People suck.



  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    I don't know why people feel the need to comment on what other people eat - or don't eat................I think if the tables were turned, they would HATE to have the spotlight on them....................

    I don't eat meat - and for neighborhood cook-outs, I bring my own veggie burger to cook on the grill - the guy that does the grilling always gives me such grief...............'you're gonna taint my grill by putting your crap on it'! 'Everyone, LOOK at this crazy thing'!

    I just smile and envision cramming my veggie burger up his *kitten*..............................
  • Samby_v1
    Samby_v1 Posts: 202 Member
    Another good thing about working from home...Having worked in such environments I can totally sympathise with you. I've realised there's no point talking to people about food and/or fitness who haven't done it successfully. They'd be happy with me being average and unfit for the rest of my life. 'I don't think you need to lose weight' is an interesting response - I'm not doing it for you, you don't know what I look like without my clothes on and you don't realise I'm sick of not being able to wear the types of clothes I've avoided all my life! On telling someone else that I lift heavy and one of my goals is to get a BF of 20%, he was worried I was going to develop an eating disorder... Today I foolishly posted my 50 day MFP anniversary NSV on Facebook (I've lost 8 inches all over my body), and the first response was 'I saw you last week and you look fine' - yeah - last week I'd already lost about 7 inches from all over my body. Idiots!

    OP, you were very strong given the situation - I would've probably grabbed a small plate myself - self control under a bit of peer pressure is something I'm working on. Being poor and therefore unable (as well as introverted and a bit unwilling) to socialise much has probably saved me!

    Edited for crap tagging.
  • Peer pressure, plain and simple. If you are not doing what they are doing, they might feel bad about themselved for doing this case the whole stuffing-faces bit. As to not feel bad or justify their own eating, they don't want to see someone who is eating right. I would do just what you are the best for me and vent about it. Venting always helps me let it go!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Potlucks are bad now? Crap, I'm doing this wrong.
  • jcubedatund
    jcubedatund Posts: 71 Member
    I have had similar experiences at work too. My boss and coworkers go out for lunch regularly and they usually invite me to go with about 10 - 20 mins before they go. I have been good about taking my lunch with me and they seem to always give me that "look" when I say, "No thanks, I brought my lunch today." It's not that I am not wanting to be social, but in order to stick to my plan, I have to plan out my day ahead of time. With a heads up for lunch I would totally be game.
  • Chickee8586
    Chickee8586 Posts: 155 Member

    Sounds like you handled it with tact and lots of grace. Good for you!
  • nikkihk
    nikkihk Posts: 487 Member
    Potlucks are bad now? Crap, I'm doing this wrong.

    Not when you're bulking.. Potluck away!! =D
  • TFaustino67
    TFaustino67 Posts: 551 Member
    Agreed; you handled that quite well. Good job!

  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    Another good thing about working from home...Having worked in such environments I can totally sympathise with you. I've realised there's no point talking to people about food and/or fitness who haven't done it successfully. They'd be happy with me being average and unfit for the rest of my life. 'I don't think you need to lose weight' is an interesting response - I'm not doing it for you, you don't know what I look like without my clothes on and you don't realise I'm sick of not being able to wear the types of clothes I've avoided all my life! On telling someone else that I lift heavy and one of my goals is to get a BF of 20%, he was worried I was going to develop an eating disorder... Today I foolishly posted my 50 day MFP anniversary NSV on Facebook (I've lost 8 inches all over my body), and the first response was 'I saw you last week and you look fine' - yeah - last week I'd already lost about 7 inches from all over my body. Idiots!

    OP, you were very strong given the situation - I would've probably grabbed a small plate myself - self control under a bit of peer pressure is something I'm working on. Being poor and therefore unable (as well as introverted and a bit unwilling) to socialise much has probably saved me!

    Edited for crap tagging.

    Good for you! 8" is nothing to sneeze at! and that person can take Becky10rp's second veggie burger up their *kitten*.

    (Although seriously Becky, He's just trying to show you that you are not fully embracing your meat eating heritage and that you are going to die without meat. LOL. J/k you keep doing what you do!)
  • k_nicole87
    k_nicole87 Posts: 407 Member
    My office is having a luncheon at work. What's the occasion you ask? We hired 2 new people. Apparently that's a reason to eat tons and tons of food. I brought my lunch, as usual. I don't care to participate in the stuffing-of-faces-until-we-can't-breathe-fest. I'm just starting out and am trying really hard to meet my goal. I'm sitting with everyone and chatting like usual, just not eating the food. It doesn't fit into my daily allowance and I'm good with that. Anywho, I get my lunch out of the fridge. Let the comments commence....

    "That's what you're eating for potluck??" "Yep, I'm good with this."
    "Go get in line and get some food!" "Oh no, I'm good, thank you though."
    "Why aren't you eating??" "I didn't gain weight eating like THIS, I gained weight eating like THAT."
    "She's eating a granola bar!!"
    Waving a plate of food in front of my face (literally) "You don't know what you're missing!!" (trying to keep calm and not slap it out of her hand) "Oh yes I do, and I'm good, thanks."

    Seriously?? People suck.

    And then when everyone else is on a diet and you're eating Taco Bell, they will have something to say about that as well. People just like to make sure everyone around them is exactly like them. It's horrible. When it comes to lunch, we will be talking down at the front desk and they will just say "well we aren't inviting _____, she's eating "healthy" and they are so snide and snotty about it. Keep your head up. There are always people around trying to keep you down to their level one way or another.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I have a potluck on the 22nd..but I have a good excuse, I fear dairy. I don't eat what they bring unless it's traditional stew, I leave the bannick alone. My office is used to me (even though I've only been here 6 months), they always say "can you have a Tim Horton's cinnamon bun?" and I reply "no, because it's 420 calories and a butt ton of carbs, I didn't bust my *kitten* at the gym to ruin it with Timmy Ho's", they understand and don't judge me. I get a little jealous that they eat it though, and don't care about their health/weight, because the cinnamon buns smell damn good.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    When my office has a luncheon or potluck I don't eat tons and tons of food...I just eat a normal amount of food and enjoy myself. There are some really exceptional cooks at my office and I enjoy their cooking and I can easily manage to hit my calorie goals and macro goals. Portion control is a beautiful don't have to eat granola bars and diet food and what not to lose can eat actual food and stuff.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Waving a plate of food in someone's face is pretty much asking to wear it. This is about as stupid as telling someone, "I bet I can pull my fist at my own nose harder than you can pull it away!"
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    When my office has a luncheon or potluck I don't eat tons and tons of food...I just eat a normal amount of food and enjoy myself. There are some really exceptional cooks at my office and I enjoy their cooking and I can easily manage to hit my calorie goals and macro goals. Portion control is a beautiful don't have to eat granola bars and diet food and what not to lose can eat actual food and stuff.

    Many people when they are just starting find it hard to deviate from the plan without going overboard. She is doing a good job by understanding herself and what she can handle. One step at a time.
    I'm just starting out and am trying really hard to meet my goal. I'm sitting with everyone and chatting like usual, just not eating the food.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    When my office has a luncheon or potluck I don't eat tons and tons of food...I just eat a normal amount of food and enjoy myself. There are some really exceptional cooks at my office and I enjoy their cooking and I can easily manage to hit my calorie goals and macro goals. Portion control is a beautiful don't have to eat granola bars and diet food and what not to lose can eat actual food and stuff.

  • Lyn1424
    Lyn1424 Posts: 16 Member
    Good job sticking with it!
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    We hired 2 new people. Apparently that's a reason to eat tons and tons of food. I brought my lunch, as usual. I don't care to participate in the stuffing-of-faces-until-we-can't-breathe-fest.

    Pot. Kettle.

    How about we all just stop making it our business what other people eat?
  • I didn't put ANYONE down for eating the food.. Even the person who made several comments about what I was eating. It's not my business what anyone eats, just as it's not their business what I eat. Some people can eat 3 plates of that tasty food and not gain a pound. I can't. I don't hate them for it, that's just how it is. The person that made several comments (and put their plate in my face) tends to get offended easily and takes everything as a personal attack. Just because I don't want to eat it doesn't mean I don't like you. No need to be completely rude about it!

    And yes, it is a stuff-fest. I've participated before and don't feel bad about doing it or calling it what it is. It's fun, not meant in a hurtful or derogatory way.
  • soco0745
    soco0745 Posts: 3 Member
    I admire your self control! Im definitely working on that and its a challenge. when theres yummy food in front of me its usually getting eaten. Great job!!!
  • WonderWhitney11
    WonderWhitney11 Posts: 78 Member
    I too am a vegetarian, and EVERY WEDNESDAY at work between Memorial Day and Labor Day we have a lunch cookout. People are asked to bring in dishes to pass (we've got about 120 employees, and 20 are asked each week to contribute). I get a lot of flack for not eating the burgers (and get made fun of for the alternate burgers I bring), but I don't care! I know that I'm making healthier choices than everyone who chooses to pig out. :) And I try to do my part too by bringing in a healthier option when it's my turn to contribute.

    Hang in there... no one has a right to judge your eating habits! You do what works for you! :)