Focus T25 - Summer Slim Down!



  • Jclifford253
    Just finished my 2nd round of T25...but I'm continuing through with Beta to stay in top shape!

    I was wondering what I will do when I finish as well. So far I think I will stick with Beta. I might start over at Alpha though and see how much better I can do those. Just want to continue something.
  • nic632
    nic632 Posts: 295 Member
    I'm going to start the T25 challenge on 5th May (assuming it arrives in time). One of my concerns is that everyone seems to be focussing on their waist, hips and thigh measurements.

    However, as well as needing to lose inches and tone there too, I also have VERY flabby bingo wings from previous weight loss, so now I'm concerned that they won't get toned. When I've lost weight/toned up in the past my waist and hips will fit into a size 8 or 10, but there have been occasions where I've had to buy tops in a 12 or even 14 cos they're so big! :cry:

    Just for the record, I measure myself on the first day of every month and looking back at my records, when I was 14lbs lighter, my arms only went down by 1/2 inch.
  • Soundwave79
    Soundwave79 Posts: 469 Member
    I'm going to start the T25 challenge on 5th May (assuming it arrives in time). One of my concerns is that everyone seems to be focussing on their waist, hips and thigh measurements.

    However, as well as needing to lose inches and tone there too, I also have VERY flabby bingo wings from previous weight loss, so now I'm concerned that they won't get toned. When I've lost weight/toned up in the past my waist and hips will fit into a size 8 or 10, but there have been occasions where I've had to buy tops in a 12 or even 14 cos they're so big! :cry:

    Just for the record, I measure myself on the first day of every month and looking back at my records, when I was 14lbs lighter, my arms only went down by 1/2 inch.

    The Alpha period (First 5 weeks) is very lower body oriented. Of the 5 Alpha videos only 1 works arms (Total Body Circuit). The Beta period is more rounded and works both upper and lower more equally.
  • sunshyne0284
    sunshyne0284 Posts: 11 Member
    I am starting Focus T25 with my husband today....I know its gonna kick our butt, I am still looking forward to this journey.
  • nic632
    nic632 Posts: 295 Member
    I've done a few days of Insanity and noticed that there are a lot of planks and push ups. Is T25 like this and if not, would you advise that I maybe to a few days a week of Insanity as well as T25 to help tone my arms up?
  • Jclifford253
    Lots of planks in both Alpha and Beta for sure. Not a crazy amount of push ups in Alpha but Beta seems to have quite a bit. :smile:
  • nic632
    nic632 Posts: 295 Member
    Thanks. Think will see how I go at Alpha then, and if think I'll be able to cope, I might do the Insanity one that has most arm exercises on a couple of days too, cos they're on display more than legs and hips and I'm more conscious of them.
  • infinikitty
    infinikitty Posts: 440 Member
    Glad to see so many people are working the T25 and sticking to it! I'm on the final week of Alpha, day two. Can't wait to start Beta on Monday! If you wanna join the support group, feel free! (

    Also, I write in a blog every once in awhile and I added an entry today that might hit home for some of you. Check it out! (
  • hummingangel
    hummingangel Posts: 3 Member
    hello everyone, just started t25 on monday. I am looking forward to loosing inches and lbs. So far have followed Tanya (bad knees and back) but think once i get stronger i will be able to go back and do it without the modifier. Good luck to everyone here.
  • sjs227
    sjs227 Posts: 428 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I'll be starting this on monday. Any tips or advice? I've been doing Jillian Michael's 6wk to 6pack from amazon prime this week to get used to following along to a video.

    I do have bad knees.

    Feel free to friend me :)
  • dann29
    dann29 Posts: 3 Member
    Just started last week, beginning my 2nd week. Haven't lost any weight yet, but not getting discouraged . Also began tracking my calories , and using MFP a bit more, and with friends to help motivate.
  • kjewitt25
    I am on week one of Beta.....and I LOVE IT!!!! I have recommended it to anyone who will listen! The reason why? It is 25 minutes out of my day! If I can't do that, I might as well give up! I am a full-time working mom with two little ones, as well as two step-daughters. I gained over 30 pounds when I returned back to work four years ago, so I understand anyone who says the pounds just crept up on them!!! I have been keeping track of my calories on My Fitness Pal, and doing the T25 dvds. I have gained so much more energy that now, after five weeks, not only do I do my T25 dvd for the day, I also jump on the treadmill and run about 1-2 miles to burn the extra calories since my heart rate is up, and I have the energy to go. I have so far lost 18.5 pounds!! However, I want to tell you that I probably would see a lower number on the scale if it wasn't for the fact that I have gained more muscle.

    Keep going!!! Don't give up! Even if you have a bad day, do better the following day. I love food, and LOVE sweets. I still have my sweets, but within my calories I am allowed, and not every day.

    Feel free to friend me if you want to motivate one another to our ultimate goal, a healthy person we know we can be!!
  • infinikitty
    infinikitty Posts: 440 Member
    I wish I would have video taped myself week one, the first time I did Total Body this final week of Alpha you have to do it THREE times. Just finished my second time and barely had to modify! Even did the burpees with energy to spare! :-)
  • infinikitty
    infinikitty Posts: 440 Member
    It's been pretty quiet in here these last couple of's everyone doing?! I can't believe I'm going to be doing my last day of T25 Alpha today and start Beta Monday! I'm really looking forward to the new workouts and changes! Anyone else starting Beta soon?! Any advice?! ^_^

    On another note, if anyone is already seeking out their next workout, Beachbody announced their May specials yesterday...
    P90X3 challenge pack on sale for $180 (includes a month's supply of Shakeology), which is a savings of $95!!! AND
    TurboFire (with Chalene!) challenge pack on sale for $140 (includes Shakeology), which is a savings of $90!
    Both are great deals and great programs. Let me know if you want more info!
  • Soundwave79
    Soundwave79 Posts: 469 Member
    It's been pretty quiet in here these last couple of's everyone doing?! I can't believe I'm going to be doing my last day of T25 Alpha today and start Beta Monday! I'm really looking forward to the new workouts and changes! Anyone else starting Beta soon?! Any advice?! ^_^

    On another note, if anyone is already seeking out their next workout, Beachbody announced their May specials yesterday...
    P90X3 challenge pack on sale for $180 (includes a month's supply of Shakeology), which is a savings of $95!!! AND
    TurboFire (with Chalene!) challenge pack on sale for $140 (includes Shakeology), which is a savings of $90!
    Both are great deals and great programs. Let me know if you want more info!

    My advice for Beta. Buy 10 and 12 lbs dumbbells if you don't have them. Trying to transition and do the moves with the bands takes to much time and gets frustrating. Ever since I switched to the dumbbells it's been much more beneficial. There are only 2 vids in Beta that use them but towards the end those vids come up alot.

    Also the hardest Beta disc in my opinion is the "Core Speed" which was the bonus vid that isn't on the Beta schedule. I've been doing the double Fridays and then doing the Core Speed vid on Saturdays for some extra bonus workouts. It has 1 arm burpees which I have to say is the most difficult thing the program has had me do yet. I've almost faceplanted on the carpet a few times.

    I'm finishing up my third week of Beta. Looking forward to Gamma. Not sure what I am going to do after that. I want to do Insanity which I already own but I'm not sure if I am ready. Might do P90X3 first or maybe Les Mills Combat then go onto Insanity.
  • lmbalders
    lmbalders Posts: 32 Member
    Starting Monday, May 5th! So excited! Can't wait to get started. Feel free to add me! Also, training for the Mudderella mud run in September.
  • dann29
    dann29 Posts: 3 Member
    What does everyone do when they miss a day? Yesterday was one of those days, I couldn't find even 25 minutes to myself to get workout done! I was supposed to do Total Body Circuit. I took my son to his hockey practice, and at least I was able to walk 2.0 miles while waiting. So what I did this morning was I skipped Speed 1.0 and did TBC instead, my reasoning being that TBC is much harder for me, and I'll just count the walking as my speed. Tomorrow I will continue on to my Cardio (I am in Alpha, week 2).
    Does this make sense? I can't imagine this making my progress any different?

  • cmbauer99
    cmbauer99 Posts: 184 Member
    What does everyone do when they miss a day? Yesterday was one of those days, I couldn't find even 25 minutes to myself to get workout done! I was supposed to do Total Body Circuit. I took my son to his hockey practice, and at least I was able to walk 2.0 miles while waiting. So what I did this morning was I skipped Speed 1.0 and did TBC instead, my reasoning being that TBC is much harder for me, and I'll just count the walking as my speed. Tomorrow I will continue on to my Cardio (I am in Alpha, week 2).
    Does this make sense? I can't imagine this making my progress any different?


    I would think you just double up one day. I often do 2 workouts with t25 every other day and single on other days. Then Sat I do abs. Sunday is simple stretch and rest.
  • kimacduff
    kimacduff Posts: 29
    I'm going to start the Monday of Memorial weekend. I'm doing JM's Newer version of the kick boxing. I did all 3 workouts this week & am getting a handle on that. I started to do T-25. I didn't realize how badly out of shape I was until I started doing that. I think after the JM warm up I'll be in a better place to restart Shawn T's T-25.
    It's a great workout.
  • infinikitty
    infinikitty Posts: 440 Member
    What does everyone do when they miss a day? Yesterday was one of those days, I couldn't find even 25 minutes to myself to get workout done! I was supposed to do Total Body Circuit. I took my son to his hockey practice, and at least I was able to walk 2.0 miles while waiting. So what I did this morning was I skipped Speed 1.0 and did TBC instead, my reasoning being that TBC is much harder for me, and I'll just count the walking as my speed. Tomorrow I will continue on to my Cardio (I am in Alpha, week 2).
    Does this make sense? I can't imagine this making my progress any different?


    I would think you just double up one day. I often do 2 workouts with t25 every other day and single on other days. Then Sat I do abs. Sunday is simple stretch and rest.

    Agreed. I either double up the next day or I just count the one I missed as my rest day and throw it in on Saturday or Sunday to still get it in. I don't think it should affect your progress as long as it isn't happening super often.