

  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Hey Glyn and Kacke:smile: didn't mean to leave you out, I must have been posting close to the same time as you.
    Glyn: hope your back gets better..don't let this get you down. Back troubles are not fun. I had the deal you are having in January and February. I chose the chiropractor...not saying that is what you should do. It worked for me. They used some "light therapy" as well as adjustments. I went to physical therapy after that. The chiropractor and doctor agreed on that. They said the excercises needed to be targeted to certain muscles to help the muscles be stronger. Also proper form, while excercising, was very important. Good Luck! Congrats on ur weight loss!:flowerforyou:

    Kacke:smile: Hope you enjoy your garden today! I love the fall flowers:bigsmile:

    Barbiecat:flowerforyou: can't leave you out. When I clicked on the forum the first time, your smiling face is what motivated me to read. I was on the site for awhile before I posted, just reading about all of you. It's helping me to stay with a program and keep motivated. Thanks to you and al the the others!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • bcmallwalker
    Good morning everyone,

    I enjoy reading all of your posts, I feel like I am starting to get to know you. Wow, there are a lot of singers, people who love music. I love it as well, though never have done anything like Robin. I do enjoy singing on the praise & worship team at church. I love all kinds of music & wish that I would have practiced when i took piano lessons. :wink: I still like playing around on my keyboard, I just use headphones so nobody has to listen to me.

    I figured out the new exercise bike yesterday afternoon. I didn't realize that you were supposed to follow the "coach" and keep pace with it, I was just going all out the whole time. :embarassed: So I was able to do a whole 30 minute program with no trouble. There are 8 different programs, so I will try another one today.

    I hope that all of you have a wonderful weekend. :flowerforyou:

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    Okay so I like to talk about myself every once in a while so here goes. SAG is the screen actors guild. so I was a union extra which means I made better money and had insurance and stuff compared to non union extras. the trade off is that there were only 10 union extras per shoot so there could be hundreds of non union extras. It made work harder to get. I did a lot of movies and TV series. I was a regulart the entire first season of Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, I was also a regular on Homefront and SeaQuest. I worked Brooklyn Bridge, Daves World, Coach,Friends, Sisters, Picket Fences and almost any other tv series filmed in the early 1990's. My favorite movies to work on were the Flintstones and Coneheads but I worked on so many others as well. True Lies was a blast and Mask with Jim Carrey was interesting. I even worked on day on Basic Instinct. I have so many stories I could share about these and other jobs I had.

    My familiy is all professional musicians and educators. My father toured with Alivino Rey and he was also a Meltone with Mel Torme. then he got a Ph.D in Education and was President of many community colleges before he retired and wrote and continues to perform one man shows aobut cole Porter or Lerner and Lowe. He is actually currently out on a cruise ship teaching a lecture right now. Did I mention that he is 87? www.theamericansongbook.com this is my dad's web site if you want to check him out. My mother was actually running a dance band in 1960 when she got pregnant with me. ( i am 8 years behind my brothers who are all 2 years apart) she played the bass.

    My Brothers have spent their lives in bands. the oldest owns and runs a recording studio as well he also has a masters degree in communications that he got at age 60. Middle brother is a bum who thinks he is the best bass player in history. Youngest brother is the music department chair at a community college and always a technician on the guitar and piano. I sang, acted and play the flute and piccolo.

    Okay enough about me.

    Mimi - I hope the little one is feeling better. :flowerforyou: I am so glad to have you back in the fold.
    Debbie = glad you figured out the new bike. Have fun:bigsmile:
    Lynn - my advice is to just be aware of what you are eating and make the smartest choices you can but still enjoy yourself. :smile:
    Kackie - Any moves you do are good ones so don't sweat the fact that we can't do what the 20 somethings can. We can do so much more in other areas of our lives.:wink:
    Faye - I can so relate. :noway: but no reason to beat ourselves up. We just need to move on.
    Amanda - you are such a good daughter but you need to take care of you too. There is a balance and I am sending you the positive energy to help you find it. :love:
    glyn - not having more than one Krispy Kreme is a great accomplishment. take the successes where you can get them.:happy:

    To all of you wonderful women, here's to a successful day on the weight loss and maintenance journeys that we are all on.:drinker:
  • mimi7grands
    Finally, finally, finally broke into the Ones this morning! Happy, happy day. I haven’t seen the Ones in, maybe, 30 years.

    Still don’t know what’s causing Livvy’s tummy aches. She has celiac disease and, even though she’s on a strictly gluten-free diet, she can still have intestinal issues related to that. We worry our way through our own kids’ childhoods, then worry some more when we have grandkids!

    Oh, all the comments about music. I can carry a tune…sometimes! :laugh: Kackie, you and I would make a good duet.

    Lynn, your family sounds like fun. As for eating on the trip…that is one of the toughest situations. For me, my best bet is to load up on fruits and veggies when I have the chance. That way, the goodies don’t look so tempting. (Veggies = willpower. They really do!)

    Glyn, good progress! My 9-year old grandson said to me the other day, “Grandma, did you know they boil donuts in OIL?!” He’d been talking to the guy at the bakery counter who said that, after seeing how they were cooked, he no longer ate them. Matthew told me he’d never eat them again. My son told me he already has!

    Debbie, way to go on the bike! I didn’t believe it ever could, but exercise finally feels good!

    Robin, I’m in awe of you and your accomplished family. It sounds like fun to have grown up in a house full of music. I am such a dud at music…most of my family too. When we get together for a birthday celebration, the ones who CAN sing deliberately sing off key to take the rest of us down a garden path. You can imagine the sound when 30 or 40 people are all singing outrageously out of tune.

    I hope you all have a good day. :love: I'm smiling to have broken through that pesky barrier into the Ones!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    TGIF!!!! Again:laugh: Just a brief note to say have a great weekend.:flowerforyou: I haven't had the time to post that much but I'm at least trying to keep up on reading the post.!:wink:
    Wait until tax season when I work 6 days a week! Yikes! I hardly ever get a chance to post:ohwell:
    It's cold in Rhode Island but the air is fresh and crisp! :bigsmile: I love the fall and the lovely colors!:happy:
    So, have a great weekend and I'll try to check in if I can!!!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Well done Mimi! A great achievement xx

    Sorry I was so moanie yesterday regarding my dad. He's home now and fine. My brother called me and started to complain about dad and I had to tell him to stop. We've all got to accept that this is how dad is now at this stage of his life. He is childlike in many ways and needs constant reassurance, something he only seems to get from me.

    DD#1 is in hospital. Her blood pressure is high and she has protein in her water so they admitted her so that they can monitor her over the weekend. They are also administering steroid injections to help the twins lungs in case they have to get them out in the next couple of days. My son in law popped in to get some stuff for her a couple of hours ago - I'd got her some special padded socks etc. It's funny, I am so excited and so nervous. I'm not sure if I should be crying or laughing! DD#2 and I have cancelled our spa day for tomorrow and will definitely go to the hospital. They are pretty strict about visiting though, but I'd like to see them try to keep me away from my daughter!

    Love to you all and sorry for not responding to anyone individually today. Brain = mush!

    Amanda x
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :flowerforyou: Amandax - I "feel" for you. I have been through some of this with 4 grandchildren. We will be sending good thoughts your way. :flowerforyou:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Hey, all, sorry I have been MIA. No excuses, just my crazy life, but I'm trying to get back on it.

    I did do something noteworthy today - after being deferred twice in a row, I finally managed to get my iron high enough to donate blood again!

    Anyway, hi to all of you, and looking forward to getting to know the new ones!
  • mimi7grands
    Hi everyone. I go without posting for a week or so, then you can't get rid of me. I like it better - feel better too - when I'm present more. What a great group we have.

    Amanda, I'm thinking good thoughts and sending up a prayer for your grandbabies. Exciting times!

    Mary, nice to hear from you!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: the good thing about my decision to spend time working in my yard every day is that my yard looks great......the bad thing is that I seem to have less time to check into MFP....I log my food every day and read the posts but don't have time to respond to all of you.

    :flowerforyou: tomorrow I am participating in a breast cancer awareness/fundraiser......there will be a lot going on....I'll be a worker bee helping with set up and clean up and I have about 15 minutes in one of the "classes" to present on meal planning.......I'll be talking a lot about MFP, how useful the site is, and how much I've learned.......I enjoy speaking in front of people and usually do a good job, but I'll be glad when it's over.

    :flowerforyou: DH and I had another lengthy discussion about Medicare Supplement Insurance and Part D prescription plans and have finally figured out that it's going to be expensive and that we'll probably have to give up some luxuries and tap into our savings and as a last resort DH might go looking for some part time work.....I think most of our frustration has been that common idea that if we talk long enough and think hard enough we'll find out that the truth is something different.:laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: MacMadame, I have been thinking about your suggestion that I start training for a triathlon and I realized that I have always disliked swimming, I've stayed away from bicycles since I had a bad fall when I was in my 20's, and an old back injury has made running too high impact for me....so my triathlon would have to be line dance, yoga, and walking :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: hugs to all and best wishes for making healthy choices this weekend.:heart::heart: :heart:
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    . . .I have a history of UFO's in many different craft pursuits over the years :embarassed: . . .
    Took me awhile, piquilter, but finally got it. . . There's a UFO:laugh: in my closet dating back to my teens (an embroidered cushion that's finished except for the stuffing!) Now that's a history!
    Your quilt is beautiful, what an artist!
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Good morning all! Couldn't sleep so its a MONSTER post. :bigsmile:
    -Lynn amen to the beautiful fall leaves, my walking buddy and I scuffed through them like kids yesterday. :laugh: Good thing you don't see most of MY typos, thanks to the Edit Post option at the bottom... wish it stayed around as an option longer, at least til someone else posts.:tongue: Where are you going on your trip? Walk walk WALK, when you're walking/sighteeing you're not only burning calories, your NOT taking any more in! Write us a song about you travels?:flowerforyou:
    -Jeannie it hasn't rained yet here, but we're in for it this weekend breaking the "except for Friday-Sunday" rule... if it were up to me, the rule would be "the rain may never fall til after sundown" :noway: like in Camelot. What a loving and practical response to Amanda's situation with her Dad. Just like you!:love:
    -Macmadame Couldn't agree more. with your response to Amanda. She is right, she is being manipulated. Too bad Dad doesn't share the wealth with her other sibs.
    -Debbie what a great friend to loan the recumbent bike!:love: 10 mins is a great start, 30 minutes an awesome followup! Keep us posted on your progress.
    -Robin, :heart: :heart: :heart: rejoicing at your Kiera news.:heart::heart: :heart: "exercise is pretty much the same I just can't stop doing all my stuff each day, I like it too much" huh: Boy do I wish I had THAT mindset.:grumble: What is the Belly Fat Cure? :drinker: Wow an actress and singer. Looking forward to hearing some of your SAG work stories. Your family sounds awesome! You obviously don't get you energy and talent from anywhere strange.:bigsmile:
    -Amanda saying a little prayer for You and DD and grandtwins... and for Dad and even for Bro :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Moan here anytime, we're all here for eachother. What wonderful counsel all the gals gave, everything I wanted to say and more! :drinker: Brava for telling bro to stop complaining about Dad. Bro could use a dose of BarbieCat's gratitude medicine. :ohwell: Does Dad only get reassurance from you because you're the only one who gives it, or do your sibs try but he doesn't accept?
    -Birdie How did it go with the guitar? Not only is there a dusty guitar in my closet, but a keyboard that's never been unpacked... Me, I love to sing, but as a mercy to the rest of the world confine it to in the car or shower. :tongue:
    -piquilter Love my wii! When there is not enough fun :embarassed: in my life, that's what I turn to. Which games do you play? Have you connected it to the internet? If time (read insomnia:yawn: ), I open NotePad and jot responses while reading posts, otherwise, just scan 'em all and mention only those that stuck in my slippery and slipping mind.:ohwell:
    -Marilyn glad your wrists are better. Snow and black ice already? Yikes!:angry:
    -Faye "went to the gym instead of wallowing in my failure." well done! :drinker: You're right, this really can work long term. :love: Look at BarbieCat and Birdie and MacMadame and and and . . .
    -SMVQ :love: :drinker: :heart: :flowerforyou: :love: WOW! Yippee! Huzzah! Hip hip hooray!:love::drinker: :heart: :flowerforyou: :love: Con VERY Gratulations and welcome to the Ones! 6 yr old Olivia may have Kidney stones? In addition to her gluten issues? :angry: That poor little angel!:brokenheart:
    -Viv the ONLY good thing about these dark cold mornings is seeing the stars while walking the dogs. :drinker: Pass the cocoa (and Bailey's).:drinker:
    -kackie gardening and tough yoga, well done!:flowerforyou:
    -Glynda agree with Lynn about chiropractor, physical therapy and proper form exercises to avoid future pinched nerve trouble. :flowerforyou: The gutt'n'butt routine really help my back... but only if I ACTUALLY do them...:laugh:
    -Mary welcome back! How about all these musical gals? Wish there were a way for you all to "jam" long distance.:wink:
    -Barbie :explode: Yikes, had no idea the supplemental insurance cost would take such a toll. :grumble: Sometimes talking and thinking long and hard does discover deeper emotional truths, alas the economic truths are usually evident right up front and unchanged no matter how many ways we try to look at them. :noway: How long did it take you to research options? It's 5 years 'til we're 65, but procrastination is my default position.:indifferent: :love: Love your triathlon! :love:

    The General :heart: just woke up and moaned to go outside. Carried him out, baited the ramp DH built him with sharp cheddar. He eats his way back up, then scampers to the Secret Hiding Place of the Magic Graham Cracker. He's settled down now and so am I :yawn: so its back to bed for a few more zzzzzzzzz.

    Warm Hugs to you all and have a great and grateful weekend.

    Gutt'n'butt try 11 day zero.:grumble:
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies! Another beautiful day. My tough yoga class was cancelled yesterday...just a note on the door. I worry about the teacher as she is the owner also and this is most unusual for her. Hope that she and her family are ok. I ended up doing far more garden work. Clipped and pruned all morning, then got one of the 30 day shred videos done. Have not done them lately and they do help my middle. Have been doing the butt n gut too, but not every day. Need to add more days to that too.

    Auntie BK...Barbara: Glad to hear from you. I love the baited ramp for your General. How clever! Hope that you got some sleep!

    Amanda: Thinking of you, your DD and the twins. Keep us posted.

    Barbie: I could do your triathlon too...except you would have to help me out with the line dancing...sounds like fun!

    Mary: Good to hear from you!

    Everyone else...I am thinking of you too and wishing everyone a restful weekend filled with good choices. Take care, Kackie:heart:
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Hello everyone. I am back after taking a break. I lost 4 pounds in the last 2 weeks after being stuck for a month. So that feels good. I am must marking this thread for now. I really want to lose 20 pounds by Christmas - is that too ambitious???

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    My life is super busy right now! Been taking my FiL for doctor visits and tests plus we made an offer on a house and it was accepted. Now we're really glad the 2 story didn't work out because we like this one MUCH better.

    This week doesn't look much better. More dr visits Monday then jury duty beginning Tuesday. I leave on vacation the following Sunday and then its home to start packing as we close on the new house on Nov 19th.

    I'll pop in when I can but have a feeling its gonna be few and far between for awhile. If I can make it through the next few months without gaining any weight I'll call it a success.
  • missjo113
    Good morning all:
    I haven't been very good at keeping track of my food for the last little while. After being sick, I've kind of lost my momentum. My exercising had dropped off as well although I forced myself to go to zumba on Tuesdays and pilates reformer on Thursdays, but I had also been getting on my treadmill just about every other day of the week for at least 60 minutes of walk/run, which I haven't done for the past month almost. So today I am making a commitment and sharing it with all of you, that I will once again be tracking all of my food and starting up that treadmill everyday that I'm not scheduled to do a class.

    Barbiecat, if there was a triathalon boot camp for "line dance, yoga, and walking" I'd be signing up today!

    Best wishes to all!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Robin - You were in some of my favorite shows, so I must have seen you. Thanks for sharing about yourself.

    To all the singers in the group - I envy all of you. Music runs in my family on both sides, but it totally skipped me. All I could do was play the drums growing up as we were poor and the drums only cost $3.50 for the sticks and the pad. Back then girls weren't allowed to wear pants to school, so I couldn't be in the marching band which is what I really wanted to do.

    Yesterday was my daughter's fund raiser at my work for her high school Japanese Culture Club. The kids cooked 20 pounds of teriyaki at my house on Thursday. We cooked the rice and stir fried the vegatables at my work yesterday morning. They sold out by 1:30 and we still had people who wanted to buy from us. They made $138.63 after expenses. I must say it was a wonderful life experience for them. Of course, the faculty sponsor and I made them do all the work. We just supervised. They had to do a spreadsheet on the event for work it was a lot of practical math experieces not to mention cutting and cooking 20 pounds of chicken and beef. They all looked so cute in their hair nets and plastic gloves serving everyone. They refused to let us get a picture of them dressed like that. lol

    Happy Saturday all,

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Hi everyone. This is going to be a short one as I have a pretty full weekend planned.

    Mimi--CONGRATULATIONS! You are in Onederland! Wonderful! I am so happy for you (in case you can't tell!:laugh: )

    Amanda--good thought and prayers for you and your DD and grand-babies! I know all will be well.:heart:

    piquilter-- I also have some UFOs hanging around--I really need to get them finished so I can start on new ones! I have the time now, at least.

    Welcome, all you newbies!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    After thinking that my last week of work for this season was going to be an easy one, I ended up working at another store besides my own!:grumble: It seems the vendor there decided to take the week off.:noway: Problem is, the hours have been payed for and HAVE to be worked (and she knows this!) so I worked there as well as at my store and so did a couple of other vendors from other stores. Oh well, at least there will be a few more dollars on my last paycheck!:smile:

    We had beautiful weather all week and now it is raining! My DD and I went to Dollar Tree and picked up a few things and am going to decorate the front porch for Halloween this afternoon. (We prefer cute to scary--it was actually kind of hard to find enough cute Halloween items but we managed!:bigsmile: )
    We are also going to carve our Jack O' Lanterns today. We really like finding complicated patterns and carving them. I am going to try the 'shadow' technique this year--where you take off the skin but leave part of the flesh for the light to shine through.

    I joined a Slim Down in 8 Weeks challenge at everydayhealth.com a couple of weeks ago. They have a drawing each week and last week I won! :happy: It's a Jillian Michaels fitness package--her Ultimate Fit (I think) WII game, some dvds and books. We will sell or trade the game as we don't have a WII. We do have an Xbox and are getting the Kinect for it when it comes out in November--it looks pretty cool. It uses a camera to track your moves and there are lots of fitness games for it. I already have the 30 Day Shred DVD so I am giving that one to my son's girlfriend (she has been thinking of buying it) and am really looking forward to checking out her books (especially the cookbook--I LOVE cookbooks!).

    Well, need to start my day. I plan on keeping up more now that I am not working for a few months.

    Love to all! Have a great weekend!:flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    (ETA: Guess it's not REALLY that short!:laugh: )
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Hey Ladies,
    Don't have time for a lengthy post ( althought it may turn out like pmjsmom:happy: ) I am going to Pigeon Forge-Gatlinburg, Tn. I am staying in Gatlinburg. That is at the Smokey Mountain National Park. (Just in case you are not familiar with the area)
    I love it there. I have not had the priviledge to see the Rockies yet. I have a cousin-in-law who told me that I hadn't ever seen the mountains until I see the Rockies. He is from Washington State. I plan to if my health will get good enough to be gone that long. We could fly but then you would miss so much. My cousin/friend traveled an Out West Tour four times. He told me you miss all the good things if you fly. So, maybe in the next 2 years, I'll travel West
    I guess the farthest west I have traveled is Ok. and Texas. I would like to go up to the New England states sometime too.
    I have been all in the south. Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, West Virginia, Virgina...etc..in those directions I still have a lot things I would like to see and do.:smile:
    Anyway, we love it there this time of year...it is beautiful!
    I wish you all a happy, successful week:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    You may be tired of hearing this but I love this forum. It has helped me so much!:happy:
    Until next time! Hugs:heart:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just popping in to say hi. Hope you are all having a good weekend. I need to go read my Sunday School lesson before bed. Goodnight!