Everything in moderation



  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Can't find any info on Joanne Moniz except her affiliation with Mark Sisson.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    If you know someone who says "I can't eat XYZ food because I cannot control myself when I eat it." They need to add this food to their week.


    Because if you believe the 1 food you love so much is making you fat because you binge eat it, that's because you're trying to completely eliminate it. Eat the ****ing food and enjoy it in moderation! Fit it into your macros! The psychological anguish you have thinking about this food you love is far far worse than simply having a serving of it every few nights. Especially on lifting days. :)

    This type of mentality should be used in just about everything you do!
    Except of course the love you have for your family and friends! ;D

    Seriously though.
    All over this forum I see people demonizing food and activities.
    Sugar causes diabetes so I cannot have any sugar at all.
    Saturated fat causes heart disease so I cannot have saturated fat at all.
    When I go bowling, I drink beer. I cannot bowl ever again.
    Paleo is the only way to live.
    Ketogenic diets are the only diets that work.
    Strong Lifts 5x5 is the only way to lift weights.
    Calisthenics rule and if you want to be lean, only do calisthenics.

    All of that is total Bull****!

    Do the things that make you happy in moderation!
    If you restrict too much, you'll surely fail and binge on what you think is causing the issue.
    If you don't try new things, you'll never know what really works and what doesn't.

    Relax and live!

    It would be helpful, I think, to members if you could define moderation... for example on a 1500 calorie diet how much sugar?

    Joanne Moniz
    The Skinny on Obesity

    However much you enjoy eating as long as you are meeting the rest of your macro and micro nutrient needs within your calorie goals.

    So, as long as one eats the proper amount of protein, carbohydrates and fats,(macros) and also the micros, one could drink as much coca cola as they wish? as much sugar as they wish....?????

    Joanne Moniz
    The Skinny on Obesity Group
    within their calorie goals. YES.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    Can't find any info on Joanne Moniz except her affiliation with Mark Sisson.

    oh, but didn't you know? She has a "skinny on obesity" group.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Can't find any info on Joanne Moniz except her affiliation with Mark Sisson.

    oh, but didn't you know? She has a "skinny on obesity" group.

    What does skinny have to do with eating responsibly?

    Trick question BTW!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    If you know someone who says "I can't eat XYZ food because I cannot control myself when I eat it." They need to add this food to their week.


    Because if you believe the 1 food you love so much is making you fat because you binge eat it, that's because you're trying to completely eliminate it. Eat the ****ing food and enjoy it in moderation! Fit it into your macros! The psychological anguish you have thinking about this food you love is far far worse than simply having a serving of it every few nights. Especially on lifting days. :)

    This type of mentality should be used in just about everything you do!
    Except of course the love you have for your family and friends! ;D

    Seriously though.
    All over this forum I see people demonizing food and activities.
    Sugar causes diabetes so I cannot have any sugar at all.
    Saturated fat causes heart disease so I cannot have saturated fat at all.
    When I go bowling, I drink beer. I cannot bowl ever again.
    Paleo is the only way to live.
    Ketogenic diets are the only diets that work.
    Strong Lifts 5x5 is the only way to lift weights.
    Calisthenics rule and if you want to be lean, only do calisthenics.

    All of that is total Bull****!

    Do the things that make you happy in moderation!
    If you restrict too much, you'll surely fail and binge on what you think is causing the issue.
    If you don't try new things, you'll never know what really works and what doesn't.

    Relax and live!

    It would be helpful, I think, to members if you could define moderation... for example on a 1500 calorie diet how much sugar?

    Joanne Moniz
    The Skinny on Obesity

    However much you enjoy eating as long as you are meeting the rest of your macro and micro nutrient needs within your calorie goals.

    So, as long as one eats the proper amount of protein, carbohydrates and fats,(macros) and also the micros, one could drink as much coca cola as they wish? as much sugar as they wish....?????

    Joanne Moniz
    The Skinny on Obesity Group
    within their calorie goals. YES.

    Miss you Crankster
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member

    this is just like the "addiction" threads dressed up under another name.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    Can't find any info on Joanne Moniz except her affiliation with Mark Sisson.

    oh, but didn't you know? She has a "skinny on obesity" group.

    What does skinny have to do with eating responsibly?

    Trick question BTW!

    nothing. she just likes to spam for her group
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    :) Im going for tiger tail ice cream tonight!
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Lots of excuse making going on in here.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    If you know someone who says "I can't eat XYZ food because I cannot control myself when I eat it." They need to add this food to their week.


    Because if you believe the 1 food you love so much is making you fat because you binge eat it, that's because you're trying to completely eliminate it. Eat the ****ing food and enjoy it in moderation! Fit it into your macros! The psychological anguish you have thinking about this food you love is far far worse than simply having a serving of it every few nights. Especially on lifting days. :)

    This type of mentality should be used in just about everything you do!
    Except of course the love you have for your family and friends! ;D

    Seriously though.
    All over this forum I see people demonizing food and activities.
    Sugar causes diabetes so I cannot have any sugar at all.
    Saturated fat causes heart disease so I cannot have saturated fat at all.
    When I go bowling, I drink beer. I cannot bowl ever again.
    Paleo is the only way to live.
    Ketogenic diets are the only diets that work.
    Strong Lifts 5x5 is the only way to lift weights.
    Calisthenics rule and if you want to be lean, only do calisthenics.

    All of that is total Bull****!

    Do the things that make you happy in moderation!
    If you restrict too much, you'll surely fail and binge on what you think is causing the issue.
    If you don't try new things, you'll never know what really works and what doesn't.

    Relax and live!

    It would be helpful, I think, to members if you could define moderation... for example on a 1500 calorie diet how much sugar?

    Joanne Moniz
    The Skinny on Obesity

    However much you enjoy eating as long as you are meeting the rest of your macro and micro nutrient needs within your calorie goals.

    So, as long as one eats the proper amount of protein, carbohydrates and fats,(macros) and also the micros, one could drink as much coca cola as they wish? as much sugar as they wish....?????

    Joanne Moniz
    The Skinny on Obesity Group

    Yes. Because it is their body and they dictate what goes into it and how much. It is up to the individual to determine what portion sizes and frequency fit their definition of moderation for their personal diet and lifestyle. No one else gets a say in what moderation is for someone else.
  • fireproof30
    fireproof30 Posts: 14 Member
    Yeah, ice cream and peanut butter are probably my biggest weaknesses. I've eaten entire half-gallon tubs of ice cream in one sitting, which is why I don't buy it anymore. I'll still have it once in a while, but it'll be at an ice cream shop or restaurant. I agree with those that say once you start, it's hard to stop. So I only eat ice cream on my cheat day if at all, but as far as the peanut butter...well, I'm still working on that...
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    Just in.

    ETA: There's usually an interesting correlation between ticker marker and which side of this argument people are on. Will be interesting to see if this thread follows the same pattern.
  • kp31275
    kp31275 Posts: 8 Member
    I completely agree with you! I need this type of mentality in my life. Yes, there are foods that I have struggled with in the past and still struggle with, but it's getting easier because I'm no longer telling myself that those foods are forbidden unless I'm having a bad day. I can eat those food when I'm happy or sad in moderation and no longer feel nearly as anxious about them. I enjoy sweets. I really do. I would sincerely miss them and would never be able to stay on a healthy lifestyle track if I tried to cut them out completely. I do try to stick to one serving a day though. Everything in moderation is practically my mantra for life. I believe in it 100%. :)
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member

    Just in.

    ETA: There's usually an interesting correlation between ticker marker and which side of this argument people are on. Will be interesting to see if this thread follows the same pattern.

    I'm crunching numbers now.
    Join dates too but that's in another chart.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I have come to realize that most people in this thread are not even addressing the issue at all in any way shape or form.

    What the OP is trying to say is that it's OK to have any food you want in your house. Just eat it moderately. To which some of us do not have that self-control required to do that. to which the OP then calls people alcoholics and eating disordered. Funny that that issue isn't being addressed. Dan is a black and white person with no grey at all. I realize that he is perfect. And, some of you are also perfect. Some day I hope I can be like you and eliminate my alcoholic eating disordered ways. But, for now, I'll just continue grocery shopping for food I enjoy eating, I'll leave out the Reeses and peanut butter ice cream, and just do that, BECAUSE IT FREAKING WORKS.

    I was just talking to someone that was laughing that I count calories and said they can't be bothered. Of course, they are fat. So, yeah.

    I can't be perfect, so I'll just eliminate things that create my disorder. Enjoy your perfect existences. It must be awesome to be you.

    Once you have this whole food thing tackled...

    ...I suggest you work on your passive-aggressive posting disorder next.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    OP - For what it's worth, I agree with you. I live by the everything in moderation philosophy and it works really well for me too.

    Apparently not for others, but to each his own.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Definitely moderation however when it comes to trigger foods that people have it's best just to not have them around. I don't think everyone has them but I see certain ice creams being posted by many. My trigger food is a "healthy" food (cashews) but certainly doesn't mean that the amount I typically consume is a healthy amount. So I don't buy them often and if I do I get the smaller amount as I know I'll eat em all. It's just the way it is :laugh:

    I suppose the issue would be if I had multiple "trigger" foods and then had to cut out quite a variety of foods in order to stick to my macro targets. That is when I would say there isn't a great relationship with food in general and the practice of moderation needs to be relearned with those foods.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member

    Just in.

    ETA: There's usually an interesting correlation between ticker marker and which side of this argument people are on. Will be interesting to see if this thread follows the same pattern.

    I'm crunching numbers now.
    Join dates too but that's in another chart.

    lol. am interested to see where i fit in.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member

    I'm crunching numbers now.
    Join dates too but that's in another chart.
    Better enable my ticker, then :P.
  • littleprim
    littleprim Posts: 25 Member
    All of that sounds lovely and I wish I were able to do it...

    There are certain things I just cannot have in my house, ice cream being one of them. I bought frozen yogurt this week and the gallon was gone in 4 days.

    Some people are seemingly unable to control themselves when it comes to certain "trigger foods". In theory everything in moderation sounds fabulous, but in practice it's not always best for everyone.

    You wouldn't tell an alcoholic to enjoy a couple beers in moderation, would you? I'd hope not...

    i am completely against villifying certain foods and i don't like the term 'junk' food.i will not categorize foods as good or bad.
    but i know if i want ice cream it has to be when i go out to an ice cream place with my friends.i cannotttttttt keep it in the house i eat all of it.i eat it for every meal and snack and feel so out of control.and then sick.
    i always tell myself it's no big deal, i'm allowed to eat whatever i want, it's just food, it has no power.but then it just happens over and over.
    but i am also a recovering alcoholic, so like, yeah some of us have underlying issues and just willing ourselves to be more moderate won't work with certain things.