Worst Thing You Found Out about on Facebook



  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Facebook! Seriously, why does anyone even need it? It's nothing but a site for attention and all it does is break up marriages and relationships. So many people are addicted! What a shame you all can't live without it. Do yourselves a favor and delete your profiles. :)

    I disagree. My facebook is pretty boring and drama free and it does enable me to keep up with friends that I wouldn't otherwise see, because I have been living abroad for the last 6 years, made friends with a lot of people who I worked with and who then went on to various corners of the world after that, either returning home or moving on to another country to work in... my facebook friends list may be small by some people's standards but it spans the globe. And I've been able to get in touch with friends I lost touch with years ago, and to stay in touch with my family who live 4000 miles away.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Facebook! Seriously, why does anyone even need it? It's nothing but a site for attention and all it does is break up marriages and relationships. So many people are addicted! What a shame you all can't live without it. Do yourselves a favor and delete your profiles. :)

    Do yourself a favor and

  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Facebook! Seriously, why does anyone even need it? It's nothing but a site for attention and all it does is break up marriages and relationships. So many people are addicted! What a shame you all can't live without it. Do yourselves a favor and delete your profiles. :)

    I disagree. My facebook is pretty boring and drama free and it does enable me to keep up with friends that I wouldn't otherwise see, because I have been living abroad for the last 6 years, made friends with a lot of people who I worked with and who then went on to various corners of the world after that, either returning home or moving on to another country to work in... my facebook friends list may be small by some people's standards but it spans the globe. And I've been able to get in touch with friends I lost touch with years ago, and to stay in touch with my family who live 4000 miles away.

    ^^ yep

    I have lots of cousins that I love dearly who live far away, and some friends on the other side of the planet. Facebook is my way of keeping in touch with them. Piss on the drama. *shrugs*
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    My grandma posted on facebook that my grandfather died.

    Oh....and that it apparently ISN'T ok to ask the guy who you are you listed "in a relationship" on his page to take down photos of himself on dates with other women. :angry:

    Did you post the question on the photos or on his page or ask him in person? Either way I think that would be a red flag if someone asked me to take down pics of my history (unless you're in them; then you get to ask me to take them down) but if you asked on FB, then yeah, especially uncool. :laugh:

    ETA: Wait, these are old pics, right? Or he's going on dates while you're supposed to be together and posting pics??

    I thought it was the second... If it's the first I agree with you. Guess we'll find out!

    He added me as "in a relationship" and then kept up photos of a one-time date with another girl. These were date photos which included bikini shots of her, candlelight dinner with his arm around her, and a photo caption saying "why is she smiling? Is it the wine or the good company?" I asked him to take them down after we'd been dating 9 months and I was sure she was out of the picture. I didn't ask him to take down photos with his ex-girlfriends or of girls he hung out with or travelled with before me because, I agree that asking someone to take down their history isn't fair. But leaving up bikini shots of a one time date? My asking him to take them down resulted in a huge fight and him blocking me from his facebook page since my request was so unreasonable.

    Eh. I'm on his side.
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    Facebook! Seriously, why does anyone even need it? It's nothing but a site for attention and all it does is break up marriages and relationships. So many people are addicted! What a shame you all can't live without it. Do yourselves a favor and delete your profiles. :)

    Do yourself a favor and


    Finally, a gif that expresses my response to 82% of the threads on this forum!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Facebook! Seriously, why does anyone even need it? It's nothing but a site for attention and all it does is break up marriages and relationships. So many people are addicted! What a shame you all can't live without it. Do yourselves a favor and delete your profiles. :)

    If something that occurs on FB breaks up a relationship, it wasn't a very strong relationship to begin with and probably would have broken up, anyway.

    As I stated earlier (and I see someone else has, too), FB keeps me easily in touch with people I care about who live far away. If you use it for that, it's not going to take over your life or have negative effects. There is no drama on my FB. A couple times, people who I know from online communities (such as this one) started crap on my page so I unfriended and blocked them. Now there is no drama on my page, but there is lots of love.

    I also use it to mass invite people to events (parties at my house, dinner out, whatever). It's easier to remember everyone when their profiles are right there.
  • victal
    victal Posts: 1,375 Member
    Facebook! Seriously, why does anyone even need it? It's nothing but a site for attention and all it does is break up marriages and relationships. So many people are addicted! What a shame you all can't live without it. Do yourselves a favor and delete your profiles. :)

    This^^^^^^^ So glad i'm not on it :bigsmile: :smokin:
  • The_1_Who_Knocks
    The_1_Who_Knocks Posts: 343 Member
    Yesterday morning I learned that the guy who inspired me to eat right lost his 32 year old daughter on facebook. Later in the day I learned my uncle died on facebook. So yeah, yesterday was a pretty terrible facebook day for me.
  • rosehips60
    rosehips60 Posts: 1,030 Member
    That my mom hadn't made it thru the night after surgery. I live in another state and whoever was supposed to call me (no one would fess up) didn't. Talk about sucking! It's been almost 2 years and I'm still really mad about it
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    I avoid facebook o.o
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    So I get on Facebook this morning to look something up for a friend. I learned that my mom is having a heart cath done today. I have 2 sisters and one posted it to facebook. Not a single person told me.

    A couple years ago, I learned my aunt had a massive stroke via Facebook.

    I live an hour from my family and check in with them about every other day. So my question is this. What's the worst thing you found out about on Facebook?

    Sounds like my mom's side of the family. I avoid all social network stuff that isn't a forum.
  • sanderdejonge
    sanderdejonge Posts: 415 Member
    Facebook! Seriously, why does anyone even need it? It's nothing but a site for attention and all it does is break up marriages and relationships. So many people are addicted! What a shame you all can't live without it. Do yourselves a favor and delete your profiles. :)
    It's great for associations, commissions, etc.
    I use the pages of the associations and commissions I'm a member of nearly daily.
  • greengoddess0123
    greengoddess0123 Posts: 417 Member
    The worst thing I found out on Facebook was that my cousin was pushing Shakeology.

    Seriously, though, even with the drama, I love Facebook. It's amazing for military brats who spent their lives having to leave their best friends every 2-3 years. I've reconnected with old friends I never thought I'd hear from again. I love seeing the pics of their kids and seeing how their lives have turned out.

    Sorry for the folks with the horror stories, though. :flowerforyou:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Facebook! Seriously, why does anyone even need it? It's nothing but a site for attention and all it does is break up marriages and relationships. So many people are addicted! What a shame you all can't live without it. Do yourselves a favor and delete your profiles. :)

    This^^^^^^^ So glad i'm not on it :bigsmile: :smokin:
    Well isn't that special?

    I'm glad I am. :flowerforyou:
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,742 Member
    A good friend from high school dying in a car crash. But that was fine for me to find out via FB as I wasn't in touch with him.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Facebook! Seriously, why does anyone even need it? It's nothing but a site for attention and all it does is break up marriages and relationships. So many people are addicted! What a shame you all can't live without it. Do yourselves a favor and delete your profiles. :)

    This^^^^^^^ So glad i'm not on it :bigsmile: :smokin:
    Well isn't that special?

    I'm glad I am. :flowerforyou:

    Yep. I've been on Facebook for almost a full decade. Love it! The people that are having "all the drama" would be having that drama no matter where they are. *shrugs*
  • histora
    histora Posts: 287 Member
    That my SIL and BIL were getting a divorce. He'd been dealing with some pretty bad PTSD issues and I had seen that play out all over FB for a few months, but still, hearing about the divorce on FB was just so sad.

    I also found out that I was a transphobic gay-hating bigot, which was news to me, considering I'm bi myself and support the local GLBT on campus. I just had to laugh at that one.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Facebook! Seriously, why does anyone even need it? It's nothing but a site for attention and all it does is break up marriages and relationships. So many people are addicted! What a shame you all can't live without it. Do yourselves a favor and delete your profiles. :)

    This^^^^^^^ So glad i'm not on it :bigsmile: :smokin:
    Well isn't that special?

    I'm glad I am. :flowerforyou:

    Yep. I've been on Facebook for almost a full decade. Love it! The people that are having "all the drama" would be having that drama no matter where they are. *shrugs*
  • Forty6and2
    Forty6and2 Posts: 2,492 Member
    I recently found out that my mom is in the hospital with blood clots in her heart over facebook. That was devastating.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    i got in touch with an old friend via facebook... then found out from her page that her brother (who I'd also been friends with) had died of cancer. Actually I think facebook was a good way to find this out, because it's going to save her difficult questions that might come from meeting someone you've not seen for years in real life, e.g. "how's your brother?" and it saves her having to explain it. I found out, yes it's sad, but in a way that didn't make her pain any worse.

    I don't know why people are blaming facebook for drama. It's just something people can use for communication. If someone is lacking tact, sensitivity, social skills or behaves like an attention *kitten* on it or starts drama anywhere in real life (e.g. local pub, at the gym, social club, work, wherever) no-one blames the place for that, they blame the person. But for some reason when that kind of thing happens on facebook, people blame facebook. Before facebook, people had their embarrassingly public relationship break-ups in the street (loudly so the whole neighbourhood could hear) or in the pub or wherever. I guess facebook gives those people a more worldwide audience and the potential to go global. But even TV did that (shows like Jerry Springer) before facebook existed. *imagines two Homo erectus people having a similar kind of relationship public spat/break up while around a campfire with the rest of the tribe watching* *is sure Homo erectus didn't blame the campfire for this*