

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    MacMadame - you really are a powerhouse! Well done on all your new personal records.

    Amanda x
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    I have been MIA, managed to catch up to now on all the posts. Thanks to auntiebk for the PM to check on me. I can't keep up with the thread the way I used to. The "Piggies" are all fine. Bradley is still adept at getting in to trouble. My parents are doing okay, also.

    BTW, daylight savings time doesn't end in the US at the same time it does in Europe. In Europe it is the last Sunday in October, In the US, it is the first Sunday in November. Just mentioning this, since someone posted a reference to it ending on 10/31.

    Robin, I was glad to read that Kiara is doing better.

    Take care, everyone.

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Didn't have time this morning but there are SO many things I am thankful for!

    I am thankful for my family, of course, and that they are healthy and doing well. (Even Jenny, my dd in TX who is working as a part-time nanny to two boys, one of whom has Down Syndrome, in the afternoons and planning on going to culinary school in the mornings next year.)
    I am thankful for my own health and for my job, which I really enjoy but am also thankful for the upcoming break from it!
    I am thankful for the beautiful weather we have been having lately.
    And, naturally, I am thankful for all my online friends who help me stay the course.

    This is the short list.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Evening everyone

    :flowerforyou: Jeanie I like your style - cocoa with a dash (or two) of Baileys sounds delicious.. I’m not a big lover of cocoa, I prefer Horlicks, but cocoa and Baileys hmm might have to try it. :drinker: :drinker: I must admit I do get a bit down in the winter months, I also tend to eat too much and “hibernate” I don’t exercise as much as I should and I hate the cold ! This is my first winter since joining MFP earlier this year so I will need you all to motivate me to keep moving! :wink:

    :flowerforyou: Macmadame where do you get your energy. As Amanda said you are a powerhouse, well done on your personal bests. I am tired just thinking of all the things you list.

    :laugh: I ’m joining a beginners running club at work. It starts on 5th November it’s a 10 week course and it is for people like me who have never run in their lives before. I’ve never been a runner, even at school I wasn’t athletic in fact, in one of my early reports it said “Vivien seems to think herself too delicate to join in” I think it was more to do with sports than running, but I wasn’t good at either. (I blame it on overprotective parents me being an only one) :bigsmile: Anyway I thought I’d give it a go I’ve always wanted to be able to run - I don’t want to run marathons or anything but just run for fun.

    :flowerforyou: Things I am thankful for - Amanda I have so much to be thankful for when I think about it, it’s easy to take everything for granted isn’t it. I am thankful that both my parents are alive and reasonably healthy, and thankful for my lovely family and that I have good friends including my MFP friends. :flowerforyou:

    Think I’ll have an early night, I need to take some more painkillers try to get rid of this cold so I’ll say goodnight to all my special friends and chat again soon.

    Love Viv :heart:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Barbie, I’m trying to think of a name to call the little voice in my head….and so far they haven’t been very nice!!! Maybe I’ll be sarcastic and call her…”Darling”!!!:laugh:

    Viv, take care of the cold!!!:flowerforyou:

    Amanda, I’m grateful that I have SO MUCH to be grateful for! :happy: I would have to say that I’m especially grateful for my faith. I don’t know what I’d do without it! A very close second….is my family:love: …….hubby…mom….daughters…son in laws,,, grandchildren..12 siblings and all their spouses……..etc. etc. …. Like I said….. I’m VERY blessed!!:flowerforyou:

    Michele, I agree with you about the alcohol! :noway: What are they thinking!! And if you’re as old as you feel then I’d have to say my age ranges from 35 – 105!!! (It depends on the day!):wink::laugh:

    Auntibk…:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: there are no words!!! I’m, laughing out loud at work!!! Motorboating through the office?!!! :laugh: You have such a colorful way of putting things!!! Actually after the laughing, though, I can relate! :embarassed: I tried GasX but it didn’t help! At least mine are quiet!! LOL:laugh:

    Jeannie, what is it about the cocoa that helps depression?:huh: Did the doctor tell you? I have a small piece of dark chocolate once in a while (bite size). I wonder if that would do the same thing. But you are right about the lack of sunshine. I notice it with myself.:wink:

    Kathy, you’re lucky the GasX works!!!!:laugh: :flowerforyou:

    Robin, how wonderful you got to be in those productions! Were you involved as an actress – singer? If so, what great opportunities! You must be very talented!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Pquilter, it is so very sad:cry: …and must be absolutely heartbreaking to deal with children that you know are abused! I don’t think there’s anything sadder!!!:sad:
    BTW did you make the quilt in your profile picture? If so, it’s beautiful!!!:flowerforyou:

    Macmadame…All I can say is WOW!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: After reading your profile again I’m just so impressed with such a lifestyle change! You should feel very proud of yourself!!:bigsmile:

    Barb, nice to hear from you. I was wondering where you were!!:wink:

    I am still thinking of the grateful subject…and wanted to share a thought that I heard on retreat a couple of weekends ago Re: Family and loved ones in your life. This person said that she never …ever hear anyone ever say on their deathbeds that they wished that they spent more time in the office or working! She said....If you had 1 hour to live….who would you call. Think about it! :heart: And I certainly did!:heart:


  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Well, I made my pitch today to the Y telling them how much I was not in favor of allowing alcohol. I was going to mention but someone else did about how we would get bad PR, even tho we weren't liabel. In the end, the vote was to only allow alcohol in the context of a religious service (like the wine at communion). That I don't have a problem with, especially seeing how the Y is a Christian organization. Why it took them 3 months to come to this vote is beyond me....no, it really isn't. They were hoping that more people would be in favor if it and therefore they could get more income. Honestly, it doesn't look like it's all that much income, anyway.

    Went to the Sheriff's Citizens Acameny tonight and toured the communications center. Well....I found another job that there's no way I could do. I'm way to emotional. The call from a 3 year old "my mommy's on the floor and isn't breathing" would have me in tears. So that's two jobs I could never do...work in a prision and be the communication person. To do that job in a sense you need to turn your emotions off, and I really don't think I could do that. It was quite interesting. Next week we go into a court and see the DA work. Now THAT should be very interesting.

    Normally, I would go to yoga tomorrow (since it's for free) but a friend of ours is coming over to notarize the title to Bryan's car. We THOUGHT the gal was going to be coming Thurs to buy it, but it looks like she won't. But we're still going to get it notarized. That has to be done anyway.

    But on the bright side, there's a yoga class at 7:10 tomorrow a.m. I'll just leave early so I can get to the water class. Then I'll probably bowl a few practice games (when AM I going to get better?????) and do a little food shopping. Gotta get some cream cheese for the appetizers I'm going to be taking to VA with me.

    Robin - oh, that's so great that Kiera is improving! You know, when he was working, Vince many times used to be home for the slightest things -- like a headache. I honestly think it was stress. Could that be your dh's problem (although he'd never in a million years admit to it). Wow! Reading about the people you performed with, "awesome" is all I can say

    Everyone, have a great evening.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :happy: I am back logging my food and starting to post. Have so much catching up to do at work and at home.

    :huh: :huh: Where is my Mimi? Anyone know? :huh: :huh: I totally LOVE her :heart: :heart: and want her BACK :cry:

    :heart: the Rebel:heart::heart:
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    HI Ladies,
    I hope you will over look me because I don't put all your names in here yet. I must say I would need a notebook and pen to "talk" to all of you:blushing:
    I love your humor:laugh: and your priniciples. you are very motivating with all your personalites. I just love this site!:flowerforyou: Did I mention honest?:happy:
    Well, I went to a Chamber Dinner with My BH tonight. The first outing in a long while to his business functions. I hadn't seen some of these people in several months. It was hard to do because of the weight gain. So, I just "bucked" up and knew I am doing something about it. My husband introduced me as his lovely wife. :smooched: I was impressed!:flowerforyou: Kudos for him!:wink: When we returned home, he thanked me for going and we did a humor handshake and he called me partner:heart: So, it was worth the push.
    Thankful, YES I AM!:flowerforyou: for all things being as well as they are. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart:
    I am able to be back among the living. I have my GOD, my Church, my Family (Not as many siblings as Birdie:laugh: Wow!) I have food to eat. I had a good friend to tell me not to ever say that food was a sin. It was given to us to sustain life. It's up to us how we use it to sustain our temples. So, I try to not to ever do that one!:tongue:
    Anyway, it's been a wonderful beautiful day and I am thankful for all 1,440 minutes....:laugh:

    Good nite all :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I have been writing a daily gratitude list for years...it started with writing only five things each day but now I write a much longer list......there is no way to narrow it down to one most important....I put my husband at the top and health is always on the list....MFP (meaning the site and all of you) makes the list.....sometimes I am grateful for the things I don't have have (like fame and publicity)...today I am grateful that my best friend who had surgery over a week ago is now eaing three meals a day and walking and may be going home from the hospital soon. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Barb, I'm so glad to hear from you again.......now that you're working again, I figured that we wouldn't hear from you as much.....I hope your job is going well and that the three piggies are handling your absence without any problems.

    :flowerforyou: MacMadame, I read the magazine article....I think all your triathlon related activities are awesome.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    In spite of my weigh in I am doing great. Maybe I finally have learned not to let a little setback get me down. I have been eating really well and stying withing my calories. I got up this morning and did 30 min on my treadmill. I did a slight run every 5 min and my calories burned were over 500. It was not hard and if I do that each and every day it would be a great improvement. going take my shower and doing errands today. going out with girls tonight. not a problem for eating. I chose good food and just enjoy their company. Hope all of you are having a great day. will check in later.
    Vicki M
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :smile: Good Morning!:flowerforyou:

    I am looking forward to a wonderful day. I am going to the PT gym with my mom at 12:30. Looking forward to that(believe it or not)

    BirdieM re: :heart: siblings:heart: - My husbands mother comes from a family of 9. She is the oldest. I am the oldest of 5. (2 are deceased) As the oldes, it's a trip! I love it though. If you are a close family, I bet it's lots of fun!:smile:
    Barbiecat-:flowerforyou: I think I am going to start the practice you have of writing down your blessings each day. It would have to be a set number otherwise a page or book wouldn't hold them all.:smile:

    The Rebel-I am a newcomer on this site:smile: Just happy to be able to talk with others who are of the same age group and have common goals, thoughts, etc...:flowerforyou:

    Check back in tonight :flowerforyou:
    Everyone have a wonderful day:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    :flowerforyou: MacMadame, I read the magazine article....I think all your triathlon related activities are awesome.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    So when are you going to sign up for your first one? :wink:

    ETA: The cool thing about personal bests is that you don't have be that good to have them. You just have to do better than last time. I like that because it's not about perfection, but the journey.
  • piquilter
    piquilter Posts: 119
    BTW did you make the quilt in your profile picture? If so, it’s beautiful!!!:flowerforyou:

    Thank you, yes I did make the quilt. It was a wedding present for my son & DIL I have a history of UFO's in many different craft persuits over the years :embarassed: and hadn't been quilting very long when I got that 'briliant' idea :noway: I didn't even tell my husband I was doing it until about 3 months after I started it :laugh: A very talented machine quilter did the quilting for me and I actually had it ready & wrapped about a month before the wedding. :drinker: Quite out of character for me :happy:
  • mimi7grands
    I'm back after being in the Bay Area for a few days. My niece got married Friday evening then we had non-stop family stuff going on. Very fun. Very hard to stick to tracking what I was eating! I'm still on the North side of 200. Grr. This week!!! I want to be in the Ones!

    I have time for just a quick hello then I'm off, with granddaughter Kate in tow, to the gym. Yay! I swear, she grew inches in the week I was gone. She is so darned cute, I can hardly stand it. (I admit to being a very biased grandma, but she is awfully cute!)

    I have to tell you a funny story DD told me. A couple of nights ago, at 3 a.m., she yelled, "Daddy." Daddy went running to her room. She told him, "Once I saw a mouse." Then went back to sleep. The next night, again at 3 a.m, she yelled even more urgently, "Daddy, Daddy!" He went running to her room. She said, "Olivia (older sister) had two dragons." That was it then she rolled over and went to sleep. You have to wonder what's going on in those little minds!

    I'm back to tracking. Had my usual fruit with yogurt and cereal this morning. After being spoiled all summer long by wonderful, juicy fruit, I'm disappointed with the peach, nectarine, and plum this morning. Not so delicious. I'll have to figure out how to get through fall and winter without the mouth-watering fruit I'm used to. At least, the veggies will still be wonderful!

    Talk to you more soon. I'm looking forward to catching up. I've missed you.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Greetings lovely ladies!!! :happy: Today is my weigh in day and I have maintained. :bigsmile: That is what I'm trying to do for the time being. I may want to take off another 5 pounds eventually, but right now I'm happy at this weight. Besides, I just bought clothes recently to fit me and really can't afford to buy a new wardrobe with my hubby's hours cut. :ohwell: So, for now, It's maintenance.:flowerforyou:
    Have a great day all! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Welcome back Mimi!!!:wink:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello dear friends.

    Sister Mary Veggie Queen - it is so good to see you posting again. How did the first kiss of the newlyweds go?

    Well, I went off to the gym today to do my induction. Although I have the perfect gym at home, I decided to join the one where I have my swimming lessons. The reasoning behind that is that I can do some cardio in the pool, and follow it with some strength training and then finish on more cardio. Also, I thought that it would be nice to warm myself up in the gym rather than go straight out in the cold winter weather that's on it's way, after being in a warm pool (I do shower afterwards though).

    The young lady who did my induction and I, hit it off straight away. She lost 100 pounds last year and then did her training as a physical instructor. Her idea was that she wanted to 'give something back'. It's nice to have somebody who isn't a natural 'gym bunny'.

    I missed a call from the hospital whilst I was out and it was too late for me to call them back. I am hoping that it isn't to tell me that I have to have my heart valve surgery. I really don't want to have it until after my grandtwins are safely here.

    When I left home to go to my early therapy appointment this morning, I had to scrape the ice off the windscreen, which was a bit of a shock to the system. It looks like we are going to have a cold winter - I'm not sure that I'm ready for it yet. I could really use some warmth in my aging bones.

    Still stuck at 99 pounds loss. When will that dratted next pound go?? I've decided that I'm going to have a go at maintaining for a couple of weeks once I've cracked the 100 pounds off, although I still want to lose another 15 pounds or so after that - no hurry though and I would prefer to concentrate on getting my head around the weight that I have already lost first. My mind needs to catch up with the rest of me as I still think of myself as a 'big girl' sometimes.

    On Saturday, DD#2 and I are off for a spa day with lots of extra treats and treatments. I'm really looking forward to having a good massage. Plus, I really need a mani/pedi (my daughter calls it having our paws and hooves done). DD and I try to go to the spa every couple of months or so. Normally DD#1 joins us too, but she obviously can't this far into her pregnancy.

    I've got a stack of Latin translation to work through this evening, so I'd better get a move on.

    Love and hugs all round.

    Amanda x
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello everyone, just me again. Been quiet for a bit, sick with something from Mars over the weekend and it is just lifting away now. Everyone at both jobs has had a cold or flu, it's got to be the change in the weather.
    Wrist has been very sore and tempermental with me, somethings I can do and other things just create pain. Had a few jolts that spun me around, I really don't think it is arthritis that is causing this kind of pain, more like a fracture in one of the bones. However next time I'm at the clinic, I will ask for xrays.

    Hope all is well with everyone, I should be getting back into the gym soon again, now I have some meds for my wrist. Catch you all soon.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Lynn - what a lovely post of yours. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, especially the part about how your hubby introduced you as his "lovely wife", which I know you are.

    Today (Wed) I did an hour of yoga then an hour of water class. Then I went and practice bowled 3 games (won't I EVER get better???), then went food shopping, went to one store and met the wife of one of the guys who went to the NASCAR Hall of Fame today. Came home and made the spinach tarts to take with me this weekend and these apple oat muffins for the friends who came over tonight. She was going to notarize the car title for us, but since the girl isn't buying the car she was very reluctant and didn't. I'm sure she will when we have the car sold. It's just, to me, weird that you have to have the car title notarized. Oh well........

    Did pretty well on the calories today. I'm really trying because I know that this weekend it most likely won't be all that great. I'm thinking that I'll wear a pair of jeans that are a little (not bad) tight just to constantly remind me to watch my food intake.

    mimi - I was beginning to worry about you! So glad you're back.

    Amanda - good for you joining the gym! I have a decent exercise room at home, but there's just something about the gym. I think I need the other people around me, that motivates me and pushes me. Sometimes I just can't get there or else I'm bored with the same offerings. Tomorrow I'll use my new (yea) rebounder and do a Leslie Sansone tape. I figure when you walk up & back, I'll just march in place.

    Marilyn - glad you're better now.

    Tomorrow we're going to dinner at this place where the students from Caldwell Community College's culinary school make the meal and serve it. It's only $20 per person, and it's a 4 course meal.

    Maybe someone knows of a site where I can order this. I don't know what it's technically called, I'm looking for a small garbage can that sits on the counter that you put next to the coffee so that people have some place to put their empty creamer cups, stirrers, sugars etc. If anyone knows of a site where you can order it, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know.

    Have a great evening everyone!

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    MIchele - try these



    I just happened to pop in and noticed your post. Hope this is what you're looking for.

  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :smile: Good Evening Ladies,

    It's been a beauutiful fall day. The leaves are gorgeous! Bright oranges, reds, and all the hues in between. My hubby told me tonight we are going to the mountains. We will be going to Pigeon Forge-Gatlingburg, TN area. I love it there. There will be lots and lots of people. We are taking our laptop so that I can keep up with my daily food diary. I do worry about the eating part of it. They have wonderful restaurants with wonderful food. I'll just have to plan before I walk in. I am familiar with what they have so maybe (keep your fingers crossed) I can still to some sort of lower calorie intake.:tongue: It's a blessing to be able to go. This time last year...well that's another long story..:tongue:
    Barbiecat:flowerforyou: I am thinking of all my blessings --one of them is gong to the gym with my Mom. She is 74. She absolutely doesn't look it...I don't know...I hope I hold up 1/2 as well. I kid you not, people think she is about 60-65 and my sister. ps..I am glad ur friend is doing this well and hope she continues to improve.:flowerforyou:
    I am just happy to be able to be with her.:love:
    If I told you all of them it could take awhile....:happy: Thank you for all your boosts.

    Michele:flowerforyou: Thanks for the compliment.
    Jeannie:smile: Thank you....

    MacMadame:tongue: triathlon...honey, I am feeling like dying doing 3 mins of an eliptical..whew! Kudos to you!

    Pquilter:flowerforyou: now this lady can do an eliptical for 71 minutes...:bigsmile:

    BirdieM:flowerforyou: you are incredible..maintaining is work too...obviously..or I wouldn't be having to lose 37 pounds:bigsmile: You rock!

    VickieM:flowerforyou: I hope when i grow up, I can think about all this weight issue just like you. I admire you!:bigsmile:
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Thanks VickiJ12 & VickieM for your prayers. I really hope those children are safe with Guardian Angels. Prayer CAN change things. Look where I am at today.:smile:

    I heard a sermon not to long ago. The question was ask, "would you swap your life with anyone else." That puts a lot of things into perspective..jealousy..etc.. I thought then..through the good and the bad, sickness, trials, my childhood...No:noway: I would not. God has been very good to me.:heart:

    Mimi:smile: I love Grandkid stories. When I think you all might be "use to" me, I'll tell you a few of mine.:bigsmile:

    Marilyn:tongue: feel better soon!

    Amandax:flowerforyou: What about your surgery?

    Has anyone heard from Laura...I am still remembering the loss of her MOM.

    Good night All!:yawn:

    Ps..:bigsmile: Yes, I have a notebook and pen......I am over 50 you know:laugh: