Day by Day Challenge- part 2 (October)



  • kattungen
    Can anyone join here?
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Can anyone join here?

    Of Course!!!!!!! Come join the fun!!!!!
  • TheNewJessieMae
    10/14 Goals:
    Pretty Awesome Mood all day yesterday!!
    2.)Exercise of some sort. --- Walked 1.75 miles AT about 3.7mph
    3.) get my house clean!
    Straightened up a touch but hubby promised he'd clean it today.
    4.) Water and fiber!!!!!
    8 glasses of water and 24 gms of fiber.

    10/15 goals:
    1.) I have a little girl coming to spend the night tonight that is like my second daughter. She loves to eat and doesn't understand why I'm trying to lose weight (very flattering, but nevertheless) She is 12 and a growing girl and eats like MAD and loves JUNK. Usually I give in and have some temptations with her. I WILL NOT SABATOGE MY DIET FOR THE SAKE OF HAVING FUN AND BONDING WITH HER. I will find another way to do that, like cook something healthy together.
    2.) water water water. STARTING NOW!!!!
    3.) cut back pretty far on carbs today. I will be drinking some alcaholic beverages tomorrow night.
    4.) I know exersice will not be possible this evening with my KB there there, so my next goal is to NOT fret about that.

    Everyone have an excellent FRIDAY!!!!
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Hello everyone!!

    It has been a couple days... and I have officially fallen off the horse. (I had fallen off the horse when I got sick ... but instead of getting back on like I said I would, I have just allowed myself to sit on the ground and let the horse run away). So... I am going to try to slowly get back on, that way it isn't all at once and maybe it will be easier. So... three goals for today.

    1. Clean my room. It's gross. Enough said.
    2. Water!
    3. Resist the urge to go out tonight. I have an early morning tomorrow.
    4. Log my calories-- and try to stay under 2000-- not my calorie goal but less than I have been eating.

    Here's to getting back on the horse!!

  • kattungen

    Goals for today:
    1. Drink 2 litres of water
    2. Stay within my calories
    3. Work out for at least 30 minutes
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Hello everyone!!

    It has been a couple days... and I have officially fallen off the horse. (I had fallen off the horse when I got sick ... but instead of getting back on like I said I would, I have just allowed myself to sit on the ground and let the horse run away). So... I am going to try to slowly get back on, that way it isn't all at once and maybe it will be easier. So... three goals for today.

    1. Clean my room. It's gross. Enough said.
    2. Water!
    3. Resist the urge to go out tonight. I have an early morning tomorrow.
    4. Log my calories-- and try to stay under 2000-- not my calorie goal but less than I have been eating.

    Here's to getting back on the horse!!


    I hope you are feeling better Nicole.

    I haven't been feeling well either and eating far too much. I need to get back on that horse too! Think i'll start small, take baby steps tomorrow and see how far I get x
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    today's goals:
    1. no coffee (day 2)
    2. go to gym this afternoon NO MATTER HOW LAZY I AM FEELING
    3. 2 drinks max at concert
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    It feels so good to be back!!

    I have to just move forward and set up Saturday's goals:

    1. unpack....I hate unpacking.
    2. drink more water....I have consumed more pop in this last week than I have in months.
    3. rest my has been sore lately from exercise and stiff from traveling.

    Namita, you asked about the WV hills. Well I just named it that because I went walking while I was out of town and there are hills everywhere. I tried to conquer the biggest one everyday. The calorie burn is insane because it was almost all vertical inclines. My knee took a toll though, so now I have to be careful.

    Sorry my goals sound lofty, hopefully they will be more fitness driven when the weekend is up. I haven't had a chance to read what everyone has been up too lately, but I will try to read back when I have more time.
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Morning everyone!! Busy busy busy weekend on this end but I thought I'd check in. First of all, Despicable Me was a great movie! I saw it last night and it might be one of my new favorites! Ok so I just scrubbed THON mats for three hours... scrubbed scrubbed scrubbed THON mats. My arms and knees are killing me. So now I get to catch a bus and go home to see my niece!!! Can't wait. So my goals for today are...

    1. Keep busy at mat cleaning (the more I scrub the more calories I burn). Did this! Whoooo! OPP FTK... I'm in a very THON spirited mood. Here's a smile for you for the day! ... this is Tucker... he is a four diamond child at THON talent show last year!
    2. Catch my bus (small but kind of major since I don't have much time)
    3. Bed early to be ready for the THON 5k tomorrow morning!!

    Have a good weekend!!

  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    So for Friday
    1. Water water water water water FAIL
    2. Riverwalk in the afternoon with my kids:) Gonna do it after I get my son from school. FAIL
    3. Paint the wall trim. FAIL
    4. finish laundry FAIL
    5. dishes been so busy with the bathroom that they've piled up the last couple of days. DONE:)

    Ok so bad day for me. SLept in and didn't have the energy to do anything.

    So for the weekend.

    1. Laundry
    2. Water
    3. Paint
    4. Clean
    5. enjoy evening alone with hubby:) Kids are at grandmas for the night!!

    Enjoy your weekend everyone! See you all on Monday!!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    1. unpack....I hate unpacking.
    2. drink more water....I have consumed more pop in this last week than I have in months.
    3. rest my has been sore lately from exercise and stiff from traveling.
    Saturday's recap:
    1. almost..90% done.
    2. better, but not good.
    3. yes!

    On to Sunday ( I have plenty to do):
    1. finish unpacking.
    2. get back into abs and push ups.
    3. go to zumba + 30 minutes cardio.
    4. start laundry.
    5. clean the kitchen from top to bottom.
    6. get my daughter ready for a new school week.
    7. drink more water.
    8. eat clean.
  • kattungen
    Goals for today:
    1. Finish my final exam/paper on feminism (due Monday)
    2. Drink at least 1.5 litre of water
    3. Keep the "I'm working on a paper"-snacking to a minimum - yesterday I was about 800 cals above my average intake! :-O
  • oogie13
    Hey, Beautiful! I am throwing your mojo back at you! Keep it up girl - you could be a model or a movie star - just don't give up! Today is a new day & start it right! Oogie13
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    I totally rocked yesterday in all ways!
    1. still no coffee
    2. GO TO GYM this afternoon
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Good morning everyone!!

    My niece has officially stolen my heart. I was overwhelmed when I first saw her laying in the crib. She's soooo tiny!

    Ok so I'm walking the THON 5k today and I'm sore from mat cleaning. So I'm not too worried about calories today.

    Have a good day everyone!
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Afternoon all! Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

    Nicole congrats on becoming an auntie! That's so exciting - enjoy every minute! Good luck with your 5K and let us know how you get on.

    Leela - welcome back we missed you on here! Great going on getting attacking those hills - great achievement on the big one!

    Ravyn great going on all your DIY. I always mean to ask about your river walks - they sounds lovely.

    Sim - stay positive and remind yourself of your goals. Take baby steps and you'll get back on track I'm sure. We are all allowed to slip off every now and again but it is your next step that counts. We're all here for you for support.

    I've had some family staying this week so wasn't as good as I could have been with the food and exercise. Have tried to undo some of the damage caused by going to Body Combat yesterday and Body Attack today. I only planned to do one class this morning but the instructor basically bullied me into staying for all three. I was regretting it whilst I was there but now I feel great although very tired!

    So goals for today:

    1. Burn those cals - this is basically done already!
    2. Try to eat at least half exercise cals but in a healthy way rather than snacking on rubbish.
    3. Water water water - I really have such a problem with this one and just forget to drink.
    4. Sleep early tonight!

    In case I can't get back on later I'll post Monday's goals as well...
    1. Training before work.
    2. Have a productive day at work - lots to get through and staring out the window has not been helping!
    3. Water again
    4. Get to bed early enough as it is going to be a long and busy week.

    Hope you all have a great day and the sun is shining wherever you are!
    Nam x
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Hi everyone,

    Nam - thanks for your kind and encouraging words.

    I really don't know what's happened to me recently. I was horrified to see last night that my last 'proper' good day was October 6th! That was almost 2 weeks ago! I need serious help getting back on track. It doesn't help that my boyfriend is off work for a couple of weeks and I always eat more when he is around. Just despairing with it all now.

    Anyway, I am gonna set 3 goals for tomorrow and see how far I get with them.
    1. Do 30 mins on the exercise bike
    2. Try and keep my sugar intake down (sweet food is my downfall)
    3. Dare I say, try and eat within my cals?

    By posting these goals it might inspire me to actually stick to them!

    Hope everyone is having a good sunday.

    Simone x
  • smacaulay
    smacaulay Posts: 62 Member
    I like this blog - This is my first attempt so let me know if I am doing something wrong.

    1. Walk for 1 hour
    2. Do laundry
    3. Eat around 1300 calories

    Hopefully, I will do all of these and get back tomorrow for 3 more challenges - I have this week off so it should be rather easy to meet my goals (hopefully!)
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Hey, Beautiful! I am throwing your mojo back at you! Keep it up girl - you could be a model or a movie star - just don't give up! Today is a new day & start it right! Oogie13

    Oogie13, did you find my missing mojo or are there others out there that are lost too?
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Nikki- love the new pic! the baby is so adorable.

    PSU- do you go by Nikki or just Nicole? sry for assuming, I just know so many Nicoles that go by Nikki!