack monster and I do in some instances. I can ignore sugary stuff in the house and bake cookies and cakes without having even one bite, if I choose to, but I can't allow certain salty snacks back in here – especially those evil things. Maybe someday I can manage a handful of pepper potato chips and walk away from the bag but that day apparently isn't coming soon. Lesson learned.

    Today I ate lots of good food, had plenty of energy, did some yard work and went to the gym instead of wallowing in my failure. I may finally have found a way to get healthy. I guess I had to fall on my face to realize that this really could work long term. :huh:

  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Faye, been there and done that.:flowerforyou: It sounds like you are handling it. It helps just to tell it about it, I find. Keep on - Keepin' on!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    ummm:blushing: just in case you didn't notice, my typos get worse when it's late and it's 10:26 pm, here. Sorry:blushing:
  • mimi7grands
    Hi everyone,

    It’s good to be back. And back on track! Managed the gym again today. Feeling fitter already. Still haven't broken through into the Ones. Soon! :wink:

    DGD Olivia, is at the hospital tonight with a bad tummy ache. :sick: She’s been getting them frequently. The doc thought it might be kidney stones. Weird in a 6 year old. I wish I could take her tummy ache away. I’d gladly have it be mine instead.

    Amanda, yes, the first kiss (my niece’s wedding) was terrific (at least, from a spectator point-of-view). Everyone cheered. :happy: I feel for you in the situation you’re your dad. MacMadame’s advice sounded good. You are important too – especially when you are dealing with your heart. Have you been able to talk with your siblings about why they don’t go running?

    Robin, Wow! You are amazing. I love hearing a little about what makes you “you.” I’m glad to hear Kiera is doing so much better.

    Faye, I have so been there and done that! You are an absolute success, hopping back on track so quickly. Those are the kinds of successes that let you know you can do this for the long run. Way to go.

    Birdie, You’ve done such a good job of maintaining. You're a great role model. :flowerforyou:

    Kackie, you have such a grateful heart. You inspire me to count my blessings too. They are many.

    Welcome to everyone new (or new to me). I’m enjoying reading your posts and getting to know you.

    Good night, dear friends. :heart:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning everyone

    It’s a dark cold morning here in York. :frown: I’m just waiting for DD to get downstairs so we can get the pooches walked. It’s my day off today, so I will be going food shopping in a few hours. Need to stock up with fruit and veggies. :smile:

    :flowerforyou: Amanda I don’t think you are a selfish person at all. I know how you must worry that the time you don’t go to your dad, would be the time that he really was ill, but when you have hospital appointments yourself, perhaps you could do as Jeannie said - call the ambulance and meet him at the hospital as soon as you can. I’m sure if you “remind” him that if anything happened to you, he’d have no one to call. It’s a difficult situation for you, but you must look after yourself too.

    :flowerforyou: Faye sorry you had a bad day, but you sound as if you are back to healthy eating and tracking, so you shouldn’t worry too much, we all have our bad days, so we can all relate.

    :flowerforyou: Robin I love singing, but have never had the confidence to sing in front of people, apart from in the school choir. What’s a SAG extra? Have you worked on any TV series?

    :flowerforyou: Birdie have you ever thought of joining a theatre company locally to get you back singing and dancing? A colleague is a member of the Joseph Rowntree Amateur Dramatics club and I’ve been to see her in a few plays. I think she is very brave, I couldn’t do it.

    :drinker: Well time is getting on, we’re back now from walking the pooches, they are fed and happy, time for me to get my breakfast and get ready. I need to make a bit of a shopping list (so I don’t end up with all junk food!)

    :drinker: Take care everyone and hope you all have a good Friday. :smile:
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Happy Friday, all!

    Faye: Oh...we ALL know your situation too well or we wouldn't be here. GOOD for you for handling it so quickly. We are here to learn and it helps to know that we all have some of the same issues! Pat yourself on the back for figuring it out and moving on!

    Marilyn: SO glad that your wrist is better! Take care.

    Amanda: I agree with everyone's comments regarding your Dad. You are a good daughter but you have to take care of yourself too. There is a balance in there somewhere. Good luck finding it, but be gentle with yourself!

    Robin,Birdie, Viv and all our other talented singers: I WISH that I had that talent! If I sing along at family get-togethers, I just get a bad look from the others. I cannot carry a tune...sob! :cry:

    Mimi: I hope that your grand daughter gets her tummy troubles taken care of...I know how you must worry! So good to see your pretty, smiling face on our posts again!

    Another gorgeous fall day here. I MUST get into my garden...but I am off to my tough yoga class for now. (I will be the oldest one there likely....and those young folks can do a few moves that my older body just won't do anymore! But I'll keep trying!)

    Have a great one. Love, Kackie:drinker:
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Good Morning Everyone:flowerforyou:

    It's a gorgeous day today. The fall colors are vibrant! I can see the angle of the sun changing daily. We have had snow in October, but it's been a while. We never know about the weather.
    I am off to the gym today. Looking forward to that.
    I am "so" looking forward to my trip. I leave Sunday am.

    Mairlyn:smile: snow and black ice. We deal with that some too. It's awful. We usually don't have that until Dec., Jan and Feb.

    Robin-Birdie:flowerforyou: I love music! I write songs. My family are all musically inclined. MY husband plays guitar, piano, mandolin and some others, for hobbies. We all sing in church. We participate in some sing-a-longs for fun. Our sons choirs placed in National Competitions when they were in High School. Music is a major part of our life. We haven't ever performed in a professional level. Families happened and our lives took different directions. The joy of music I think, stays with you always, if that is what one loves. I "plunk" on the guitar and keyboard "by ear." (we call it):happy: We love good harmony!

    Amandax-I agree that it is good to see about your dad, we will all be older sometime, however, I am going to tell you a story with a "moral" to it that a wise doctor friend told to me. I was in a similar situtation with health issues etc..
    He asked me what I would do if I was in a jet over the ocean, with a baby and only one oxygen mask. Who would I give the oxygen to? I was like...well...my first instinct would be give it to the baby..but...
    He said, " no, if you do that and you die, who is going to take care of the baby."
    He went on to tell me that I had to take care of myself first and THEN I could take care of everyone else. If I was sick or not seeing to myself, the stress would bog me down. What good would I be to me or anyone else. (I wish I had know this sooner, it was too late for me and it took a while to "pull" out .)
    Maybe this will help you. It "painted" a picture for me of myself that I wasn't grasping at the time. Good Luck!:flowerforyou:

    Mimi:smile: Thanks for the welcome. Hope things get better there..

    Wizzy-:flowerforyou: forgive me but was it you that was in NY and it's cold there? If not, please forgive a newcomer to this.:blushing:

    PQuilter-You are so talented. All the quilting and are you knitting and sewing too? I love my grandchildren. I spent about 2 hours with the two 3-year olds yesterday. A boy and a girl. They are so funny:happy:

    Birdie:flowerforyou: Morning to you!

    Thanks to all of you for making me "feel" welcome.

    I am aprehensive about the eating on my trip. I am just trying not to think to far ahead.:smile: Any suggestions?

    Happy Friday to all
  • glyndam
    glyndam Posts: 18
    Good Morning Everyone! From all the post I have read, sounds like everyone is doing well. :flowerforyou:

    I haven't been able to do a lot of exercise for the past few weeks.:sad: I have had some numbness in my right leg. My doctor sent me to have a nerve test done and it appears I may have a pinched nerve in my lower back. They have referred me to a back doctor. Not sure if I am going to see him or if I am going to go back to the chiropractor (spelling??).

    Doing a good job keeping my calories down. Of course, I did have the Krispy Kreme Donut, not one but four....:devil: ....and I love chips.:love: So I stay away from them. Don't bring them into the house.

    My daughter told me yesterday she could tell I have lost weight. That is always nice to hear.:happy: