Day by Day Challenge- part 2 (October)



  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Good morning everyone! I met my goals yesterday! Yay! Not so hard right now since most of them aren't weight loss related-- just recovery mode related. I'm feeling a lot better, but I'm not sure I"m ready for today. I will be out of my room from 9:30 to 7:15. No time for a nap so here are my goals.

    1. Find a little time to relax somewhere. It's going to be a hard day on my still recovering body.
    2. Fluids. Water.
    3. Homework in between classes. Still playing catch up.

    Have a good day everyone!

  • TheNewJessieMae
  • TheNewJessieMae

    Monday 10/4 goals
    1.)Be productive at work. Get things done that need to be done so I am not stressing over the same thing tomorrow.--I WAS SOMEWHAT PRODUCTIVE BUT NOT LIKE I SHOULD HAVE BEEN.

    2.)Exersice before I go to bed. DID NOT DO THIS, I WAS AT THE HOSPITAL TOO LONG.

    3.)Find time to make it to the hospital. My buddy wont be here physically ver much longer. Tragic accident. He struggled to survice for over 2 weeks. It's just been to much on him. I have said everything I've needed to say to him, but I still feel like I need to see him everyday. Pray his family finds peace. He is only 30. His parents and grandparents are having one hell of a time. ***DONE.

    Today, 10/5/2010

    1.) I will meet my goals
    2.) find time to walk, abs, weights, walk, abs, weights and walk again. Circuits are very calorie burning. AND I need stress relief.
    3.) Increase Water and Green Tea intake.
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    So goals for Monday:

    1. Gym - DONE went this morning before work!
    2. More veggies with my meals! DONE - managed to basically just eat veggies for dinner with some noodles so that was good.
    3. Water water water. This is still such a problem for me. NOT QUITE DONE - I definitely increased my water but I don't think I had enough.

    Hi everyone! Hope you're all having a good Tuesday. Only a couple more hours before work is over for the day but not sure I can wait that long! I went training this morning and am feeling so tired! Definitely a rest day for me tomorrow.

    Given that Tuesday is almost over I'll post my goals for Wednesday...

    1. WATER!
    2. Stay within cals to 1200 as I won't be exercising.
    3. Be a bit more productive at work! I have soooo much work to do but don't seem to have accomplished that much the last day or two.

    Glad to see everyone is doing so well. Keep it up!

    Nam x
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    bikram day 1 completed! lalalalla that s halfway thru my self challenge
    i did get intense sugar cravings after and perhaps ate too much at lunch

    so tomorrow
    1. bikram day 4
    2. still no coffee
    3. keep closer to 1200 cal goal
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Good evening all,

    How is everyone doing today? I am soooo tired, yawn.....

    Today's goals.
    1. Stay within my cals - nope
    2. Do at least 30 mins exercise - 40 mins on exercise bike
    3. Make wise food choices - nope, hence the reason I am over on cals.

    I will keep the same goals for tomorrow.

    Simone x
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    1. Riverwalk with friend---We walked a little over half of it.
    2. Doc appt for me. Hoping to get referral to an endrocronologist. DONE
    3. water DONE
    4. day 2 of shred. FAIL
    5. kitchen---I have my son working on it right now.:)

    So I over did the shred yesterday. My legs have decided that they don't want to support me right now. I can't even walk in my house without holding on to the wall. I'm so sore that even though I took painkillers I still am in alot of pain and I have a high pain tolerance. So I decided not to do the shred today and I will not be doing any exercise tomorrow.

    I have my son working on the kitchen because he got in trouble at school today and grounding him just doesn't seem to really work so I put him to work this time. He kicked a kid who made him mad with something the kid said. He's 7 he knows thats not how you take care of things like that.

    Goals for Tomorrow

    1. Water
    2. Rest
    3. Make some jewelry (good way to make sure I stay off my legs a good portion of the day.) :)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I don't really have time to respond individually, but I do see that everyone is doing a great job trying to stay accountable and on track with their goals.
    Here's my Tuesday's recap.
    1. Clean eating all day (this means no potato chips or pop).
    2. continue abs and push ups.
    3. Workout after the doctor's office.
    4. go for a walk in the afternoon or do another video.

    1. failed....I had a pop and snuck a few of my daughter's chips off her plate....BAD, I know.
    2. yes and yes, not as motivated to do the push ups, probably because they are still really tough to do
    3. failed....I was at the dog gone doctor's office for over 2 hours. It was the time that I had allotted for both the doctors and the gym and I had to stay on schedule.
    4. I did go for a 4.4 mile walk today. it felt awesome. the night is not over yet, I still may do a video.

    So For Wednesday-
    1. finish off all the fruits and veggies. Whatever fruit I don't finish, pack it for my healthy snack on the train.
    2. try to organize the house. it looks like a train wreck (cheap pun).
    3. go to zumba and do 30 minutes of cardio after.
    4. limit myself to one diet soda a day so I don't feel like a failure when I drink one. its much better than the 3 to 5 I used to drink daily.

    I decided to pack exercise equipment that I can use. Resistance bands, jump rope, a beach ball (to do crunches on like a stability ball) I deflated it so it takes up virtually no room in the suitcase. I also have a 5 pound weighted ball thats awesome, its coming with me too. There are lots of hills and great places to hike, I'm really looking forward to that part of the trip.

    There are a few things that I have to pack last minute like tolietries, hrm, digital food scale, phone charger, etc. otherwise, packing is all done.

    Everyone have a nice night. I'll check in tomorrow night.
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Good Afternoon everyone!!!

    Hope everyone is having a good day. Ravyn, that sounds painful. Hope you are feeling better tomorrow! Staying off of them and resting them is a good idea through tomorrow.

    I did fairly well yesterday although I did not find any time to relax. It was a crazy busy day and I couldn't sleep last night so I'm exhausted. But goals for today are:

    1. Homework, homework, homework! I have a quiz and an exam tomorrow. :(
    2. Get to bed as soon as possible after my THON meeting.
    3. Water!

    I'm feeling soooo much better but still a little exhausted and weak so for now, walking to classes and meetings are my only exercise. Plus, it's homecoming week so I don't have much time anyway.

    Have a good one!

  • TheNewJessieMae
    Well my goals for yesterday were kept except the walking part. It was too cold outside and my treadmill died. So instead I did steps, weights, abs, squats.

    My goals for today 10/6/10:
    Water baby!!!
    Eat more than I have been
    When I get home from work-laundry, laundry, laundry.
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    completed day 4 in a row of 90 min bikram. i hurt. today was rough as i gave in and had a coffee, which means i was sweating buckets at yoga. lets try to not do that tomorrow.. shall we.

    just 2 more days.

    tomorrow's goals:

    1. bikram yoga in the am
    2. no coffee
    3. stay under and not stress eat
    4. not overeat at dinner with friend
    5. avoid temptation to drink while at art opening + dinner w friend
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    aargghhghg today has been a major FAIL.
    i had to skip yoga due to an emergency deadline
    and i have already eaten pretty much all of my alotted calories and its only just after lunch

  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    So For Wednesday-
    1. finish off all the fruits and veggies. Whatever fruit I don't finish, pack it for my healthy snack on the train.
    2. try to organize the house. it looks like a train wreck (cheap pun).
    3. go to zumba and do 30 minutes of cardio after.
    4. limit myself to one diet soda a day so I don't feel like a failure when I drink one. its much better than the 3 to 5 I used to drink daily.
    1. no, but I did pack them to take with.
    2. trying....still trying
    3. I did 2 hours of zumba yesterday! woohooo once in the morning and once in the afternoon.
    4. this worked really good. unfortunately I made very poor choices in my eating yesterday! :(

    1. double check every room of the house to make sure that I'm not forgetting anything.
    2. have a nice lunch with my family before I leave.
    3. have a good time without thinking about every morsel that goes in my mouth.
    4. walk around as much as possible to increase circulation.
    5. download some new music.

    that's all I have for today!

    luvbnamom-- thinking of you sweetheart! keep your head up!

    fitbot, you have been doing so well. don't let one bad day derail you.
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
    october 7, 2010:
    -drink 64 oz water
    -go grocery shopping
    -get workouts i missed in of the jillian michaels 30 day slimdown such as no more trouble zones x 2
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Hello everyone!!

    Not a whole lot of time but ... I got my goals done yesterday. Didn't get as much homework done as I wanted but... I got some done so I'm ok with that. Goals for today:

    1. Drink lots of water.
    2. Fruits/veggies with lunch and dinner.
    3. Homework done. Still playing catchup. ugh.

    Have a good day!

  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Good evening everyone,

    How are we all today? The weather has been quite warm today for a change....

    Had a bad couple of days and today is no better. I will post 3 goals on here tomorrow for the weekend and hopefully stick to them. I would set goals for tomorrow but it's my mum's birthday tomorrow and I don't think I would hit my goals if I set any.

    Keep up the good work everyone and have a good, happy Friday!

    Simone x
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Well I did well yesterday. Today I've stayed within my calories but I never posted goals for today. So I'm just gonna post for tomorrow. I feel much better now. My legs aren't rubber anymore:)

    Goals for Fri
    1. riverwalk with friend.
    2. eat healthier
    3. lots of water
    4. laundry

    Now off to bed for me:)
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
    october 7, 2010:
    -drink 64 oz water:drinker:
    -go grocery shopping:drinker:
    -get workouts i missed in of the jillian michaels 30 day slimdown such as no more trouble zones x 2 :drinker:
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
    friday, october 8, 2010: