

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    ... better to get old than not. .. I say, embrace your age! . . .When I told her that I am proud to be 51 she looked at me as if I was demented.

    Michele - you exhaust me!! Just reading what you get up to makes me embarrassed at my meagre attempts at exercise.
    Kackie - you are right on the nail about planning, tracking and posting. It definitely keeps me on the right track.

    As of this morning I have lost 99 pounds. . . .but actually, it doesn't really matter when I get there. After all, I'm not in a race.

    ... I'm going to catch up with some housework (bleurgh - my least favourite thing in the world!) It's a cold and slightly frosty morning, so I definitely won't be doing any gardening today.

    My love to you all. Do something good for yourself today.

    Amanda x

    Amanda I've been itching to respond to some of your posts for awhile. First the sermon. Feel free to glide right over it. :indifferent: Your brother and your sister both have hurt you feelings with their words. :mad: Maybe this is normal between siblings, as a spoiled only child of elderfolk I have no clue. BUT in MY opinion, if your brother deliberately stomped on your toes or your sister kicked you in the shins, would you say "if only I could grow up, I wouldn't have these bruises"? Your feelings are good and normal and healthy. If we feel no pain when something damaging occurs, we don't know to avoid or protect against it. Then again maybe that's what you meant by growing up, protecting yourself against their remarks. At some point, you may decide to protect yourself by minimizing contact with their toxic influences. This is something DH knew by instinct but I am still struggling to accept. I just want to love everybody:heart: and have everybody love me:heart: . Talk about naive! :laugh: End of lecture. :flowerforyou:

    -Amen! Any day I'm not breathing dirt is a good one! Always say my true age (60), enjoy it when folks give the tactful response, though that happens less often lately :tongue:
    -Walking for 6 hours is hardly a meagre attempt, though you are right Right RIGHT that Michelle (and Robin and MacMadame and BarbieCat ) are truly amazing exercise examples! Right again about tracking and checking in by posting and reading posts. The knowledge gained by tracking, the accountability of doing it every day, and the support of this group are the keys to success.
    -99 pounds! How poignant to be teetering on the brink of the 100 mark, but what an accomplishment! It's persistence like yours that inspires all of us who are stuck or just starting out. Believe there are many who read here but do not post, there is no way to know how many lives you've touched. Thank YOU.
    -"bleargh", the mot juste!
    -"it really doesn't matter when I get there"... Looks unlikely I'll be size 10 in 2010, was going to revise goal to be 11 in '11, but NO. I will keep my goal of size 10 and get there when I get there. I feel so much lighter (and less of a failure) by revising the time but not the destination. Whee!

    You are such a graceful and accomplished woman, we are blessed to have you in this group.
    Warm love right back atcha,
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Robin, will keep you and Princess Kiera in my prayers. Are you giving her the subcutaneous fluids yourself or are you taking her to the vet techs? Have friends whose cat has been THRIVING on subcutaneous fluids for over a year. They've learned to administer themselves, substantially reducing cost.

    The General Robert E. Lee (our Robby) is gradually failing, deaf, near-blind, tottery, drinking way more water and peeing everywhere... but as long as he can bark out his orders "Feed me NOW" and bounce around the lawn like a little black bunny... I just try to treasure every day.

    Now a little Dixie story to lighten us all up. :smile: Dixie is the original Atkins dog... meat and grease=YUMM, try to sneak in a carb and PTUI! :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: Last night was finishing off dinner with roasted beet salad (Thanks SMVQ:heart: ) to stave off the cookie cravings. The General and Dixie were sitting at my feet looking hopeful. :love: They know I don't usually feed them while I'm eating at the TV (and NEVER at the dining room table:noway: ) so they don't bark (Robby) or lay head on thigh (Dixie) like they do to DH:ohwell: ... On an impulse I gave Robby a bite of beet (we're trying everything to see what agrees with his little dinosaur tum). He ate it. OK no huge shock, he used to eat anything that didn't try to eat him first, just lately he eats so much less... Dixie looked so left out, I tossed her a piece. She ate it up YUMM! Honestly there wasn't enough oil in the salad to qualify it as one of her 2 basic food groups. Shared the last third of my salad with the pooches and they ate it ALL! SMVQ your gospel of roasted veggies has now been carried to the animal kingdom and you have your first 2 apostles there! :happy:

    Oh and the good news? For the FIRST TIME EVER, weight is DOWN Sunday am. Lost 1.8 of the 2.6 lbs gained Friday. It's usually up on the weekends :drinker: then down Mon-Thurs :smile: (seeing a pattern here?) :laugh:

    Another veggie story then I have to get crack o'lackin'. Ran out of time to roast and veg prep yesterday so took store bought veggie tray and dip (and chips cuz DH said these folk don't eat vegetables). By the time I left half the veggie tray was empty, and I only accounted for about a fourth so SOMEONE else did... ;) One of the sisters who abstained from the raw vegs said "I only eat mine cooked". Well that made me smile, but I didn't immediately stand up and start witnessing to the SMVQ gospel...:laugh:

    THEN, I learned that DH invited Father, StepMom and both sisters to our house "whenever" on Sunday. That's today. Today I am scheduled to count money after church, so will be out of the house from 10:15 to approx 1pm. When I asked FIL about what time they thought they'd come, he said... "Oh around eleven".

    This is one of the areas where DH and I struggle. There is a complete disconnect between what I feel is due guests (hostess present, food, beverage, entertainment) and what he feels we must provide visiting family (couch, tv/movie, hooch, functioning bathroom).

    While it's true I stress too much on these visits, try too hard and end up REALLY CRABBY and not very nice, it's also true that even family are guests and might expect something to eat around the noon hour, especially FIL and StepMom who also get a little crabby when there is no lunch RIGHT at NOON.

    Explained to DH/StpM and both sisters, I was happy they were coming to visit their brother and sorry I wouldn't be there to greet them due to a previous commitment. Said I hoped they could stick around some time after 1 when I'll return.
    I'll prep a plate of cheeses, light salami, crackers, raw vegges and dip (all from existing stock), and IF there's time before church I'll also roast some baby beets bought yesterday at the farmers market and make a sweet/sour dip for them. Will just have to warn everyone that the pooches like roasted beets! :laugh:

    Got to dash and get those beets in the oven.

    Warm hugs to all,
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    OK so maybe I don'r REALLY want to love EVERYBODY...:noway:

    but sure wish everyone could be nicer to eachother:wink:

    SMVQ tossed some turnips into the oven with the beets and will grill some parsnips... can't wait to see what's still on the tray when I get back from church :bigsmile:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    So last night I binged on chocolate. I will blame the stress of dealing with Kiera. We have the IV to give ourselves but she has been drinking water and more or less keeping it down so we haven't done the IV. She is a little more alert today but still definitely not well. We will just wait and see.
  • sissy56
    sissy56 Posts: 108 Member
    Good morning all - I've been a "lurker" for a while, but I'm not very good at consistently posting so I haven't joined in. The past couple of weeks, I've come to realize how much I need some support from people in my age group. May I join you?
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    A blessed Sunday to all! :flowerforyou: It's a beautiful day here in Rhode Island! I'll sit outside for a bit, I'm sure!:bigsmile:
    Just checking in!

    Sissy...welcome! Just pop in any time!

  • chicletgirl
    :frown: So sorry to hear about Princess Keira.

    Did your vet get the results back from the blood test? You might want to rethink taking her off the IV. It's important to prevent dehydration. I remember when my dog suffered from pancreatis and was unable to hold anything down. She was on ice chips in the beginnig and I was told to make sure she drank at least a couple of tablespoons of water or ice every hour. Eventually as her stomach settled down we went to chicken broth also in small quantities. Finally rice and chicken. The whole time she was on antibiotics. It got to the point when I recognized the signs of pancreatis from the type of vomiting she did. It was always foamy. So I would start her on the regement above.

    I really hope it is nothing too serious. Poor thing.

    I understand about the chocolate binging. I did the same thing when my puppy was sick. It throws your world out of whack. I think it is harder with pets than it ever was with my son. You just keep trying to think of what you can do for them and you cant talk to them and they cant provide any information for you to help them. It's very frustrating.
    I will be hopiing the best for her.


    I burst out laughing at the fact that the lady looked at you like you were demented. Women are so uptight about age. What the heck is the big deal. It's all about how you feel and perform in life. Age is irrelevant. A lot of people think I am in my early 40's and when I tell them I am 52, they gasp and look sad and say I'm sorry! Its not a death sentence. And, they are going to be there one day too....if they are lucky.:wink:

  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello everyone. I've not been well this weekend, body just dropped in a chair and stayed there most of this weekend. I don't know if it is just beeing tired or what. Keeping my mind on the positive, and gave myself the break, did not do anything but play games on the comp. Hopefully tomorrow will be back to the routine with no hassels. Catch all of you on Tuesday, it's an eleven hour work day tomorrow so no doing anything after work, just get to bed for the next morning.

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hi all,

    Just a quick note to say the new picture is my parents and I waiting at the Olive Garden today. We went out for Dad's 91rst birthday. They can both still walk, but we brought them to the aquarium and the botanical gardens first and it would have been too much walking.

  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Welcome! I've not been on here very long. If you have been lurking, you know that we have a lot of good ispirations on here:smile:
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Welcome! I've not been on here very long. If you have been lurking, you know that we have a lot of good ispirations on here:smile:
    Sometimes I can't type...but I really can spell:blushing:
  • bcmallwalker
    Hi, I saw your group and it sounds really great. I am new here, just joined last week. I am 52 yrs. old and have been working at losing weight, this time since October 28, 2009. I've lost 77 lbs. so far and have another 70 lbs. to lose. I really like the site. I'm hoping to meet some people here for mutual encouragement as we journey down the road to our goal weight and better health.

    I'd like to know how to join your group.
  • missjo113
    good evening everyone. Just wanted to send warm wished to everyone who is dealing with ill and/or difficult family and pets...

    I'm dealing with a 5 pound weight gain after being sick for 3 weeks. Recording my food was a bust, exercise was almost non-existant... H2O was about the only thing that stayed the course... today I've gotten back to recording everything and I'm going to get on the treadmill for at least 30 minutes as soon as I'm done here. this being sick was for the birds! My DD started doing hot yoga and I'm dieing to try it with her but I think I need to give my lungs a little bit more time to get back to normal after my bout of pnumonia.

    bcmallwalker... you just joined! WELCOME! feel free to post as often as you wish... the ladies here are super supportive and always have great advise.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :happy: Hello everyone. I am back from our Mexican riviera cruise. We had a wonderful time. This was our first experience, and I think I am already hooked. Gained a couple of pounds, so not too bad, considering the amount of food and alcohol consumed :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I won't take time to catch up with everyone's posts. I had a voice mail waiting for me for a job interview tomorrow, so I am seriously preparing (so what am I doing on MFP?) I promise to get up early and get all my ducks in a row and will let you know how it goes. Though I would love to retire, I must keep working so we can go on more vacations!

    Sadly, while we were away, my aunt passed away of cancer at the age of 67. Spoke with my mom this morning. Her youngest sister (20 years younger) gone. It is hard on her. Now all her sisters are gone, but she has 4 brothers left. I am so proud of my mom.

    DD came to visit this afternoon and we had some tea and a walked by the lagoon in the sunshine. It may not be 90F but I live in a great country and am happy to be back home safe and sound.

    I missed all of you and will get back to logging and posting!

    BFN :heart: :heart: Rebel:heart::heart:
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Just follow the "thread" on the Message Boards under MY TOPICS. :flowerforyou: I'm new too. Barbiecat, Birdie and all the ladies are super supportive!:smile:
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Just finished catching up on everyone's posts since I last had time to get on here. Hope to jump back into posting again this week. Only 2 weeks left before having to be swimsuit ready. :glasses:
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Okay, I am so nervous. I had a wonderful day today. My youngest son was 30, today. We celebrated with my siblings(families) my mom, stepdad, my other son, and my daugter-in-laws. It goes without saying that my grandchldren were there.:love:
    We went to Red Lobster. It was delish!:drinker:
    We then visited an apple orchard and pumpkin patch. It was very warm today for October. Of course, they had fried apple pies, caramel apples, ice cream, apple slushies and all that "stuff." :smile:
    Everyone else had the same idea! It was packed! (no:noway: I didn't eat any of that stuff) We had a wonderful time. However, it comes a time at the end of the day when grandkids, adults and everyone is hot, tired and it's time to go home!:happy: :tongue:
    That was all good!

    But...then...we were on our way home and by the side of road was a new pick-up truck pulled over. We passed by going the speed limit. There was a man(father, dad?:devil: who knows:frown: ) outside the truck (king cab with a back door -you know what kind i am talking about) with a leather belt doubled hitting a child as hard and fast as he could. I couldn't see how big the child was but I am almost sure it was in car seat. There was more than one child in the back. By the time we went back to try to get a license plate he had gone.:mad: He probably realized he was seen. I honestly thought I was going to throw up.
    So, I can't get that off my mind. I have been praying that since I couldn't stop him that God would help the children.
    If you believe in prayer, please pray for those children. I have a wonderful life now. One that I have worked very hard to have but let's just say that I identify with those chilren.:sad:
    So BirdieM, do you have any encouraging things to say. I am struggling tonight. I am chewing so much gum, my jaws hurt just trying not to "fall off the wagon."
    Anyone else that want to join in this...:cry:
  • vikkij12
    Oh my goodness lynn I am praying for those children and also for you, that you channel that hurt, upset and anger in a way that will be benificial and not destructive.

    I guess it doesn't matter where in the world you live there will always be abuse. Keep caring.

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    good morning ladies,
    I weighed in this morning. after a week of being so good and exercising nothing. but I am not discouraged. I will just keep on going. mallwalker 70 pounds wow. that is awesome. you can lose the rest. just post on here and listen to the advice of these wonderful ladies. they keep you motivated. Lynn how awful. I can only imagine how that feels. sometimes we see babies or children standing in moving cars and I always try to call but not always successful. now these children are in your prayers and God will listen and help them. I was spanked as a child (not abused) We dont really spank the grandchildren. there are other ways to correct, but to beat a baby in a car seat with a belt. what could they have possibly done in the car seat to warrant that. I hope you feel better about it. Just put it in God's hands and he will take it from you and let you relax about it. Hope you all have a good day.
    Vicki M
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Robin - my thoughts are with you and Kiera. Is she very dehydrated? At times like this, don't you wish that our pets were covered under our insurance? We've always given the subcu fluids ourselves. The last time Vince found that if he hung the bag of water in the bathroom on one of the hooks, that was a good height for him to see the ml's. Barb, I can't imagine giving them for over a year. I guess some people don't have a problem with this.

    Today (Mon) I did 50 min of the PowerSculpt DVD. I have a board meeting at the Y tomorrow so after I finish, I'm going to go to the Y branch near me and do some incline intervals on the treadmill.

    Went to go see "The Kind & I" play by the local theater. It really was good. The lady who plays Anna works at the Y where I'm going to go tomorrow.

    SMVQ - got a question for you. I was talking to a friend, and she was saying that she would take some roasted veggies to the next Newcomer social (I hope she makes a double batch, one for me and one for everyone else!). Anyway, we were talking about which veggies would go together, we were trying to stay away from having to put them in at different times. Potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, parsnips. What other veggies can she put in there to give it more "color". I was thinking of beets.

    sissy56 and bcmallwalker - glad to have ya. Pull up a chair, pour yourself a cup of (decaf) tea, and jump right in!

    Marilyn - hope you get better fast

    Rebel - good luck on the job interview! So sorry to hear about your aunt

    Lynn - that's just horrible about the father (or whatever) hitting the child! I just can't imagine it.

    I have donations for the local soup kitchen that we collected at the church Sat. that I need to take there, then I may go bowl a few games and head over to the Salvation Army to make a donation and also to pick up a Halloween decoration.

    I just don't know about that gal (the one who wanted to lunch cruise). She was at the play yesterday. Everyone else invited me to go to dinner with them, but she didn't. The place they picked to go to dinner was right near her house, by the time I would have gotten home it would have been 9:00 so it really didn't make sense for me to go. Anyway, today she's having the Food For Thought meeting at her house. I know that she's looking for someone else to be chairman of the group. Really, it's not like it's that difficult -- you make sure there is a place for the meeting the next month. But she's going on and on about how she's done it for 2 years and how there should be a change. What change? Usually, I'm the kind of person who would volunteer to do it, but I'm not going to. For one thing, Vince is going to be treasurer of Newcomers next year. I suspect (but not sure) that there might be some duties that I need to do. At the minimum, entertain the other board members.

    Better get off to the soup kitchen. Everyone, have a great day.
