

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member

    For those of you wondering about zumba flat abs, Here's is the link to a YouTube video I found of a gal doing the workout I do. It isn't the whole 20 minutes but maybe the rest is on there somewhere as a part 2. The trick is to really keep your pelvis tucked and abs tight throughout the workout. Also eat about a tablespoon or two of dried fruit about 15-30 minutes before so you have plenty of energy to work it hard.


    Zumba is the workout I enjoy most these days.
    :flowerforyou: SuzyQ thanks so much for this link. I was going to ask you about Zumba abs, but then on checking further down noticed you had posted this reply. Had a quick peek earlier and tried a few moves. :wink: My co-ordination is all over the place - I can only imagine what I looked like :bigsmile: but it was fun, so I've added this to my favourites and will give it a go. Must admit exercise has gone on the back burner again.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome all newcomers, you will get plenty of advice here, and make some good friends too :smile:

    :happy: I have lost another 1lb yeay. I think I have found something that helps me to lose weight, as well as the exercise and eating healthy, for me it seems to be to drink more water :huh: The last few days before my long weekend I was drinking lots more water throughout the day and over the weekend I went down to 10stone 2lbs. Then I was at home for a few days and didn't drink so much and put a few lbs back on. I'm now between 10st 4lb and 10st 5lb. So today I am going to drown myself in water :bigsmile: :bigsmile: see what happens.

    Poor hubby is still feeling poorly so I'll go and make him a cuppa and something to eat and better get myself ready for work. I wish I didn't start until later, I always have to rush on a morning - could be because I spend all my time reading what my friends have been up to. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Have a good day everyone - must dash!

    Love Viv :heart:
  • chicletgirl
    Hi Everyone!:flowerforyou:

    Had a very busy day today. My ex let me borrow his car today so I crammed as much as possible into the day as I could. I went to my monthly weigh in at my doctors and was dreading it (remember the no food/pasta week and after that the next week had a hard time with carbs?). Well to my astonishment, I lost 10 lbs!!!:noway: I don't get it?? I'll take it happily, but I dont get it? My doctor says that knowing how I felt about having to eat all that pasta that week, must have made me really pay attention to portion control. She was estatic:bigsmile: The nurses were coming around patting me on the back and doing, "Way to go's" and I was just shocked. She says out of all the patients that she gave the same booklet too on carb counting and Diabetes I am the only one who consistently follows through. I think she gets more excited than I do.:laugh: She mentioned that I must do well when I fall off the wagon and jump back on again immediately! I told her I owe it all to you all. Without your encourgagement and support (I'm going to start crying here I'm afraid) I wouldn't be able to do this. I have never met a group of people like you all. I love you all so much. You have helped me save my life. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart:heart::drinker: .

    What a sweet thing to say. You made me feel very special today.

    Everyone used to tell me, "What comes around goes around", but I didn't believe it. To say the least, I am shocked it did. But it sure felt good to actually start believing in myself and feel pretty. I hope this new guy is a keeper.:love: I really enjoy his company very much.
    I wish I could afford to get the Zumba Abs, it sounds terrific. I am definitely going to look it up on YouTube. I would love to lose inches. After this recent weigh in I am going to measure myself tomorrow and see if I lost any inches too.

    Poor Bodi!:cry: A cut on the paw has to hurt. My vet makes such a big deal about the care of the paws. I wonder how deep the cut was. I take it there wasn't anything in it? Must have really hurt when it happened. Watch out for infection.

    My mom has done what you did like a million times, and everyone of her phones were ruined. She is not tecnically inclined.:laugh:
    Due to financial reasons, I have not put any minutes on my pay as you go cell phone. But the other day they gave me $10.00 worth of minutes. So for the first time in months I took the cell phone with me today and put it in my pocket. It was my son's phone and he had muted the ringer, so while I was driving on the freeway, the phone went off vibrating. Lets just say I practically go into an accident! Holy cow that phone has a strong vibration. (It did feel kind of good though:blushing: )

    Good night to you all!
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Brought rhea to school and then went to the gym. Did 90 min. Had extra time and felt good so i did extra. Great workout. I think I am learning to do what I can when I can and no obsess when i cant. After reading and posting I am going to fix me a bowl of my soup, I feel like I am totally on track again. Thank you ladies for being here for me.
    Vicki M
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Good morning lovely ladies!:happy: It’s already Thursday! Where did the week go???!!:noway:

    :heart: Vicki M, so glad to see that you’re picking up! You KNOW you can do this, one day at a time!:flowerforyou:

    :heart: Debbie: Yoga is harder that I thought! Sounds like you are really in the swing of things again! Congratulations!:flowerforyou:

    :heart: Jeannie, you’re doing so well with your arm exercises! I need to get into a routine with doing them! My arms are the pits!!! No pun intended. :laugh:
    Also, your father is so lucky to have a daughter like you!:love: I hope he has a great birthday!:wink:

    :heart: Piquilter....the phone!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :heart: Barbie, as always a shining light on this thread!!!!:flowerforyou:

    :heart: Faye, sounds like you’re doing real well! If it’s working....don’t fix it!:wink: If you start to gain....step back and regroup! At least that’s my approach.:happy:

    :heart: Amanda, you’re so right about picking yourself up! :flowerforyou: We all slip at times and it’s what we do with the slip that makes a difference!:smile:

    :heart: Kackie, a size 8 skirt! Wow...that’s great!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :heart: Suzy, I went to that link...regarding Zumba and some of it looks pretty high impact!!! :noway: I like the ones that are more like Salsa Dancing them kick boxing!:laugh: Yikes! I think if I could get my hands on a beginners DVD I’d be better off...then onto something more challenging:ohwell: ....but I’m not sure where I would find such a DVD.:huh: Congratulations on doing so well with it and losing those inches!!!:flowerforyou:

    :heart: VickiJ, sorry about you being so sick! :frown: Hope things are better today!:happy:

    :heart: Laura, I hear you about maintenance. What’s been helping me is to track and then at the end of the day hit the button that says “complete this entry” and it gives me an idea of how much over I can safely go without gaining. For instance, the other day I went 1200 calories over and it said that if I keep that up every day for 5 weeks....I would gain 8 pounds!!!:noway: :noway: (that was the day I couldn’t exercise...and had steak!) One day I was over 250 calories and it said that in 5 weeks I would remain the same weight....even if I go over my allotted calories by 250.:smile: I realize this is not absolute...but it gives me an idea of just how much I can eat without gaining. A window of “wiggle room”! :happy: And remember...it says if you eat like this EVERY DAY FOR 5 WEEKS!!! That is not usually what happens. If I average my calories allotted (1200 & exercise calories) for a week, divide it by 7 and it says I’m OVER 250 calories (on average) then BIG RED FLAG! Time to step back and regroup!! Not sure how scientific it is...but it’s something I’m gambling with now. :wink: Of course what the scale says...is to be taken into consideration, too...especially if you get weighed once a week. For me weighing once a week...in the middle of the week...has been pretty accurate!:happy:

    :heart: Lynn: Welcome! I am also a grandmother of 4! :happy: Having shingles for a year must have been extremely painful!:noway: :noway: My father had them and he said it’s the worse pain he ever felt! :frown: I’m glad you’re on your way to a new and healthy you!!!:flowerforyou: I think you are noble to be where you are and should be very proud of yourself!:flowerforyou: The weight can come off....and your willingness to do whatever you have to do....will certainly have positive results! Welcome! Welcome!!!:flowerforyou:

    :heart: Viv, Congratulations on the pound lost!:flowerforyou: I agree with you 110% about the water!!! :drinker: :drinker: For me, it’s been water, exercise and tracking that have been my salvation!!!(Along with the encouragement of everyone on this thread:blushing: ).

    :heart: Chiclet....10 pounds!!! Woohoo!!! :flowerforyou: You must be thrilled!:bigsmile: It’s so wonderful to feel good about yourself!:blushing: It’s just gives you the incentive to keep going!:drinker: :drinker:

    As far as the “wagon” being on/in it or falling out/off.......I look at it this way. I threw out the wagon when I decided not to diet. I look at this as a journey and I’m on a path. Either I’m sitting on the path or moving forward.....but nothing to fall out of. It’s just a mindset I’ve adopted....certainly not “right” or “wrong” but anything that even insinuates dieting...can be risky for me. So I just stick to the path as best as I can...slip and fall..pick myself up and keep journeying one day at a time. It’s just a different way of approaching it and seeing as I’m determined to treat this NEW journey as a NEW way of living....I feel free of all past failures to achieve a healthy weight and way of eating!

    I love these slow days at work when I'm alone and my boss is on vacation!!! :laugh: It gives me the time to post and read posts much more than usual!!!:happy:

    Smile at the lady in the mirror!!! She’s special!:love:


  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello all,

    I am at work but wanted to give a quick internet hug to everyone struggling with health and family. It seems like there are a few of you who can use a hug today, so consider yourself hugged.

  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187

    As far as the “wagon” being on/in it or falling out/off.......I look at it this way. I threw out the wagon when I decided not to diet. I look at this as a journey and I’m on a path. Either I’m sitting on the path or moving forward.....but nothing to fall out of. It’s just a mindset I’ve adopted....certainly not “right” or “wrong” but anything that even insinuates dieting...can be risky for me. So I just stick to the path as best as I can...slip and fall..pick myself up and keep journeying one day at a time. It’s just a different way of approaching it and seeing as I’m determined to treat this NEW journey as a NEW way of living....I feel free of all past failures to achieve a healthy weight and way of eating!

    Smile at the lady in the mirror!!! She’s special!:love:



    Hello everyone!

    BirdieM: thank you for your kind words. You're right, yoga is harder than it seems.

    I fell down a ravine of boulders about a month ago and got pretty banged up. :brokenheart: , Then a couple of weeks ago I had surgery and am recovering nicely :blushing: My dad died in the spring of cancer too :cry: I'm also officially an empty-nester. :sad:

    When I read your post about the "wagon" and your "journey", you said exactly how I'm feeling this year about my life.

    I too have a completely different perspective. It's not how fast you get there, but how you took your time to appreciate the little things along the way on your path. Maybe your path has a lot of bends in it and hills and valleys too. I'm 51, I'm not about fitting into the bikini, I'm about being as healthy and happy as I can be while I'm on my "path", (even if it's an upside down view of a beautiful fern from that boulder I just crashed down onto). :laugh:

    We're all going to stumble on the darkest parts of our paths, but after the darkest night there is always a dawn. It just takes a little patience and believing and a little faith too.

    I'm blessed that my path runs along side all of yours.

    Thank you. :flowerforyou:

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :cry: It's been a very stressful day. got a call early this am that they were taking Mom to the ER..she was unresponsive. Since then I have talked with the nurse in ICU and they are not expecting her to make it, all her vitals are shutting down. I have booked a flight for Oregon for tomorrow, I have called and had them put the phone to Mom's ear and told her I love her and if she is wanting to join Dad it's okay...just incase I don't get there in time.

    You know even though I have been taking care of her and have seen all the signs..you are never really ready.:cry:

    Not sure if I will have time to check in over the next week, but if I can I will.

    Prayers would be appreciated.

    Everyone have a good weekend and week.

  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Laura, I am very sorry for your current situation. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: Laura, I am so sorry about your mom.......I was close to my mom through her last struggles with her illness and was still not ready when the end came.......hugs to you :heart: Barbie
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies, just marking my spot, had a day of shoulder pain and wrist pain, not nice. Raining steady here and the temps are low, body must be trying to adapt to the new levels. Hope all is well with you ladies, looks to be a good weekend, cool but nice. I have to work at the other job tomorrow, nice break from Tims' and still within the five working days. Keep smiling and true to yourselves, gotta reach our goals.

  • piquilter
    piquilter Posts: 119
    Chiclet girl the comment on the vibrating phone made me :laugh: When I have mine on vibrate, a lot of time I don't feel it :noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: What does that say about me? :blushing: Glad you weren't in an accident, can you imagine trying to explain that to the police? :blushing: Thanks for the chuckle :bigsmile:
  • missjo113
    It's been almost 3 weeks since I last got on to the site. I've been so sick I haven't been able to eat properly or exercise... missed a LOT of work which isn't like me at all! sinus infection and bronchitis turned into pnumonia... I'm finally starting to feel better though and all I can say is IT'S ABOUT TIME! This being sick is for the birds! Haven't really ggotten through all the posts (and likely won't) but Laura, I do want to wish you peace and strength in these hours ahead of you. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Laura - My thoughts and prayers are with you. It just doesn't seem to matter how old or frail or parents are, we are never prepared to watch them fail in health and leave us.

    Barbiecat & Birdie - thanks for the reminder that the long haul is what matters, not temporary successes or failures. That one is hard to remember sometimes.

    Done my share of exercise today and just ate a huge salad. Now I want to hibernate with a good book.

    Oh, I did finally count the other two missing pounds; looks like they really are gone.

    Next goal - zipping my size 14 pants from the closet. It's been a while since I have worn them.

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    JUst checking in to say good night. Laura I am so sorry about your mom. Mine has been gone 9 years and I still miss her every day. She went very suddenly. No matter whether sudden or not I dont htink we are every prepared to lose our moms. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Have a safe trip. Good night to the rest of you ladies. Tomorrow is another day closer to our goals.
    Vicki M
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Barb - No changes to my medications. I'm suspecting the water retention is because lately I've been having this angel food cake. Angel food cake is low in fat, but I am surprised at how high in sodium it is. I'm just going to lay off eating it for a while and see how it goes. I have this feeling that my MD is lately trying to get you to have multiple office visits. Like Vince goes for his protine every month -- has for years. For years and years they've always called with "continue the same dosage (or tell whatever change they want to make)". This last month the MD wanted to talk to him. Not that there was any change in his protine, just that now they can charge for an office visit! I suspect people aren't going to the MD office as much, so their revenue is down. So they're looking for any and every way to make money. If my suspicion doesn't pan out, I will go see him. A while ago I had this rash. Now, I'd had one years ago, I kept telling the MD that it was a heat rash. She kept saying "no, it's food allergy". Never tested me for what food, just put me on predisone. The next day we went camping further north where it was cooler. Inside of one day the rash got better, so I stopped the prednisone. Fortunately, I'd been on it for only 2 days. Recently, I had a rash and I was thinking it was a heat rash, I get so sweated when I exercise. So I started always taking a shower after exercising. Rash went away.

    Viv - we had to have radioactive isotope treatment for 2 of our cats. Afterwards, they were just fine. We also had to give Sadie an appetite stimulant, only that didn't work for very long.

    If you have fresh (not run thru the washer/dryer) blood on anything (like your coverlet), put hydrogen peroxide on it. The blood will bubble up. You may have to put the peroxide on it multiple times until the blood comes out, but it really does do the trick.

    kacki - you know, one lady that we're having over keeps asking me what she can bring. I can ask her to bring some roasted veggies! Thanks for the suggestion.

    piqilter - I've dropped my pedometer into the toilet. Unfortunely, it wasn't salvagable. Now I make sure to wear a clip with a lace attached....lol

    Jeannie - I'm sure I'm drinking enough. I usually average at least 72oz/day, many times more. I do try to monitor my sodium. That's why I'm suspecting the angel food cake. I never realized just how high in sodium angel food cake was!

    Welcome Nyll. Want to hear from you more often. Great intro! Keep posting, even if it's short.

    Yesterday (Wed) did an hour of spinning and an hour of yoga. Since I'm up early today, I'm going to do some yoga (I promised myself that whenever I can't sleep, I'll do some yoga) and the 30 day shred video. I ordered some more videos, one a step, one a yoga, and I forget what the other one was. Can't wait until they come. I like variety. Today we're supposed to go to lunch with the Newcomers. I've checked their menu online and I'll get a salad with turkey.

    Today's Thurs. I got up at 3 a.m., not sure why this is happening to me sometimes. I suspect it's hormone-type thing. Anyway, I did 40 min yoga and 1-1/2 hr of the 30 min Shred DVD. I did all 3 workouts. Really, I should have spent more time on workouts 2 & 3. Tomorrow....yoga and water class.

    Jeannie - thanks so much for the hug. You've made my day.

    Laura - prayers for your mom and your family. Know that God will hold her safely in His hands.

    missjo - so glad you're better. You were missed!

  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :cry: It's been a very stressful day. got a call early this am that they were taking Mom to the ER..she was unresponsive. Since then I have talked with the nurse in ICU and they are not expecting her to make it, all her vitals are shutting down. I have booked a flight for Oregon for tomorrow, I have called and had them put the phone to Mom's ear and told her I love her and if she is wanting to join Dad it's okay...just incase I don't get there in time.

    You know even though I have been taking care of her and have seen all the signs..you are never really ready.:cry:

    Not sure if I will have time to check in over the next week, but if I can I will.

    Prayers would be appreciated.

    Everyone have a good weekend and week.


    My God comfort your heart during this time.:brokenheart:

    Thanks to Birdie for her encouraging words to me. It's great to know there are this many nice people out there who all share a common goal. :flowerforyou:
    Thanks to Barbiecat and exermom and anyone else I may have missed.:flowerforyou:
    I made it back to the physical therapy gym today after having all the ribs on my left side out of alignment last week. HARD to breathe let me tell you.:tongue: I checked in with the PT today. She upped my workout again.
    I met my 2 sisters at my Mom's house and the weather was beautiful. Sunshine and beautiful fall colors and my Mom's house is on a hill overlooking a river. We went through some of her things that were belongings of her dad and mom's, her sister, her brothers', and my brother's. They all have died. VERY DEPRESSING!..:cry: Just one of those things that has to be done from time to time. My mother is 74 and everyone thinks she is about 60. Anyway...she worries that if something happened to her, her stepfamily might not get her things to us...so..a job that needed to be done is now finished. Peace of mind for Mom but an emotional day for us too. Shew, glad that one is over!

    Everyone have a good night or day......whereever you are....:wink:
    NYLL or LYNN:smile:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    I am so sorry to hear about your mom's condition. I hope you are able to get to Oregon before she is gone. If you don't just remember, you took good care of her, and I am sure she appreciated it, even if she didn't always act like it.

    Welcome to all newbies!!
    piquilter - put it in a bag of rice to make sure. My son dunked his phone (though not in the toilet :laugh: ) and that saved the day for him.

    When my cell phone went for a swim in the washing machine, (Darn pockets!!) the tech at the cell phone store also suggested the rice, AND he said, if you don't have rice, another option is to place your phone, (with the battery and the back of the phone removed) inside a self-defrosting refrigerator. It has to be self-defrosting, as the defrost cycle pulls moisture out of the inside of the fridge, which can do the same for your phone.

    Chiclet, Congrats on the weigh in at the doctors office. I also got a good laugh out of you and your vibrating phone.:laugh: :laugh:

    Robin, Sorry to hear about Bodi's paw. I hope you are feeling better soon.

    To everyone else, I am thinking of you, even if you weren't specifically addressed.

    The weather here has been amazing. It was about 75 and sunny yesterday, and for the middle of October THAT is great. We often drown with rain in October. When the weather forecasters said it was going to be just as nice at the coast, thought not quite as warm, I decided to play hooky from life and the doggies. There have been two or three times this summer when I would have liked to have gone down there and didn't.

    So after making sure everyone was fed, had lots of water, and knew momma loved them, I hopped in the car and drove about 2.5 hours to the Long Beach (Washington) Peninsula. Just before I arrived at the shore, I realized my car was about to turn over 20,000 miles. I drove on the beach, (which is legal in that area) and so that is where my 20K milestone took place.

    I was going to have dinner before returning home, but the restaurant I stopped at had their menu posted, and I decided I didn't want to spend that much, so I nibbled on some of the food I had brought with me, and ate when I got back home. The sunset was lovely.

    I have a doggy in need of my attention, so BFN

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Laura - just wanted to say I'm sorry to hear about your mum, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Catch up with everyone later.

    Viv :heart:
  • chicletgirl
    I am so sorry for your mom. I too hope you can make it to Oregon before she passes. I have heard that some claim that people in a coma can hear someone even though they don't respond. I am glad you were able to tell her on the phone what you did. If she heard you, it will give her peace. You are a good daughter. Through it all you were always there for her and she did know it. I will be thinking of you.:flowerforyou:

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    On the run today but just wanted to send love and hugs to Laura. You and your mom are in my prayers xx