

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Lynn- You did good by turning around. He knew he was caught and probably stopped because of you. You didn't fix the mess but you stopped that one time.

    Robin- My vet told me to give the dogs/cats children's pedialite to keep them from getting dehydrated when they got old. I just use to put it in their water bowl. They liked the orange and refused the other two flavors I tried. Good luck.

    Today is Bosses Day, so we will get nothing done at work and will have way too much food around. This year's theme is sports so it will be all that junk you get at ball parks and stadiums. Not like last year's soup kitchen. lol

    Have a great day all,

  • bcmallwalker
    Nyll54: I will join you in prayer for those children. I know that I would have a hard time after seeing that too. God can take care of situations that we have no control over. Bless you for having a tender heart.

    Thank you all for the welcome. I'm happy to find people who are my age and working at getting healthier & lighter.

  • glyndam
    glyndam Posts: 18
    Thanks to everyone for their post. :flowerforyou: Lot of motivation, and it is always good to know I wasn't the only one that didn't do what they should have done. :cry: I did overeat this weekend, but got back on track yesterday afternoon. :smile: Wishing everyone a great week and my prayers are with each of you.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    good morning ladies.

    the princess is feeling a bit better. she ate some chicken yesterday (turned her nose up at the rice) but this morning she asked for food and ate it all. She has been drinking tons of water and her eyes look clearer. she actually has a little bit of energy. So I guess we keep on with the pepcid and the antibiotics and the eay food and see how it goes.

    I didn't eat will this weekend but the scale didn't move so that is good.

    Reb - goood luck with the interview. I wonder if I will ever have one of those again.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Marilyn chin up! Hope Monday’s a better day.:flowerforyou:

    Jeannie, nice picture on you and your parents!:happy: Must have been a lovely day! They’re so lucky to have you....like the kiddies....and the dogs....I’m tired just thinking about all you do! :noway: God Bless!!!:flowerforyou:

    Welcome bcmallwalker! :flowerforyou: Pretty impressive that you’ve already lost 70 pounds! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Congratulations! When you posted you made yourself part of the thread and can now go right to it under Community...My Topics!:wink:

    Missjo...I’m sorry that you’ve been so sick! :frown: I wouldn’t worry about the 5 pounds or the exercising until you are strong enough! You don’t want to have a relapse! :noway: Be kind and gentle as well as patient during this time and gradually get back into the swing of things.:love: Sending hugs!

    Rebel, glad you had a nice time. :bigsmile: Sounds wonderful! I agree that to gain just a couple of pounds is good.:flowerforyou: I’ve heard that some people gain 10 pounds on a cruise! Yikes!:noway:
    I’m sorry about your aunt!:frown: There’s nothing you could have done. :ohwell: Mom sounds special!:love:
    (Good luck on the job interview):flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Lynn, I’m glad you had a nice time Sunday, and you should be very proud that you didn’t eat all those tempting treats!!!:flowerforyou:
    The story about the man hitting the child... made me sick to my stomach, too:sick: !! It makes me soooooo mad:mad: to see someone hurting a person who can’t defend themselves!:explode: What a coward!!!!:mad: It’s too bad you couldn’t get the information to report him but I know you tried! Those poor dears!!! :cry: I pray that he gets caught and stops abusing them!!! I agree with Jeannie, that you probably stopped him by turning around! :smile: Hope you scared the c--- out of him! :angry: There’s really not much else you can do..... but pray for them all! Sometimes there just aren’t any answers to such situations. :brokenheart: They are simply tragic! .I wish there were.....I’m just sorry that you related to it.:frown: ...so sad!"Let go....and Let God" as they say.
    Prayers and hugs for you too!:love:

    I had a very good day but then at 9 PM, after a glass of wine....I just picked up some Ritz crackers....and extra fruit.... lost my focus:embarassed: ...and went over my calories for the day! :noway: You might say I fell on my fanny:embarassed: ...on my path!:angry::laugh: This morning all the negative thoughts started up:devil: .....and I just told them to “shut up” & made up my mind to have a great TODAY, :bigsmile: Then I got on my the treadmill for 80 minutes! :bigsmile: We all fall.:ohwell: ....even when we seem to be stable.....sometimes....especially when we seem to be stable.:wink: It’s all progress when you don’t let the falling discourage you.:drinker: After all...none of us are God....we’re all human! That what makes us winners!:wink: as well as empathetic towards one another!

    VikkiJ, I agree that how we channel a hurt can make us stronger or can be destructive. So sad.:frown:

    VickiM, you’re a winner....you don’t let slips get you down! That’s the spirit. We might get knocked down....but we don’t get knocked out!!!:flowerforyou:

    Robin, very sorry about what you’re going through with Kiera. :frown: Hang in there! I’m glad she’s doing better today!:wink:

    Michele, I love the King and I!!!!:happy: Great music! You’re so busy! Kudos for being involve with a soup kitchen. Such a noble cause! :flowerforyou: Sounds like your life is full enough without getting involved in anything else.....if you know what I mean.:laugh:

    Glyndam welcome to our world!!! It’s what you do with the slips that counts. Seems like your on the right track...path!!!:flowerforyou:

    Today is going to be a great day!!!! I hope it is for everyone!!!

    Sending hugs to Laura!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: My friend who usually comes on Mondays has gone to Arizona for the winter…..she hates to leave here because her daughter and granddaughter are here but her husband says that he feels better in warm weather (he’s about 80 with many health problems) so she cheerfully goes with him, finds fun things to do while she’s there and will be back here in the spring....so I used the time I had to start some reorganization in the garage :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, congratulations on hitting that milestone 99 pounds lost….I know your success will be ongoing…you are so amazingly busy and active.

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, some people give the voice in their head a name so they can have a personal conversation when they tell it to shut up.

    :flowerforyou: Barbara, it doesn’t matter if you make it to size 10 in 2010, just as long as you don’t give up…..just stay focused and don’t use the holidays as an excuse to stray from the path and you’ll be a lot closer than you think when the new year rolls around. :bigsmile:

    :laugh: On the subject of age, I come from a long line of women who have lied about their ages or just not talked about them……when I turned 40, my mother had a fit when I told people how old I was because that meant that people would have a clue about how old she was

    :bigsmile: Jeannie, how wonderful that your parents are still going strong....that's a great photo

    :flowerforyou: Rebel, so sorry about your aunt……glad you had a great cruise……..good luck on your job interview

    :flowerforyou: Lynn, what you experienced was truly unsettling……how wise of you to realize that comfort eating wouldn’t have been the solution…..prayer, meditation, and exercise are far better choices

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, Refuse to lose heart when things are going badly and refuse to become complacent when things are going well
    I read that a few days ago and applied it to the slow down of our business but it could just as well apply to the scale not budging

    :flowerforyou: Debbie (mallwalker) congrats on the 70 pounds you’ve lost already:bigsmile: ….stick with us and you’ll lose the rest of the weight and have fun doing it.

    :flowerforyou: Robin, I’m glad to hear that Kiera is doing better…all your care and loving :heart: have made a difference

    :flowerforyou: We had a weekend of big eating……on Saturday we went to a party with friends from line dancing and the knitting shop…..hubby found some guys to talk to and the baseball game was on TV with the sound off, so he enjoyed himself……I ate fresh veggies, fresh fruit, and an interesting salad with broccoli, cauliflower, raisins, grapes, and an unknown dressing that probably had a ton of sodium. On Sunday we went out for Chinese food with friends and I ate my whole portion of chicken with cashew nuts and steamed rice…….I got enough exercise to stay within my maintenance calories but the sodium was obvious when I weighed myself at bedtime.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • bcmallwalker
    Thanks everyone for making me feel welcome. I am enjoying reading the posts and learning a little about all of you. :happy:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Birdie - I think you and Barbie hit on something. We all hear that little voice in our head on what we should or shouldn't do. We need to stay in control of the voice and make sure it is encouraging us in the right direction and not sending us down a path of 2K plus calorie days.

    Rebel - Welcome back! I'm glad you had a great time and I like the new picture.

    Mom and Dad had a great time yesterday and today they seem invigorated by it. The kids and I made a promise to get them out of the house once a month weather and health permitting.

    I survived Bosses Day. I ended up being the MC and on the food set up committee. I went a little over, but I think it will be OK as I was on my feet and running all day and I didn't know how to count that so, I didn't.

    Robin - Glad to hear the princess is doing better.

    To all - have a great evening and I hope we all have a good and health Tuesday. Think good thoughts for yourself and those around you.


    PS: My friend found homes for all of her pets, so I didn't have to take any in. That proves that when you always do the right thing, things work out OK. lol
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi everyone

    :flowerforyou: Marilyn hope you feel better soon.

    :flowerforyou: Rebel hope it all goes well for your job interview

    :flowerforyou: Lynn what a horrible thing to happen, especially as you’d had such a good day. But as everyone has said maybe the man realised he had been spotted by you and stopped.

    :flowerforyou: Robin glad to hear Kiera is feeling a bit brighter today. Our cat Wiz is only just getting back to normal (I don’t want to jinx him) but we were really worried about him - he looked so ill. Mind you we were feeding him on cooked chicken to tempt him to eat, and now he seems to expect it all the time.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: Hope Kiera continues to improve.

    :flowerforyou: Jeanie I’m so glad your friend found good homes for her pets. I can only imagine the heartbreak at having to find new homes for them, it can’t have been easy for her. I’m sure she is grateful to you, even though she didn’t need to use your kind offer of a home for the ones she couldn’t place.

    :sick: Well I am starting with a cold, DH caught it first and gave it to DD and now it seems they have given the bug to me. I’m not too bad at the moment, but I can feel the tickle of a cough starting and I’m getting snuffly. I suppose it’s that time of year, lots of colds and coughs about.

    :noway: I’ve just noticed the time, better get DD up and get the doggies walked before it gets any later, when the mornings were lighter we were out of the door before 6.00 a.m. now it’s getting more like 6.30 a.m. before we get organised. I’m not a fan of dark mornings.

    Take care everyone and welcome to any newcomers to this thread.

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Morning ladies.

    I'm busy, busy, busy at present - doing lots of walking on my canvassing. I also had another swimming lesson yesterday. I managed to swim half a length on my back but can still only manage about 5 metres on my front. The fact that my knee and back have been playing me up lately has not helped. Still, perseverance is what I will use.

    Auntiebk - you bought a tear to my eye with your thoughtful words. Thank you!

    Renny - good luck with the interview and welcome back. Sorry to hear about your aunt.

    SuzyQ - are you ready for your swimsuit yet? I bet you are going to look amazing!

    Lynn - what a truly dreadful thing to witness. I hope the guy realised that he'd been spotted and maybe it will have given him a jolt back to decency. We live in hope.

    Michele - I have to ask you a question ... do you ever just sit? You seem to be on the go every minute of the day!

    Jeannie - what a cute picture of your parents! These are days to enjoy and remember. I'm also glad that you didn't have to take on the responsibility of extra animals. I'm sure you would have found room in your life and hearts for them, but it is good to hear that they found homes.

    Robin - I'm glad to hear the Princess is feeling better. I'm sure that will mean that you will be feeling better too.

    Birdie - you have such a healthy attitude. If you can't help yourself by not 'indulging' then helping yourself by jumping onto the treadmill and walking it off is a respectable balance. Well done for telling those thoughts to shut up. I've decided to call my negative thoughts Alan - not because I have anything against the name, it was just the first one that popped into my head!

    Barbie - My mum, my sister and my sister in law have all lied about their ages. I wear mine like a badge of honour! Every new decade I reach is a great achievement in my eyes. I was the only survivor of triplets and I have always thought that it is important that I live life for them too.

    Debbie - well done and welcome!

    Viv - this cold that is going around is a nasty one. Plenty of warm drinks may help somewhat.

    I have missed loads of you out, it's not intentional - just impossible to keep up with everything!

    Before I get moving again, I want to put in a request. Let's all name one thing that we have in our lives that we are thankful for. Mine has to be my DH. I wouldn't have made it without him!

    Love to you all.

    Amanda x
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Amanda - regarding sitting....lol You know, if I just sit, many times I fall asleep! But I do sit when I'm crocheting or x-stitching.

    We have a "mini-retreat" at the Y today at the board meeting. We had one last year, any suggestion I made (even ones that didn't cost a cent) was not even thought of any more. So I'm not hoping for anything much. But evidentally they are still pressing to allow alcohol. I have every intention of speaking my mind. I'm 120% against it mainly because to me it goes against the Y's mission statement. Hopefully, the new CEO will be there, if so I'll introduce myself and tell him how I moved from one of the top ten Y's in the nation in member satisfaction. My UNDERSTANDING is that he wants to improve member satisfaction. Of course, that could be just words. Then I'm going to another branch of the Y and do incline intervals on the treadmill. Tomorrow....water aerobics.

    Looks like we're going to be able to sell ds's car. My understanding is that in NC you have to have the title to the car notarized before you can sell it. Is that so? We've only sold cars in PA and there you didn't have to have the title notarized.

    Honestly, I can't seem to get myself under control. Every day for the last few days, I've gone over on my calories. Not by much -- usually only about 100 calories. But I would like to try to "save" some up because this weekend my cousin from CA is coming to VA to visit her sister. They're having a birthday party for her. I made her a x-stitch bookmark that I'm putting in the card and I think I'll take some appetizers with me. I guess I can take them in a cooler. But I know that they'll have birthday cake there and probably some other things too. It's funny in a way, Jessica is concerned that she can't get there at exactly 1:00. As Vince told her "this is mom's family and you KNOW that there'll be food all day. Now if you get there at 9:00 at night, we'll probably be gone. But if you can't get there until 3:00, don't worry, there'll be lots of food". He's right!

    I like to say that you're as old as you feel and I feel 39 (I just don't mention the days when I feel 69)

    I'm thankful for my wonderful family -- 2 of my 3 kids are independent (well, 2 out of 3 ain't bad), Vince is an angel (at times).

    Gotta get to that meeting. Have a great day everyone.

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Beano? Gas X? Since I've upped the veggie intake, well... the bombs are NOT silent, but at least they're not stinky either.

    Tired of motorboating through the office (you can imagine the looks I leave in my wake), took a Beano yesterday. Oh Joy, a silent morning... but wait... feeling a bit stuffy by afternoon, decidedly backed up by quitting time, cramping on the way to Scottish dance class and WHOOM the dam broke and I had to leave after 20 minutes. Cramping and purging all evening until the ginger candy and ale finally settled things down enough for sleep. Even though the scale was down 2.2 lbs this morning, I'll NEVER do that again!

    Has anyone tried GasX? or Clove Tea? or any other wonder cures?

    Amanda, not only are you warm, charming, accomplished, inspiring etc, you are SNEAKY!
    Thought of my DH as the one thing in my life I'm most thankful for (who else in the history of the universe would put up with me and my dogs with such apparent good humor?), when all the other most thankfuls flooded down around me. Mama and Papa who adopted me at birth and gave me such a good life, beloved best friend of 30+ years Candy (gone ahead 5 yrs ago), Jocko the favorite dog and General Robert E Lee who reincarnated him to heal my broken heart, work I enjoy and do well at, with and for people I like and respect in a comfortable environment, good and getting better health ....
    Standing by the microwave misting up with love and loss and gratitude.

    Thank YOU Misssy Tiarapants, you GOT me!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello all,

    Viv hit on something about the days getting shorter. It is very common for people to get depressed and down on things when the days shorten. I learned about this with my Dad. Every year without fail his depression surfaces again this time of year. It's the lack of sunshine. So let's not let the coming winter get us down and off track. I'm not kidding when I say this, the doctor recommended a cup of hot cocoa for times like these. We just need to be sure that ours is the low fat, low sugar stuff and an 8 oz cup instead of a 24 oz cup. Hot cocoa does have medicinal value. Even more so with a shot of baileys in it.

    Have a great day all and enjoy the sunshine while we can.


    PS: Michelle - good luck with the Y. I can't imagine allowing alcohol at a place like that.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Beano? Gas X? Since I've upped the veggie intake, well... the bombs are NOT silent, but at least they're not stinky either.

    Tired of motorboating through the office (you can imagine the looks I leave in my wake), took a Beano yesterday. Oh Joy, a silent morning... but wait... feeling a bit stuffy by afternoon, decidedly backed up by quitting time, cramping on the way to Scottish dance class and WHOOM the dam broke and I had to leave after 20 minutes. Cramping and purging all evening until the ginger candy and ale finally settled things down enough for sleep. Even though the scale was down 2.2 lbs this morning, I'll NEVER do that again!

    Has anyone tried GasX? or Clove Tea? or any other wonder cures?

    I am using a GasX Prevention each morning (for the same problem!). So far I have not had anything like you described but, then again, I don't recall that happening with BeanO, either. I never used the BeanO pills, though, just the drops, which I can't seem to find anywhere anymore!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    good morning ladies.

    happy to report continued improvement in Kiera.:happy: I am doing okay with my food and exercise and water like I planned. DH is home sick with a little stuffy nose. (men:noway: )

    So I am very very grateful for my DH and my children and my dogs. I couldn't survive without them. But I am also grateful for the roof over my head, my incredibly hot sports car, the internet and this group of wonderful women.

    So regarding "The King and I" That was actually my first professional production with a Civic Light Opera in 1987. Our Anna was Nancy Dussault (from Too Close for Comfort) and our King was Robert Ito (he was Sam on Qunincy). the woman who played Tuptim went on to be Christine in Phantom of the Opera on Broadway and in the LA production of PHantom with Michael Crawford. I was so nervous. No one had ever paid me to do musical theatre before and I thought I was way out of my league. :noway: I had so much fun and my family was so proud.:love: I went on to do 15 other productions with the civic light opera over the years I was acting in LA. Such good memories. My favorite was Showboat with Donald O'Connor but that is a story for another time. :tongue:

    I hope you all have a wonderful day today.
  • piquilter
    piquilter Posts: 119
    Oh, Lynn, I'm sorry your day had to end like that! Those poor kids! As an elementary librarian for almost 35 years I saw every child at least a couple of times a week. So often I would just like to take one home for a bath and some clean kids. When my son would complain about petty things as a child I would often reply with, "Let me tell you what I saw today." There is so much potential in them & had they only been born in another place the potential could have been nurtured rather than ruined. There are some strong, driven & brave enough to find a better life when they grow up, sounds like you, & unfortunately others who continue the cycle. What a coward to take their shortcomings out on an innocent child. A saying my friend and I use is, "You have to take a test to drive a car but you don't have to take one to be a parent :cry: As an emotional & many other types of eater myself, please don't let this horrible experience even worse by turning to food. Take care!
  • piquilter
    piquilter Posts: 119
    Down 2.6 yesterday morning :happy: & another 2 this morning (obviously of fluke of some sort) It was a challenging weekend, eating out Saturday night & having company for dinner Sunday night. Made sure I got a good workout in both days. Yesterday morning I had to cut time at the gym short because I had a platelet donation appt. at 6 a.m. It was my 107 donation. It's always a challenge because the snacks are fruit, AWESOME cookies & pretzels. I typically go with pretzels, but each bag is 2.5 servings & it's not unusual for me to go through 2 bags during the 2 hours. This morning I drank 3 bottles of water, a couple cups of coffee, & (this is big for me) only 1 serving of pretzels! Also, if you aren't already a blood donor please consider being one, it's such an easy thing to do and you can provide a chance at life for so many. I like to do platelets because I can donate more often :happy: & get get snacks & a movie brought to me in bed :happy: Needless to say THAT doesn't happen at home :laugh: Would like to start posting more but I'm almost finished with the sweater I'm making for my grandson & MN is beginning to turn on us----Brrrrrr! Also need to go through the pics I took of him on Sunday.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Hello all,

    Viv hit on something about the days getting shorter. It is very common for people to get depressed and down on things when the days shorten. I learned about this with my Dad. Every year without fail his depression surfaces again this time of year. It's the lack of sunshine. So let's not let the coming winter get us down and off track. I'm not kidding when I say this, the doctor at a place like that.
    Hello everyone,
    I just wanted to offer what I know about the lack of sunshine. My doctor told me to sit in the sunshine in a window for 15 minutes. He also told me to take Vitamin d. You can actually have a blood test done to test for vitamin d. My husband had to take 50,000 iu's(prescription of course) for a week one time in the month of January. They have put me on 5000 - 10,000 in the winter months. You can buy 5,000 ius at a vitamin store. There are many companies who offer 2,000.

    Thanks to all of you for your encouraging words. I was exhausted yesterday. You just don't realize how an incident affects you until you "let down" at home.
    Today is beautiful. I am ready for some rain here, though. It is so dry. I think we had 2 days of small percip. in Sept. The leaves are beautiful but I hope no one throws out a cigarette.
    I am getting ready to go the gym and Physical Therapy. I planned to yesterday, just didn't happen.
    I wish eveyone a wonderful day today:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Ps Has anyone heard from Laura?
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    oops I think my post went in the quote box...sorry:blushing:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I'm back from my trip to San Diego. I stayed with friends who are swim coaches and now have all these things to try once I get back in the pool.

    For our triathlon retreat, I did a boot camp, a run clinic, a strength-conditioning workout to do at home class (which I thought would have more lecture and less doing, but it didn't) and a swim clinic! I was pretty sore the next day when I had to do my race, but the race was for fun so I didn't care. I was actually able to run the entire 5k too, which I have not done since the early days of my injury. Oh, and I PRed everything but the swim!

    Triathlon magazine was at the event and I got quoted in the article they wrote about it:
