People suck.

My office is having a luncheon at work. What's the occasion you ask? We hired 2 new people. Apparently that's a reason to eat tons and tons of food. I brought my lunch, as usual. I don't care to participate in the stuffing-of-faces-until-we-can't-breathe-fest. I'm just starting out and am trying really hard to meet my goal. I'm sitting with everyone and chatting like usual, just not eating the food. It doesn't fit into my daily allowance and I'm good with that. Anywho, I get my lunch out of the fridge. Let the comments commence....

"That's what you're eating for potluck??" "Yep, I'm good with this."
"Go get in line and get some food!" "Oh no, I'm good, thank you though."
"Why aren't you eating??" "I didn't gain weight eating like THIS, I gained weight eating like THAT."
"She's eating a granola bar!!"
Waving a plate of food in front of my face (literally) "You don't know what you're missing!!" (trying to keep calm and not slap it out of her hand) "Oh yes I do, and I'm good, thanks."

Seriously?? People suck.


  • Jen800
    Jen800 Posts: 548 Member
    I know how this is. It's ridiculous. Kudos to you for keeping strong!
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    On the waving plate one, all it takes is, "You have exactly three seconds to back away from me. Three...." You'll never get to the One count.

    Why office people think it's fine to be a snot - and then get all manner of offended when I've told them to get bent - is utterly beyond me.
  • TRIX5884
    TRIX5884 Posts: 318 Member
    The fact that you had resistance and you composed yourself speaks leaps and bounds! That's awesome that you did not give into the peer pressure. I know how easy it is to just say "ok...i'll just have a small plate and be careful". You did great! Kudos to you!
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I think at that point, I would have given a straight-faced, "Since when did it become okay to comment on everything I eat? Just be glad I don't do the same to you."
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    I came in here to tell you to lighten up and live a little, but yeah, the people you work with suck.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Ugh. That is the worst. I feel your pain!

    In my current office there's just a couple of guys and an average weight 50-something lady (my boss) who pretty much never eat at work, and if they do it's totally reasonable and they show no interest in what I am eating or not eating. I seriously view it as a PERK of this job, after the other offices I have worked in!!! I'm not gloating...just saying I get it. It is SO obnoxious when your coworkers say that stuff...ugh
  • Crysty2010
    Crysty2010 Posts: 26 Member
    Good job on sticking to the plan!
  • blmr85
    blmr85 Posts: 57 Member
    Great job for staying strong!! this happens in my office all the time. although its tough to say no, at the end of the day Im sure your going to feel better!!
  • AshleyArleneNP
    AshleyArleneNP Posts: 77 Member
    Ugh, I am sorry to hear this. Everyone in my office knows my goals (it is a small office) and are so supportive! I try to bring something to our carry-ins that does fit in my calories and my co-workers are good about bringing the nutrition info with there things.
    I'm sorry they are giving you a rough time. hang in there.
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
  • nikkihk
    nikkihk Posts: 487 Member
    I reply with, "I have clothes I'd like to fit into... but you go ahead and eat all you want." That turns the tables. =D
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    I came in here to tell you to lighten up and live a little, but yeah, the people you work with suck.

    Pretty much that. Good luck to you!!! :flowerforyou:

    *Edited to add...Though, on second thought...the way you describe the catered lunch was kind of snotty, too, to be perfectly honest. Just because you choose to eat healthfully (and, in all seriousness, good for you for it!) does not make you better than your co-workers who do choose to "stuff themselves until they can't breathe" or however you termed it. It certainly doesn't excuse their behavior, but is it possible they were reacting to your attitude about the catered lunch? Honest question. How do you typically interact with your co-workers about food? Perhaps, if you used the same tone and terminology with them, they became defensive about it, and that's what triggered their comments. Again, NOT saying or implying that your co-workers' behavior was acceptable, regardless of anything else. Not even a little bit. And I wasn't there so I certainly don't know how you actually acted or spoke...just making an observation about the possibilities. It's equally likely that you were perfectly polite and they're just pushy jerks :smile: .
    BITEME_GRRR Posts: 150 Member
    ya, I hate that. screw em. Stick to your plan.
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    So this should totally be posted in the Success Stories thread. Great NSV!

    If it makes you feel any better, I got flack last night at my grandma's birthday dinner for weighing my slice of cake and blueberry compote. I had it all exactly figured out. My mom was supportive, my stepdad was laughing because his piece of cake was the exact weight I wanted and so I took it. It was my grandma who gave me a weird look (she can eat whatever and not gain a pound...) and my aunt who gave me the hardest time. Her response was "I just eat." Which is why she is fat, that and she doesn't work out. AT ALL.

    Great Job!
  • HerbertNenenger
    HerbertNenenger Posts: 453 Member
    I've actually gotten the stink eye when people come in with homemade baked goods and I say no thank you. So what I've learned is to take it, and then throw it away when they're not looking. Take a plate of food, then push it around your plate and when someone asks, tell them it's your second helping and you're stuffed. There are work-arounds !
  • SuperWhoLock24601
    SuperWhoLock24601 Posts: 245 Member
    I came in here to tell you to lighten up and live a little, but yeah, the people you work with suck.

    Pretty much that. Good luck to you!!! :flowerforyou:

    ^This :drinker:
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    I reply with, "I have clothes I'd like to fit into... but you go ahead and eat all you want." That turns the tables. =D

    Yea... because going down to their level is the way to do things! /sarcasm

    Honestly, it wasn't that food that made you fat. It was eating over your calories day in and day out that made you fat. If you choose not to participate then that is cool. Whatever. But don't try to blame it for your previous problems with food.
  • BekaBooluvsu
    BekaBooluvsu Posts: 470 Member
    Anytime you do something good for you, people will want to knock you off your pedestal. DON'T LET THEM! After a while those same people will compliment you for your weight loss.

    ETA: When they ask your secret you simply tell them "I don't eat the potluck food!":smile:
  • OkamiLavande
    OkamiLavande Posts: 336 Member
    For just starting out you showed AMAZING will power. I think if I were in your position of just starting out and having stuff like that said to me I'd flip a switch and just lose it. I don't work and luckily in my 5 hour college class no one makes comments about what we eat to stay awake. It's really difficult to be healthy and have your healthy snacks in class when your teacher is a candy hog. He literally has candy in every drawer of his desk and sitting out and practically has an IV of Rockstar and Redbull. It's like a sugar addicts dream land in there. He makes comments about what some of us eat and drink, sure, but we don't get ridiculed or told to eat differently.

    Office life sounds terrible if they do that. Personally I'd have gotten so mad at the plate-waver. In what world is it right to taunt people? At home it's one thing to just joke around, coworkers aren't usually as close as family so they don't have any right to be like that.

    God job, keep it up! :drinker: :happy:
  • nikkihk
    nikkihk Posts: 487 Member
    I reply with, "I have clothes I'd like to fit into... but you go ahead and eat all you want." That turns the tables. =D

    Yea... because going down to their level is the way to do things! /sarcasm

    Honestly, it wasn't that food that made you fat. It was eating over your calories day in and day out that made you fat. If you choose not to participate then that is cool. Whatever. But don't try to blame it for your previous problems with food.

    I was trying to be funny.. Chillax sour pants, and lay off the girl cuz it ain't that serious.