Those Annoying Little Comments



  • SpicesOfLife
    SpicesOfLife Posts: 290 Member
    I personally HATE when someone tells me that i'm overdoing fitness and that everything should be done in moderation while they are shoving a 1.5k cal super-size pizza down their throat. Yea... cause I'M the one who's overdoing it really... And the best part is, when the summer comes and me and my friends go rollerskating (without shirts obviously... its 30 degrees celsius and we want to get a tan) and they look(or even say out loud) at you like its unfair that they look like crap while there's visible muscles on you they didn't even know exist. And, again... simultaneously stuffing themselves with ice cream...

    ive actually come to think that most people who have never been as fit as you genuinely dont know what it takes and just how much work and discipline it requires. maybe they think you have good genes and have it easy.
  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member
    my number one pet peeve is when SKINNY GIRLS complain about being "FAT." I know that no one is ever 100% happy with their bodies. but i hate it when i'm sitting there, the heaviest one in the room, and the girls i work with are all talking about going shopping for bathing suits and complaining about how their bikinis don't fit just right. When I've only worn a bikini once in my life and probably never will again. Or when they pull at their microscopic tummy 'roll' and complain about how its getting to look like a 'baby bump.' Those girls have never known the struggle of what it is to shop in only plus sized stores/sections, only be able to wear one piece swimsuits, or how it feels to be the one thats sitting there listening about how they've gained so much weight since high school when theyre still a size 2.

    This x1000. It doesn't happen as much with guys but it does get a little annoying overhearing some guy at the gym talking about how he really needs to drop a few pounds to get from 12% body fat to below 10%. Fit people have no idea what actual struggle is.
  • smelius22
    smelius22 Posts: 334 Member
    I hate the pressure I feel from others that are on diets.

    I'm not trying to lose 30 pounds in the next 6 months. I'd be fine with 10-15 in 6 months, as long as it is lost in a steady and healthy way. I don't hate my body, I'm just not completely comfortable with it.

    When I say I want to lose weight and then I eat pasta for dinner that week, I always get "should u be eating that? I thought u were trying to lose weight. You'll never hit your goal like that. Will that blow your calories for the day? How long did you work out before that?"

    Get off of me! I'm not in a hurry, I'm not huge, I'm just trying to make better choices and exercise more so I can be healthy.
  • cpez09
    cpez09 Posts: 192
    I get harassed ALL the time for eating gluten-free....literally at least once a day.
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    "are you addicted to exercise?'' (intervention ready)

    my aunt, to her still obese niece. lol

  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    my number one pet peeve is when SKINNY GIRLS complain about being "FAT." I know that no one is ever 100% happy with their bodies. but i hate it when i'm sitting there, the heaviest one in the room, and the girls i work with are all talking about going shopping for bathing suits and complaining about how their bikinis don't fit just right. When I've only worn a bikini once in my life and probably never will again. Or when they pull at their microscopic tummy 'roll' and complain about how its getting to look like a 'baby bump.' Those girls have never known the struggle of what it is to shop in only plus sized stores/sections, only be able to wear one piece swimsuits, or how it feels to be the one thats sitting there listening about how they've gained so much weight since high school when theyre still a size 2.
    infinity plus one
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    my number one pet peeve is when SKINNY GIRLS complain about being "FAT." I know that no one is ever 100% happy with their bodies. but i hate it when i'm sitting there, the heaviest one in the room, and the girls i work with are all talking about going shopping for bathing suits and complaining about how their bikinis don't fit just right. When I've only worn a bikini once in my life and probably never will again. Or when they pull at their microscopic tummy 'roll' and complain about how its getting to look like a 'baby bump.' Those girls have never known the struggle of what it is to shop in only plus sized stores/sections, only be able to wear one piece swimsuits, or how it feels to be the one thats sitting there listening about how they've gained so much weight since high school when theyre still a size 2.

    This x1000. It doesn't happen as much with guys but it does get a little annoying overhearing some guy at the gym talking about how he really needs to drop a few pounds to get from 12% body fat to below 10%. Fit people have no idea what actual struggle is.

    What a silly statement that is. How do you know that fit person hasn't struggled with weight his whole life? Hasn't lost 100lbs to hit his current 12% body fat? Isn't struggling with grievous medical issues?

    Your comment is much more annoying than someone commenting about trying to get from 12% to 10%. And for what it's worth, it is much, much more difficult to lose weight when you are already lean like that. It's very easy to lose weight when you are obese. So going from 12% to 10% IS a real struggle in itself.
  • smelius22
    smelius22 Posts: 334 Member
    I get harassed ALL the time for eating gluten-free....literally at least once a day.

    Yeah people can be really judgemental about that, I don't get it.

    A friend of mine is gluten intolerant and our other friends constantly give her crap for it and ask her stupid questions like "do you get angry when you can't eat certain things at restaurants or parties?"

    But to be fair, she does bring it up WAY more than is necessary, I think it's become something she uses to get the attention on her.
  • pennyks88
    pennyks88 Posts: 167 Member
    If I decide to eat a salad for lunch I hear, "You need to eat some real food!" Mind you, this is coming from a client of mine who is morbidly obese and puts gravy on EVERYTHING.
  • SpicesOfLife
    SpicesOfLife Posts: 290 Member
    no offense, but i dont think anyone should ridicule someone elses struggles just because they are struggling more than them (at least in their eyes). they are not trying to offend you by being slimmer/fitter than you, but they want to perfect their bodies just like you.

    it would be very exhausting for me to always have to look around to check if anyone is heavier than me before talking about diet and exercise. :)
  • RozayJones
    RozayJones Posts: 409 Member
    You don't need to lose that *kitten*!" and cue (sp?) in the sexual comments that follow right behind (no pun) it. I've always, always, always had this "curse" and what people don't understand is, it's not beneficial, especially when you're looking for jeans that fit and that are flattering, or you're visiting a tailor for your work uniforms because of a certain problem area isn't cooperating. Not only am I "cursed" with an *kitten*, I come with doublewide hips. It's a constant struggle when you're being taped for weigh ins in the service and you're marked as overweight because of an inch here and there. I do a lot of cardio, eat right and look for ways to lose this *kitten*. According to the Navy PRT standards, the PRT coordinator is directed to tape around the largest portion of your *kitten* and that's how your hips are measured. Yeah, you read that right. I challenged the coordinator many times until one of them finally showed me the instruction. So, yeah, I have an *kitten* that'll feed people for centuries or make another celebutante famous. Hey, I'll take this as motivation to keep on doing cardio, because I need all that I can get. Cardio that is. :laugh:

    THIS ^^^^^ I am not in the service but each and EVERY day my husband reminds me that my *kitten* will get smaller when losing weight - he must not remember my smaller days because this *kitten* of mine goes no where - I swear I was born with it.
    Same as friends - at least you have a big *kitten*, but look at that donk, etc......
  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member
    my number one pet peeve is when SKINNY GIRLS complain about being "FAT." I know that no one is ever 100% happy with their bodies. but i hate it when i'm sitting there, the heaviest one in the room, and the girls i work with are all talking about going shopping for bathing suits and complaining about how their bikinis don't fit just right. When I've only worn a bikini once in my life and probably never will again. Or when they pull at their microscopic tummy 'roll' and complain about how its getting to look like a 'baby bump.' Those girls have never known the struggle of what it is to shop in only plus sized stores/sections, only be able to wear one piece swimsuits, or how it feels to be the one thats sitting there listening about how they've gained so much weight since high school when theyre still a size 2.

    This x1000. It doesn't happen as much with guys but it does get a little annoying overhearing some guy at the gym talking about how he really needs to drop a few pounds to get from 12% body fat to below 10%. Fit people have no idea what actual struggle is.

    What a silly statement that is. How do you know that fit person hasn't struggled with weight his whole life? Hasn't lost 100lbs to hit his current 12% body fat? Isn't struggling with grievous medical issues?

    Your comment is much more annoying than someone commenting about trying to get from 12% to 10%. And for what it's worth, it is much, much more difficult to lose weight when you are already lean like that. It's very easy to lose weight when you are obese. So going from 12% to 10% IS a real struggle in itself.

    Just to be clear, I recognize it's hard work to be 12% body fat and really hard work to to from 12 to 10. Hard work does not equal struggle though. A person who makes $500,000 a year and a person who makes $15,000 a year can both work really hard. Only one of them struggles.
  • PinUp2014
    PinUp2014 Posts: 79 Member
    Just looking at this thread, see an over abundance of women. Seems to me women get pretty riled up and annoyed too easily. Quit worrying about what other people say and do things for yourself. Be yourself! All the other things will follow.

    Or maybe more people feel more entitled to comment on a woman's body than a man's.

    Maybe they've heard this all so many times that they just need to vent without getting further backlash.

    Maybe we'd like to display some negativity once in a while without being accused of hysteria.

    My father deemed it appropriate to comment on the size of my stomach (it was too big, according to him and his beer belly) while ordering at a restaurant when I was TWELVE. "You've got a bit of stomach there, haven't you? You've got to watch your weight!" (He was later diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes because he is overweight)

    People comment on my size all of the time. The first time I met someone, she said "Oh my god, you're so skinny!". Not even a "hi" or "hello".

    Start eating protein bars? Quinoa? Avoiding excessive sweets? "You're one of the THOSE people."

    So yeah, I'm pretty tired of the comments.

    I think men hear just as many comments. The difference is I think women put the pressure on other women. Men say things and we just say things back and that is the end of it.

    Now comments from your parents is another story completely. Though maybe your dad didnt know how to communicate with you, but wanted to save you from the same fate he had with his big beer belly.

    I think we see more fat men that are successful than fat women. Fat men can be in the media, but fat women can't. And when they are, people comment on it (see that youtube video of an anchorwoman responding to a rude email about her weight). Even aging is an area where women are discriminated against. Men can age--women can't. (See leading men and their ages, vs. leading women)

    Now, obviously you don't know the whole story or why it was particularly hurtful, so I aim for concision:

    My sister was, at this time, battling undiagnosed anorexia. My parents didn't know, but I was a nosy brat and found her blog that had her counting calories to 500 or less a day. So, he brings up my "fatness" (by the age of 18, I had never been above 135 lbs at 5'7") while we're out dining and comments in front of EVERYONE. It was utterly humiliating and brought me to the edge of the precipice. I could make a choice: I could try doing what my older sister was, or I could just let it go. I wasn't--by any means or stretch of the imagination--a fat kid.

    I've tried letting it go 100%, but every so often, that sort of creeps into my head and I have to question: am I getting that stomach? So yeah, those comments get to me. So then, rather than "saving me from his fate", he made me a very insecure, quiet, teenager who became an adult who still struggles with weight and body image.

    You don't say that stuff to a kid. You just don't.

    No, you don't. My father was constantly saying things like this. The women in my family were always on one diet or another. It has taken me the majority of my 29 years to be happy in my skin and to love me.

    As you can ascertain, I have dealt with daddy issues on top of it all. But I've learned that you can love someone without liking them.
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Even though I am still over 180 people constantly tell me I don't need to lose any more weight. I do recognize that the people who knew me at 399# probably see me as very thin now -- but, it's not up to them to decide where I land.
  • zivasak
    zivasak Posts: 88
    I read some more comments after my own contribution. It's tough.

    I find the stress is caused by people, overweight or not, when you are trying to lose weight but also by people who have successfully lost weight or are lean already and turn into bullies. For both groups the most annoying things are when they insist their way is the best way or they won't take no for an answer.
    Keep calm and carry on and if they insist on your having a cookie, just refocus the energy on asking for this buddy to share a walk with you instead (it won't hurt as much as a cookie, right?)

    Someone mention the disparity between women and men. I would agree that it seems to be more brutal out there for the ladies with just one look at the media (re: Jessica Simpson, Misha Barton, etc). Name one guy who is getting as much as that. Val Kilmer used to be my hot thing (yes different generation) especially in that movie where he was muscular and all. I don't see him in the front page nor was Marlon Brando…

    When I took the healthy route I know it was for me and for me only (well for my hubby too, not that he said anything, he is wonderful, and my future children). I just need to remember that when I start feeling the stress caused by other people.
  • lavender101
    lavender101 Posts: 27 Member
    "OMG, and of course you're eating an apple. You're soooooo healthy!"



    ...It's an apple.

    I happen to like the taste of apples.
  • weightedfootsteps
    weightedfootsteps Posts: 4,349 Member
    As this just came up with my life today...its a raw subject...but I've been accused of doing drugs to lose weight. I knew it would happen as its a small town...but yeah! Seriously wanting to hand out some whoop-@$$!!!
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    I get harassed ALL the time for eating gluten-free....literally at least once a day.

    Me too... and I hate having to go into the long explanation of what actually happens in a person's system who has Celiac Disease, or is severely allergic (think peanut or shellfish allergy, people). Sometimes I can't be bothered and just "whatever..."
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    my number one pet peeve is when SKINNY GIRLS complain about being "FAT." I know that no one is ever 100% happy with their bodies. but i hate it when i'm sitting there, the heaviest one in the room, and the girls i work with are all talking about going shopping for bathing suits and complaining about how their bikinis don't fit just right. When I've only worn a bikini once in my life and probably never will again. Or when they pull at their microscopic tummy 'roll' and complain about how its getting to look like a 'baby bump.' Those girls have never known the struggle of what it is to shop in only plus sized stores/sections, only be able to wear one piece swimsuits, or how it feels to be the one thats sitting there listening about how they've gained so much weight since high school when theyre still a size 2.

    I hear this so much too. When I hear the skinny girls complaining about being fat I'm all "What does that make me? A freaking whale??" Then they try to 'compliment' me and tell me they didn't mean anything by it. Really? You think being a size 0 is fat? Try being a size 22 surrounded by size 0-8
  • pettychia
    pettychia Posts: 109 Member
    I couldn't tell you how many times I have heard "You know you would be taller if you ate meat" . I guess its an easy joke when you are a 4'9 vegetarian. I dont take these comments to heart, I became vegetarian at the age of 11 so I've heard it all.
    Hahaha, you can tell them that I also became vegetarian at the age of 11 and grew to 5'10".