

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    So nice to see some new faces on here. Welcome. Just keep posting, reading, and listening. This site and these ladies are a godsend. Listen to their advice. They have helped me tremendously. Barbie, Birdie, Barb, and a wonderful lady named Anne who no longer posts. Everyone connects with someone different, but we all are connected by our ages, weight problems, life experiences, etc. Glad to have you.
    I am up early 6:30 am and headed to gym, a memorial service for my niece's husband's step dad, then I think some shopping to buy oldest granddaughter new coat. She came yesterday morn with a coat that was way too small so MawMaw is going to get her a new one. Have a good day ladies. Hope to check in later.
    Vicki M
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Ladies I just re read my post and have to say. There are so many of you that give great advice. I can name so many more. These few are the ladies that have carried me since the beginning. I am not playing favorites. Love you all.
    Vicki M
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    I had a lovely date with DH. We ended up going to the local casino. I love roulette and taught DH my system. We played for several hours and ended up doubling our money so dinner was on them.:bigsmile: We ate really light, had a chilled seafood platter and a seafood cocktail and a glas of wine. Then I had a some more wine when I got home since I was the driver. It was a lot of fun and i didn't blow the calories too much.

    After a lot of advice from many different people i am going to up my calories a little, lower my water intake a little (yes i said lower:noway: because i have been averaging 16-20 a day and most people think I should be closer to 10-11) And I may cut back a little on my exercise. I may be overdoing it a bit. I will give this approach a couple of weeks to see if it makes any changes. I guess we just gotta keep on trying to do different things until we get it right. I am really going to have a hard time cutting back on the exercise tho because I really love it so much. I just don't know.

    I am a huge proponent of PMA (positive mental attitude) I have seen it cure cancer and many other miraculous things. So Barbie and Birdie are right about keeping negative thoughts at bay to help with every aspect of our lives including weight loss. I forget sometimes and wallow in self pity but it doesn't last long and I have a little heart to heart chat with my self and force a little PMA into my head. :laugh:

    So heres to a day full of postive happy thoughts to help you succeed and enjoy!:drinker: :drinker:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Welcome to our new members! This is a great group of women--as Vicki M. said--there is SO much encouragement here and it really helps a lot!
    I was getting really discouraged because my weight-loss came to a standstill when I quit smoking in April. I kept coming here, though, and reading and logging my food and exercise, etc, and the weight is now starting to come off again--slowly but that's okay! Just so long as it comes off!

    I have one more week of work for this season and then I hope to do better at keeping current with everyone. (Though I also plan on exercising more so that might keep me off the computer, too!)

    I have been working on my jewelry and plan on doing more of that once I am off work, also. I FINALLY got to Shipwreck Beads--I'd been to their website but not the store, even though it is local--and I saw some tools that are now on my 'wish list' for Christmas. The store is amazing and has every bead imaginable and also a lot of wire, though I will still have to order sterling silver wire online.

    Well, I need to get a workout in so I will be on track for the Skinny Saturday Challenge. I plan on doing a new yoga routine later, too. Have a good day everyone!
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    . . . when I have a problem, I always ask myself......"What have I been thinking about? What is the attitude of the little voice in my head?" Sometimes I don’t like what I’m discovering,:frown: but then I remember that I can work to change it! :flowerforyou: I can choose to replace those thoughts by reading something positive, by making a gratitude list or just taking in a deep breath of this wonderful fall air and making a choice to be happy. :bigsmile: Even in difficult times we can choose to be happy ....overcome obstacles....and march on.:happy: ... I guess what I’m try to say is that before we make a choice....there's a thought process that goes on. Being discouraged about something doesn’t make things better....but making positive choices during a discouraging time...can .......

    Thank you BirdieM! Your wonderful words really resonate! Maybe checking that little voice in my head will also help improve my listening skills... :laugh: naaahhh:noway:
    . . .had to learn to tell my head to shut up.....sometimes, I can be my own worst enemy......my head tells me that that I'm a failure, always have been and always will be .....so I have to silence my head with music, or TV, or prayer, and go for a walk or do something active.

    Remember, never, never,never give up

    :flowerforyou: I put a sticker on my calendar for meeting my exercise goals.....i can control that.....i can't control how quickly the scale moves, but I can lift another weight, walk another mile, drink another glass of water, or call a sick friend and thereby raise my self esteem by doing things that are worthy of esteem.

    :flowerforyou: I am so glad that we are here to listen to each other

    :flowerforyou: I am finding that my goal of living "complaint free" has raised my spirits a lot
    :heart: :heart: :heart:

    And you too Barbie! Can't imagine you as a failure in ANYthing! I almost look forward to telling my head to "Shut UP!" Thanks so much for "raise my self esteem by doing things that are worthy of esteem"... it will probably appear in my November goals.

    Just found myself starting a negative but truthful sentence. Wiped it out until I can find a positive take on it (may be pm'ing you, SMVQ, for help!)

    Choosing to be happy and do esteem worthy things starts NOW.

    First on the list, off to the farmer's market for veggies for today's family BBQ. Miracle of miracles, my unsocial DH is going TOO! His two sisters who have driven all the way from Iowa to Idaho will be there, as well as his brother, SIL, nephews, nieces, grand nephewes, grand nieces, father and stepmom. He usually abstains from all family-related functions. What a positive change for him! Sure hope someone gets pix!

    Thank you ALL for listening, comforting, and sharing your warm wisdom!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: Wotsername, welcome to the group......we all started somewhere one day and the days built up......it took me until I was over 60 to finally make a commitment to my health and since that day, I have taken it one day at a time....I don't say that I'll never eat ice cream again, just that I don't have it on my plan today.....on my first day I planned my meals and made a commitment to stick to the plan, no matter what...the food that day wasn't terribly low calorie or healthy but the decision to eat in a planned rather than random way, was a good start.....when I found MFP I started learning new things and each day I made a small change...I also added exercise a little bit at a time......you can do it, too :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, you are right about how there are so many inspirational people on this thread....there are so many women who are losing weight and getting healthy in spite of huge family, financial, and health challenges

    :flowerforyou: Barbara, your day sounds great......being grateful for the good stuff like DH joining in the event is a wonderful tool for positive thinking

    :flowerforyou: Kathy, you are amazing to have quit smoking.......that is harder to do than anything....and so many people who quit smoking end up gaining a ton of weight.......your body will continue to thank you for taking such a positive action

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, you are so talented and so thoughtful, I'm not surprised that all the young people in your life come to you for guidance.......I just finished proofreading a 50 page document for a friend (I am often asked to proofread) but I can't imagine doing it in French and Latin :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Robin, I will be eager to hear how your changed plan (less water, more calories, less exercise) is doing.......staying positive and less stressed will also make a difference

    :flowerforyou: Viv, I don't know if I could be completely "complaint free" but it is a goal to aim for....I just finished reading a book about it and my thinking has changed a lot......I am focusing on making my words more healing.....the inside of my head will take a little longer :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, thank you for your inspirational post...choosing one's thoughts is so therapeutic....thanks for the reminder....I need to hear that often because it is so easy to lapse into old negative behaviors.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: .
  • chicletgirl

    Just curious, I understand the adding calories to kind of shock the system a little, and the water consumption (maybe you have been waterlogged:laugh: ) but why do you think it is necessary to cut back on your exercise? Does doing to much exercise hurt you? I mean if you are adding more calories on anyway, will it really hurt you? I just want to try to understand what your plan is?


    I took 2 years of French and remember 1 sentence. I loved the language and always wanted to learn it, but our teacher was not the best. He was very intelligent and spoke 7 languages but just couldnt teach. I was actually thinking (when I get the money someday) to purchase the rosetta stone DVD on French and Spanish.

    Also I went to my doctor this week and mentioned that I noticed that at the top of my head near the back that I was losing hair there. I never had that problem before and asked her why now. She said it was my dieting that was causing it. Something about nutrients. She didn't get into it, as she is not a dietician, but she did say that when my body adjusts and maintains the hair will stop falling out and grow back. :frown: I would really like to hear what your dietician tells you. My hair has always been thin but never like it is now. I also mentioned my skin is dry, (particularly my hands and cuticles) and she said it could be pre-menospausal, but told me to take flaxseed powder. A tsp a day. So I will try that too.

    Well everyone have a nice weekend.:smile: Looks like we are having a little rain today, but that's okay I like it.:bigsmile:

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Happy Saturday, All!

    I love reading the posts about attitude and mind-set! I agree completely and we all need to be reminded from time to time.

    I finally changed my ticker up 2 pounds...hated to do it, but it is where I am. I got rid of 2.5 pounds of my 4.5 gain within a week or 2 of returning from our travels, but I haven't been able to shed the other 2. I hope that by changing it officially I can now watch the ticker move in the right direction again. :huh: Hope so anyway!

    Robin: I think you are wise to mix things up. Hope that it helps. And I do think your body needs to rest a bit too between great bouts of exercise. And I am so glad that you and DH had a nice time out together last night!

    Vicki: You are right about all of the inspiring helpers we have here...aren't we lucky to have found this special place?

    Kathy: What are shipwreck beads? I have made some jewelry from time to time...especially when my nieces are visiting...but haven't looked at lots of sources besides what I can get locally. They sound interesting!

    I leave in the morning for a drive up to Charlotte to meet up with 5 other girlfriends for a "girls" time at one of their lakehouses. They are big shoppers, which I am not so much, but love my time with them and I am sure I will come home with some new items. We will play some cards and hang out and take some long walks too. I am bringing fresh shrimp, a salad, crab and a baquette for our dinner tomorrow night, so I should be ok for tomorrow. The other meals are out of my control, so I just have to plan to eat small portions and watch my wine intake. I DO NOT want to move my ticker anyway other than down, so I hope I can make good choices! OK...I will restate in a more positive way: I WILL make good choices while I am away. (hear that brain???) Take care! :heart: Kackie
  • StephaniePhotoLady
    StephaniePhotoLady Posts: 13 Member
    :smile: Hi, I just saw this group. Have been trying to do this alone, but I do better as part or a group. Have only been tracking for a few weeks. Am dealing with some ongoing pain issues with lower back and feet, so finding exercise to do is a challenge. Any suggestions? Need to lose 20 pounds to be at my goal.

    Goals for Oct. - Track everything, everyday. Find alternatives to fast food meals when I am out for the day.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Chiclet, I have been working out really hard for a long time. I run/jog for a minimum of an hour a day(5 days) at a speed of 4.5 and and 2 incline. Some days it is 2 hours if I am feeling it. I lift very heavy weights 3 days a week, I do 20 minutes of abs 4 days a week and then I do HIIT and other aerobic videos for and hour a day 5 days a week. sometimes you can be pushing your self a little too hard and slowing it down for a little while may help my body adjust and burn up some fat I am storing. I will then probably push it back up again.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Well, I managed just under six hours of walking today - although I only logged four and a half as I always like to err on the side of caution.

    Chiclet - the Rosetta stone system is very good. Give it a try.

    My hair has always been really thick apart from just after I had my babies and also when I was having my cancer treatments. I'm definitely post menopausal as I had a bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (complete hysterectomy) when I was 31. I suffered a lot for many years before the surgery, so was pleased to join the 'better out than in club', despite wanting to have more children. I used to say that I suffered from the pain and DH suffered from the PMS .... I was truly awful at times!

    I took flaxseed for a couple of years, but it didn't seem to make much difference to the dryness of my skin/hair/nails. I'll let you know what the dietician says.

    Birdie - you really are an inspirational writer. I also agree with what Barbie said - there are a good few inspirational women on here. Just goes to show 'older chicks rock!'

    Auntiebk - I hope you had a fab family BBQ. Good for your DH, joining in - it's never too late.

    Kathy - I had a look at the shipwreck beads website. Some cute things on there. I'd like to get back into my tiara making, but my eyesight isn't up to it any longer. I used to work with precious stones (mainly diamonds) and precious metals but I had to give it up a couple of years ago. My future DIL wants me to make one for her, which I will probably do as a wedding gift. I still have friends in the diamond trade, so should be able to get a good deal. I just worry that it won't be up to scratch.

    Robin - good luck with the shake up of your eating/drinking/exercising. Sometimes that's all it takes - a different tack for a while.

    Lynn - one of the blood tests I had this week was to check my thyroid. Should get the results back about Tuesday. I really don't think that is the issue though. As for the temper .... I used to have a t-shirt which said 'I don't have a temper - I'm just a natural redhead!' DH bought it for me .... hmmm, HE thought it was funny! (So did I, but I wanted to see him squirm for a while!)

    My sister told me off today for giving her son and his girlfriend help with their French. Then she admitted that she was only jealous because her French is so poor! I asked her if she really minded me helping them and she said no, because she knows that I won't actually do the work for them, I'll just give them pointers. She also said that she remembers me doing it for her and it was the only way she (just about) passed her French exams at school.

    Viv - I bet you'll be glad when the clocks go back on the 31st. You'll get a bit of extra light for walking your doggies.

    Wotsername - Good luck and keep at it, we are all here to support.I like your signature! It made me smile.

    My prayers and thoughts are still with Laura and her mom. I hope they find rest and peace, each in their own way.

    Mimi - Sister Veggie Queen. Just because you're not posting at the moment, doesn't mean that we are not thinking about you too! We'll be glad to see you back though.

    Everyone else - I may not have replied individually to you, but I read everything in every single post and admire and appreciate you all.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend please. I want to catch a TV programme about the Renaissance Revolution now as it's about Raphael's The Madonna of the Meadow ... an exceptional painting as far as I'm concerned.

    Love to you all.

    Amanda x
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Welcome to all the new comers. Yes, this is a wonderful group of ladies with a lot of good advise, suggestions and support.

    Too busy a day to post individual responses. I have dogs and children pacing around me waiting for me to do something for them. Sometimes the dogs are easier to understand than the teenagers. With dogs it's either food, water, potty or pets. With teenagers (and hubbies) it could be anything.
    Have a great Saturday and warm thoughts to all,

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Roxanne, congratulations on losing weight!:flowerforyou:

    Chicletgirl, I’m glad your mom is doing better!:wink:

    Ainslieglen, glad to see you post!!!!:happy:

    Barbie, I’m glad I’m not the only one that tells the voice in the head to shut up!! :laugh: It is so, so true. Sometimes that tiny voice in my head can become pretty loud and obnoxious…:mad: :angry: :explode: :grumble: sometimes I have to resort to talking out loud to drown it out!!!!:laugh: Someone even said that if you’re really having trouble with that naughty overactive negative voice…..start laughing out loud!
    So if you start saying out loud hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: …..believe me it’s hard not to smile!!!!
    I am also grateful to you and all the wonderful support I have received over that last 14 months from so many incredible and inspirational women:flowerforyou: You are all a blessing to me!:flowerforyou:

    Wotsername…Welcome…and I love the name!:happy: When I tried to pronounce it out loud….I got it!!:laugh: What helps me to stay focused is to think of it as just for today.:happy: :drinker: Someone once said you can do anything for 24 hours that you couldn’t possible do for the rest of your life. I have achieved my goal by just tracking, exercising and drinking lots of water for just one day! I’ve just repeated it 427 times!!!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Viv, glad you’re doing better!:flowerforyou:

    Lynn hope you’re having a great day!:flowerforyou:

    Amanda, is there anything you CAN’T do?!! :flowerforyou: Wow very impressive. Your family is lucky to have such a talented person around!!!!:wink: Don’t be too hard on yourself for snapping about the hat….after all it IS upsetting to be dealing with hair loss.:ohwell: I hope you find a solution! :flowerforyou: I can’t believe you walked 6 hours!!! WOW):noway:

    VickiM, always love reading your posts too and happy for you that you are doing better!!!:flowerforyou:

    Robin, that meal at the casino sounds divine!!! :tongue: All the things I love! Isn’t it nice to be able to go out and eat with our hubby’s and not feel guilty!!!:happy: Good luck with your new approach. I’ve heard that doing that can make a difference!!

    Kathy, I have no idea what shipwreck beads are….but certainly sounds interesting. I’ll have to look them up on a website! Good luck!:flowerforyou:

    Auntiebeck, you crack me up:laugh: I hope you found some yummy vegetables at the market!:tongue:

    Kackie, your weekend sounds delightful! :happy: Planning some food is certainly going to help you make healthy choices! Hope you have a fabulous time!!!!! (And don’t worry about the 2 pounds...you’re doing great!):flowerforyou:

    Photolady,,,Welcome!!!:flowerforyou: You can do it just one day at a time. And as far as the exercising…you have pain issues to deal with.:ohwell: Perhaps now you should concentrate on healthy eating and drinking lots of water. Hopefully, in time, there will be some kind of exercise you can do. Everyone’s journey is different ….and that’s okay!:wink::flowerforyou:

    Jeannie, you are such a good person, taking care of all those kiddies and dogs! I hope you find a minute for yourself!!!:flowerforyou:

    Well, the clothes in the dryer are calling me:ohwell: ,,,,so must go take care of business! Have a lovely day!!!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Just got back from an emergency trip to the vet. Princess Kiera is not feeling well. she has been upchucking for a day and a half and got very very very lethargic. She is not her typical spastic crotchity old self. We left her with the vet and she is getting blood tests right now to see whats up. She is so weak from pain that she actually fell over and that made us take her in. I am sick with worry. To get to the vet quickly we put Bodi in the back yard and ran to the vet with Keira, when we got home Bodi had escaped(dug under the fence) and was roaming the neighborhood. Apparently he didn't like being home alone in the back yard and decided to go looking for us. I will keep you all posted on the outcome.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Wotsername & Stephanie: Welcome, Welcome! You ladies have found a great place for friendship, support and motivation. Just read the last 2-3 pages of posts and you will know what I mean. So many of our members have lost the weight they wanted to and still hang around to help the rest of us! The can give you the very best advice on how to make this journey a successful one. Just hang in there, plan, track, post and take it a day at the time! For me, if I plan ahead what I will buy, cook, prepare and eat, I am much more successful than just hoping I can find something healthy when it is time to eat. Good luck and I look forward to learning more about you each.

    'Bye again, kackie
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    We're glad to have you, wotsername. Welcome, Stephanie and anyone else that I may have inadvertently missed

    I found a rebounder at Play It Again Sports. Honestly, I was surprised it was so expensive - $30. It sold for $40. But I really want one so I bought it. I also put my name on a list if they get any steps in. The step that I have is a small one, I really would like a full size one. Then I went to this one store and bought myself a pair of shoes for $8. They are beige, but for that money I really can't go wrong.

    Went to yoga Fri only to find out that they cancelled the sunrise yoga class and are now having it on Wednesdays. That'll actually work better for me since I usually go to the water class on Wednesdays. I can go to yoga right before that class, I may have to leave early but at least I'll get something in. In any given month, I usually miss going to water on Wednesday and go on Friday once.

    Bryan wrote to tell me that his host family speaks practically no English so his French (especially the comprehension) has increased vastly!

    Did a hour of yoga today (Sat). Tomorrow I may do some hula hoop on the Wii. Bet Vince will want to go bowling later in the morning. In the afternoon I have a ticket to go see the play "The King and I" put on by the local community playhouse. Actually, I know the gal who plays the part of Anna and she's constantly asking me to come see it. Vince doesn't want to go, but I think I'll go. Not sure how I feel about this: the gal (the one who wanted the lunch cruise) and some other people are going, but they didn't say anything to me. One of them was saying something so I asked her about it. She told me how she and some others are going and sitting together. Then they'll probably go out to dinner. Since I'll be sitting next to them, I'm sure they'll ask me to go to dinner. I honestly don't want to go, so I'll just use Vince as my excuse that I need to make him dinner.

    Everyone, have a great evening.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Kiera is not well. We don't know whats wrong but we are giving her antibiotics, pepcid AC and using and IV for subcontaneous fluids for a couple of days. We just have to watch and see if she gets better. We just can't spend thousands of dollars to see whats wrong with her. So I hope she gets better.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Kathy: What are shipwreck beads? I have made some jewelry from time to time...especially when my nieces are visiting...but haven't looked at lots of sources besides what I can get locally. They sound interesting!

    Shipwreck Beads is the name of a local bead store. It is HUGE--like a warehouse. Here is their website:


    I mostly stick to local, too, which is why I really wanted to get to the store. I got my chance last weekend and was able to find the beads and cord for the jewelry set I am making for a silent auction to benefit Concern for Animals (the rescue group that I got my kitty from).
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Kiera is not well. We don't know whats wrong but we are giving her antibiotics, pepcid AC and using and IV for subcontaneous fluids for a couple of days. We just have to watch and see if she gets better. We just can't spend thousands of dollars to see whats wrong with her. So I hope she gets better.

    Robin--I hope Kiera improves. I know you love her a lot. How I wish we all had all the money we need to care for ourselves and our loved ones!

    Amanda--I used to do beading on a loom but had to stop because of my eyes. I really loved making the mosaic-type pictures but those seed beads are SO darned small! Now I mostly do different types of wire work and use beads as components in my pieces. I love doing chain maille,too, but, again, my eyes can only take so much of the close work before I get blurry-eyed.

    Getting older is the pits sometimes--but when I consider the alternative, i guess I'll deal with it!

    Speaking of getting blurry-eyed--I'd better get to bed. I'm getting really tired! Have a good night and a wonderful Sunday, everyone.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies.

    Robin - poor Kiera! I hope she's ok. Big hugs to you both.

    Kathy - I'm right there with you that it's better to get old than not. My mum always lied about her age and said she hated the thought of being 70. Well, she died at 69. I say, embrace your age! I had to fill in a form the other day and there was a place to put your age (it was really meant for children's ages) anyway, I put 51. The receptionist said, oh, you didn't need to put your age. When I told her that I am proud to be 51 she looked at me as if I was demented.

    Michele - you exhaust me!! Just reading what you get up to makes me embarrassed at my meagre attempts at exercise.

    Kackie - you are right on the nail about planning, tracking and posting. It definitely keeps me on the right track.

    As of this morning I have lost 99 pounds. I would love to kick the next pound and make my century by next week, but it will go eventually. I have to lose another 8 pounds to be in a normal BMI range. My ultimate target is 140 pounds, but I may revise that when I'm there. I'm thinking that it would be lovely to be 130 something. Part of me will be really upset if I don't reach my target by Christmas - which is 10 weeks away, but actually, it doesn't really matter when I get there. After all, I'm not in a race.

    DH has gone out hiking for the day, so I'm going to catch up with some housework (bleurgh - my least favourite thing in the world!) It's a cold and slightly frosty morning, so I definitely won't be doing any gardening today.

    My love to you all. Do something good for yourself today.

    Amanda x