

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    It's weigh in day and I stayed the same!:bigsmile: Again I was surprised because of going over for 2 days, but I guess the exercising, drinking tons of water .....and NOT going over consistently, kept me maintaining. I love this MFP because I really feel like I'm living the life I want to without feeling like I'm on a constant diet!:happy:
    I hope everyone has a great day and I'll try to get to the post later!
    BirdieM:heart::drinker: :heart:
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Chiclet, so glad to hear things are on the up swing at your house and that your Mom had a nice birthday. As for your ex, it is my experience that if "they'll do it with you, they'll do it to you" so it is only a matter of time until his girlfriend gets cheated on. Isn't it wonderful for folks to think you are years younger than you are! Regular exercise and healthy eating DO make a difference! So glad you have found someone who not only makes you feel pretty, but tells you so too. :love: Sounds like he may be a keeper.

    Smart food choices plus daily ab work is really paying off. When I weighed this morning I was thrilled to find I am down to my lowest weight in over 15 years. (I weigh first thing every day.) I usually only measure once a week, but curiosity got the better of me and I was even more thrilled to find I'm down another inch in my belly since Saturday ~ for a grand total of 3" lost there since the first of this month.:happy:

    Happy Wednesday y'all! :drinker:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies. I haven't posted for a few days but I have been reading everything.

    I am dealing with high levels of stress right now so I am sure that is contributing to me not be able to get the scale to move. Financial woes are starting to press down and DH job stress is at a pretty high level right now. All I can do is eat healthy and exercise a lot.

    I have been doing at least 120 minutes on the treadmill every day. I am still working on my Turbo Fire/ChaLean Extreme hybrid program every day (strength and aerobics) I am doing ab work five days a week. (suzzyq - I love Zumba Abs too) . If the scale doesn't move then it doesn't move. I have to just keep on.

    All of you ladies on this thread keep me sane right now. I don't really get out much. I miss the social aspect of work so I look to this site to help fill some of my need to connect to people. Thank you all.

    Bodi hurt his paw somehow on Monday. He wasn't limping or anything, just tracking blood all over my floors. I wrestled him still and got some liquid bandaid on the wound. He had a large slice in his pad. later in the day I looked at my bed and he had apparently gotten up there too cuz there was blood on the coverlet. I must remember to shut the door. He had his annual appointment last saturday and I am happy to say he is a very healthy, very large red fox yellow lab. The vet was amazed at how big he was. He also commented on what a great demeanor he had. I have to say he is one really great dog. He truly brings me joy everyday. Kiera is holding her own, getting crotchiter everyday but still a little love girl.

    I think DH and I need a vacation. We used to go somewhere every month (little weekend getaways) He is working so much OT right now maybe we can swing a little excursion soon.

    I hope you all have a great day.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    I am dealing with high levels of stress right now so I am sure that is contributing to me not be able to get the scale to move. Financial woes are starting to press down and DH job stress is at a pretty high level right now. All I can do is eat healthy and exercise a lot.

    I have been doing at least 120 minutes on the treadmill every day. I am still working on my Turbo Fire/ChaLean Extreme hybrid program every day (strength and aerobics) I am doing ab work five days a week. (suzzyq - I love Zumba Abs too) . If the scale doesn't move then it doesn't move. I have to just keep on.

    Robin, they say that after "death" losing jobs and financial woes are a close second.:cry: I think you're dealing with it well, with all your exercising! :flowerforyou: I'm curious about that Zumba Abs workout that you and Suzzyq are doing. Is it real hard? How long does it take to do a session? And do I have to have a large space to do it? My abs......what abs??:laugh: I need some help there:wink:
    Keep.....keeping on!!!!
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Susan - wow! 3 inches off your waist since Oct 1? That's wonderful!! :noway: :drinker:

    I shopped my storeroom yesterday and all my 16s fit and the 14s fit in the butt but not the waist unless they have elastic. :huh: So....... more ab work for me!

    I called the Y yesterday and apparently they are on life support but not dead yet. They are open until the end of the year at least so I sighed up and started in again. Their times have been altered and they are no longer open when I most liked to go - noon to 3 - but I'll work with what they offer. Thank goodness they have 3 -7 pm hours or I wouldn't make it most likely. I am not a morning person! :ohwell: Hopefully there will be enough community interest to keep the Y going but I am doubtful. They only reason they are still open, in my opinion, is that people complained that they didn't honor the 90 day notification period before they closed. I think their minds are already made up and the membership drive is a waste of time. I think they are going to close regardless.

    My loss was confirmed on their scales - down 10 pounds :bigsmile: - but I won't record the last two until I'm sure they are really gone.

    The only thing I can figure out is that I got more exercise than I thought while I was gone and ate less total calories, even though some of them were not "real food". That's what I call the stuff I know I shouldn't be eating often - white flour & sugar. I really don't crave it often anymore but ate some anyway. It was handy and I was hungry or (hate to admit it) bored and trying to stay alert when traveling. I can't drink a lot of coffee without food or I get an acid stomach and we sure drank a lot of coffee when on the road.

    I have a bunch of yard work that's calling to me and then the gym, so that's it for now. I have my water in hand! :drinker:

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies.

    It's a gloomy day in London and I think it's affecting my mood somewhat. I had my weekly appointment with my therapist this morning and spent the major part of it crying. I keep telling myself that I'm all grown up now and should be able to handle what life dishes out. Unfortunately, the traumas of my early years have stayed with me and I carry them with me all the time. It didn't help that I received an email from my brother who is holidaying in Bermuda at present. I quote, 'I am disappointed in you! I cannot believe that you didn't take dad to mum's grave on her birthday!' Of course this added to my never-ending guilt, which I know is irrational, but is hard to deflect. As it happens, I asked dad if he wanted to come with me to the grave on Sunday but he has a cold and told me that he wanted to stay home and keep warm. Clearly he didn't mention that to my brother, who obviously thinks that I'm falling down on my duties. This from the guy who visits my dad about three or four times a year, despite driving past the end of his road at least a couple of times a week on his way home from work.

    For the first time since February, I felt like comfort eating today. I actually went into my DH's office to see if he had any chocolate. The stupid thing is, I wouldn't have eaten any of it even if there had been some there as I know it makes me ill. I just felt the urge to hold a bar of chocolate! Anyhow, my greedy DH had eaten it all so there was no temptation and I treated myself to a sugar free Werthers instead.

    I have to do a fasting blood test tomorrow morning and I'll come home for a protein shake/breakfast before going off to do some swimming practice. In the afternoon I have to pick up all my paperwork from the electoral services so that I can start my canvassing. I'll probably start that on Friday, which means I should be doing at least an extra 3 hours walking each day (including climbing A LOT of stairs). Hopefully that will give a nice little boost to my daily exercise and I may eventually see that 100 pounds off on my ticker (drat it! So near but so far!)

    I found a channel on fitness TV today which was doing a 70's disco groove class. I only managed about 20 minutes of it, but better than nothing.

    Everybody do what you know you should, but if you do happen to slip and fall - don't beat yourself up - just move on and get back in the saddle.

    Much love to you all.

    Amanda x
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Happy Wednesday, All,

    Welcome, Jeanne! I hope that you have great success with MFP...it has been a great place for support and friendship for me and many others here.

    Amanda: Sorry that you are feeling off today. Sounds like you are handling everything well though...families can be such a joy and such a pain too! You have a great attitude. Take care and know we're here for you!

    SuzyQ: Yes, I want to know about the ab video too! What is exactly the name, etc. I need to mix things up again. Congratulations on your hard work and now, success!

    Robin: You are doing great and I hope that you and DH are able to get away for a quick weekend soon. I agree...sometimes just a change of scenery is good for putting things in a different light. I know that your scale will also move soon, too! Take care

    Faye: Congratulations to you for your loss while traveling! Good for you!

    Birdie: You have been so steady with your exercise and I am sure your eating too...so happy that you have found your "way" and hope to be where you are one day soon!

    I was exhausted yesterday after having the "kids" here for the long weekend. I didn't do great with my food last night...unlike Amanda, I found the chocolate and had a few of the small ones, instead of just one. I am feeling more energetic today and got my good walk/run in as well as lots of much needed pruning in the garden. Usually that helps keep me more focused with my food choices as well. Need to get into the shower and head to the grocery.

    Oh...yesterday I went to one of those clothing shows at a friend's house. I bought several pieces for winter and actually bought a nice black skirt in a size 8...and it FIT! That felt really good. Even though scale hasn't moved down any in a while, the continued exercises and ab work must be helping! So...off I go. Have a good week all and for those I didn't single out...I am thinking of you as well and wishing you all great success with our journey. Take care, Kackie:heart:
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Oh...Michelle: Meant to respond to you too...regarding what else to make for your guests. Maybe just a nice green salad....or....some of Mimi's great roasted vegetables. I am like her in regard to veggies. Got to have them!!! That's my 2 cents worth! Sounds nice!

    Viv: Hope your DH feels better soon!

    Bye, again!
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Susan - wow! 3 inches off your waist since Oct 1? That's wonderful!! :noway: :drinker:


    Actually its only 2" off my waist. since Oct 1st. When I say belly I mean my abdomen. I measure where my navel is. I've lost 3" there.

    For those of you wondering about zumba flat abs, Here's is the link to a YouTube video I found of a gal doing the workout I do. It isn't the whole 20 minutes but maybe the rest is on there somewhere as a part 2. The trick is to really keep your pelvis tucked and abs tight throughout the workout. Also eat about a tablespoon or two of dried fruit about 15-30 minutes before so you have plenty of energy to work it hard.


    Zumba is the workout I enjoy most these days.
  • vikkij12
    Hi all

    Sorry I haven't been able to post lately, got a severe case of tummy bug for 2 days so lay in bed and slept, raced to the toilet, slept etc. Rushing up and down the stairs was my exercise.!!!

    Reading about all the problems with siblings and parents brings back memories. I think this is universal we are all so different but they can really hurt when we are the carers and givers of the family.

    Anyway better fly, I love reading the posts I feel like I am getting to know everyone so well. Work beckons.

    Have a great day

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Just finished reading...sounds like many of you are getting into the swing of Fall:drinker:

    Parents, siblings, and weight control...all the things our lives seem to be full of...hoping that all of you have a good day and are able to deal with whatever and whoever in a positive way.

    Last week Mom's caregiver called me to say she was not wanting to get up in the morning and get cleaned up after soaking through everything in the mornings....yesterday I heard that she is cooperating better and realizing that she can sleep anywhere after they get her up...see she was wanting to sleep in:grumble: I'm glad she changed her attitude as I'd probably not have been quite as patient with her as the Foster Home has been, it's so much easier to be patient with other people than your own family, I find.

    Last night I made 11lbs of Fried Rice for Hubby to take with him hunting this weekend, not at all healthy but since it's for about 8 guys and they will be hiking up and down the mountain I'm sure they will work it off...but then again Hubby did remind me that they don't go up there to be "healthy"...that's for when he gets back:wink: Since August Hubby has lost about #15 and says he has another #25-#30 to go and he's really liking my healthy cooking that I'm doing for him...so I'm glad I did this before him because he's able to get the weight off a lot faster than I do ... now I just work on maintaining:flowerforyou:

    I'm zig zagging my way through this maintenance, still trying to figure out what my calories for the day needs to be, how much exercise to do to keep things steady. I remember when I was a teenager I got on the scale everyday and it said the same thing every morning...I just don't seem to be seeing that yet:ohwell: up a 10th down 2/10ths...maybe one day I'll finally figure it out.

    Everyone have a good day, exercise:flowerforyou: drink your water:drinker: and log that food:smile: you can do it just one day at a time:heart:


    Chiclet - as you were describing your "man" problems and the ex...I too thought of the movie "It's Complicated":wink:
  • piquilter
    piquilter Posts: 119
    Just in case you haven't had your laugh for today, I doubt anyone else had this experience today! :embarassed: .....My cell phone has been falling out of my pocket because the pocket isn't deep enough so I've been carrying it in the back pocket. It just fell out of the back pocket.......into the TOILET! Clean water & I think I moved faster than Superman's speeding bullet. Dried it off & it seems to be ok. Well, I'm sure you will burn calories laughing! I'm back to the sewing machine, hoping I don't stitch my finger :laugh:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    A big WOW to all of you who are loosing pounds and inches! What fantastic news.

    I went from 15 repetitions on my new arm exercises to 20 done in 2 sets of 10. Those extra 5 are killers, but I'm sure that will pass.

    This Friday Dad turns 91 years old and we are going to drag him out to brunch on Sunday and to the Aquarium. It's best not to tell Dad these things too far in advance, or he will find an excuse to get out of it. Once he is out he has a good time. It is just getting shoes on and getting out the door and into the car that's the hard part.

    Michele, on the water retention - make sure you are drinking enough and there is no hidden sodium in what you are eating. Like Barb said, it is a symptom on many other things and you don't want to let it go too long.

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    piquilter - put it in a bag of rice to make sure. My son dunked his phone (though not in the toilet :laugh: ) and that saved the day for him.

    Susan - 2" or 3" - either one and I'd be doing a happy dance. Thanks for the video link I'll be checking that our tonight!

    Off to the gym - I just took a quick peek in here and logged my lunch.

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good afternoon ladies. a beautiful day here in south louisiana. sunny but cool breeze. I had a good day. Back to routine. Kids are back in school so I had rhea for the day. She slept until about 11.00 I did some chores, made a huge pot of vegetable soup, walked on treadmill for 30 min. the soup is so good. Plan to eat for days until it is gone. Very filling but healthy and low cal. After kenneth eats his for supper I hope we can go for a long walk to get some more exercise in. Tomorrow rhea goes back to preschool so I will got to gym. Amanda your brother sounds like mine. he lives a few hours away and has never been there for any of my mom and dad surgeries or anything. He was unable to make it here before my mom died when she passed. When we went to disney this june he had the nerve to tell me that my dad did not need to go on trips any longer and that it was my job to not take him anymore. I very firmly but nicely I hope told him that I thought he was wrong and as long as my dad wanted to travel he was welcome to come with me. Just keep doing what you are doing and dont worry about him. He is a man and he is not around so he doesnt understand what you go through on a daily basis. He probably doesnt want to either. Hope you all have a good night.
    Vicki M
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Hello everyone!

    Well its been 12 days since I had my gallbladder removed and I figured that it was safe enough to do an intensive yoga routine. Wow, my muscles were so tight from head to toe. Every yoga pose made me groan and grunt. I'm sure I sounded just like a sumo wrestler.

    After yoga my muscles were still pretty tight so I decided to walk it out. It was another sunny day today and I thoroughly enjoyed a one hour walk.

    I guess it's a process getting back into the swing of things but well worth it for good health.

    Hope everyone had a great day today!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: I read this in my morning reading today: Refuse to lose heart when things are going badly and refuse to become complacent when things are going well

    :flowerforyou: Faye, It has been my experience that losing weight is cumulative and capricious……..there is not automatic weight loss immediately after a perfect day, nor weight gain immediately after a less than perfect day……it has more to do with long term effects…..you’ve changed your whole approach to eating and exercising and have gotten good results in the long term….your trip to Alaska sounds fabulous

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, thank you for your great suggestions for dealing with pancake breakfasts (they seem to be happening all the time)…….thank you especially for your upbeat attitude

    :flowerforyou: Mimi, enjoy your weekend

    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: Today was my big exercise day
    on Wednesdays I gotto the advanced line dance class in the morning, then come home and eat my Isagenix shake and ride the exercise bike for 20 minutes and watch TV then walk the dogs before driving to meet my friend for a walk for about 90 minutes, then I come home and take the dogs to the dog park and work in the yard for awhile and ride the exercise bike again……..I burn a lot of calories but only eat some of them…..on line dance days I eat a bigger breakfast and before a long walk, I eat something extra…..my food diary is public so anyone can look at it.

    :flowerforyou: SuzyQ, congrats on your weight and size loss……you have been so faithful and consistent for so long, it’s good to see you getting results.

    :flowerforyou: Robin, sorry to hear about all the stress…..glad your dogs are doing well

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, one of the toughest lessons to learn is to not let other people’s harsh words get us down…..I hope the therapist can help you with that.

    :flowerforyou: Kackie, congratulations on buying something in size 8 that fits.

    :flowerforyou: Laura, the scale goes up and down a bit each day for me too……it has to do with sodium and peanut butter and probably a lot of other things…..this maintenance is a tricky thing.

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie, I admire your consistency with your arm exercises

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, I’m glad to hear that you continue to be on track

    :flowerforyou: Debbie, glad to hear that your recovery from surgery is going well.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Hi Everyone, I am a Wife, Mother and Grandmother, 54 years old. I am new on here and still muddling my way around on the system. I would like to be in your "thread". How do I stay in touch with your group and what happens with you?
    Inquiring minds want to know?:smile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    Hi Everyone, I am a Wife, Mother and Grandmother, 54 years old. I am new on here and still muddling my way around on the system. I would like to be in your "thread". How do I stay in touch with your group and what happens with you?
    Inquiring minds want to know?:smile:
    welcome, now that you have posted, this thread will show up on the list of "My Topics"......go to the thread and read what others have posted and you'll get ideas of what we talk about and get to know us better.....then post something even if it's short the first time.....we'd love to get to know you :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    I am a Wife of 37 years(to the same wonderful man) I have 2 Sons and 4 grandchildren. I came to the site at the recommendation of my sister. I have had health issues for about 7 years. Was vegan for 6 of those years. Then last summer I had shingles from head to toe. They couldn't find out why. (small clue about where I live) I was sent to the next state to Vanderbilt Univerisity and it was a puzzle to them. In the meantime, I had a reaction to something and almost died. They gave me mega doses of steroids to combat all that. In the midst they had to do gall bladdar surgery.
    I gained a lot of weight fast! One week I gained 12 lbs. I wasn't eating, was too sick.
    It's took a full year to become mobil and active. To be able to excericise and eating, some days good and some days bad. I went from 158 to 180. I am now down to 176. I have did that since Sept 22. That's fast for me. I have thyroid issues, adrenal issues....etc.
    I am happy to be alive but want to get back into my clothes and get down into the 140's. I am 5"2" and that may sound large to some people, that's okay. I can wear an 8 when I weigh 142 and at my age I would be satisfied with that.
    I just want to be healthy and happy.
    I realize it's good to have support and from people who understand your age and all that goes with that.
    You can call me by my middle name-Lynn
    Is this enough of an intro?:smile: